My Oc

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Name/Nickname: Alex Jefferson or AJ
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Personality:He can be a little bit closed off within his emotions like being quiet and observing of others but when he opens up being more of the kind, very loving, bravery, and chilled out doesn't always keep on a tough like or serious attitude with people that isn't around his friends circle but likes to be guarded up emotionally but does come around eventually if he knows them it's easier whenever it's someone he does like to show his feelings towards them either friendly or love wise.
Appearance: He is skin tone is mainly black of course, his hairstyle is very wavy like getting on his dad's side not just a mixture from his mom and will get longer later on, his eye color is purple, about his height wise is around the same as Basara's.
Outfits: considering he's currently wearing a school uniform is not his only style frankly wouldn't want to wear something like that, he does wear a dark blue flannel hoodie underneath is a black shirt with white stripped long sleeves for his pants is either blue or black jeans as for his shoe wise is just black converse or airforces, he would wear formally is a typical black suit, sleeping wise is any shirt like a tank top same with any pajama pants it's usually ones with squares on them, the crystal necklace is always around his neck for life but does take it off when sleeping at night.
Are you part of a hero or demon or god clan: Like Basara used to be apart of the hero clan, but gotten exiled from being too strong causing similar deaths to happen as he carries around a blade like weapon whenever he morphs his right arm having that purple aura on it is very able to doing magic.
Likes:Training most of the time, skateboarding, hanging out with Basara and his friends, having more punk aesthetic compared to basic people, parkour, drawing, taking walks alone, and playing video games plus emo or rock music too.
Dislikes: though he doesn't blame some hero
clan members but still doesn't like being misjudged for that long, being alone in dark times or at least for no reason since he's already like that outside of school, used to be bullied for typical reasons being the lonely kid, whenever seeing his friends getting harmed for doing nothing wrong.
Crushes:Mio, Maria Naruse
Friends:Basara, Mio, Maria, Kurumi, Yuki, and maybe others depending if he clicks with them or not.
Enemies:Mainly some of the hero clan members that still think he's well evil or something, some demon clan members that would harm his friends is an enemy to him.
Family: He's an only child so just his parents but unfortunately his mom is deceased who was goddess in secretly and dad isn't in the picture anymore probably dead but was like Jin Toujou being very powerful their names were Julia and Andrew Jefferson.
Backstory: Well whenever he was seven years old used to be apart of the hero clan just like Basara and that's how he's met him, became best friends whenever they were little just been a couple of years of being exiled too didn't turn up until Yuki showed up to jog his memories again as the poor child was accused of having too much power being similar to Basara's more demonic like, he did get to have somewhat of a normal childhood but was usually alone due to the loss his mother who was also secretly a goddess from "natural causes" but in actuality it was a demon by the name of Zolgear just like Mio has forgotten memories of that but would find out soon enough that caused...some brutal actions not only later on figured out about her past and for his father had taken good care of his child for a short amount of time until he ended up leaving never returned since being banished from hero clan because of his son magical abilities and weaponry of going out of control, having to live with that burden for the rest of days wasn't great at all and remained distant towards other people his own age, eventually meet his childhood friend again and remained around his circle for quite some time now wasn't completely self isolated too much as well as meeting Mio and Maria who he would grow a nice friendship with not just doing a little master pact unfortunately from the white haired succubus maniac and ever since then has been through the same ecchi scenarios but developing feelings for them the more he was around them having something to protect not only himself at this point alongside Basara valuing them completely fighting off their enemies that come along the way plus lives four houses down from Basara's it's more fancy but regular looking outside as well the inside too.
Other: He tends to smoke weed a lot in his spare time or when skipping school sometimes or other drugs like acid to numb himself, since he felt shut down from his emotions and put on a tough act being mr serious for the most part.

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