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Have you ever had a test that you didn't study for? The most important test in school, you sit in your chair, you all sweaty, chilly, and shaking. Remember this feeling? People have to do this all the time in Austin, Texas. I had to live with though all this.

The year is 2039, our population was crazy busy. The United Nations made a law where students have to take a test, if you pass, you go on to the next grade. If you don't, you die.

I studied hard for these tests, sometimes I would go over to Laina's house. Her brother, Simon was my best friend. Even though me and Laina are in the same grade, we don't talk. If we are talking, it has to do with studying. Laina is really pretty, she has blue eyes with her straight blonde hair. She is one of the brilliant students that I know, me and her were always partnered up together.

Me and Blake were pretty tight, Blake's father was the head governor of Austin, Texas. Blake was always so cute and hot, me and him were friends.
Nobody really talked to me at all, only just Laina and Blake. Sarah Foster was just a werido to me, I didn't want to fail the test. Nobody did.

The day of the test, we weren't allowed to bring water bottles or cheat guides. I was a freshman, about to be a sophomore.

I headed out of the house, I walked to the school. I only lived a few blocks so it wasn't so far, I then saw Blake. There was black guards everywhere, they had masks and their eyes were swollen. Their voices were so deep that it made you so scared, when you messed with one of them, you messed with all of them. They checked bags, if they found out that you were cheating, you die.

I saw Laina and ran straight to her. She waved and smiled at me, me and her talked until Blake passed by. He accidentally said Laina's name wrong. He gave me a fist-bump and me and him walked.

"Dude, are you ready for the test?" Blake asked. I then looked at him, remembering what Blake had did last night the day before the test. I remembered that I tried to stop him, I realized that ever since he met Ellie, he was avoiding everyone and everything. Even me.

"Yeah. Blake, why did you almost get me in trouble?" I asked crossing my arms as we walked into the security zone. We had those big things that we had to walk though and it checked our bodies. It sounds creepy but it's not, making sure that we weren't cheating.

"I didn't, listen dude. I love Ellie." He said being honest while shrugging his shoulders. I shook my head, I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Blake, you're like my brother. I can't loose you, I know you love Ellie. I sort of like her too, she's pretty. But, she's a distraction."

Blake then shoved my hand away, "You sound like my dad."

"I'm being honest!"

Blake shook his head and walked off into the classroom. Him and Ellie were sitting next to each other, of course they were. I rolled my eyes and sat next to Laina and Kellan. Kellan was nice, I guess. Me and him never talked, I just looked down and then up.

On our desks was a tablet, I knew that this was a weapon. It could ether ruin or help our lives. It ruined my life once, and I won't let it happen to Laina, Blake, or even me.

"Good morning, students." The teacher began. "Today is where you take the test. These questions are tough, but there is always a way. Take your time, focus on the equation. Good luck."

Another teacher stepped up to talk, "You have two hours to complete this test. All grades are final. Pick up your tablets, and begin."

The room suddenly went dark with a blue light. The screen in front of us had a timer, to show up how much time we had.

The tablet asked for my name, age, and the picture to see if it was me. As soon as I pushed the 'yes' button. The test begin, the teacher was right. The questions were hard. I couldn't look at anyone's tablets or we would fail automatically. I was getting sweaty and chills, and shaking. This test was hard, it was so important. I didn't want Laina, Blake, or even Ellie to die. I didn't want to die but even if I did, I had to stay by the law.

There was one more minute left, I had two problems to complete. I was stuck on one of them, I thought really hard. I remembered all of memories of me and Laina. I took a deep breath, I remembered the answer. The last problem wasn't so bad, I finally got done. The timer only had fifteen seconds left.

After fifteen minutes, the teacher told everyone to stop. Put down our tablets, we all obeyed and sat our tablets down. The scary part was that we found out right away if we passed or not. Both teachers had the list, I put my hands together sitting on them with my chest.

The teacher called the names who failed, as soon as they were called, the people in the masks would take them. Soon, there was a name that made me and Blake freeze.

"Ellie Harper." The teacher called out. Blake and my world went crashing down, the guard went and took Ellie. Once she was gone, the teacher stopped calling names.

"Congratulations, you all passed." The teacher said. Lots of sighs came from a lot of people, relieved that they passed. Blake however went over to me and whispered, "Listen, I'm sorry about last night. I'm sorry for avoiding you, I just love Ellie, okay? Will you help me get her out?"

I then listened carefully, I looked up with serious eyes. "What do I get out of this?"

"Our friendship. I'm gonna make it up."

"Alright. Deal."

Blake called his dad to explain everything but his dad was no help at all. He slammed the locker, he ran to save Ellie as I followed him.

Blake took the fire extinguisher and swung at the guard, while I tackled the next guard. The guard then flipped me over, it hurt so much.

"You're coming with me." The guard said as he took both of my hands and cuffed them. Blake realized that I got captured, his eyes went in shock.

"Carter! No!" He yelled. He kept tackling more guards, he finally chocked one guard and told Ellie to run. Ellie tried to run but the students were blocking her way.

"Please! I gotta get though! No!" Ellie yelled as the guard took her. Blake shouted out to persuade the guards to let her go, they didn't listen.

"Blake! Carter!" Ellie screamed in horror.

"Ellie!" Blake yelled. Blake was taking back to the halls and we never saw Ellie again. Next year, everything changed.

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