Chapter 4

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We ran through the hallway, the wolf right on our tail. This isn't what I was expecting!

"Whoa!" Po jumped to the side and dragged me with him, the wolf sliding past us and crashing into another door.

"This way!" Po exclaimed, running so fast I almost tripped a couple of times.

We turned a corner, and ran down a different hallway. The windows were boarded up for some reason, and the smell of blood was much more stronger the deeper we got.

After running for what felt like forever, we entered a room, which held all sorts of metal and various weaponry. I didn't know what they were used for, but after our encounter, I didn't want to think about it.

Po, on the other hand, was fanboying again.

"Woooww... All of these weapons look soooooo cool~"

I glared at him. Is he serious right now?

"Po... Are you seriously freaking out over some metal objects...? We barely avoided being that wolf's food... And all you want to do is just freak out about WEAPONS?!"

He shrieked and shrunk, clearly getting scared of me. A part of me felt really bad, but I just didn't know if Po knew how close we were to being killed.

"I-I'm sorry, T-Tigress. I'll t-try to be more s-serious..." He squeaked, shrinking down further with every word.

I sighed. "No, I'm sorry, Po. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. I'm just..." I trailed off, not wanting to admit I was scared.

He looked at me, confused. "You're what?"

Should I say it...? He'll think I'm weak... Oh well.

I took a deep breath, and continued. "I'm just... nervous. I don't know if that... monster will come back for us..."

I looked away, feeling embarrassed that I just sounded like a pathetic kitten. Now he'll think less of me...

But, I was wrong. I felt his paw on my shoulder, and I looked back at him to see he had a soft smile on his face.

"I totally understand, Ti. I'm scared as well, so don't think you're the only one. It's okay to feel scared, you know. But, don't worry."

He held my paw again, making me slightly gasp. Why do you keep holding my paw?! It's embarrassing!

His smile grew warmer. "No matter what, I'll always have your back."

My face grew hot again, and it didn't help that the room was bright enough for Po to see my blush!

"Wait, are you... blushing?" Po asked.

I turned my head to the side. "N-no..." I muttered.

"Aww, you look so cute when you blush," he cooed playfully, making me feel more embarrassed.

I was about to say something, when a crash on the other side of the room echoed around us.

My eyes widened as we looked at each other.

He must've found us!

"Split up!" I whispered, before running off to find a good hiding spot.

I made sure to be as quiet as I possibly could as I found a pile of spears in front of a blacksmith desk.

Not seeing any other option, I crawled under the desk and waited. The canine's breathing neared my area as I saw his feet stagger to the desk.

I held my breath as he stopped right in front of the desk. Please go away...! Don't lift the desk...!

It felt like forever before he finally walked off in another direction. Waiting for about 5 minutes, I crawled out slowly, and quietly sighed in relief.

That was way too close. I need to find Po and get out of here. Hopefully he didn't get found...

As I was standing up, a shriek echoed in the air, immediately followed by a howl and loud crashing.

My heart plummeted as my mind said one thing: Po!

I raced to the noisy clattering of metal objects and was picked up by a black furry arm as I was lifted up to a couple of towering shelves.

"P-Po, what-"

"Less talking, more running!!" He screamed.

We bolted off to a window not that far away from where we were, and we managed to break through...

But not unscathed.

Just as I was about an inch from the window, the wolf's claws sang deep into my knee, and ripped the skin and tissue, making me yell in pain, tumbling out and falling on top of Po.

"Ahh..." I slowly rolled myself off of him, and grimaced at the sight of my knee.

It was bleeding pretty bad, and I could see some of the tissue. The pants leg was in shreds up to my thigh, so the whole bottom half of my right leg was visible.

I heard Po gasp in front of me. "Oh no... Your leg!"

He then started to panic, which is understandable. I don't think he ever saw an injury this gruesome.

But, I had to calm him down.

Even though the pain was agonizing, I tried to smile at him. "P-Po, it's ok-kay. It d-didn't go any further, at l-least."

That seemed to make him calm down a little. He sighed. "That's true. I just don't want you to get hurt any more."

He started looking around, and perked up when he found something.

"There's an infirmary not that far from here. It should have some bandages to wrap your wound with. Come on."

He suddenly scooped me up bridal style and ran to the small building, making me blush yet again.

Pooo!! Why do you keep embarrassing me~??!!

I just held onto him, hiding my burning face underneath his neck.

*Hey, guys. Chapter 4 is finally here. Hope you guys are safe and sound, and see y'all soon. ☺❤❤*

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