The Netherland Princess

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Wooo! First chappie. This is the longest one I have ever writren, holy cheez-its. Thanks for reading!

Marinette smiled at the pretty white wedding dress, and walked up to the altar where Adrien stood.
Words were said, they leaned in and then-


Marinette shot up out of bed, falling off, onto the pink carpet.

"Owwww." She groaned, rubbing her head.

"Marinette you are going to be late! Class starts in 5 minutes!" Tikki scolded, holding her red hair bands.

"CRAP!" She shouted, throwing on her clothing, putting her hair in her usaul pig tails, grabbing her purse, running down the stairs, tripping, only to sumersault over herself and keep running, down to the bakery, grabbing a crossiant, saying bye to her parents, and running quickly to school, dodging and even sliding under one car as she ran to class.

She ran and burst threw the door. Ms. Bustier stood at the front, smiling and shaking her head at the panting girl. She gestured her to sit, and she did so next to Alya, shaking her head in disappointment.

"As I was saying class, we won a class trip to The Netherlands!" Ms. Bustier quieted the cheering class.
"we will be going there for the revealing of the Princess!"

Alya shooked Marinette in excitement. "I am So excited Gurl!" Marinette giggled at her BFFs excitement. "I cant believe they are finaly revealing who the crown Princess is!"

"Me either dudettes!" Nino turned around, joining the conversation. Adrien turned too, and Marinetre giggled and blushed at the kind model.

"Me too guys! I already knew about the trip, but because my father needed pictures of me and the princess anyway, Im allowed to go!" Adrein said, smiling happily. Marinette smiled, happy he could go. However, she was a bit jealous. Little Miss Princess Potty Pants would get to model with Adrien!

"As I was saying class, we are going to the NetherLands for the revealing of the Princess. No-one actually knows her name, age, ect. This is a big deal for our country and since we won the drawing, our class gets to go to the castle with many other royals for a few weeks, and get to be there with them. Our Class will meet here this Saturday with everything to go to the airport." Ms. Bustier smiled at the students wondering curiosity on who the Princess could be, and excitment on getting to be in the same room as royalty.
She shook her head and got back to buisness. "Now class, please open your books to page 394."

-Le' Time Skip To La Lunch-

"I cant wait! Do you think Prince Ali will be there?" Rose squealed, talking and laughing with her other class mates.

"He proably will be, as it is a national thing." Mylene giggled.

"I haaavvvveee to get this for my blog!" Alya laughed,

"ME AND THE PRINCESS ARE GONNA BE BEST FRIENDS!"Chloe screeched, interuppting everyone. She sashayed over, flipping her hair in Adriens face. He crinkled his nose. "Isnt that right my sweet Adrikinz? Dont any of you dare get in the way got it?" She sneered. She walked away, beconning Sabrina to follow.

"Ive never been to there! Its going to be super fun!" Marinette smiled. Everyone agreed whole hearitly, Marinette blushed as Adrien cheered.

Alya nudged her arm playfully, giving her that look.

She sighed, and smiled.

---Le' Time Skip Home!--

"Mama, Papa, Im home!" Marinette called, smiling as Tom pulled her into a giant bear hug.

"How was school honey?" He smiled.

"It was great! Our class won a feild trip to the Netherlands! We get to be there for the Princess Revealing!"
Marinette smiled. She looked confusingly at Toms suddenly solemn face. He called Sabine, and she came, gasping a little as he whispered something in her ear. "Mama? Papa? Whats wrong?"

"Marinette, sweetie, you may want to sit down." Sabine smiled sadly, gesturing her to sit.

"Whats wrong?" Marinette asked, sitting down.

"Darling, you know how there is going the revealing?" Tom asked.


"You are also aware that the Princess hasnt been revealed, and no-one knows where she is?"

"Yes? Where is this going?"

"Marinette, the princess, years and years ago, was sent to Paris for her own protection. Assasians were after her, and she was sent away at a young age. Marinette dearie, YOU are the Princess."

"What? Papa what? Momma?"

"Marinette, we arent your parents. The Queen Bridgette and King Felix are your actual parents. We took you to Paris to protect you sweet heart. Your Parents are going to to be so happy to see you after all the years."

"Im a princess?"

"Yes dear."

"My parents are Queen Bridgette and King Felix?"

"Yes dear."

"What will happen at the trip?"

"You will be going first class with one other, and you are aloud to tell one person. Your parents and your maids will be helping you get ready."

Marinette sighed. "I need to sort this all out." She shook her head and walked up to her room.

Tikki flew out of her purse and patted her head. "Everything will be okay Marinette."

Marinette sighed. "How am I going to do this Tikki? I cant be a PRINCESS and LADYBUG?"

"Hawkmoth wants your miraculous, he will send akumas to where ever you are in order to get them. Paris will be okay!"

"And Chat Noir? He cant purify the Akumas!"

"We can figure something out Marinette."

Marinette sighed, and hugged her pillow comfortingly.



Remember, I still need OCs so you can do it whenever. :)


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