Chapter 20

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Next day,
Near the facility,
Dinner time...

Midoriya's POV

I smiled softly at my 40 students from afar. All of them were having dinner that they made by themselves. Today they cooked meat and potato stew.

Seeing them working together to make the best meal brings back memories~ This feels so nostalgic!

I still remembered the time I messed up with the cooking and unintentionally burnt all ingredients.... ( ̄∇ ̄)

I was so immersed in recalling the old memories that I lost track of time. I only snapped back when someone suddenly tugged my sleeve. I looked at who was behind me. Turned out, it was Hitoshi-kun.

I found out Hitoshi-kun was actually Shota's nephew. No wonder they look alike so much... They were relatives all this time!

"Midoriya-sensei... You are dating Aizawa-sensei, right?" With his tired voice, Hitoshi-kun asked me the unpredictable question. "H-huh? W-well, yeah..." I answered shyly while scratching my cheek in embarrassment. I was still not used to people asking such question. But everytime they did, somehow it made me happy.

The rumor has spread! Now all students know I was dating Shota. But I didn't know how they found out...

... Did they see me and Shota... M-m-making out in the bus?

Well, whatever! Past is past! At least I achieve my objective.

"I see..." Hitoshi-kun looked over to his friends. They were making weirds, confusing hand signs that I couldn't understand. Most of them were grinning meaningfully at us.

I wonder what they are up to...

Hitoshi-kun merely nodded at the hand signs they gave before turning back to me. I waited for him to speak up, tilting my head in eagerness. "Do you have any more question?" I said.

"Yeah... So am I going to have a new sibling soon?"








"U-um, excuse me, Hitoshi-kun... But can you repeat the question, please?" I asked again in total turbulence. Did my ears trick me? I felt like I heard his question wrong.

In exhaustion, Hitoshi-kun repeated his question, "Am I going to get a new sibling? I mean, you both are together so..." He peered over his shoulder at his friends again. They flicked thumbs-up for him.

Meanwhile, my face already went ablazed. It felt like there was a literal flame engulfing my head. I dropped into heavy silence. How could I answer such embarrassing question?!

"Um, I— ugh— well— we—"

I fumbled on my words non-stop, my hands made weird hand gestures. Before I realized it, I already exploded. Steam fume out of my red, warm ears.

"Did you two do "it" last night?" Hitoshi-kun asked another death question. At this rate, I was dying in embarrassment!

W-we didn't even go that far last night!

Shota and I... O-only went as far as touching our bodies somewhere not to private... But it was a satisfying development and a big step to overcome my fear...

"W-well, we didn't do "that" last night... J-just  a warm up and...practice........" I didn't know how to answer without blurting out inappropriate words. But Hitoshi-kun seemed content with my reply.

"Alright. Thank you for telling—"

All of a sudden, a scarf restrained Hitoshi-kun. I was startled by the surprise attack. Don't tell me he heard our conversation—

"Hitoshi Shinso, come with me. We are going to have a long talk." Without mercy, Shota dragged Hitoshi-kun away from me. They headed inside the facility... To have the serious talk". My stomach churned just remembering Shota's deadly gaze just now.

Oh, Shota, please don't beat him up! He is just curious!

"Kota, your dinner is here. Kota!" I heard Mandalay calling for her cousin's son, Kota-kun. Looking around the area, I couldn't see him. He must have gone to that secret hideout of his. I saw him going there before.

That little boy hate Quirks... I wonder if there is anything I can do to help him...

It is hard to change someone's perspective, I know that... But at this point, if he continues to believe in that... I'm afraid...

I clenched my palm into fist. I shook off the negative thoughts lingering in my mind.


Next day,

Third Person's POV

Izuku eyed her surrounding carefully. Anxiety was pumping through her body. Ever since yesterday, she had been feeling uneasy. This was not a good sign. She realized something was wrong.

'What is... This feeling? This deja vú.. Why? Why am I feeling restless? Is something bad going to happen?' Izuku was shaking lightly, her iron fists tightened.

All students were so immersed in having their courage tested. Class 1-B was the scarers, while class 1-A was the testers. The Pussycats and Izuku were there to monitor them. Shota and Sekijiro were handling the extra lesson students.

'Should I tell Mandalay about my concern?' Izuku's lips quivered from nervousness. Buzzing noise from the pocket of her skirt snapped her out of her thoughts. She pulled out her phone, reading the message.

It was from someone unexpected-- and unwelcomed.


?????? : Hey, baby. Are you having fun with those U.A. brats?

?????? : I heard you got a new boyfriend. You even looked happier when you were with him. Wow... You are that glad to replace me with someone else, huh?

?????? : Oh, dang. You only left my messages on read? Guess you are too busy with that stupid training camp. What is so fun in training a bunch of annoying brats anyway?

?????? : You haven't forgotten my promise, right? Don't worry, I will make you remember, Izuku. Here is a hint! The people you love will disappear from your life... :)


Izuku's phone dropped on to the ground, causing a loud thud to echo. She was looking at her phone in horror, eyes widened with despair. 'H-how did he...find my new phone number? I have changed it! H-he even knew about the training camp! This is bad, I need to inform the others—' Izuku turned her heels to make a run toward the Pussycats, but then Shino's scream halted her track.


Izuku gasped when she witnessed the horrifying sight. Before them stood two villains. One of them with muscular built was stomping her feet on Ryuko's head.

"How are you this evening, U.A. High School? We are Vanguard Action Squad of the League of Villains!!!" The lizard man introduced themselves proudly. Izuku balled her fist in frustration. The realization hitting her like truck was stressing her out.

'Kota-kun! He must be at that cliff again... I gotta go save him before it is too late!' Without hesitation, Izuku launched herself to the villains. Both of them seemed flustered by her action. She outstretched her arms toward them.


"Mag-nee, what are you waiting for?! Knock her— ARGH!!!"

Magne and Spinner screamed on the top of their lungs when the bones in their legs suddenly broke apart. The others could hear the clear cracking sound. Ah, it was Izuku's doing.

She had successfully touched them with the tip of her fingers.

"I will leave these villains in your care. Mandalay, you can entrust Kota-kun to me!" With that being said, Izuku disappeared from the heroes' sight.

"Kiseki!" Shino kept yelling her name, but her effort was futile.

Once Izuku made up her mind, she would never turn her back to run away.

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