Chapter 1

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"Hey Astrid?" I stopped walking as I turned to Fishlegs who had spoken up, his hands full carrying a basket of fish, while I had a special saddle under my arm, my axe in its rightful place strapped across my back .

"What is it?"

"Well, I was wondering about Stormfly. I know you shot her down a few weeks ago but she's perfectly fine, she didn't gain any major injuries when she crashed. So why doesn't she just fly away? Why does she still stay in the cove where we found her?" I thought for a moment.

"I don't know actually," I told the large teen honestly as I turned  back around and walked in the direction of said cove once again, "you're right though she could just fly away but maybe she likes us, or you know she could just be waiting for us to free the dragons in the arena before ditching us for them."

I heard him sigh deeply before responding, "You're probably right but I don't want to think about Meatlug leaving for some other dragons. I just can't see that happening."

"I can't either Fishlegs, I mean she loves you! But.. It is still a possibility." an exhausted sigh escaped my lips as we finally reached the cove. We gave Stormfly her fish as we laid out the saddle along with the original plans making sure everything was all good.

With that done, Fishlegs went back to the forge to work on his saddle that he's been designing for Meatlug. I just hope she won't be so playful about it like Stormfly. She won't stop running around the cove and flying just barely out of reach even if I tried to jump I can't reach her! 'Ugh.! Useless reptile' I grumbled to myself  as this continued for another twelve minutes.

"Finally..." I sighed exasperatedly as I leaned back on my hands after having crashed onto the grass finally managing to get the saddle on Stormfly after about thirty-two minutes. Luckily it fits perfectly, which was a relief, so I won't have to make any adjustments. Looking at the sky I noticed that it'll be dark soon and stood brushing my skirt off and picking back up my favorite axe that I had to drop on the ground as I chased my new best friend around the cove.

Just as I was walking away towards the village, too tired to try out the saddle, I was picked up and thrown onto Stormfly's back, courtesy of Stormfly, and before I could register what was happening I was holding on to the saddle for dear life as she burst into the air. Once she leveled herself out I opened my eyes, loosening my grip and taking in the view. The sunset fading on the horizon the cool nothingness as I felt the clouds and Berk! Oh it looks so much better from in the air. I feel free, the quick but gentle rush of the wind, the adrenaline, the freedom coursing through you. If this is what it feels like to fly a dragon I'm never going to get enough of this.

After landing back in the cove I gave Stormfly a quick hug before heading to the village with new found energy. The sun now completely missing from the sky I climbed up the steps to the  Meade Hall to eat a quick dinner before going to check on Fishlegs in the forge but he wasn't there so I left for his house only to meet him halfway.

"Astrid! Where have you been!?" the teen viking hissed in a harsh whisper.

"I was with Stormfly. The saddle fits perfectly and she even let me ride her! Oh, Fishlegs it was so amazing! The adrenaline, the rushing wind, riding a dragon is better than I ever imagined! You and Meatlug have to go for a flight!" I excitedly replied in an equally hushed whisper.

"Oh thank Thor! Wait.. You flew on a dragon!? That's amazing! I just finished Meatlug's saddle too!" he joined in my excitement but suddenly stopped, "but tomorrow the elders are going to pick who's going to kill Hookfang. What do we do Astrid?" he looked frantic now as his fear passed on to me, of course I didn't show it though.

"I don't know. Let's talk about it tonight at the arena and just pray that it's not you who gets picked."

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