Is Mental telepathy possible?

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Is mental telepathy possible?

Mental telepathy is the transmission of thoughts from one person to the other without a device or any personal interaction. This idea is used in fiction, especially science fiction.
But, is such a thing possible?
To find out, one must delve into the history of this parapsychological phenomenon. It all began in the 19th century when so-called Thought Readers, essentially magicians, demonstrated that they could read people's (in the audience) minds. This ability was attributed to the either psychic power or the supernatural. This soon morphed into the occult practice of séance in which a medium could contact the dead. These practices were soon debunked and labeled as fake. The magicians often used physical signals from a subject that manifested into slight muscle movements, sort of like a crude lie detector test. In might be noted that the great Arthur Conan Doyle believed in these psychic powers.
There have been many experiments and studies of this mental ability, and many books have been published concerning it. The predominating scientific conclusion from these studies was that mental telegraphy had to be the result of electromagnetism. In other words, thoughts could be transmitted like radio waves from one brain to another. However, attempts to measure electromagnetic brain signals proved to be a failure because thoughts in a brain produces such weak signals that any transmission would only be over a very short distance.
Parapsychology considers mental telepathy to be a form of extrasensory perception that's transmitted through Psi, much like precognition and clairvoyance--from a Glossary of Parapsychological Terms. In fact this pseudoscience separates telepathy into Latent, precognitive, Emotive and Superconscious. Psi is responsible for all of these and it's defined as an unknown factor in extrasensory perception that can't be explained by physical or biological mechanisms--from An Introduction to Parapsychology by Harvey J. Irwin and Caroline A. Watt (2001). The bottom line is that there is no known explanation for mental telepathy and for the most part it's considered a fraud by most scientists.
However, I believe that mental telepathy is possible and that many people use it and don't realize that they are. I'm not sure how this is working, but older married couples can read each other's thoughts. They sense what the other person is thinking without talking or prior knowledge. Some would attribute this to being familiar with ones spouse to the point of anticipating their thoughts. That could explain it, but there are times when it gets downright creepy.
The truth is that we don't know how supernatural forces work in our natural world. Perhaps thoughts might generate spiritual signals, signals that we know nothing about and can't use our scientific instruments to detect. Contact between spirits could be by a process that doesn't depend upon time or distance. Maybe spirits are always in contact.
There are many things out there that we don't really understand, and this just might be one of them. Mental telepathy could be the way that we'll communicate in the next life. We just don't know.

Thanks for reading.

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