Chapter 2

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Hey guys!! So, I'm gonna be posting this on Wednesdays since that's when I first post it! I'm so happy the feedback was good, so far people love it!! Not gon hold you up so here's chapter 2 😘

Boys were honestly never my priority. I mean, I liked boys but the ones at my school never caught my attention. With every boy held a deep secret.

Blake Johnson for example. I've known Blake simce Elementary school where he used to pick his nose and eat gum from under the table. Now, he's a hot dark skinned boy that is liked by many girls here.

Zackai Film, who I've known since 6th grade, has a fake tooth because he was knocked out by Shane Hunter in the 7th grade. But Zackai is actually known for having such a "gorgeous smile."

All these boys to me were just sex machines. That's all they really cared about anyways. If they can't dick you down then they don't want you. Well with the exception of a few.

Why do I start off this way? Well, today I was asked out. Twice. Not by Blake and Zackai though.

Shawn Jordan and Alando Paul. Shawn was considered high class while Alando was middle-upper class.

Class always depended on how you were. Did you play sports? Are you cute? What clothes do you wear? Who did you know? Depending on that, you were put into certain classes.

Shawn Jordan was the quarter back to our very successful football team and got pretty decent grades. He was short for his age though, standing at 5'7. But he was fairly cute, had light brown skin and hazel eyes.

Alando Paul didn't play school sports but he was really good at basketball. His grades were amazing but of course he was teased by other guys for that. Alando was a lot more quiet than most of the guys at our school and he, to me, was very sweet.

Why'd they ask me out on the second day of school? Honestly I didn't know. In our school society, I was considered high class. Not only was I, in many's opinion, beautiful, but I knew basically everyone and got along great with everyone.

Its against class rules to ask anyone that's not in your class on a date or to be boyfriend/girlfriend. So Alando asking me out was "against the rules."

Did I believe in class rules? Not really. I felt as though you shouldn't be classed based on what you do or how you are.

Jacklyn was there when Alando asked me out and news had spread fast. And like I said before, I like drama but not when its me in it.

"Can you believe Alando had the nerve to ask out J'Adore? I mean, she's a higher class than him and he's a nerd," I heard a girl say to another. I winced at the sound of my name. My name in other's mouths was very distasteful.

"She better have said no or her class status will go down," the other girl says. "a high class can't go out with anyone thats not high class."

Funny part about their conversation was that both those girls were just lower-middle class, a lower class than Alando.

"Maybe you both should mind your business," I snap, making them both jump. "Because last I checked, neither of you had even been talked to by a boy since 9th grade."

"I was talked to by a boy earlier today!" Georgina Parker, one of the girls, shoots.

"Being asked for a pencil doesn't count, Georgie," I reply snidely. "And btw, Terrell wasn't even talking to you."

I walk away, leaving both girls speechless. This was another reason I was high class, I knew everything.

Getting to chemistry, I heard hushed whispers and murmurs. A few eyes were on me.

"Hey! Give her, her face back!" Blake says, noticing. People looked away as he sat next to me. "You alright?"

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?" I reply, a bit rude.

"You looked upset and I know your name has been spreading around."

I look at him, not saying anything, just scowling.

"My well being is no concern of yours, but I'm fine. Now will you leave me alone?"

"Sure, right after you answer one question."

I groan. What could he possibly want?

"What is it, Blake?"

"What did you say to Alando?"

I averted my eyes elsewhere, ignoring his question. My response was only my business.

"You said yes, didn't you?" He asks, pressing the question.

"Keep talking to me and I'll start telling people you still eat gum from under tables," I sternly whisper. Blake's eyes widened and he didn't say anything else.

This entire situation was annoying and I honestly was ready to go home.

"You look like shit," Taylor laughs as we make it to Malachi's car.

"I was going for your mom's look, so I guess I nailed it."

"Ouch! What happened, Lipton? Someone put salt in your tea?"

I wasn't in the mood for any of Taylor's games. He knew I had a rough day and he was only trying to mock me.

"She's apart of something," Malachi says, coming to the car, "she doesn't like being the center of attention."

"Shut up! What do you know?" I questioned.

"We'll talk."

I only got in the car, crossing my arms.

The car ride home went by slower than normal. That, of course, was because my brother's idiot friend got hungry and wanted to go for a food stop.

After finally dropping Taylor off, we headed to our empty house where our parents still weren't home.

I went straight to my room, tossing my purse on my dresser. I went to my vanity and took out my earrings. As I started taking my hair down, Malachi knocked, coming in.

"I heard what happened."

"That's always nice," I reply.

"I know you're upset, J'Adore but you shouldn't let that get to you."

"I don't like when my name is worn out. The constant talk about me is aggravating and everyone seems to be in my business."

"And you're mad because people are talking about you?"

"Yes!" I shout. Malachi was being very oblivious to the matter.

"Why?" He asks. "So what you have people talking about you. That's good. That means there's someone that's thinking about you and what you do."

I sighed. He was right. People were talking about me a lot and, in a way, that does mean they care about what I do.

"So shut up with the whining," He finishes. "It's not cute."

With that, Malachi exited my room and went to his own.

I smiled to myself as I looked back in the mirror, brushing my poofy dark brown hair back into a bun. Malachi was right, I shouldn't allow myself to get upset over the words of others.

"More people need to be like you," I say happily.

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