Chapter 21

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Ib's POV





Tara "Astra" Evans Woods had fallen on the rock hard floor of a gray room.

Where the hell did I come here from? Last I remember I was getting swallowed by a black-


Now a rock had just hit her head. A flaming rock which suspiciously looked like a meteorite.

Tara patted her head where the blasted little painful rock had just hit her with one hand , and with the other she grabbed the rock and clutched it so hard that it must have had at least twenty cracks.

She couldn't believe she survived it. She just couldn't. How? When she was on the brink of death? Why?

As she struggled to stand up, with all her questions towards her existence and the universe, she realized that there was a door leading out of this strangely mental asylum looking room.

She staggered toward it, her balance quite bad. Why? You ask, well she did just come from zero gravity to an insane amount of gravity to normal gravity again. So naturally, her balance was bound to be pretty shit.

As the feel of cool metal greeted her palms, she breathed out a sigh of relief and pushed it halfway down, she looked down at herself and saw that she was currently wearing a white flowy dress.

Wher- you know what I'm not even going to question this.

She pushed the handle down again and opened the door, only to be greeted by a familiar sea of books and chalkboards in the distance.

No way!

Tara was back from where she started from, and she was firstly quite relieved that Luna was not here, and she expressed that out loud.

Just then she heard a clearing of a throat in the distance.

Slowly, like her head was rusted on her body, Tara turned her head to the side.

Her eyes were met with Luna, who had  a dark aura around her and Tara swore she saw fire burning around her.

Now, my dear readers, you are witnessing 'dark' Luna, or what Tara likes to call her Red She-Devil or Satana. You have witnessed her before, but much more tamer, when Tara got beat up. Here are the stats, when you get a free visit from her-

Friends murdered- Mild - Normal (Loves all of them but money over friends)

Money stolen- Normal- Dangerously high

Dog is murdered- As high as Tony Stark or Haymitch Abernathy

Tara gets beat up- depends on her mood. The one you all experienced was quite mild.

Tara disappears or gets herself into troubled- Goodbye, nice knowing you

HER food gets taken- R.I.P poor soul, shame you had to go to hell ( WARNING- will make everyone in a 10-mile radius deaf from her shouting)

Why was I so worried about dying when I was going to anyways?

"Run" was all Satana had to say to make Tara run away, screaming like a little girl.

As she was running, Tara realized that Satana was carrying a knife.

It was nice knowing me!

Suddenly Tara hit a dead end, with a chalkboard behind her.

She bit back a dry sob.

"Please spare me! I haven't gotten to say I love you'd to the people I love, please!"

Satana took a step closer.


Another step closer.


Satana charged.

Tara screamed, and leant against the chalkboard, when it suddenly flipped, taking it with her.


Apparently, behind the chalkboard was a route to Narnia.

No, just kidding, but seriously, there are so many passageways that there could actually be one leading to hogwarts or a dumpster, you never know.

There was a small little passage, where a little portion of the wall was hollowed into shelves, and a door at the end, which was very, very weird looking, and giving of a strong aura.

A few seconds later, she was joined by Luna, who shed off her Satana avatar because of this new discovery.

Now that she was Luna again, she took in the passageway quite normally, and then realized her sister had a weird outfit and was clutching a rock in her hand.

"Tara, what is that you are holding?"

"Oh... Just a normal meteorite"

Luna gave off an expression and Tara quickly noted that she had not told Luna what had just happened, so she started explaining.

After hearing the tale, Luna took a wrench out of her pocket and bonked it on Tara's head.

"That was for going alone you filthy know-it-all piece of shit"

After hearing that, Tara sighed a sigh of utter relief, knowing that Luna put it behind her.

Suddenly Tara piped up,

"What the hell is this door doing here?"

Both of them went up to the door and tried opening it, but it was locked.

"Oh this is locked?"

Luna smirked. She had some tricks up her sleeve. After all, she wasn't a master craftsman for nothing.

She reached for two bobbly pins on her head.

"Oh this is simply elementary, it's the oldest page in the book, I'm sure it'll be unlock-"

As she reached for the lock, she froze, her eyes wide in disbelief, jaw unhinged, and pride obviously shattered into teeny tiny lite pieces because of her expression.

The lock was totally indifferent to what she had ever seen.

It a black inserting slot, like where you insert a coin in an arcade game, with with 3 white panels beneath it, which currently has text on it which read:-


As Luna looked at it she realized that there was no way she could unlock it, because she had was to big to fit inside the small petite inserting slot.

I'm a failure as an engineer!

Thus Luna curled up to a ball and sat in a corner, out of self pity, and started growing mushrooms with her gloom.

"Luna, stop growing mushrooms in corners god dammit! Wait a second what-"

The meteorite in Tara's hand was pulling it towards the slot.

No way it's way to bi-

And as if to answer her question, the rock in her hand split open to reveal a gem.

As Tara took it out to examine it, Luna also rushed from the corner (which was infested with shiitake mushrooms) to see the gem.

The gem was unlike any you have ever seen, and it was flashing in light bluish white, but it wasn't a diamond. How? Well, it was in a perfect sphere.

"Tara, look! It's the perfect size for the slot!"

Tara noticed that, and started to wonder if this could be the key.

After a lot of convincing herself she decided it might be, and she knew it was a one-time try, because if she inserted the wrong thing in the slot, it would get jammed.

"So here goes nothing!"

Tara picked up the gem and dropped it in the slot.

She clenched her eyes shut, and prayed for it to work, but she dare not cross her fingers because that burns her soul.

After a lot of clicking and whirring, the meteorite in her hand disapparated and there was a slight ping!

Tara opened one eye just in time to see that there on each separate spot was the numbers 1, 2 and 3, but the one was glowing.

After that the numbers vanished and the sign flashed success! For a few seconds and then went back to hibernating but with a tiny fraction in the corner which read 1/3.

Tara had never felt so relieved.

As Tara and Luna exited, Luna suddenly spoke up.

"You know the explanation you gave in there only fueled me up more and I've been controlling her to get to you right now"

Tara fearfully glanced at her sister and ran away, screaming.


Hey you guys! I know it's been a long time, but I'm lazy, and that cannot be helped.

Well, I've missed you guys! And speaking of which, June is here And my birthday, which is on the 14th, draws nearer and nearer.
The sad thing is that my school actually opens on my bday where I live, and it is boiling and raining here!

So see you soon people, and hopefully I overcome my laziness and update sometime soon.

Question: When is your birthday?


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