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Here is an explanation about Izuku and a bit personal information.

Name : Izuku Midoriya

Age : 24

Quirk : Take-and-Give

Quirk Explanation:

- Izuku can completely take away a person's pain, which fully heals their injury.

-When she takes away the pain, she can store the pain in her body for a while, not longer than 48 hours. After that, she can inflict that pain into other person, causing them to suffer the same painful sensation and damage the first person feels.

- The term "Take" here defines her action of taking away the pain. This part of her Quirk is used as healing. After she takes away the pain, she will store it in her body for the time being.

- The term "Give" here defines her action of inflicting a certain amount of pain she takes away before into other people's body. This part of her Quirk is mostly used in battle, for her had stocked various types or amounts of pains in her body, and afterward, inflicts the pains into villain's body to whether immobilize them or force them to surrender.

Quirk's weakness

- If she stores the pain in her body for more than 48 hours, she will suffer the damage and pains she keeps inside her body.

- She can't take away more than 25 people's pains.

Quirk's advantage

- Izuku's Quirk allows her to work both as a hero and a nurse at the same time. While she is as a full-fledged pro hero, she is also a professional nurse in medical field.

Fun fact

- Izuku actually studied at U.A. in hero course for three years before furthering her studies in medical field for five years.

- Instead of All Might, Izuku likes the Erasure Hero : Eraser Head a.k.a Shota Aizawa.

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