chapter 2

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dan was walking toward school while look at dragon

dan:come on i trough you tell the rest of the guist of it and what you mean jason is not an normal human{wait that i think of it how he appear and dissapear like an ghost....please don't been an ghost}

he try to make drago talk but an gust of wild with yellow lilies

dan:odd there is no lilies an this area

???dan what are you doing?

he look up to see jason above him an his woft reaper personal stand over an wall that cause dan to freak out and fell to the floor

dan:w w where you came from!?

jason:answer my question i low of pantiece

dan:*gulp*{better no get to his bad side}i try to make drago talk more as i don't get the gist of it


he simply land and front of dan and


dan:auch why you hit me!?

jason:idiot! of course he won't talk to you don't you get it he won't talk with people aroud after all he know things besides*whisper*he is not sure if naga already send someone after him

dan realise and look an drago

dan:well guess you right an that way...but then how i make drago talk

jason:i sugest to find an area where there is no one aroud like an alley o something that should work

dan:but i goin to school

jason:*facepalm*okay try to talk an the rooftop o an place no student can go..and for the love of god dan don't try to make drago talk an class o people see you like an weirdo

dan:oh right

jason:trough you are fully idiot and even that you can't act up


jason:anyways remeber what i said olso*pass his an paper*

dan:what is this?

jason:my number to contact me an case there is an unknow problem

dan:r right i keep it mild

jason:good remeber what i said

he dissapear an white lilies again

dan:that guy is just more werider the more i see him*look an drago*okay just find an place you can talk alone with no one else aroud.

he take an deep break and walk to school

jason was an top of the rooftop have an narrow look as he see the reports of some bakugan players trough his phone

jason:this is get serious

vladitor:no douth is naga work


the reports show an uknow player call masquerade was challange other blawers but the thing is he use an call who when an bakugan lost they lost it trough an portal

jason:looks like naga already send an servant the question is where he send the bakugan

vladitor:leonidas and i know


leonidas:the doom dimesion

jason eyes wdein but so the glow of his red turn red of rage

jason:that son of bitch.he won't get away of this...

vladitor:jejej i see you face is time for pain and i in

leonidas:masquerade can been our lead to naga o least the other people who he work it


he check the last report

jason:last area he appear was an north

he look an the direction and got ready

jason:good thing i take training battle an the abyss

the abyss an area jason can ancess an his mild thanks to the azure,jason use the place to creature simulater battle as he can modifield the bakugan to his desire he train to been ready to any ground along with leonidas and vladitor it was an good training an fact that is the reason jason is very strong thanks to the hard hadicap matches he put himseft trough along with his bakugan

jason:now is time to find that bastard and make spill anything and he say no*crack his knuckes*i make him talk

vladitor:jajaja i love you way to approach things brutal and mercyless that is the way i like it!

leonidas:just don't kill the guy..then again i don't feel pity if he die by "accident"

jason:good we are set

jason run and turn into flowers again and move an super sonic speed


jason land and look an the area aroud

jason:it should been aroud here

he look until he spot two people as one of then was runo and another an guy with an mask

jason:no douth that is the mask freak

vladitor:tch you gonnad refer him as that hakume was more fitting than that fool

jason:i agreed for now

he jump high and land hard behild the two blawers hard as both turn aroud and see the dust settle as jason stand up

jason:i found you masquerade

masquerade:well what i suprise the woft reaper is here

jason:i came here for you

masquerade:and why is the reason

he glare masquerade

jason:for playback!

he crack his knuckes

masquerade:i see guess defeact you will been better than beat her

jason:you will pain for what you did to the others bakugans*look runo*leave this is between him and me now



runo got nervous as she leave

runo:{oh god i feel reaper know that masque person and i sure is not an good relation at all}

now there was jason and masquerade

masquerade:guess this is it

jason:i gonnad tear you apart you son of bitch

masquerade:we see that

both prepare they cards

both:bakugan field open!

the time stop as they were an the realm again

masquerade:well i hope you give me an better an better fight than the former top 1 shun

he summor an card with an skull and drop to the floor as it dissapear

vladitor:{that must been the method jason if you lose you lose the bakugan}

he nod and look an masquerade

jason:what to know something

masquerade:all the battles i have..i hold myseft back..but with

jason have an dark aura as his body became more dark as the mask glow intense red

jason:*demonic voice*you will have no mercy!!!

there was an burst of darkness as jaosn was cover an deep dark aura

masquerade:w what is this!?

jason:you doom!!

masquerade focus

masquerade:nice trick but let's see how long it will last

jason:you will regret it

both lauch they get card as masquerade lauch his bakugan and land an jason's side

masquerade:bakugan stand!

the bakugan appear as it was somekind of man an armor


jason prepare and lauch pyr reaper to his side

jason:bakugan stand!

reaper appear but then he roar as he was cover an the same dark aura as maquerade check and he was an shock

masquerade:what the g points are double than an normal reaper how!?

jason:i told you i will not hold back with you..gate card open!

the gate active as the was flames everywhere

masquerade:guess i star to go serious ability card active dimesion four

he active as the flames were turn off

jason:an ability to cancel an gate card.clever but not enough

masquerade:je you think ability card active dark steal

jason see the g points start to decrease as the aura grow weak


masquerade:still take 300 g of you bakugan and now you bakugan is weaken that me..end it!

siege charge toward reaper but

jason:even an elite like you should know...never attack too early! counter ability card active pheonix force!

he lauch as the aura take the shape of the pheonix increase his g points and take the chance to cut then the masquerade bakugan as it land an front of him

masquerade:what but

jason:pheonix force as an track who only active when my bakugan original points got restored and with an boost of 300 g

reaper return into an ball as jason grab it

masquerade:not bad but you won't get luck next time

he lauch next bakugan to his side

masquerade:bakugan stand!

the bakugan appea rnad it was an somekind of sentiped

jason:{i think this is the worst nightmare to the people affraid of bugs}

vladitor:{agreed is time}


he summor vladitor an darkus type and lauch to masquerade side

jason:vladitor stand!

the vladitor appear as he roar and have the same dark aura

masquerade:soo this is one of the unique bakugan you posess

jason:and you won't live enough to tell about it

masquerade:let's see about that..gate card open

the gate card active and there was darkness

jason:this time i won't give you the chance to attack ability card active abyss rage!

he lauch the card as vladitor was an darkness color and his eyes glow bloodshot red as jason see his g points increase to 300 g

masquerade:not bad but not enough..ablity card active double dimesion

jason see the tone and bloodshot eyes dissapear as the 300 g was gone as well

jason:soo you are prepare for any type of ability and use one to cancel mine ability i see why you strong however

the aura on jason got more intense


masquerade:we see ability card active dimesion burst

masquerade active the card as jason see the points supass vladitor's

jason:it can't was the one who give you the cards along with the bakugan

masquerade:soo you know..

jason:i am aware of it and i stop it and his plans start with you!

masquerade:ja you bakugan is weak to mine..end it

the bakugan charge toward vladitor

vladitor:jason is good moment to act

jason:agreed counter ability card active point zero!

both bakugan now have 0 g as vladitor block the atttack and push the bakugan away

masquerade:intersting you use an ability no many use

jaso:an thing no much is when bakugan have the same points is an draw match until either one side get an boost and i have one*summor an card*special ability card active chaos storm

he lauch the card to the air as dark clouds appear along with thunder as vladitor g points were increase to 100 g


vladitor charge and give the strike and end masquerade second bakugan as vladitor return back to jason an ball form

masquerade:interesting you posess an unique power

jason:if think an chance to join naga go to hell..i won't work with an bastard like him

masquerade:an shame but let's end this you mild get far but let's see how you deal with ace

jason:i end it like the rest

masquerade lauch his gate card and lauch his ace

masquerade:reaper stand!

reaper appear

jason:{this reaper is diferent it sure is strong}

leonidas:{yes but not like me is time to end this}


he summor leonidas an darkus form and lauch it

jason:let's end this leonidas stand

leonidas appear as he roar and have the dark aura and recibe an boost g points

masquerade:now you finally got serious huh

jason:cut the crap i know bakugan is more than just an game..and i plan to stop naga

masquerade:even soo i not gonnad let that happen

jason:je you think you can take out my bakugan with an double boost

masquerade:double boost

masquerade notice another increase of 100 g

masquerade:what but how

jason:that is my special ablity card power during the entire match all my bakugan will have 100 g increase...i prepare myseft the moment you appear an the ranks and reports soo i prepare before hand masquerade

masquerade:clever but it will more than that to beat me field card open

he active as both bakugan recibe an boost of g

jason:{he is plan something}

masquerade:ability card active shatter soul

he lauch as reaper blade was cover an darkness and lauch an dark slash an leonidas who take the impact but jason see the g points decreasing

jason:what the!?

leonidas:my energy i feel is take away!

jason see reaper g points are increase as well

jason:what you do?

masquerade:this allow me to take haft of the g total points to you bakugan and transfer to mine

jason gasp as he look reaper was now stronger than leonidas

masquerade:like i say you were clever but not good enough

reaper charge toward leonidas as was about to swing his weapon but

jason:is the end.....for you..ability card active..inversion!

there was the inverte field as the g points were swtich now leonidas have reapers's g points


jason:leonidas end that reaper and send it to hell

leondias:will pleasure!

he finish reaper

reaper return to ball and fell on masquerade feet as leonidas return into ball form and land on jason's and

jason:is over

they were back an the park as the time flow again

masquerade:how i have all the cards i have th edge

jason:that was you mistake masquerade you trough but you were wrong the moment i get serious it was an losing battle for tell me about naga and his plans

masquerade:you think i tell just because you win

jason:i knew you will said that

he summor an katana

jason:that is why i make you talk trough pain until you beg for an quick dead

masquerade:good luck with that

he summor an card as it glow white as jason eyes widen and run quick and swing his blade but masquerade dissapear


he punch the ground hard cause an crack

jason:dammit!! he get away

leonidas and vladitor appear an front of jason

vladitor:don't we get him next time

leonidas:what it matters is we stop him to get send the girls bakugan into the doom dimesion

jason:yeah but as long he is aroud all bakugan are an danger

leonidas:true but an least he won't act for an while

jason:but he return soon..and this time

he stand up

jason:he won't get away

with masquerade

he was an his hide out and check the ranking as he have one lost

reaper:dammit what is that power that human use!? i never see such thing before..he was mess with us this whole time!

masquerade:it sure it was interesting we mild keep an eye on him

reaper:you realise he will get an the way an the plan right..his power put even the most strongest darkus an shame i think is posible he even match naga!

masquerade:maybe like he say he was prepare for me..but now i will be the one prepare for him for now let's wait for our next move

timeskip with dan

he look aroud his room as he look back to drago who was an his desk

dan:all right no one is aroud and i check mutiple times now can you tell me what is goin on?

the ball open to as drago look at dan

drago:is good for tell me did you think this is just an game

dan:i first i trough soo..but after what reaper say..i not sure i mean i don't know what is goin on dispide what he tell me..soo can you explain he say you more about this than he

drago:bakugan is more than an game

dan:well what is exalty bakugan is then?

drago:all with time

dan:ahh it doesn't help and besides what that guy say about that naga been after you then an least you should tell me what i up agaist


dan:*sight*fine keep quite guess i ask him more about it

drago:i will put too much trust of that human

dan:huh? why?

drago:you mild not sense it..but i did have an deep was dark worse than any darkus i ever see,not only that his bakugan are unique as well more with thoses two..i can sense an dark feelings of rage and darkness along with it..who ever that human hide something..and he mild use you

dan:what?!..but he help me if wasn't for him i would know what is goin on

drago:maybe but you don't know what he really want is it?..i hear he came out no where and beat other brawers..but he doesn't look to been the top...soo ask youseft what does the reaper really want with bakugan

dan wonder...sure it was odd about the reaper suddely appeace but then again the guy help me to get the gist of it..but he is an still an mystery

dan:i..not sure..for now i gonnad talk with the others

drago:suit youseft

drago close itseft into ball

dan:*sight*how my life give this turn is not like nothing can't suprise me anymore

he turn on the screen but only to recibe


runo appear on the scream as that cause dan to jump and fell to the floor


runo:i was calling you no stop why did't you answer!?

dan:i was busy{mosty find the time to talk with that bakugan}

he stand up

dan:what is the matter runo to yell me an my face

runo:i just about the face that masquerade guy until the reaper show up!

dan:what!?..wait who is masquerade

then marucho,alice and julie appear on the chat

marucho:he an guy who is been winning battles all over the world

alice:not to metion every chatroom is taking about masquerade

dan:soo what is his deal

julie:he won every single battle and all people are losing bakugans like crazy,this is serious

dan:soo runo did he get yours?

runo:luckly i didn't fight him the reaper did..and..well it seems like he know masquerade

everyone was suprise

julie:wait how soo

marucho:are they work together

runo:oh that big no and more when the reaper was extreme angry with masquerade

alice:really why?

runo:he must find out about the missing masquerade..and he say he want payback for all the bakugan and the guy..god he was extremely angry i mean the glowing parts was bright red of rage i guess..and he even yell at me to leave and god i feel i was an front of an monster an that moment

marucho:you okay

runo:yeah just shock that is all i never see the reaper that angry

dan:soo what happen after that

runo:i coud't stay to find out

marucho:wait let me check the ranking is both battle the result will show

he check and find it

marucho:there and..oh my god

dan:what is it?

julie:did the reaper lost!?

marucho:no the reaper beat masquerade right now he have one lost and the reaper still have 0 losses

alice:well an least the reaper beat him

marucho:but i don't think masquerade give up that easy and i sure he will get his payback

dan:but the reaper beat him once i sure he can beat him again

runo:you right

marucho:but masquerade will make sure he will not make the same mistake twice

dan:yeah{i got the feeling he mild know about the missing bakugan}anyways i need to go

runo:where you goin

dan:take an nap

he leave the chat and look at drago

dan:you know something about the missing bakugan do you

drago:even i don't know but that masquerade can been an treat..

dan:i see*look the paper jason gave him*.....

drago:is not an good idea

dan:what else can i do i pretty much stuck

with jason

he was look an his grimore

vladitor:what you thiking

jason:masquerade will been prepare next time..i need to find new methods to beat him

leonidas:true after see you true power he will get serious the next time

vladitor:we beat him once we beat him again

jason:is not that simple..he will sure ask naga for more power and more cards to counter mine..*look his azure*i must do the same..and get new bakugan..he already saw you two an action soo i sure he plan an counter meassure


vladitor:guess is time to armed up


his azure glow but his phone ring as he answer it


dan:hey is me dan

jason:what is it?

dan:look is about an thing with friend saw you fight him

jason:{it must been the girl from before dammit what the odds}soo?

dan:you know about what happen to the lost bakugan

jason:i send you an text to an location we meet out tomorrow and i explain

dan:wait why not trough here

jason:is not safe

he finish the call

leonidas:we have to make sure dan's bakugan does't end up an the doom dimesion

jason:i know

next day

dan was an the park as he check his phone

dan:an trhee with an sakura an odd place

he look aroud and find an tree with an sakura petal on the ground

dan:it must been

he goes toward and laid agaist and sit down


???:you came, good

dan was about to look up but

???:don't look up pretend you relax no one must know we are relate have an conexion

dan:r right reaper

jason:okay you want to know about masquerade and the missing bakugan?

dan:you know what happen?

jason:yes they were send to the doom dimesion

dan:doom dimesion?

jason:think as an place when the bakugan goes and never return and they die...that is the doom dimesion

dan eyes widen

dan:oh god

jason:and masquerade is behild this

dan:but why he do that to mess the game

jason:dan wake up this more than game you already see with you bakugan..does he tell about anything

dan:only say bakugan is not an game

jason:i see..

dan:but why masquerade do that an the first place

jason:is because he is servant of naga

dan:naga? that person you metion back then right

jason:yes he send masquerade to take many bakugan's to the doom dimesion

dan:but for what

jason:that is unclear but what is real is every bakugan is an risk

dan:it must been an way to stop him

jason:i deal with yout try to avoid him..he mild go after you bakuan and more with the one who talk


jason:that is all i can tell don't do anything stupid dan kuso

he hear an sound as dan look up to see nothing

dan:.......what i get myseft into

he look a drago

with jason

he was normal an his civilian clothes as he have an hood to cover his glowing hair

jason:i have to been careful masquerade is smart enough to put two an two together if see me like this

leonidas:{is good idea to leave dan on his own?}

vladitor:{i with vladitor that kid will mild do stupid things o worse put his bakugan an risk}

jason:{i know but i can't watch him 24-7 besides other bakugans are an trouble as well...hey is posible to you two get then out you from the doom dimesion}

leonidas:{that would been imposible even trough we are born from there getting bakugan who enter is not use..once inside they are done and lost..the chances are extremely low to escape}

jason:{dammit that bastard will pain for this}

vladitor:{i sure you will when you cut his with his blade}

jason:{dammit this task is hellfish..i need to track guess i won't sleep for..}


he bump into someone

jason:sorry i..alice?

he quicky change his hair tone to blue as alice look at him

alice:oh jason is that you

jason:oh hey alice is odd to see you here

alice:i was enjoy an walk what about you


alice:why you hade an hood on?

jason:i not the mood to show my hair today

alice:i think you hair is pretty and more with an glow tone

jason:*blush*t thank you

alice:anyways want to hang out i was goin to an place where serve food

jason:well i

his stomach grow

jason:oh jeez

alice:jason didn't you eat something

jason:i i forgot

alice:*sight*you have to take care more youseft okay is not heathty

jason:{tell it to an guy,who suffer any kind of wound the anaomoty can think off and live to tell}fine fine just..let's go

alice:all right

she take his hand as bot walk off


leonidas:{you are quite}

jason:{no one been that nice besides grandman celica and mom}

vladitor:{that o you have an crush for her}

jason turn pink as the hair tone turn pink as well

jason:{shut up vladitor this is no time for jokes!}

the hair tone turn back to blue


they arrive the restuant

jason:this is the place

alice:yeah i olso help her with her family buisness

jason:you got discount of food

alice:jeje maybe

jason:..that works fine by me

both enter the restruant


an girl appear and jason eyes widen

jason:{is the girl from the other got to been kidding me!}

runo:oh hey alice*look jason*who is he?

jason:i jason crowe are the guy who meet alice who have the glowing hair

jason have an tick mark and look at alice

jason:you tell then?

alice:jejej sorry it slip

jason sight as he remove his hood to expose his glow blue hair

jason:yeah i am guess alice tell you the reason why

runo:yeah about an genetic effect o something

jason:yeah something among thoses lines

runo:well why you here

alice:well we come to eat

runo:you and jason


runo:ohhh soo you are dating

both jason and alice turn pink

alice:no no you got it wrong jason is hungry and i invite him here

jason:yeah we just meet runo!

runo:well alice was taking like she feel love with you~

jason:wait what you mean?

alice:nothing she is just messing with me*look runo*stop it!

runo:fine fine

jason:{there is something more is it}

vladitor:{that if not dense}

jason:{..shut up you are braindead witch is worse}

runo:anyways take an seat i come soo with take you order

both nod as they take an seat

jason:you friend is quite of teaser

alice:sometimes but she is an nice friend after all

jason:good to know.soo how you know runo

alice:well we meet trough bakugan

jason:the page?

alice:yeah along with some other friends

jason:i see

alice:soo you are into bakugan

jason:i casual i not into that i mosty busy with other stuff you know typical normal stuff

alice:i see..soo what is you ace


he show reaper an his hados form

alice:i see

jason:is fittin because the colors is like the angel of dead

alice:i see

runo goes toward the duo

runo:soo what you want to order

alice:an steak

jason:udon with curry along with katsudon

runo:wow not many people eat that

jason:yeah normally i cook it myseft..but i kinda short of money{hell not many thiefs try to rob me lately}

runo:okay i go back with you food

she walk away as she notice some boys are and girls were glare an the couple with jealous faces

runo:{well the guy is quite good looking but he is no my type..but i hate when guys stare at alice}

jason see they glares soo he dice to glare back at then

jason:what you want

the cause the people look away an fear

alice:guess you not social person

he sight

jason:well i have to deal with many types of people who can make..well into someone nervers and i not social buttefly and the only people i get along is with family

alice:i see still you should open up an little they only see the cold exterio

jason:better that way besides is not like they get into me anyways

alice:look i get but sometimes have an friend is good it help to trust you alice?

alice:yah besides you show me you good nice when you smile

jason:je guess is true

runo return with the food as she put an the table

runo:enjoy it olso what happen to the people who is look away?

jason:no idea

alice:me either

runo:{they hide something}okay then

she walk away as both eat and alice see jason smile while eat food

alice:you like that udon and katsudon?

jason:yeah it was the best thing i taste when i was an kid

alice:i sure you parents love it as well


alice:you okay

jason:yeah is just memories

alice:oh i see

both keep eat and they finish

jason:that was tasty you were right

runo return with the check

jason:oh i paid it

alice:you sure

jason:yeah besides is cheap but with high quality i sure i come here more offert and see this an thanks

alice:i see..glad you enjoy it

jason smile again

jason:all thanks to you alice i swear i wish there were people like you an the world

he paid the food as he smile and walk away

runo:he seems like an nice guy dispide his lonely exterio

alice:yeah he just doesn't show up to others

runo:yeah..that is why you like him right?


runo:jeje i just mess with you..but really what happen to the clients

alice:jason give then an glare to make then glare at him

runo:oh that make senses now


jason was walking trough the streets

jason:well that sure lift my spirits up

vladitor:{that o been with alice}

jason:{vladitor don't make me trhow you into the hot oil again}

leonidas:{that was an little extreme}

jason:{fine i let him an the frezer}

leonidas:{fair enough}


but jason's phone ring and see it was an text

"sorry jason i mess up up"


jason:oh no

he send an text to ask the location as dan asnwer as jason run off into alley and turn into an reaper

jason:{dammit i should know}

leonidas:{yeah we should}


jason find under an brige as he see him

jason:dan what hapen!?

dan:masquerade appear and..

jason:don't tell me you lose all you bakugan?

dan:no only two i only have this

he show drago

jason:*sight*dan i told you to been careful didn't listen to me

dan:i trough i

jason:that was the problem you trough..dan the guy was the top 10 it was good prepare for battle everyone fight him was an risk

dan look down

jason:look kid this an serious matter this is not an game anymore you get bakugan are danger as long naga and masquerade keep with they plans

dan:i know

jason:...look i think you need an teacher


jason:yeah turn out i know an guy who can help about bakugan he is into this as me{i normaly do this but is my only chance to help him survive}

dan:soo he can help me?

jason:yeah but only if you promise to take bakugan seriously not an game but something more

dan:i promise

jason:.......i have an little douth but i trust you an this one..tomorrow i send you an text with an location to meet the person just tell him i send you and he will help you

dan:r right

he turn aroud but he stop

jason:and olso tell you bakugan i not the enemy here and he and i share an common enermy

dan was surpise and look at dragon and look back but only see blue roses

dan:..that guy is just weird*look drago*guess he knows you douth of his world

drago:the true question how

dan:it doesn't matter tomorrow i met that guy soo i can be strong

with jason

he was an top of the tallest buiding look an the city

leonidas:{it is wise}

jason:{dan is not ready yet..that is why i train him personally}

vladitor:{well is gonnad been an hell to pain.for sure..for him jejeje}

jason:masquerade i don't who you are but i will stop and make you tell anything you know

he was set now an treat appear and he will eradicater it no matter what

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