a taste of her pain (chapter two)

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june eighteenth, 2005

marina walked to her room, throwing her bookbag down on her bed, as she climbed into the bed, crossing her arms with a small angry huff. the little girl had gotten in trouble, for something she couldn't understand. she had been hanging out with some boy's and girls around her age, who weren't the best to be around, she had been climbing trees, and wearing baggy pants. sounded like a regular day to her, but her father wasn't very happy about it. she couldn't get why, though.

as her door opened, her eyes stayed on the sheets of the bed, which were a dark black, having little stars on them. "marina." her father's voice rang out through her ears, making her flinch. "what you did was terrible, do you understand that?" he asked her, closing her door, and locking it as he sat next to her, crossing his arms. "daddy, i don't know what i did wrong..." she mumbled softly, slight annoyance in her voice. "don't catch a additude, young lady." he said sternly, forcing her to look up at him. "you were the one who threw it." marina grumbled underneath her breath. soon, a hard slap echoed through the room, making marina yelp, and hold her cheek.

"don't talk back, you useless child." he hissed at her, holding her by the shirt. "now listen to me, you are not to talk to them ever again, and change these filthy clothes. you're supposed to be wearing your dresses. understand?" he asked her harshly. marina thought everything over. does she agree? hell no. she knew this wasn't right, and it was wrong for him to do something like that for her. "they're my friends-!" marina whined quickly. "and i like these clothes! the dresses are uncomfortable, i don't want them!" she said with the most confidence in her voice.

william pushed her off her bed, making her yelp, hitting her head. "didn't i say not to talk back?!" he yelled at her, pulling her up. her head was bleeding a bit, throbbing in pain as well. marina felt hot tears run down her cheeks, sniffling as she wiped them with her free hand. the shouting continued for a while, as she looked down as her shoes, her head throbbing in pain.

after a while, her father dropped her, walking to the door. "useless child." he hissed, opening the door. "no dinner. got it?" he told her, slamming her door shut. marina laid there, her head throbbing more and more, tears rushing down her face, onto the wooden floor. useless. she wasn't anything to him. just a toy for him to play with. he wanted her full obedience, but she didn't like it. she didn't want to be a pretty princess like her father wanted her to be. she wanted to be her. and only her. as she slowly stood from the floor, she climbed in bed, ignoring the blood and tears on the wooden floor, laying down, with her star plushie, moon.  as she closed her eyes, she thought of her mother, her mother and siblings going far away from her father. somewhere in wew york. far away.

june twenty third, present day.

marina sighed as she looked out the window of her room, watching the sun set silently. her father was out on a business trip, so she didn't have to worry about him for a while. but she hated being in the house. the walls had dents, and even some of the doors, from her father's outbursts. as she continued look out at the sunset, she heard her door opening, making her jump, and look to the door. it was her mother. she still looked as beautiful as she remembered her mom being when she was born. even if she had a bit of bruises scattered around her body, the older woman looked the same to her.

"hey, sweetheart." her mother said gently, smiling at her widely, seeming excited. "hey, mom." marina hummed, now sitting on her bed. "what's got you so excited...?" she asked, tilting her head at her mother. the woman simply smiled widely, taking the girl's hands gently. "nothing, sweetie. but, i need you to pack all of your things for tomorrow, alright?" she asked her, kissing her head softly. "huh? why??" marina asked, blinking. "i'll tell you later, marina. just pack all of your belongings and clothes." as her mother got up, she smiled at her daughter, who smiled back gently.

as her door closed, marina sighed softly, standing up, and staggering to her closet. as pulled out her suitcase, throwing it on the bed, and started to bring her clothes in the closet to the suitcase, lazily stuffing them in the suitcase, before signing softly. she then got out her other suitcase, putting most of her belongings in the other, now closing it, and putting them by her bed. as she realized how long it took her to do it all, she yawned, flopping onto her bed, and squirming under the covers, closing her eyes silently. as she turned fell asleep, she felt peace. not like the peace she has ever felt before. as if she was safe. not for a while, but for the rest of her life.

//wow im popping these out-//

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