The Teacher/Student Scandal - Chapter Five

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Three months pregnant in February, Jin rubbed his stomach slightly, the little bump hidden slightly by his dress shirt. It was Night's birthday and Hartz is taking the mother and son out for a nice dinner. Night knocked on his bedroom gently and poked her head inside, smiling at him.
    "Hey baby boy, Hartz is almost here so come get your shoes on." She said sweetly, closing the door after leaving. Jin smiled slightly and stood, adjusting his shirt and frowning slightly.

He didn't have the time to find a new dress shirt mostly since he barely wore fancy clothes, so with his new baby bump, the shirt was a bit tight against him. He sighed and grabbed his winter coat, walking out of his room and down the stairs.
    "Did I really have to dress all fancy…?" He asked his guardian, grabbing his boots and slipping them on.
    "Hartz did say 'dress to impress'." Night said with a smile, adjusting her hair. "Besides, you look very handsome"
    "Thank you, but I don't like this shirt anymore…" Jin said softly, slipping his coat on.
    "Why's that honey?"
    "Because it's too tight against me now…" He whined softly. Night walked over and fixed his hair slightly, kissing his forehead gently.
    "Jin sweetie, you're pregnant, things like this are going to happen. But know this, you're glowing… You look amazing." She smiled, which made Jin smile slightly back.
    "Thanks mama…"
    "Anything for you." 

A knock on the door made Night look over, smiling happily as she walked over and opened the door.
    "Hey happy birthday babe!" Hartz said with a smile, kissing her softly after stepping inside.
    "Thank you." Night said, laughing softly as he kissed all over her face.
    "You look absolutely ravishing this evening…" The older male smirked, making Jin gag and look away. Hartz looked at him and smiled, ruffling his hair. "You look very handsome Jin." 

Jin blushed and looked away, trying to fix his hair.
    "Thanks Hartz…" He said simply, the hint of attitude in his voice enough to make Night frown.
    "So! Are we all ready to get going?" Hartz asked, Jin's small attitude going right over his head as he smiled at his girlfriend. Night quickly smiled and nodded, her boyfriend taking her hand and opening the front door. "After you, my dear."
    "Why thank you sir." She giggled, walking out of the house as Hartz followed. Jin was the last to walk out, closing the door and locking it as he followed the two adults to the car, getting in the back and shutting the door. Hartz helped his lady in and closed the door before he got in the car as well, starting it and driving off.


At the restaurant, Jin kept to himself as Night and Hartz talked amongst themselves. He sat there bored as he nibbled at some of the complementary bread on the table, sipping on the water he had. He sighed and stood, mumbling he needed to use the bathroom to Night as he disappeared, walking away. 

Night spared him a look and frowned subconsciously, Hartz slipping his hand into hers.
    "Honey, what's wrong…?" He asked, the normal energy gone from his voice. Night looked at him and sighed, holding his hand tightly.
    "Jin has been either distant or snippy and I don't know what to do… I know he's pregnant, but I'm a daycare teacher, I deal with toddlers…"
    "Maybe he feels left out?" Hartz suggested, tilting his head slightly. Night nodded with a sigh and looked up, a certain man catching her eye and making her swallow a growl. Hartz looked confused and looked in her direction, wondering who she was looking at.

Jin came back from the bathroom and suddenly smiled, walking happily over to his teacher lover, Naoki hugging him tightly.
    "Night… Is that him…?" Hartz asked softly, looking at his girlfriend.
    "Naoki Minamo… My son's new boyfriend and his Chemistry teacher from what I've researched…" Night hissed, holding Hartz's hand tightly.
    "His teacher?" The older male asked, in complete shock as he stared at the man. Jin smiled at his lover as he felt his happiness come back, holding his hand.
    "What are you doing here…? I didn't think I would see you…" He asked him, his other hand on his stomach.
    "I'm out with a few colleagues of mine for a conference dinner. What about you dear?" 
    "Dinner for my mom's birthday… Her boyfriend brought us here…" Jin said, frowning slightly after.
    "What's wrong?"
    "I feel like I'm being replaced…"

Naoki sighed, petting his head gently.
    "Oh honey, I bet you're not being replaced…" He said softly, his hand on his cheek. "Try to involve yourself. After all, it's your mother's birthday…"
    "B-but…" Jin tried to start but stopped himself, nodding softly. "I-I'll let you get back to your conference…"
    "Okay dear… I'll call you later." Naoki smiled, kissing his head and walking away. Jin smiled softly and walked back to the table, sitting back down.
    "What did he want?" Night asked when he sat back down, holding Hartz' hand tightly.
    "We were just talking mama…" Jin said, grabbing another piece of bread. "B-but, I want to apologize…"

Night felt all of her upset feeling leave as he looked at him confused, glancing at Hartz.
    "What for baby boy?"
    "I've been secluding myself from you guys and I shouldn't be… I guess I've been really stressed lately…" Jin said, running a hand through his hair. Night and Hartz looked at each other, Night smiling softly as she reached over and hugged him tightly.
    "Jin don't apologize. Hartz and I were talking, and we felt we were neglecting you."
    "If anyone should be apologizing, it should be us buddy." Hartz said after, reaching over and setting his hand on top of the smaller male's.
    "We're here as a family, which means we should talk to each other like one." Night smiled softly which, in turn, made Jin smile back.


Dinner was rather interesting for the small family. Hartz ended up proposing to Night after they were done eating, the young female saying yes as she cried. Jin smiled softly witnessing the proposal, but frowned, realizing that Hartz was going to be his new father. The thought actually scared him even though he knew Hartz was a really good guy. Jin sat on his bed and ripped off the dress shirt he was wearing, throwing it to the floor with a sigh.
    "Annoying fucking shirt…" He hissed, standing and walking from his room. He walked down the stairs and stopped on the last one when he heard something, flushing once he realized it was coming from Night's room. "I forgot Hartz was still here…" He mumbled, slipping back upstairs. He closed his bedroom door and grabbed a shirt, slipping it on as he sat back down on his bed, scrolling through his phone quietly.

He messaged Naoki and felt himself smile, rubbing his stomach softly.
    "I can't wait until we can meet you little one…" The teenager said softly, drawing a little heart on the top of his belly. His phone rang and he answered, smiling more. "Hi Naoki…"
    "You definitely sound happier my love." Naoki smiled, driving down the road. "What are you up to?"
    "Just sitting, talking to the baby…"
    "Oh? What about?" Naoki asked, making Jin smile more
    "That's between us…"
    "Oh come on, that's unfair." Naoki joked, laughing softly which made his teenage lover laugh softly. "Anyway, I was calling because I wanted to know if you'd like to spend the night at my house tonight."
    "I don't know… Isn't it a school night…?"
    "I'm a teacher, remember?"

Jin laughed softly and stood, putting him on speaker and setting the phone on the bed.
    "Good point Naoki…" He said, grabbing clothes and his backpack.
    "So what do you say?"
    "Sure, why not…? Night and Hartz are currently celebrating their engagement downstairs…" Jin said, flushing red in embarrassment as he grabbed his phone again.
    "They're engaged now? That's great! You must be excited!"
    "I am, but I'm also very scared… My father, before Night took me in… He was horrible to me… Abused me, traumatized me, took my own mother from me when I was young…" Jin said softly, walking down the stairs and slipping his boots on.
    "Really? You're joking…" Naoki said in disbelief, pulling into the driveway. "I'm outside, tell me more in the car."

Jin hung up and got his coat on, walking out of the house and out to the car. He smiled and got into the car, getting his bag in the back seat before leaning over and kissing his lover.
    "Hello…" He smiled happily, getting his seatbelt on.
    "Hello my love." Naoki smiled back, kissing his head and pulling out of the driveway. "Now, back to the whole 'father' issue please. How long were you in that abusive household?"

Jin sat back and thought for a minute, rubbing his head and sighing softly.
    "God, I think it was six years…?" He said softly, his hand on his baby bump.
    "Six years?! When did you start living with your current guardian?"
    "... August…" 
    "You've only been living with her for seven months?"
    "Give or take…" Jin said softly, looking out the window with a sigh. Naoki glanced at him and felt he was starting to stress him out, reaching over and setting a gentle hand on his stomach.
    "I'm really excited about the baby…" The older male smiled, his thumb gliding across his stomach gently.

Jin smiled softly and set his hand on top of Naoki's, looking at him
    "I am too… I hope I'll be able to finish school though…"
    "I'm sure you will love. If anything, I'll be able to help you." Naoki smiled, pulling into the driveway of his house. He turned off his car and got out, walking over to the passenger side and opening the door for his young lover.
    "Oh Naoki, you didn't have to do that…" Jin said, grabbing his bag and getting out.
    "I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to." Naoki smiled, holding his hand as he locked the car and walked with him to the front door. The science teacher leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to Jin's lips, opening the door for him and leading him inside, looking out into the neighborhood when he thought he felt someone's eyes on them. He adjusted his glasses and dismissed the feeling, smiling softly to his lover when he felt him grab his hand and pull him inside, the door shutting after.

From afar, a sinister smile stretched across a man's lips, looking over the pictures he had gotten.

NightBear15 signing off...

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