Ezra's rebirth Chapter 1

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Sabine's pov
I was just a teenager when the terminators beganing. Ezra knew something that cyberdne was hiding, it's year 2028 two years ago the bombs went off and a terminator saved me but I asked it questions but it couldn't remember anything but only it's mission too protect me at all cost and I lived by the terminator I was thankful for it but it sacrifice itself for me too kill the other terminator that was going to kill me. Know I'm a LT commander in the resistance against the terminators, I wasn't even sure how to lead the squad that John Conner gave me under my command. Then a rookie said LT Bridger there's movement out the base said a soldier, where and how many? Said Sabine, there's just one said the soldier, Sabine walked out of the base too see the other person with a hood on its head hiding its face from the cameras. Then I noticed it was hiding a weapon a plasma rifle it was a terminator, OPEN FIRE! Said Sabine as she pull out a handgun as other soldiers opened fired at the terminator but it shot first killing two soldiers besides Sabine, more soldiers ran up to Sabine, LT! Said a soldier as she grabbed Sabine as she pulled Sabine too safely. The soldier helped Sabine back up as she noticed it was John Conner. Commander? Said Sabine, look alive LT Bridger said John as more soldiers ran with John as they all saw more terminators opening firing their plasma rifles killing the soldiers. Then Sabine got hit in her leg badly, she fell down onto the ground as she pick up her plasma handgun she saw John saying fall back NOW! He said. The troopers ran away with John Conner as they forgot Sabine behide them all. Sabine was hurt badly her leg was bleeding badly losing a lot of her own blood she put tourniquet around her leg to stop the bleeding. She got up behide a wall. She saw dead bodies of the troopers she commanded and their where dead offline terminators. She then got hit by a terminator from behind as it was going too kill Sabine but an other terminator stopped it. Sabine wasn't sure what was happening but she past out cold.

Later in skynet the heart of the terminators.

Sabine woke up in a cell, she was hurt still but her leg wasn't bleeding anymore she noticed the terminators are keeping her alive for something. Sabine got up and saw a terminator walking up to her as it opened the cell and grabbed her hand as it pulled Sabine into the computer of skynet. Sabine got push down onto the ground by the terminator as skynet said hello Mrs bridger, it said as it had a hologram of a man but it was just a machine an AI. Why are you keeping me alive? Said Sabine, as the AI said you know why and what happened too your husband Ezra Bridger? Said the AI, you killed him in cold blood and he was going to finish you off but you killed him! Said Sabine. Yes we did but there's someone that wants too see you said the AI. A other  terminator walked out as its red eyes showed in the dark but it walked out of the dark too Sabine saw who it was......
Ezra Bridger her husband. Ezra? Said Sabine, I'm sorry LT Bridger, but your husband mind has be terminated and reprogrammed said the AI. It walk up too Sabine as the AI said model one o one T 850 terminate the human said AI of skynet.

Sabine looked right into her husbands blue eyes. Please ezzy remember who you are? Said Sabine but it pointed its plasma rifle right into Sabine's forehead going too shot her but an explosion happened. It was the resistance. They where here too save Sabine, John Conner walked up too Sabine as the terminator that looked just like Ezra was gone. John helped Sabine up too her feet. You okay LT? Said John. No I saw my husband, I need too find him! Said Sabine, you mean sgt bridger? He's dead been dead for years said John. No skynet remade him rebuilt him, I saw him alive he doesn't have any memory of me but I know he's in there somewhere. Then on a com of johns we need back up now! A new type of terminator is running away said the soldier. Be right there said John, it's Ezra said Sabine. It's not your husband LT bridger, said John as he told his troopers too find it and kill it. No you can't, said Sabine, it's too late said John, they found the new type of terminator was on the ground as it was offline. Good work men said John, kill it said John, NO! Said Sabine as she jumped right in front of her husband as she pointed her handguns at John conner. Stand down LT! Said John. No I won't said Sabine. Then the newest terminator as it turned on as it grab Sabine from behind herself. The terminator walked backwards with Sabine, OPEN FIRE! Said John as the soldiers opened fired at Sabine but the terminator turned itself too protect Sabine as it ran with her away.

Too be continued....

I hope you guys liked this new book of mine. Tell me what you think about it.

And remember there is no fate but what we make...


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