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After 6 years

Tarannum was in her room busy in watching her favourite drama with a pizza box in her hands, when her mobile rang, it's a video call from her favourite person in the world. A huge smile appeared on her face, she picked up the call quickly

Tarannum: Assalamualaikum ba.....hey give the phone back to my cutie pie!

Person: Oh... so you have time only for your cutie pie that's not fair and you know what I'm feeling jealous of your cutiepie!

Taranuum: Yes Di, i have time but only for my cutiepie Isa

Just then Isa sntached the phone from her mother's hand and kissed the screen to show his love towards his maasi(aunt)

Isa: Maasi when are you coming to meet me, you always said that you will come soon but you won't. I want to meet you, we always talk on phone, please come this time!

Tarannum: Hey cutie, In sha Allah I'll surely come by this sunday, and you know what I'll take you along with me!

Zarin: Taru what are you saying, see i told you, I'll never ever return to their lives again, I'm happy with my baby Isa....Ummm, wait a second.

She handed Isa his toys and moves towards the balcony and sat on the swing.

Tarannum: Di, hello...Are you there

Zarin: Yes I'm here, taru listen how many times i told you i won't come back in their lives!

Tarannum: It's been nearly 5 years, i know they were wrong but you too hide a big truth from them, you hide about Isa's truth from them!

Zarin: Yes i know and i won't regret it, they all deserve this, they didn't believe me and support that bloody witch saniya!

Taru: Di, you were not like this, you were not cold hearted like this where is my innocent di, where did you kill her, she was not like this not even once she use swear words now look she is using swear words!

Zarin: Taru that zarin died nearly 5 years ago. That night has to be the most beautiful day of my life when i was about to surprise Arslan with the good news of me being pregnant but that night changed my life forever, he didn't believed me, his love was fake and even my parents who brought me in this world even their love was fake!

Tarannum: Their love was not fake di, they truly loves you but circumstances was like that, i can see they're trying very hard to find you from the past 5 years, Arslan jiju was like a robot home to office and office to home, he stopped taking care of himself and i think it's time for you to come back, don't forget you're still in his nikah...Jiju and other family members always asks me about your well being, i just says you're fine and happy, di they're missing you a lot.

Zarin: They can't find me taru, i made sure of that, i did the right thing by withdrawing all the money which grandpa made a fd for me, and i must say the amount was huge. Thanks to Allah from that money i started my own boutique my dream came true and you know my boutique is the number one in shimla now. I didn't used their money and i know I'm not rich like them but I'm happy with what i have!

Tarannum sighs at zarin's response,she was trying hard to convince zarin to come back from the past three years,she too didn't went to meet zarin not even once because she knows that her dad and Arslan can get to know about zarin's whereabout, that's why she always talks with zarin only on phone, but now she decided to meet zarin and to bring her here. Haroon got to know about the withdrawal of zarin's fd , she withdraws the money on the day itself when she was going to shimla. He asked tarannum about her whereabouts but she didn't uttered a single word.

Tarannum: Di, leave it, remember i told you about Saad!

A blush appeared on tarannum's cheeks and zarin widened eyes

Zarin: Oh my baby sis, so it means you're gonna be a bride soon, I'm so happy for you. I'll pray to Allah to keep you and saad always happy.

Tarannum: So di get ready for your sister's marriage and I'll wear the dresses designed by you .

Zarin: Taru I'm tired of explaini...

Tarannum: Stop it diiii, I'm coming this sunday, and after your boutique's inauguration you have to come with me, i supported you in the past because i was immature and now I'll make sure that you both will unite!

Zarin started crying and tarannum joined her sister in crying

Zarin: Ta...Tarannum you know it always pains whenever i think of my family and specially Arslan, no one was there for me when i was pregnant with Isa, except Allah and my friend zoha, i know i did wrong. I was shattered but Allah brought Isa in my life, he is the only reason for my happiness now!

Tarannum: Di i can understand your pain, I'm requesting you from the past three years to come back, please come back di, i miss you so much, i miss my sister, it's been 5 years since i hugged you, it's been 5 years since i make fun of you...Di...i want you, i need you here, i love you di, please come back, can't you do this for your sister!

Zarin: In sha Allah I'll try, but I'm not promising you, ok i have to go now, it's the time for Zuhr Salah, Allah hafiz...you too go and pray

Tarannum: Yeah di I'm also going Allah hafiz


It's sunday,  tarannum went to shimla for zarin.  Zarin along with zoha went to airport to receive her, both sisters shared emotional moments, Isa was on cloud nine on seeing his maasi in reality.

Tarannum: See cutie pie, i told you I'll come, and you know I'll take you along with me, umm Zoha right.... i want to thank you for all the things you did for my sister, thanks for being there with her, and yeah say my thanks to your parents for looking towards her like their daughter.

Zoha: Hey tarannum don't say thanks, zarin is like a sister for me,umm..Zarin i have to go now, actually i have some work and it's nice to meet you tarannum.

Tarannum: Nice to meet you too and yeah don't forget to come to my marriage.

After that zoha went from there and  Zarin took Tarannum to her house, it was not like her father's or husband's mansions, it's  a beautiful wooden house with the greenry surroundings, zarin took care of everything in making her house beautiful, she planted roses, lavender and hibiscus plants in her garden.She decorared the balcony of her room with fairy lights, and placed a beautiful swing there, tarannum felt in awe with the house.

Tarannum: Subhan Allah, di your house is so beautiful, it's gorgeous and beyond beautiful!

Zarin smiled at her and showed her the guest room and told her to freshup, she went into kitchen for preparing dinner for them

At morning:

The inauguration function went really well, it's ZS boutique's third store and both sisters were really happy,  tomorrow tarannum has a flight back to home and she is insisting zarin to send Isa with her.

Zarin: How can he live without me and anyone can identify him because he is the exact replica of Arslan

Tarannum: Di you are the one who said you have work in your boutique this entire week that's why I'm saying I'll take Isa with me now and you can come later, and i don't want to hear a no from you, and don't worry I won't spill about Isa's truth to anyone before your arrival.

Zarin: Ok you can take him, but I'm really scared of everyone's reactions, i know i made a mistake and i have to make it now, but their mistake is bigger than mine, they hurted me, they didn't trust me. But...

Zarin sighed before speaking again

Zarin; I know I'm a married woman, i have to be with my husband and i know things are not right between me and arslan, and I know I'm punishing him for his deeds since last 6 years, and you know i made this decision last night that I'll come with you, I'll forgive them all, but they have to ask my forgiveness first!!

Tarannum: Oh my Allah,, diiii... I'm so happy, everything will be fine soon, our family will be like before!

Isa was observing her mother and aunt and he started clapping in excitement, both sisters kissed his cheeks


Tarannum took Isa along with her and to zarin's surprise he went happily with her. Zarin promised her to be there by this sunday

When tarannum reached her house she was welcomed by her parents, they asked her about Isa .

Haroon: Taru who is this cutiepie, can i hold him?

Tarannum: Why not dad, umm...he..he is my friend's son, she will be here for my marriage, when i went to Shimla to invite her for marriage, i asked her that, can i take this cutiepie with me and she said yes...umm dad I want to take rest for sometime, can i take him with me.

Rehana: You go and take rest, we will spend some time with this cutie pie

Tarannum reluctantly agreed and went to her room

Haroon and Rehana started playing with Isa unknown to the fact that he is the blood of their daughter.

Haroon: Rehana he seems similar to me, but with whom I'm not understanding!

Rehana: Yes me too, he seems similar, if our zarin was with us she too have a kid like this cutie pie.

She pinched Isa's cheeks when Isa heard Zarin's name, he told them that his mother's name was also zarin

Haroon: What a coincidence rehana, this boy's mother's name was also zarin, i miss my daughter and I'm trying hard to find her only Allah knows where is she, Tarannum is not spilling anything about her but i pray to Allah wherever she is to keep her always safe and happy .

Isa: Uncle i want mumma, can you give me your phone, i want to call her

Haroon: Do you remember your mom's number baby

Isa: Yes uncle

Isa told zarin's number to Haroon and after dailing the number he gave the phone to Isa to talk. After talking for sometime Isa asked them to take him to her maasi tarannum

Rehana: Maasi..., baby..do you call tarannum maasi.

Isa: Yes anutie

Rehana: oo..okk...come I'll take you to her room


Isa got mingled with everyone in siddiqui's house, only three days are left for Tarannum's marriage.

Tarannum made sure that Isa is in contact with his mother, every night she let the mother son duo talk with each other.

Zarin informed her that she will be there by afternoon tomorrow. Isa got excited that his mother is coming but zarin was nervous and scared. And after talking for sometime they called it for the night.

At morning after having their breakfast Isa and Tarannum got busy in watching Isa's favourite cartoon Doraemom when Taimoor family came there, tarannum got stiffened and sat up and hide Isa behind her.

Rehana: What happened Taru, why are you standing like that, come and sit and Isa baby come here.

Isa went to Rehana, when afreen saw him, she reminds Arslan's childhood

Afreen: Ma sha Allah who is this baby, he reminds me of Arslan, he too was like this.

Tarannum felt nervous when she heard that so she quickly took Isa along with her after giving some useless excuses.

Arslan: Uncle who's that boy

Haroon: He is tarannum's friend son, she will be here soon for tarannum's marrigae, leave all that now tell me how was your meeting.

They got busy in their chatting , rehana went into kitchen to inform the helpers to made something special for lunch while Ayeza and afreen got busy in their lady talks


At dining table Arslan was keenly observing Isa, he is watching his every moves, when Isa saw Arslan watching him, he gave him a beautiful smile which made Arslan happy

While all were busy in having their lunch Tarannum's mobile pinged with Zarin's message that she reached and is outside their house, when she was about to reply just then the door bell rang

Tarannum hurridely went to open the door which made other's look at her confusedly. And after sometime she came to the dinning area along with Zarin

When all the family members saw her they got the biggest shock of their life, their daughter zarin was standing infront of them, they quickly stood up from their seats and went to Zarin, silent fell upon them. When Isa observed that everyone was surrounding a person, he quickly went to them and after pushing his elders a lil bit, he finally came infront of his mother, when he saw that it was his mother, he ran to her and hugged her legs tightly by calling her Mumma


Assalamualaikum and hello beautiful people

How's the chap😶

No Arslan and zarin's scenes right? Don't worry I'll dedicate next chapter only to them😉

Yeah i know there's a lot of drama in this story😅 I'm also shocked that i write this much drama😅

Sorry for the late updates

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Till then Allah hafiz and byee dearies

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