Chapter 4

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Blake shook me over and over. I finally woke up coughing out water, Laina's eyes were wide. She was scared to death.
"Carter, you alright?" Blake whispered to me. I nodded my head, I was alright now. I had to figure out the test scores. I then remembered music. Music was the best thing, they would sometimes play it over the intercom while we walked to class. I hated country though.
"Blake, what were those papers on your dads desk?" I asked. I remembered that night when I accidentally got Blake caught with Ellie. I saw papers on his desk, I always wondered what they were.
Blake's face started to light up. He then smiled, "Dad told me that I couldn't tell you yet but now I have too. We might not see each other again after this but I have to tell you. Dad, he always loved you. Carter, I always loved you. Dad then talked to the government about you. He's.. We're thinking about adopting you."
My face went in shock, "You're.. You're gonna be my brother?"
Blake nodded his head, my face was getting tears again. I hugged him, his soft skin was always so warm. Blake was now more then a best friend, he was now my brother.
"Aw, Carter. I'm so happy for you." Laina smiled. I smiled at her, giving her a look of saying thank you. I remember that we were still on the run.
"What's the key for?" I asked. Laina then told me that one of the teachers gave it to her to get out but it didn't work. We then went into the vents, Laina accidentally dropped her key from the vent. It landed on the ground with guards guarding the place.
"No, no, no!" Laina whispered. I told her that I would go get it but Blake said it was too dangerous. I didn't really care, I knew that I was gonna die anyway.
When the guards went in another direction, I lifted up the vent and slowly jumped down. I secretly got the key and didn't know how to get back up.
"Hey! What are you doing!?" One of the guards saw me. I tried to throw Laina and Blake the key but it bounced back down. I had no choice but to fight back.
I punched the guard and multiple guards came over. I threw them over me, I then ran down the halls trying to get away. "Carter!" Laina shouted. Blake then decided to go after me, I went into a science lab. I hid behind a table with some potions on it. One of the potions fell down on me. I was soaking wet.
My head was hurting, I could hear the guards coming. I was getting real nervous. I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die. I then hid in one of the cabinets. I could hear a voice and out of nowhere, the guard opened the cabinet that I was in. "You're coming with me."

Laina finally got the key since Blake got it for her. Laina crawled though the vents and she found the server room. It asked for a password. She needed help and bad. She texted the Kellan kid, he told her that password. His dad was enter a teacher or a guard. Kellan hacked into his dad's accounts sometimes. He got Laina the password, she typed it in. She then googled her name. It turned out that she passed.
"This makes no sense." She whispered. She then googled Ellie, it turned out that Ellie did pass but she died. She googled Blake, he failed. She then checked mine.

"Please... Please! No! I passed! Let me go!" I shouted. The guard took me back to the Thinning room. I was caught, I was gonna die for real. Blake was gone, Laina was gone, Ellie was gone because of me.
"If you wanna kill me, do it fast. Just don't kill Laina or Blake. Do what you must." I said. Mason King who was the worker of the guards. He tiled his head. "We're gonna kill Blake too.."
The camera's caught Laina getting the scores. She took a picture and sent it to Kellan which he sent it to the news. She was caught. The guards brought her back.
"The scores are wrong!" I shouted out. The guards looked at each other which they were quite confused. It turned out that Blake and my dad didn't want both is us to get killed.
"I passed, didn't I? Laina?" I asked her. She didn't look at me, I was wondering why. I looked at the test scores, it turn out that Blake failed. He was gonna die. I started to get tears in my eyes.
"Attention everyone. There's been a mistake." The announcer said over the intercom. It would be the last time that I heard music out of the intercom.
They pulled people out of the party room who failed and replaced them with people who passed. The guards let Laina go, she made a 98.
"Aw, Carter. You didn't pass, you got a C. I'm so sorry..." She hugged me tight. She cried, I hugged her back. I had to be strong for her.
"Thanks, Laina. For everything that you did. I knew that I was gonna die anyway. Goodbye Laina, stay beautiful." I said as I kissed her.
Tears were running down her face, she kissed Blake as guards took him away. The doors then were closed, I looked at Blake.
"Whatever you do, don't fall asleep..." Blake said. The guards were standing there with needles like last time, this time it was for real.

Laina found her sister, everyone was happy that every parent and every child saw each other. Some parents became depressed because they found out the different news.
"Where's Carter?" Her little sister asked her. Laina was hiding abc know tears, all she did was hug her. "He's gone, I'm sorry."
She then looked back at the school, "Goodbye Carter."

The shot got injected into me. The liquid felt cold, I felt it inside of me. It was gonna kill me, I had a disease in my body where it didn't make me grow as fast. It was now killing me.
"Carter, Carter. No...." He said. I fell down feeling weak, he picked me up. "Don't die. Please, you're my little brother."
"Blake...." I said. "Don't fall asleep..."
The shot got injected into all the students, Blake was the last one. We were gonna die together. All I could think that Laina was safe. Goodbye... Earth. Goodbye The Thinning.

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