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Oww...Lan Wangji woke up wincing. His head felt like it had been halved, the pain shot through him. His world was disoriented for a moment, blurring and clearing. Closing his eyes, he composed himself, before re-attempting to open his eyes. Graced by odd green walls, his hazy struggled to comprehend where he was. Inn....He was in an inn with Wei Ying.....

WEI YING! Where the hell was his Wei Ying? His eyes darted around the room, searching for a familiar charcoal and crimson silhouette. Only to be met with an empty room. Fuck, fuck, where the hell was he? Lan Wangji didn't normally curse, but he made exceptions on days like these. And he didn't give a fuck about that.

Panic rose within him, and while the logical part of his mind told him to calm down, that Wei Ying would be there soon, nothing would happen, he felt hysterical. He hadn't woken up without Wei Ying by his side for a long time now, and he never wanted to- Gods forbid, sleep without the other near him ever again. Not again.

"Wei Ying?" his voice rang out, unsure and uncertain. He half-hoped the younger would spring up from some hidden corner of the room. Still nothing. The last time Wei Ying had left him...

"Wei Ying? WEI YING!" losing all composure, Lan Zhan ripped off the covers, and jumped to his feet, before sprinting out of the room at record speed.

Abandoning all proprietary, he dashed down the stairs. Upon seeing the innkeeper, the Second Jade of Lan defied his rules for the second time in less than five minutes, yelling ," Have you seen my partner?"

The innkeeper's eyes widened, and the cup she was grasping almost slipped out of her fingers. It wasn't everyday you saw a supposedly dignified cultivator dashing towards you dressed haphazardly.

"The man wearing a red ribbon, about half a ruler shorter than me, with a mole under his mouth," Lan Zhan further clarified, still panicking.

Oh. Oh. She got it now.

"I last saw him running in the direction of the Guanyin Temple. He left about 15 minutes ago. " Not sparing her a glance, Lan Wangji curtly nodded, threw her two silvers before becoming a flash of white in the wind.

Wei Ying, wait for me. Wei Ying, stay safe. The words echoed through Lan Zhan as he flew past the streets.

Wei Ying, 我来了。


Slipping away, Wei Ying found himself on their windowsill, overlooking the streets. In the past, he'd be hear clutching a bottle of liquor, but his mind was so clouded now, even liquor, his old friend, couldn't help him. Still, he watched the empty streets, littered with leftovers from the previous stores. It was almost calming, staring into what to him was nothing, as dusk turned to dawn. His eyes drooped, but some part of him was still restless. Lan Zhan. Glancing wistfully back at the sleeping figure, Wei Ying threw a small smile, becoming one with the shadows.

Letting his consciousness slip away, Wei Ying surrendered to his body, letting it take over. His legs dragged him through winding streets and alleys, and he could faintly discern the shape of trees, but everything else was a blur. Left. Right. Left. Right.

Wandering aimlessly for gods know how long, Wei Ying's mind felt disconnected to his body, like a short-circuit. Everything was numb, safe for the words that reverberated in his mind over and over again. Could he have truly meant it? Was it possible? Or was he simply drunk? But some were most honest when they were drunk, and some were just delirious? Which was true? Wei Ying oscillated between both options in his hazy mind, never quite satisfied with either answer. Still, his feet threaded forward, as if in a trance. Perhaps he was.

"Wei Wuxian." a cool, stern voice broke his reverie. Turning to locate the source of the voice, Wei Wuxian's gaze fell upon the unmistakable First Jade of Lan. "Zewu-Jun," he stuttered, mentally cursing. Just when he was contemplating his love for the Second Jade of Lan, the First Jade comes up. And wait- where was he? His eyes fell upon unfamiliar arches, faintly warped with time. Where-Oh. I'm in the Guanyin Temple. How the hell did I get here? He looked to the First Jade, then to himself, then to his legs. Oh.

"What are you doing here?" the words fell out of Lan Xichen's mouth before he could stop himself. Considering the younger's forlorn and confused expression, something was definitely up. Love problems? Oh- Lan Wangji.

 "I could ask you the thing. But if you must know, I was wandering through the streets. Is Meng Yao here? "

Lan Xichen open his mouth to answer, to question about Wangji, only to be cut short by a voice he'd come to detest over the course of the last weeks. "Yes, Yiling Laozu. He was with me." a sprawling voice drawled from behind. Without turning, Wuxian knew exactly who he was.
"Cockroach." he spat, before flinging a careless finger towards him. Watching in surprise as the filthy Cockroach before him froze, Lan Xichen blinked.

"What was that?"

"Time-freezing spell," letting his hands fell to his sides, Wei Wuxian replied nonchalantly. "Nothing much, anyway. It won't last long, but at least enough for us to stall." and wait for Lan Zhan.

Both knew. But Xichen had other questions. Wait-he did a spell? But spells-Gods, he's stronger than any of us know. Exactly how much has this man achieved in demonic cultivation? In cultivation, spells were the highest level of cultivation. Low-ranking cultivators could use the little cultivation energy they had to activate talismans, but better cultivators could operate by cultivating talismans on the spot and using them. But spells required magic, that consumed a lot of cultivation energy. Demonic cultivation could never work with it, and for Wei Wuxian to use it like nothing...

"Zewu-Jun? Are you still here?" Wei Gongzi's face cut through his thoughts, and he shook his head, as if clearing his mind of cobwebs.

"Uhm.. Yeah... What did you want to talk about?" upon his words, Wei Wuxian sighed,  contemplating his life choices.

"I wanted to talk about Lan Zhan."

Lan Huan's eyes widened in surprise, taken aback. In his mind, he secretly smiled. 

"What is it about Wangji you want to know?" Wei Ying shifted uneasily, unsure how to broach the subject. "Does Lan Zhan...Love me?"  there. He said it. The words fell out of his mind. 

That bloody question. Lan Huan's anger sparked, and as much as he tried breathing in and out, nothing worked. Exactly how oblivious was this man, this boy his brother had fallen in love with? As brilliant as he was, he could be- how was he to delicately put it? SO oblivious. No-he couldn't take it anymore. Sorry, Wangji- But brother is doing this for your own good. 

"Wei Wuxian, do you have any idea how much my brother loves you? How much he cares for you? I promised him I'd never tell you, but I can't stand this anymore. The time you came to Cloud Recesses- he fell in love with you. Your punishments were all headed by him, do you think that was a coincidence? No.  He begged Uncle to be able to look after you, to command your punishments, and he made them so much simpler just for you. And why? He was scared you'd hate it there, scared you'd go away. But you still left. After the Slaughter of Xuanwu Cave- Do you have any idea how many times Wangji whispered your name? How badly he wanted to meet you, how many times he asked? More than a 100 times in a month, he asked every single day. Imagine how worried he was, when you meant missing. He spent months searching for you, even after your beloved shi-di gave up on you. He still went on. He spent hours roaming around, desperately searching for whispers of you. He hung on to every lead he could find, only to be heartbroken as they turned into ashes before his eyes. Then you reappeared. "

"Reappeared as if nothing happened at all, with resentment swirling around your fingers. But he didn't care. When his eyes fell upon you, the first thing he said to me was "He's back. I want to take him home. "  but he never could. The day you left was the first time my baby brother ever cried after our mother left. The day you reappeared was the first time he ever told me. He loved you so much, Wei-Gongzi. You've no idea. His eyes were ablaze, and I could see his soul radiating with love, with strength. You were the first person he'd ever felt that for. He loved you so much, that I assure you he'd have gone through hell, would have followed you through it, just so he'd be back with you, just so he could save you. But during the night at Nightless City? He confessed to you, Wei Wuxian, but you FUCKING PUSHED HIM AWAY!  You rejected him, pushed him away. He was sobbing, Wei-Gongzi, he was almost broken. "

Wait- "Wasn't I alone that night?"

"Wei Wuxian, you overestimate yourself. It was one of you against  thousands. Do you really think you'd be able to fend them off, even with your prodigy, with your state of mind then?" 

But before Wei Ying could reply, something ripped forward, launching itself at him. 

Wei Ying winced as he saw the guqin string slipping over his throat. Crap, crap. Did he really have to deal with this now? Right after he'd dashed out of the inn he'd been sharing with Hanguang-Jun, hearing those words- he was so- he couldn't find a word for what he felt. Nothing to describe the ember Lan Zhan just ignited or set aflame in his heart, nothing to describe the odd, dampening feeling he had. Because I hurt him. Because no one ever could or should love him. Madam Yu's jarring words replayed in his mind. You should be used to this, a small voice within him whispered, you should be dead and gone. Swallowing, he closed his eyes.

"Don't move. Wei gongzi, this string is very sharp. Were it to sink into your throat..."

Upon that, Wei Wuxian snapped his eyes open in annoyance, half-tempted to roll his eyes. This dolt... Really... His literal companion was Hanguang-Jun, exactly how stupid did this moron think him to be? As if he didn't know the string pressed against his own fucking throat was sharp. His thoughts found themselves drawn to a name... Shit. Shit. Just how badly did I hurt Lan Zhan? But I didn't know. I really didn't. But no matter what I did, he still stayed by my side. He didn't leave me, didn't even flinch. Just stayed with me. Wei Wuxian ah, Wei Wuxian, you really- Tears brimmed in his eyes, threatening to fall, and his heart yelled a name until it was hoarse. 

But his train of thoughts were cut off by a swish of blue and white robes. Lan Zhan. Lan Wangji's honey colored eyes cast a freezing glare at Jin Guangyao, who seemed to wither slightly under his glare, but quickly regained his composure.

"As I was saying, Yiling Patriarch, you need not be so worried. Your Lan Zhan, is already here." hearing the mocking tone in the bastard's tone, Wei Wuxian wanted nothing more than to throw caution to the wind and give him a swift kick in the balls. How dare he speak of Lan Zhan like that? He has ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT TO USE LAN ZHAN'S BIRTH NAME. AND WHEN IN HELL WAS DID I SAY I WAS WORRIED?

But looking at Lan Zhan, his thoughts went silent. The man before him was clutching his sword tightly, to the point where his knuckles looked white. He looked like he'd just flown out of bed, gold eyes were mixed with disbelief and fury, as well as an overlooking worry that cast shadows over his normally light eyes, which were abnormally dark. Looking at him, Wei Ying's heart pounded harder against his ribcage, both aching and in joy. 

"Don't. Touch. Him." Lan Zhan ground out, each syllable rang out as a threat. But Wei Ying could hear the hidden words behind them. Don't hurt him. Or you'll face my wrath. And you'll break me.

The words hung heavily in the air, unspoken.

Some part of Wei Wuxian's heart lurched forward hearing those words, both unsaid and spoken. The other clenched at the thought of Lan Zhan being hurt. Exactly what had he done to this man? How much had he endured, just for him? Looking to Lan Xichen, he silently thanked him. For the reassurance that his Lan Zhan truly loved him, truly cared, and still did. Even if it his heart grew heavy at the thought of all this noble, stoic man had went through. His man. That is, if he claimed him. A small smile played at his lips.

"Han Guangjun, you better take a step back, " Jin Guangyao drawled, tightening his grip on Wei Wuxian, " and kindly sheathe your Bichen. "

Wei Wuxian glared at him in annoyance. How dare he command Lan Zhan? He isn't even worthy of talking to Lan Zhan...

Lan Wangji immediately took a step back, eyes still focused on Wei Ying. Throwing a dirty glance at Jin Guangyao, he reluctantly sheathed Bichen. To Wei Wuxian, the sound of metal scraping the scabbard was almost unbearable. No. He would not be used against his Lan Zhan

"Lian-Fangzun, don't ask for too much!" he snarled, furious now.

"You call that, asking for too much?" Meng Yao cocked an eyebrow, and let out a breathy chuckle. Wei Wuxian almost started, fury lining his veins as he continued staring daggers at the slender figure holding him hostage. Involuntarily, he looked to Lan Zhan, only to find that his eyes never left him. Don't listen to him, he silently pleaded, I won't leave you. The rational part of Wei Wuxian knew he should be scared, should behave, but nothing terrified him more than leaving Lan Zhan alone, defenseless. he hated seeing Lan Zhan incapacitated, because of him.

Unable to help himself, he blurted out" Lan Zhan! I've something to tell you!"

Wei Wuxian could feel the muscles of his captor tense. Jin Guangyao tersely answered. "Anything you need to say, can be said later. "

Its now or never. I've waited enough. We both have. The words rang through Wei Wuxian's head, prompting him. "No! It's really important! It has to be said now!"

He mentally cursed himself. Really?

Jin Guangyao was internally fighting with himself. Let Wei Wuxian speak? That sly fox might have something up his sleeve. But if he didn't, he'd lose the last shred of faith Xichen-ge had in his humanity. Making up his mind, he spoke.

"Fine. You may speak now, then. "

"Lan Zhan, Just now... I really....I really wanted to kiss you, to stay with you!" Wei Ying shouted, finally able to get the words off his chest. To say the people present were shocked would be an understatement. In fact, the supposed villain of this tableau was so shocked, he lost control of his hands, and the guqin string slipped from his fingers, clattering to the floor.

Lan Xichen's face was torn between amusement and shock, and this once, just this once, he understood why Jiang Cheng facepalmed himself so much. He was internally facepalming himself senseless. This guy, really, he just... My God, Lan Zhan, just what did you get yourself into? However, he couldn't help but smile fondly. He turned to his little brother, who seemed to be in a state of disbelief and shock, as well as a shard of hope. His smile became a grin.

Wei-Gongzi loosened himself from his captor's hold, and ran towards Lan Wangji, tackling the taller man into an embrace. Warm arms snaked around Wei Ying's body, and he looked up in awe. "Lan Zhan, I... I love you. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry for causing you so much pain, I'm sor-" But his words were cut off by a pair of plump, rosy lips. They kissed him savagely, as if trying to prove a point. Wei Ying felt a slight nipping on his lip, and he almost groaned in pleasure. He continued kissing Lan Zhan, savoring the taste of the other's lips which held a tint of alcohol, burying himself in that sandalwood scent. Mmm, Lan Zhan smelt heavenly.

"Lan Zhan..." He moaned, gasping for breath. Apparently, the Second Jade's hand had found its place entangled in Wei Ying's inky black locks, the other found its home snaked around his waist.

"Mnn?" The second Jade answered, burying his face into the crook of Wei Wuxian's neck. It smelled like ripe apples, and warmth. There was a faint scent of sandalwood, too. Lan Zhan internally smirked. His Wei Ying smelled like him.

Wei Wuxian couldn't help curving his lips into a cute pout, "I just told you I loved you, and you just-"

Lan Zhan chuckled, which sent ripples of warmth down Wei Ying's spine. He widened his smile, joy flooding him. Lan Zhan finally laughed!

"I love you, Wei Ying. Always have and always will. Wei Ying, you're my other half. I can't imagine a life without you. Not now. Not in the future. Not ever. You don't know how long I've waited for this, for you. I'll always love my Wei Ying. Always wait for him, no longer how long it takes. And before you ask- Yes, waiting hurts. But so did you, and the mere thought of you in pain mortifies and maims me more than anything else in the world. So stay with me." In the span of a few mere minutes, Lan Wangji spoke more words than he had in his previous life. Before Wei Ying.

For once, the cocky, great, yet often misunderstood Yiling Laozu was rendered speechless. Words swarmed through his head, and emotions threatened to overwhelm him, but he knew his actions spoke volumes, more than his mere words could. So he pulled down the most familiar face he'd seen since he woke up, and gazed straight into its eyes. Beautiful, stunning, mesmerizing eyes, that looked at him lovingly and adoringly. Then he leaned forwards, and crashed his lips into his soulmate's. The kiss was frenzied and wild, but exploring as well. It spoke of things soon to come, dangerous, teasing and sweet. Wei Ying deepened the kiss, suddenly inserting his tongue into Lan Zhan's mouth, exploring it, until his tongue came out and fought for dominance. Neither gave up or surrendered, but reached a truce. The kiss immediately softened, and its meaning was far clearer. I love you, stay here, and I'm staying.

The world disappeared around them, and all they just saw each other. Their breaths hitched in sync, and Lan Wangji smiled against Wei Ying's lips, surprising the latter.

"Ehem. " Lan Xichen cleared his throat pointedly. "As much as I'm happy for you two, we're, uhm, not in the best situation here. " Upon hearing that, Lan Zhan felt hot blood rush up to his ears, while Wei Wuxian simply rearranged his robes, making no move to escape Lan Zhan's warm embrace.

Lan Xichen laughed to himself, those two were really something. But his mind drifted somewhere else, to a certain someone he was never sure of. At that, his smile faltered, and so did his heart. As much as his mind wanted to argue with how foolish it was to flirt and confess in battle, his heart brooked no arguments, and in fact, admired his brother and soon-to-be brother-in-law for their sheer shamelessness and love. Something cold hit his face. He glanced up to the sight of falling raindrops. The sky was grey and moody, and thunder rumbled. Lan Huan couldn't help but sigh.

"Zewu-Jun," Meng Yao's drawling voice broke him out of his reverie, " It's raining. Let's go back inside before we get drenched. " nodding, Lan Xichen turned away from the direction of that voice. Exhaustion seeped into his bones, and he was wary. Tired.

Not so far away, he could hear someone chuckling, and a monotonous voice droning in.


A/N 3402 words! Finally done! 

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