Chapter 21- Baxter

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Christmas was over and New Year's Eve was finally at bay. Scarlett and Lily were outside playing fetch bypassing the time they had left to be outside. Lily threw the pig a little further. "Fetch girl!" She yelled as Scarlett jumped up and caught her piggy. She squeaked it with joy. "Good girl!" Lily said as he rubbed Scarlett's chin. Scarlett returned the favor by licking Lily's face with dog kissed.

As Lily laughed at Scarlett's kisses, Ian came up behind her and looked down at her. "Having fun?" He smirked as Lily giggled and nodded. "Good. A friend of mine's coming over for New Year's Eve along with Lucy." Ian said as he picked up Lily. "Who is she?"

"It's a he."

"Aw man." Lily pouted as Ian laughed. "His name is Baxter. He's an old friend of mine. He'll love you." Lily thought about it and nodded again. "I wish he was a girl though." Ian chuckled and dug his fingers into her sides and hip bones. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA IAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAN!" Lily said as Ian smiled at her laughing state. "Look at you. So cute." He said as his phone starting to ring in his pocket. "SAVED BY THE PHONE!" Lily said as he jumped out of his arms and ran back into the house with Scarlett following her. Ian laughed at her reaction and answered his phone. "Hello."

"Hey Leslie! This is Justin Bieber." Ian facepalmed and chuckled as his friend's joke. "Shut it Beyoncé. Gimme a real nickname."

"Hey shithole."

"Hey jackass." Both friend laughed at each other. "Sup Baxter."

"Hey Ian. I'll be at the house in a few. I got all my beers with me."

"Just make sure you put them in the fridge okay?"

"Will do. Cya Leslie."

"Stop calling me that."

"It's your middle name."

"Okay Maurice."

Call ended

Ian smirked. "Yea that's what I thought."


When Baxter arrived, he saw Lily at the couch and was adored by her beauty. "Hey there little one." He said as Lily waved at him. Baxter sat next to her. "You're so cute." He said as he spidered his fingers on Lily's belly. "Hehehehehehehehehey! No fair hahahahahahahahahaha."

"Ian how cute is she?" Baxter asked as Ian decided to tease him again. "To the point where you can never get a girlfriend." Baxter laughed. "Hey I love the single life. And I love this little girl." He sauce as he sped his tickling with Lily. "Hahahahahahahaha let me gohohohohohohohohoho!" Lily pleaded as Baxter released her. Scarlett growled at Baxter as Baxter rolled his eyes. "Don't gimme that attitude mutt. I'm the one who brings you these." Baxter said as he pulled out a piece of ham. Scarlett immediately stopped growling and looked longingly at the treat. "Go fetch!" Baxter threw the ham at the wall as Scarlett went to go get it.

Ian looked at his friend. "She's gonna get fat because of you."

Soon at 10:32pm, Lucy arrived on the scene with some drinks. "Hey boys!"

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey *hic*!" Baxter said as Ian tried to push him away. "Is he drunk?" Lucy asked as Ian gave her a 'Of course he is' look. Lucy rolled her eyes. "Hope he doesn't say anything stupid."

Lily was feeding Scarlett another piece of him from Baxter. "Eat up girl!" Scarlett happily ate her next ham. "Heeeeeeey. Isn't Lily your daaaaaaauuuuughtteeeeeer." Lily stopped what she was doing and listen to what Baxter said.

"Baxter! Shut up!" Lucy yelled as Baxter waved her hand away. "Yeaaaaaaaa! I didn't waaaaaaaaaannaaaaaaa beliiiiiiieeeeeeeve iiiiiiiit! But you twoooooooooooo look so muuuuuuch alike!" Baxter rolled his words as Lily starts to cry. She was Ian's daughter? If he was her father....why didn't he look for her.

But she didn't care. She grabbed the piggy toy and threw it at Baxter. "Ow! What the-!" Immediately, Scarlett piled on him. But Lily didn't noticed. Because she already ran out the door.

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