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Note: Last part of "Vasl" and guys please read the author's note below..and yeah one main thing Stay home, Stay Safe❤️❤️❤️now let's get back in the story


Days were passing by, mean while Arslan and Isa came close to each other, Isa loves to spend his time with his father.

Zarin was slowly getting back into her oldself, now she was mingling with other family members instead of distancing herself from everyone even she told everyone that she forget the past and is trying to live in the present but she didn't pay any heed to Arslan, zarin knows he is clearly sorry for his mistakes but she wants to teach him a lesson which he will gonna remember throughout his life so she started ignoring him. Afreen khanam started showing her lovely side to zarin, everyone is showering their love on zarin and Isa while Hamza became protective big brother of Isa.


One evening when every one is busy in their chit chat, Arslan came and informed everyone that he planned a trip for Kerala for the three of them. So he told zarin to make arrangements for Isa and both of them as they have to leave by tomorrow morning.

Everyone understood Arslan's situation that he wants to spend his time with his wife as he was not getting enough time to spend with zarin ,and above all of that zarin is deliberately ignoring Arslan, so he made this plan.

Zarin: But Arslan you didn't asked my permission!

Arslan: It's called surprise zarin, and you know surprise won't ever tell to anyone right? And now no more discussions let's go we should make arrangements for our trip.

He took her along with him, when they reached their room, he quickly closed the door so that zarin won't escape. By huffing zarin went to the bed where as Arslan got kneeled down in front of her and took her hands in his hands

Zarin: Zarin Habibti, i know you're ignoring me, and I'm sorry i made this plan without asking you, but i can't zarin, i want sometime alone with you only, with our baby Isa, i want to spend sometime alone with my family. Zarin habibti please come with me, i won't disappoint you and you very well know we should try to sort out our differences....Please give me a chance..

Zarin was happy with the thought of spending time with Arsalan, but she doesn't want to show her excitement, so she nods in agreement.

Arsalan: Thank you Habibti, thank you so much.

He quickly hugs her in kneeling position and kissed on her cheek. After sometime he broke the hug

Arslan: By the way Zarin i love your blush!

Zarin took a pillow and hits on his face,arslan got startled with her act, so he pushed her on the bed and came on top of her.

Zarin: Arslan dont...

He smirked at her and started tickling her, she was trying hard to push him

Zarin:Ar...Ars..Arslannn...pl...pleaseee....stoppp...stop it

They both were laughing heartily when suddenly Arslan stopped tickling her , he was intensely looking in her eyes, while zarin gulps hard. Her scent is driving him crazy, his gaze went towards her lips, he was about to place his lips on her's, when suddenly Arslan got up and helped zarin to stand up

Arslan: I'm sorry Zarin, i was lost in euphoria, I'm so sorry, i was about to kiss you and that too without your permission.

Zarin: It's okk Arslan, i can understand, and excuse me I have to pack things for our trip.

Zarin went towards closet while Arslan went outside of the room


At morning:

After saying their good byes, they are on the way to their destination kerala.
Arslan booked a beautiful resort in Allepey, surrounded by beautiful trees.

Arslan: So do you like it baby.

Arslan asked Isa and in ret6irn isa kissed his father's cheek

isa: Papa it's beutifal

Arslan: It's beautiful baby!

Isa moved from his arms and started roaming the cottage, zarin and arslan both were looking at Isa lovingly

Arslan: So let's freshenup, then we will go for a candle light dinner.

Zarin: Okk, I'll make him ready!


Arslan made beautiful arrangements for their dinner at the beach side, the whole pathway is decorated with rose petals and a table is laid near the tree with beautiful dangling fairy lights, the whole area was illuminating with beautiful lamps. Isa's eyes were filled with excitement and he quickly ran towards their table

Zarin: Isa careful!

Arslan: Zarin let it be, let him enjoy this moment...umm..May i

He forward his hand to her to which she gladly accepted, arslan made her sit on the chair and after settling isa on his chair, he took his place.

Arslan: So, let's start our dinner...Isa baby i ordered your favourite white pasta so dig in

Zarin: Isa say Bismillah

Isa: Yes mumma, i remember

After saying their bismillah they started eating, throughout the dinner Arslan was stealing glances of zarin, she was looking beautiful and her face was glowing from the lights

After the dinner, both sat silently near the sea shore , the sea water is reflecting from the moonlight, the air was cool , the cool breeze fluttered around and caressed zarin's cheek. Isa was busy in making sand castle while his parents keep an eye on him.

Arslan held zarin's hands and looked in her eyes

Arslan: zarin please talk to me habibti, i miss you so much, i miss our every moments, zarin I'm really sorry for everything which i have done to you, please forgive your Arslan...i ..i know i made a huge mistake but please forgive me for all the pain which you have to go through, in all this years...i know i can't change the past, i know i can't give back those years to you...zarin i was blinded by anger and i got tricked in shaitan's plan and i didn't trust you... I'm sorry my jaan(life) I'm sorry...i know sorry is a small word for the deeds which i have done....but please forgive me and i promise i will keep you happy till the last breath of my life.

By the end both had tears in their eyes, zarin wipes his tears with her hand and kissed his forehead.

Zarin: Arslan i forgive you....yes Mr. Arslan i forgive you.....And i admit that you definitely did wrong, indeed i was hurt, i was hurt with all the accusations by my family and mostly i was hurt by the accusation made by you and i too did wrong by running away from the problem and mainly the truth about isa.. But i know, you all realised your mistake and i... let's forget about the past, we should try to live in present, so Arslan i forgive you...When Allah the almighty forgive his creatures for their mistakes then who are we to hold any grudge, mistakes are made by humans and we should repent to Allah for our mistakes and should try not to make any mistake again.

Arslan: Soo...it..it means you forgave me?

Zarin: Yes Arsalan i forgive you!

Arslan: Thank you, thank you so much zarin habibti, I'm thankful to Allah that he made you come in my life once again, and I'm very lucky to have you in my life.

He hugged her tightly later isa joined them, Arslan heart found it's peace, he feels completed with having his family in his arms.After sometime they broke the hug not before arslan placing a kiss on his wife and child's cheek..

Zarin: So it's getting late let's go back and look my abayah got so wet!

Isa: Papa can you lift me

Arslan: Ofcourse baby, come here


Later that morning, they went for boat riding on the beautiful lake of Alleppey, they took many pictures and later arslan took them to Athirapally water falls. Zarin was happy to be with her husband and son, she feels complete today.

They spent their entire week in kerala, soon their journey came to an end. currently, zarin is in the room folding the clothes when arslan came there and closed the door. He went towards zarin and encircled his hands around her waist.

Zarin: Arslan leave me Isa is here

Arslan: Don't worry he is busy in watching cartoon...so it's just you and me.

He opened her loose braid and set it at one side, he kissed the side of her neck which made zarin tremble. he flips zarin and held her face in her hands and looked in her eyes.

Arslan: Zarin umm..can..can i

Zarin shyly nods her head and lowered her eyes. Arslan held her face in his hands and slowly kissed her forehead, eyes and finally their lips met with each other.

They both parted away from each other when isa opened the door. Zarin was blushing profusely while Arslan was happy that he still has effect on her.

Arslan: Ok Isa get ready we have to leave for home now

Isa: Yes papa


When they reached their home they have a beautiful smile on their faces. zarin's family was also came there to meet with zarin. By this time everyone got an idea that eveything has sorted between them and they thanked Allah for their union.

After zarin and Arslan got freshup they all settled themselves in the hall, ayeza served tea to everyone and sat beside Zarin. Everyone was busy in their talks when ayeza initiated the conversation with zarin.

Ayeza: So zarin can i expect a good news soon?

Zarin widened her eyes on her remark and look towards Arslan for help. He asked her what while quirking his eyebrow. Ayeza observed this and smirked .

Ayeza: So dewar ji i was asking zarin that can i expect a good news soon.

Arslan: I don't know bhabhi, i have to ask zarin ?

Zarin: Arslaann..you too..stop teasing me.

They all laughed on her just then Tarannum came there with Saad. Both sisters hugged each other tightly while arslan and saad shared a brotherly hug!

zarin: come on let's sit and tell me how's life after marriage!

Tarannum: Alhamdulillah everything is good di..And I'm happy for you di, you found your happiness, you got united with jiju.

Zarin: Alhamdulillah Taru, all thanks to Allah that he make us united again and thanks to you too for making me realize my mistakes, for making me understand the things. I love you so much sissy .

Tarannum: Awww di, don't thanks me and i love you too, where is my cutiepie?

zarin: He is with Hamza in his room.

Tarannum went to meet Isa and Hamza, while everyone once again got busy in their talks!

And after sometime the cook informed them that the dinner is ready

Saad: Uncle it's getting late, i think we should leave now!

Tarannum: Yes let's go

Arslan: You're not going anywhere without having dinner and i don't want to hear no from you both!

They all left for the dinner. After the dinner zarin's parents, tarannum and saad left for their home.

At night:

Ayeza told Isa to sleep with Hamza from now onwards as he was getting old and Isa got excited to share a room with his big bro, but ayeza warned them to go to bed early.And after kissing on Zarin's cheek Isa went to his new room.


After completing her work in the kitchen zarin made her way towards their room, she saw that Arslan was busy in laptop. She slowly went to Arslan and closed the laptop and kept it on the table and then she sat on his lap, surprised arslan looked towards zarin with wide eyes and what he saw melt his eyes, he saw tears of love in zarin's eyes. He encircled his hands around her waist and pulled her closer to himself, zarin holds his face in her hands.

Zarin: Arsalan i slapped you on this cheek right and i want to compensate it now.

Saying this she kissed his cheek where she slapped him once

Arslan pushed her on the bed and came on top of her.

Arslan: I love the way of your compensation, but i want you to kiss me here.

He signals towards his lips to which zarin lowered her eyes and started playing with his shirt's button.

Arslan: Zarin don't do like this otherwise i can't control myself.

Zarin: Who told you to control yourself!

Arslan: Za..Zarin it means.. yo...you're okk with this?!

She shyly nods her head and hugs him tightly .


Arslan woke up by hearing the fajr azaan, he kissed zarin's forehead lovingly who was sleeping peacefully in her husband's arms.

Arslan: Zarin baby wake up it's time for fajr salah

Zarin slowly opened her eyes and looked at her surroundings, last night events came upon her and instantly a blush crept on her cheeks, she quickly hides her face in Arslan's chest which made him to chuckle.

Arslan: As i love to see your blushing face but right now I'm getting late for salah, and zarin while i get ready for salah can you make Isa ready for salah as i want to take him to masjid along with me.

Zarin: Yeah ok... I'll make him ready, now hurry up go and fresh up, I'm also getting late for salah.

Arslan took Isa along with him for salah, they came back along with other males of the house.

Isa: Mumma I'm hungry , i want breakfast!

Afreen: Breakfast is set in the lawn, come on let's go Isa!

Rehan scooped isa in his arms and went towards lawn along with others. While zarin was about to go Arslan caught her wrist.

Arslan: Thanks for all this Zarin, thank you so much!

Zarin: We should say thanks to Allah for his blessings and hubby i love you so much!

Arslan: Indeed We should say thanks to Allah for his love and all blessings which he always bestowed upon us and my dear habibti I love you too!

Later on they joined their family for breakfast

The End


Assalamualaikum and hello my dear readers😘😘

How are you all

I'm really sorry for being super late for the update but what can i do guys i feel very bore to use mobile phone, i mean in this lockdown i feel really bore to use mobile and trust me I'm not on wattpad these days.....i feel nothing😑

So dearies tell me how's the chapter , i tried my best to make it good and now it's on you guys to judge if it meet your expectations or not

It got me nearly five hours to think and write this chapter, so this is the last part of "Vasl"

In sha Allah I'll be back with new story but I'm not sure when..hehe

So don't forget to hit the 🌟 button and do comment too

Till then Allah Hafiz and bye my dearies

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