A New Member

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If you are interested in being a part of one of my one-shots, please let me know. Below is @Brandewyn's description in this story. Enjoy!

Hair: a mixture of dark brown and gold

Eyes: emerald green

Height: 5 feet 4 inches

Age: 15

Clothes: khaki knee length pants and a The Beatles t-shirt

Hobbies: cricket, drawing, painting and writing

How you know the team: One night while Face was on a stroll through a small town, after a successful plan, a girl bumped into him but as she turned away he grabbed her wrist and asked for his wallet back. She gave it back and asked how he knew she stole it. He told her and asked her where her parents were. She said that she was an orphan on the streets and he empathized with her. He then tried to sneak her into the team's house only to be caught by B.A. But after they heard her story they decided to let her stay after a lot of begging from Murdock.


Smiling to himself, Face hums as he walks around town. The A-Team had just completed a mission, and the pay had been good. Even young Amber had profited from it. Face is brought back to the present as a girl bumps into him.

"Sorry, mister." She apologizes and goes to leave, but Face grabs her by the wrist.

"Hold it right there." He says, holding out his hand. "Wallet. Now." The girl huffs and pulls the stolen wallet out of her pocket and places it into his hands.

"Thank you." Face says as he returns his wallet to his pocket.

"How did you know I stole it?" The girl asks.

"A magician never tells his tricks." Face replies. "Now, where are your parents?"

"They're dead. I'm an orphan." The girl's reply hit Face like a rock. Now that he had a good look at her, he could see the signs of hunger and desperation all over her. She reminded him of his days at the orphanage.

"I'm sorry." He says. "I'm an orphan too. I know how it feels." The girl looks down at the ground.

"I'm sorry for stealing your wallet." She says, tears in her emerald green eyes.

"Hey, it's alright. And you tried to steal it." Face smiles. "What's your name, kiddo?"

"Brandewyn." She replies, moving his brown and gold locks out of her face.

"Alright, Brandewyn, I'll tell you what. You tag along with me and I'll get you somewhere to stay for tonight." Face offers.

"Really?" Brandewyn rushes forward and hugs the man. "Thank you so much."

"Anytime. And the name's Face."


Face peeks around the corner. The van was parked right outside the house. Just great, now he had to sneak Brandewyn in. He would've much rather have her inside by the time the rest of the team got back to the house.

"Come on. Stay close." Face runs forward, Brandewyn on his heels. He leads her to the back of the house. Hopefully, Amber had accidentally left the window unlocked again. She tended to do that.

"Yes!" Face smiles in success as the window lifts with ease. "C'mon." Face climbs in through the window and turns back to help Brandewyn in. "Now stick close to me. I've got to get you somewhere hidden so I can talk to Hannibal."

"Not before you explain what you're doing in the first place, fool." Face grimaces as B.A.'s voice rings through the room. The man stood in the doorway, arms crossed as he glared at Face.

"B.A., so good to see you." Face puts on a smile. "How are you, big guy?"

"We've been looking for you. You disappeared after we got payed." B.A. growls. "Hannibal thought you got yourself into some trouble."

"Me? Get into trouble? Never!" Face says, sarcasm flowing off his tone.

"You know I don't like your sarcasm, Face." B.A. growls.

"B.A.? Is that Face?" Amber appears behind the man, peeking around him to see in the room.

"Gem! Help me out alittle before B.A. knocks my lights out." Face pleads.

"Not unless you have a good explanation." Amber says, crossing her arms.

"Not you too!" Face groans.

"Faceman!" Murdock appears out of nowhere and hugs Face. "Now, now, B.A., you better not hurt old Faceman here before he explains what's going on."

"Well then, let's hear it." Hannibal says. "And explain the part where you picked up a hitchhiker." Face immediately starts to explain what happened, including Brandewyn's story. When he finishes, Murdock turns to Hannibal.

"Can we keep her? Please, please, please, Colonel." Murdock begs. Hannibal takes a moment to ponder. Amber reaches forward and touches his arm, nodding.

"She's like me." Amber says.

"Alright, she can stay." Hannibal states.

"Yahoo!" Murdock jumps up and down. "You just wait, we'll have loads of fun, and I can show you Billy, and we can play games..."

"Can it, fool." B.A. says. "You're scaring the poor girl." Brandewyn was a bit shocked by the man's behavior. He was definitely the wild one of the group, that's for sure.

"I'm Amber, but the team calls me Gem." Amber introduces herself.

"Brandewyn." Brandewyn smiles.

"It'll be good to finally have someone around my age around here. It's tough being the only girl." Amber smiles. She takes Brandewyn around the house, telling the other girl about her life with the A-Team.

"They're really nice. B.A. doesn't seem like it at first, but he's a big softie. Hannibal is too, and you can tell with Face. Murdock is...well, he's Murdock."

"Has he always been that way?" Brandewyn asks.

"Who, Murdock?" Amber laughs. "They don't call him Howling Mad for nothing." Amber goes on. "Hannibal will probably think of a codename for you, just for the team. Like, Face's real name is Templeton Peck, B.A. stands for Bad Attitude, and my codename is Gem."

"What do you think he'll pick?" Brandewyn asks.

"I dunno. Your codename usually is something that sticks out about you." Amber thinks. "It'll probably be something like Picket, since you did pick-pocket Face." Amber stops, mid-yawn.

"Tired?" Brandewyn laughs.

"Being with the team is always tiring. Come on, you can have the spare bed in my room." Amber leads the girl to her room. She lends Brandewyn a pair of PJ's and shows her the bathroom. After a nice hot shower, Brandewyn lies down in a big comfy bed. Smiling, Brandewyn slowly drifts off to sleep. She had been given a jumpstart to a new life, and she wasn't about to let it go.

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