chapter 1 the battle starts

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 as a AI took over earth one rebels to fight against the AI named skynett, as Mammal and his friends fights the terminators as they where going to one of their bases as mammal prime rogue and parker got into the base. 

Mammal's pov (me) 

Prime give me the C4s bombs I said as prime past me the bomb as I got it ready but a terminator grabbed my hand and grab my handgun as prime rogue and parker pointed their rifles at the terminator as I said KILL IT NOW!!! I said as I looked at prime saying do it, as they shot at me and the terminator as likely I had body armour on me as prime help me back up, lets end this now I said as i grab the c4 and said its broken you guys have to go, get out of here now, save yourselves I said, but you will die said prime I know prime but your need to lead the X force now with out me, your my 2ed in commend of the X force take care of the team without me I said. okay said prime as they run out of the base as I made my last stand against the terminators as they opened fired at me but I shot them back as I killed a couple of them but I got it from behide myself as I got shot into my chest as I fell down onto the ground knowing im going to die but I heard gun fire as I looked up to see it was prime fighting the terminators, he ran up to me and help me up. prime I gave you a order! I said  as prime said your not going down without me Mammal said prime. okay old friend I said as I grabbed my handgun and pointed it at the C4 bombs as me and prime where far away from it as I shot it as it bowl up with us in it. 

starring in this book is 

@roboknightprime and @Rogue_Divsion and     

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