Chapter 3- Wiggly toes

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When Lily arrived back from the bathroom, she noticed that the tickle monster wasn't there. "Huh?" Lily said as she looked around the room. He was nowhere to be found. Thinking that this is the perfect opportunity to escape, Lily looked at the window in the room and ran towards it. Lily used all of her strength to open it, but due to her size (which is about 4'9) it was difficult for her to open the window. Successfully, she made it happen. "Yes." she said to herself as she started to climb out of the window.

Though this was not the day for her to escape. Lily was almost through the window when she heard a voice. "And where do you think you're going?" Lily stopped dead in her tracks. She didn't dare to turn around. "N-Nowhere."

"Nowhere means somewhere." the tickle monster replied as he grabbed Lily by her underwear and pulled her right back inside. Lily was blushing all red. The tickle monster put her on the bed and strapped her arms. "Just for that, I'm gonna punish you." he said as he held Lily's left foot securely in a headlock. Lily gulped. "No please. I'm sorry. Please don't tickle me again."

"Oh I'm gonna do more than tickle you. Have you ever heard of the game 'This little piggy'?" The tickle monster asked. Lily widen her eyes. Of course she knew that game. Did she like it? No. "Y-Yes?"

"Then I'll give you a chance to answer my questions with a few tickles. If you don't answer them, I'll have no choice but to play with you." Lily had a choice to make. There was no way she was gonna play that game. Lily shook her head rapidly. "Fine then. You're choice." the tickle monster said as he started to tickle her little foot. Lily started to laugh. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STAPH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA IHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIT NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!" Lily cried as her poor little foot was being tickle to death. She tried to move her other foot, but sense the tickle monster separated them, it was hard for her to kick him. "So, why don't you tell me what you were doing."


"Alright. Time to play." Uh oh. Now she was really gonna get it. The tickle monster wiggled his finger near Lily's toes. "Let's see. I believe I remembered how the song went. Oh yeah. This little piggy went to market." he said as he wiggled Lily's big toe and started to nibble on it. Lily was laughing up a storm. "NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO PLEASE STAPH!"

"This little piggy stayed home." the tickle monster said as he nibbled the second toe. Lily was getting closer to laughing her head off. "This little piggy had roast beef." the tickle monster nibbled her middle toe. Lily only laughed it up. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEASE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA NO MORE!"

"This little piggy had none." The tickle monster nibbled her second to last toe. Now, for the big finish. "And this little piggy cried..." this time, he didn't nibble her last toes. Instead he looked at Lily with a wide smirk on his face. Lily was in big trouble now. "No no no no no. Please don't."

"Wee wee wee wee all the way home." the tickle monster replied back as he spider tickle her all the way down from her armpits, to her belly, all the way back to her feet. "Now the other foot." The tickle monster started back up again.

This continued for about 10 minutes and the tickle monster was almost done. "Ready for the big finish?" he asked as he looked at the little girl. Lily gulped. "N-No."

"Too bad." he said ash he gave her the biggest raspberry in history. Lily laughed her fullest as she was on the urge of passing out. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Lily cried as the tickle monster stopped the tickling for now. "So, have you learned your lesson?" he asked as Lily only managed to nod. "Good, cause if you didn't then I'd have to do it all over again." he said as he scratched under Lily's neck which made her giggled. "Now sit here while I get you some food. And if you try to escape again, I'll do it faster." the tickle monster said as he left the room.

If Lily was gonna be here for a while, she had to play by his rules.

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