The Teacher/Student Scandal - Chapter Twenty-Four

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    “Night, I’m telling you, this could be good for the both of them! Phi and Jin need the time to bond and better know each other if my brother is going to be around more.” Hartz told his fiance happily, pacing around the kitchen as he explained. It’s been a couple weeks since Phi came back into their lives, four years after leaving without a goodbye. Something the mother still hasn't forgiven him for, as well as his manipulative personality.
    “Hartz, I said no. I still don’t trust him after every stunt he pulled through high school, and then vanishing without a trace.” Night spoke firmly, looking at him with her eyebrows furrowed together. “He left you behind for four years and then turned up unexpectedly and you still trust him? No, I’m not leaving him alone with our son.”

Hartz deflated and sighed, crossing his arms as he looked down.
    “Look honey, he’s my brother no matter what. He could leave for ten years and I’d still trust him with my life. Give him a chance, please.” The man said to her, desperation hidden in his voice.
    “My answer is still no, Hartz. End of discussion.” Night shut him down quickly, turning back and continuing with cooking dinner. Hartz sighed yet again and nodded, walking out of the kitchen and collapsing on the couch. Of course she said no, he thought, leaning his head on his hand. He knows his brother means well but Night doesn’t, so how can he make this work?

His eyes lit up as an idea crossed his thoughts, pulling his phone out with a smile and unlocking it. His thumbs tapped over the keyboard quickly as he typed, sending a message to someone. A couple minutes passed and his phone vibrated, a message returning from the individual he texted.

    “I’m interested.”


Jin was confused as he and Hartz walked out to his car, wondering as to why his dad came and picked him up after school. The teen had told his beloved that Hartz was driving him home today and the teacher agreed, smiling and telling him he’d see him at home.
    “So, is there a specific reason why you’re picking me up…?” The senior asked, the two getting into the car.
    “I have some plans today that involve you, so trust me okay? I promise it’s all good things!” Hartz smiled as they buckled up, turning on the car and pulling out of his parking spot. The radio played softly in the background as they drove in a comfortable silence. The two pulled into the driveway and green eyes immediately noticed a car he’d never seen before, looking to the older male in confusion.
    “Dad, who’s car is that...?” Jin asked as he unbuckled, the two getting out.
    “That’s Phi’s car bud. He’s involved in my plans too.” His smile was bright and it kind of eased the anxiety that flared when Hartz said his brother was here. They walked up the front steps and Hartz opened the door, greeting the older twin that sat on the couch. “I’m back! And I brought Jin!”
    “Hello Jin, nice to see you again.” Phi greeted, giving him a friendly smile. Jin eyed him suspiciously before giving a slightly strained smile in return.
    “H-hey…” He waved shyly, setting his bag down for a minute. “S-so, uh, what’s these plans you have dad...?”
    “Right! So, you and Phi are going out to town together! Just the two of you.” Hartz started, clapping his hands together. “The plan is for you and my brother to get to know each other better, just the two of you.”

Jin blinked and felt his anxiety increase, fiddling with his hoodie strings.
    “I-I… I don’t know about that idea…” His concern was certainly expressed and Hartz just smiled kindly at him, resting his hands on his shoulders gently.
    “Jin there’s nothing for you to be nervous about, I promise. I trust my brother with my life, and I believe this is going to be great for the both of you.” The lavender-haired man told him, slowly easing the nervousness away. “Just try this, please. For me.”
    “I-I-” Jin went to counter and noticed how happy his stepdad looked, glancing over to Phi slightly. The other man looked rather happy as well, thinking back to what he told Hartz. “Alright, fine… I trust you…”
    “Great!” Oh, the happiness Hartz felt when Jin agreed, looking over to his brother who stood. “You two go have fun! I’ll cover for you in case your mother asks, okay?”
    “... Mama doesn’t know…?” Jin asked suddenly, looking up at him.
    “No, she knows!”

Phi chuckled and shook his head, walking over and standing beside his twin.
    “Your mother knows, so don’t worry. You and I are going to have a great time out just you and me.” The older Dread brother smiled gently, reaching down and grabbing his nephew’s school bag.
    “... Okay…” Jin nodded softly, the two going to the door and bidding Hartz a goodbye. The two walked out to Phi’s car and the man opened the passenger door for him, smiling to him. “Thank you…”
    “You’re welcome.” The door closed and Phi set his bag in the back seat, going around and getting into the driver’s seat, starting the car and pulling out of the driveway.

Jin felt a little awkward as they drove off towards downtown Beigoma City, fumbling with his fingers as they did. It felt strange being alone with his newfound uncle, trying to shake away the bad feeling he had gotten.
    “There’s no need to be so nervous Jin, I’m not going to do anything terrible.” Phi spoke softly, glancing over and smiling. “My brother is right, this will be good for the both of us. Especially since I do want to get to know you better.”
    “S-sorry, I’m always nervous around new people…” Jin said softly, letting out a nervous giggle.
    “And it’s understandable, my boy. But please don’t worry, this engagement won’t take a drastic turn.”
    “A-alright… Well, what do you want to know…?”

Phi pulled into the parking lot of a cozy-looking restaurant, shutting off the car.
    “Well, I want to know about you. How school is going, home life, those wonderful twins.” He told him, the two getting out and going toward the entrance of the restaurant.
    “U-uh, well, school is going well… I’m in my last year, so I’m pretty excited to finally graduate…” Jin smiled softly, waiting for a table with his uncle. Phi smiled warmly, a rather kind look in his mismatched eyes. The teenager blinked slightly as he felt his aura, it feeling a lot more different from when they first met. It was definitely nicer, kinder as he talked about what was going on in his life, finding himself smiling as he did.

Maybe this won’t be too bad.


Night hummed softly to her music as she drove down the road, constantly glancing back and checking on the twins that were buckled in the back. She pulled into the driveway of her and Hartz home, parking and shutting off the car with a smile. Although her smile was short-lived as her phone went off, pulling it out and answering.
    “Hey Naoki, what’s up?” She asked, unbuckling her seatbelt.
    “Hey Night. I’m just curious, is Jin with you and Hartz right now? He told me he was getting a ride home from him today, but he’s not here.” Naoki explained, questioning his future mother-in-law. Night furrowed her eyebrows slightly, looking at the house.
    “I’m, uh, not sure, I just got home myself with the twins. He could very well be up in his room, but I’ll check.” The mother said, running her fingers through her hair. Naoki nodded on the other end, sitting down on the couch at his house.
    “Alright, sounds good. I’ll let you go so you can get inside, just tell me if he’s there.”
    “I definitely will Naoki, bye now.”

The blonde female hung up and got out of the car, making sure she had everything before getting the twins out of her car. She made her way up the porch stairs before opening the front door, closing it after she went inside. Hartz was sitting on the couch in the living room, greeting her with a smile.
    “Hey honey! How was work?” Her fiance asked, pausing the TV to focus on her.
    “Work was okay. Uh, hey honey bun, do you know where our son is right now?”
    “Well yeah, he’s with Naoki of course.” Hartz told her matter-of-factly, smiling at her. A switch went off in Night’s head, setting the twins’ carriers down at her feet.
    “Huh, funny you say that because I just got off the phone with Naoki. He was asking me if Jin was with you and me.”

Hartz felt the color leave his skin as he stared at her in shock, immediate nervousness corrupting his thoughts.
    “I-is that so? Huh, how funny…” He laughed nervously, flinching under the glare his fiance was now giving him.
    “Where is he, Hartz? You obviously know something…” She growled, her arms crossed over her chest as her eye flashed gold.
    “A-alright, alright! He’s with Phi!” Hartz confessed, not being able to lie to her anymore.
    “So not only did you go against my wishes, you did it behind my back?! Hartz, you know for a fact I don’t trust that asshole you call a brother! Do you even know where they are?!” The mother was livid, her eyes slowly turning gold. Hartz winced, looking at her sheepishly.
    “U-uh, I know they’re in town…”
    “You don’t even know specifically where they are?! Are you crazy?!” Night unlocked her phone and went to her contacts, calling her son quickly. It rang and rang all until it went to voicemail panic filling her thoughts as she tried again.
    “Call your fucking brother. Now.” She hissed, listening to the rings yet again. Hartz nodded and got onto his phone, calling his brother and waiting.

He paled when the phone rang and rang, pulling the phone away from his ear when it went to voicemail as well. The younger twin had finally realized his mistake and covered his mouth, looking over to his angry fiance.

Oh god, he fucked up…~

NightBear15 signing off...

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