19 - Michelle

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I'm sitting at the breakfast table in a complete daze. I haven't daydreamed this much in a while. It's all because Olly. That boy swooped in and knocked me over from the knees. When we were seeing the movie, he sat between me and Stephie. She sat with the other guy, JJ. It was difficult to converse with my sister, so we sent each other a text. As discreetly as we were able to, anyway.

At one point, Olly had leaned over and asked what I was doing. Something came over me. I couldn't formulate any words. I ended up giggling like a moron. But he found it amusing and chuckling along with me.

"Talking about me?" he'd asked, leaning his elbow on the armrest that was between the two of us.

"Never you mind," I had whispered, and pretended to turn my attention back to the movie. But I couldn't actually focus on what the heck was going on. I eventually fell into conversation with the boy beside me. And goodness! He's so much fun to talk to.

Something I have not told anyone is that Olly wants to hang out. Just me and him. I told him I have plans, but that I will let him know when I'm free. He gave me his number and said to call him.

"Earth to Michelle," Stephie says, waving her hand in front of my face. "Seriously, where is your head?"

"The clouds, it would seem," Honey says with a smirk.

"Not," I roll my eyes, covering up the fact that, yes, my head is in the clouds. "Just lost in thought. What were you trying to ask me?"

"If you knew where Myrtle is?"

I shake my head. "Probably working."

"She's in the office."

We all glance up and see Maddox standing near the table.

"What for?" Honey asks as he sits down a moment. And I'm surprised at her tone.

"Something about her dad," he replies, shrugging. "He wants her to visit him, I think. But Turtle's social worker doesn't think it's a good idea. And it's been already decided that she wouldn't be allowed to see him."

"Why would it not be a good idea?" Stephie's voice rises a bit, but I touch her shoulder to help her simmer down.

Maddox glances at all of us. He blinks.

"You really don't know," he says, his voice drops to barely a whisper which makes us all huddle closer to be able to hear him. "Myrtle's gonna have to tell you. It's not really my story to tell . . . But the entire reason she's even in the system, in the first place, is because of what her dad has done. Her mother's not been in the picture for a long time and I don't think he knew what to do about it."

"What are you whispering about?"

Again, we all glance up. This time it's Myrtle standing near the table.

"I thought you were in the office," Maddox says as she joins us.

"I was until it became battle of the opinions," she sighs, crossing her arms on the table. "Wait a second . . . Maddox is sitting at the table with the girls and there's not a single argument going on . . . Are we in an alternate timeline or something?"

My amused snorts earns more than one mirrored reaction at the table. Maddox is chuckling. But what is shocking me most at the moment is how freely he stares at Myrtle. There's something about this particular look. It's admiration, it's adoring. It's the look of a boy in love.

"So," Myrtle says with a sigh. "My dad wants to see me. He petitioned the judge to let me visit him at least once so he can apologize. The judge, for some stupid reason, decided to leave the choice up to me, under the condition my current physical guardian and social worker make the final decision. And as of right now, that decision is fifty-fifty."

"But what do you want?" Maddox asks, putting his orange in front of her. "Do you want to see him? Or would that just be salt in the wound?"

"I don't know right now."

And the subject drops.


I'm in the back yard for no proper reason. I guess I'm just enjoying the final weeks of summer sun. And summer in general. The yard isn't very large because the house takes up most of the property. But it's something. My eyes are closed and I've got one earbud in, letting my favorite KPop group take me away from life for a bit. When I hear voices coming from the backdoor.

"Why are you so insistent about this?"

"Because I know you."

"I'm not holding it inside."

"Yes. You. Are. I know you want answers, so why don't you tell the social worker that you want to see him?"

I then hear sniffles and soft sobs. I turn off my music, but I pretend that I can't hear anything with my eyes closed behind my sunglasses.

"I hate that you're stuck in the middle. It shouldn't be so complicated. You're eighteen, for cryin' out loud."

No reply, just the gentle sobs.

"And you deserve a chance to talk to him and see what he truly wants."

Still nothing.

"If you decide to see him, I will see my brother."

"That's not entirely fair."

"It's a compromise. We're going to be compromising a lot in the coming months. So get used to it."

The sniffles slowly cease, as well as the actual sobs. And then there's the gentlest of chuckles.

"There's my Turtle, poking her head back out of her shell. I hate when she hides."

"Shut up."

"It's the truth."

"I know."

The back door opens. I listen as the footsteps shuffle back inside. And a single tear falls down my cheek.

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