Chapter 4

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"So what exactly is the plan here?" Eret asked. I had luckily managed to meet him and Meatlug halfway giving us just a little bit more time before Fishlegs is put on trial and most likely killed.

"The Dungeons are just before Raven Point on the outskirts of the forest near the killing arena where the trial will be held. We have to try to sneak in and get Fishlegs out before then." I replied pushing Stormfly to go faster as the slivers of light started to appear on the horizon.

"And if that fails?"

"Then I guess we crash the trial." Eret didn't reply to that as the five of us picked up speed. Unfortunately by the time we arrived the guards were already taking Fishlegs towards the arena. "Eret we're going to need to create a distraction so that Meatlug can get to him, and so that they can get Fishlegs whatever supplies it is he needs." 

"Already on it you take care of these ones, Thistlethorn and I will take on that larger crowd. You just make sure Fishlegs gets his dragon." 

I nodded in reply, "After I know Fishlegs and Meatlug are out of harms way I'll come over to help you."

"Sounds like a plan!" and with that Eret had disappeared thanks to his cloak made out of Thistlethorns shedded skin that can make him disappear the same way changewings do. While Stormfly, Meatlug and I waited for Eret to make the first move I pulled my Hood and scarf up the same way I did when I went to check out what was happening in the village the day before. Screams erupted from the large crowd of vikings that was gathering at the arena, and then we took off distracting any stragglers along with the guards that were around a cheering Fishlegs as Meatlug came to his rescue. Which brought a smile to my face as I watched the two take off towards his house. 

"Eret! He's up!" I called as I closed in on his location on top of the chains that make up to roof of the arena. He looked up at me from under his hood and with a quick nod him and Thistlethorn lifted into the air firing some more acid at the vikings as we took to the sky dodging nets and bolas in the process. When we got far enough away that not even their catapults couldn't hit us we watched as Fishlegs and Meatlug quickly left the village with two baskets and came over to us out of breath. 

"Oh my... Oh my Thor..." he managed to huff out as he reached us.

"You good there Fishlegs?"

"Oh yeah I'm.. I'm perfectly fine.. Man that was a rush wasn't it girl." He smiled at a very happy Meatlug. 

"Oh Fishlegs this is Eret son Eret." I pointed to said rider, "Eret, this is Fishlegs Ingerman."

"It's nice to finally meet you. Meatlug seems quite happy to have you back and here I thought she'd be depressed for most of her life."

"Depressed? My Meatlug, aww you poor girl, I promise to make it up to you." I giggled quietly as he hugged said dragon, "Anyway it's good to meet you too, I heard you used to be a dragon trapper, and your changewing! I didn't think blue ones even existed!"

"Yeah me too he is quite a rare sight. This is Thistlethorn by the way." Eret nodded in agreement.

"Come you guys, let's head home." I smiled as Stormfly and I led the way out of the Archipelago towards the Edge. After the long trip we flew Fishlegs around the whole island to show him everything before coming back around to where all our huts were. Landing on the platform in front of the stables, Eret stayed there to take care of the dragons while I helped Fishlegs by carrying one of his baskets. "Well, this here is the stables, as you can see down there we have our training arena. That over there is the clubhouse, where we have our meals, plan out attacks, play maces and talons, and all that kind of stuff, over there we have saved a place for you to build your own hut however you want. My hut is over there, Heather's is next to it, Dagur and Eret's huts are over there just past the clubhouse. Dagur and Heather you've technically already met and while they have huts they're not always around but they come and visit. Oh and here we have the forge there's a room above it where you can sleep for tonight. Tomorrow you can build your own hut." I pointed out each place to him. 

"What about those other two huts?" He asked as he set down his basket and pointed to the last two huts. 

"Oh those, well the one with the 'S' is our storage area for the moment and the last one is where we keep our spare weapons and it's kind of become our infirmary." he nodded in understanding, "Well, it's late so I'll let you get some rest it was a long flight from berk so I'll see you at the clubhouse in the morning, alright?" 

"Yeah, thanks Astrid. Goodnight." He smiled as he gave me a hug then turned grabbing the baskets and taking them inside the forge. 

"Goodnight." I replied before turning and heading to my own hut for some well deserved sleep. 

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