A Golden Opportunity.

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Galfant hurled her club at vicious speeds as flames exploded from around her. She was more powerful overall than each of the two individuals she was facing, being the second strongest in the Flying Phoenixes. However..

"DAMN!!" Galfant exclaimed as she was forced to leap back, as massive chunks of stone hurled past her. 

"Heheheheh!" Guldo grinned. "My Telekinesis among the Frieza Force is unparalleled except by Lord Frieza himself!! TAKE THIS!!"

Multiple trees from the forest uprooted themselves and peeled back their wood so they turned into humongous wooden spears that fired down at the devil woman. 

Blazing with flames and strength, Galfant hurled her fist out and beat the projectiles into splinters. The projectiles on their own weren't much of a threat, however, it was what the projectiles were making hard to avoid that was the real issue. 


A massive muscular knee slammed into Galfant's gut, as she coughed up blood and was sent hurtling back several meters, her hooves skidding on the arena's tiles. 

"HEHEHEHE!" Recoome did a one legged T pose. "You're fun! It's been a long time since I met somebody that felt like a total brick wall!! Guldo!! I'm gonna go for another hit!!"

"Go get her!!" Guldo exclaimed as he raised his hands and massive piles of rock and earth began to float around him. "Be careful though, she's fast on her own!"

Galfant narrowed her eyes. The man, Recoome, was a pretty straight forward fighter overall, despite how astounding it was that he didn't need a weapon to battle. He was nothing but a straight bruiser. Overall she was faster, plus she was actually quite a bit stronger, however, with Guldo's interference, he was making hard for her to even start fighting seriously without getting staggered in a middle of a spell or attack. 

"RECOOOOME.. ERASER.. GUUUUUNN!" Recoome fired a powerful beam of light from his mouth, the energy raging forward like a freight train. 

"A blast type attack!? It's so destructive!" said Galfant. "What kind of magic is so simplistic and destructive at the same time that it just throws heat and light at you so nonchalantly!?"

Whatever it was, it wasn't fast enough to catch her, so Galfant leaped high into the air.

"NOT SO FAST!!" Guldo hurled down a massive barrage of boulders.

"That won't be enough to kick me down!" Galfant whirled her club as magical runes appeared on the back of her hands. "FLGHTM MATHISA!!"

The spell took effect as a swarm of massive vampire bats exploded from her palm, each 5 times the size of normal bats, the creatures exploding through the rocks at massive speeds.

"KYAAAAAAAAHHHH!!" suddenly, without warning, as if he just blinked out of nonexistence, Guldo appeared right in front of Galfant, kicking her right in the face.

"Wh-WHAT!?" Galfant stammered. "H-how did he!?"

"FOOOOOOOOOOMMMM!" Galfant fell straight into Recoome's Eraser Gun and was sent exploding across the arena in a massive shockwave. 

"Did we get her!?" Recoome called to Guldo as he leaped down next to the big guy.

"D-damn, she's tough!" Guldo exclaimed. "J-just what is she made of!? My foot really hurt just kicking her like that! Not that I'm the most physically strong of the Ginyu Force or anything, but still!"

"UGH! Damn that hurt!" The smoke cleared to reveal Galfant, her armor cracked, and her club burnt, but flames still blazing around her horns as she gritted her fangs and stood up, dusting off her shoulder. "You don't fight like normal knights or barbarians that's for sure! What's with the beams!? And how did the tiny guy just appear out of nowhere!?"

Recoome grinned. "OH YEAH!! She really IS tough! I like this chic!! Heheheheh!"

"Taking blows from Recoome full to the face!? I don't think I really share your enthusiasm." Guldo exclaimed. 

"Damn it, I'm in trouble.. " Galfant growled. "If only I could take that fuck ass Recoome one on one, then-."

"GALFANT.. DUCK!!" Mito suddenly appeared right behind Recoome and Guldo

"E-eh!?" Guldo stammered. "When did he-!?"

"Huh!? It's dat ninja guy right?" said Recoome.

"Cursed blades of my family.. let them reap blood tonight.. these slashes which are always fatal. Wind Blood Curdle.." Hissed Mito, as his eyes glowed dark red and he slashed his blades.

Galfant ducked immediately as she felt a sharp wind explode past her, air pressure so thin and sharp, that behind her in the distant forest, a few thousand trees were suddenly cleaved clean down.

But there was something wrong. The trees down the center weren't cut, almost as if part of the attack had been dispersed-!?

The dust cleared as Mito's eyes widened with shock." Damnit! You won't leave me alone will you!?"

Burtur stood in front of the unharmed Recoome and Guldo, grinning, his arms folded. "HA! I have to admit, that wind slash was impressive! I don't know what this mana stuff is, but it makes some strange and unique techniques that much is certain, if I was any less than the Fastest in the Universe, I wouldn't have been able to cleave that apart with my special Blue Hurricane attack!!- ANYWAYS! Rude of you to run away during my introduction! As I was saying-!"

Burtur posed. "I AM BURTUR!! The Ginyu Force's Blue Hurricane! And I am your opponent!"

"Like I give a damn you big blue snake." Mito growled. "Get out of the way or die!!"

Mito turned into a shockwave, displaying massive speed as he blitzed in and out of view, going hypersonic in an instant, multiple afterimages appearing behind him as he began blitzing to Galfant. 


Mito bounced off like a pin ball as at every turn, Burtur appeared, going just as fast, blocking Mito at every attempt to reach Galfant, as Recoome and Guldo began to close in on her again.

"DAMNIT! LET ME THROUGH!" Mito growled, leaping back. "How the hell are ya matching my speed!?"

"Like I said!! I'm the Fastest in The Universe!" Burtur yelled.

"Fastest in the GINYU FORCE mate!" Jeice called over from where he stood, his arms folded watching. "How many times do I have to explain your flawed logic there Burtur? We already know that Frieza's literally faster than all of us! And then there's Guldo with all his time Freezing shit! I mean don't worry, you're still like abnormally fast compared to everyone, but come on, don't stretch it."

"Fine fine! I get it!" Burtur said with a shrug. "Come to think of it, maybe we lost to that Goku guy cause we were a little overconfident."

"Why aren't you fighting?" growled Mito, glaring at Jeice. "You ain't gonna double team me too?"

"Believe me, Burtur and I actually have some fantastic combo moves, no doubt." said Jeice with a grin. "But the way Captain taught us, when fighting team on team, ya leave the double teams to the stronger enemy, and the one on ones to the one on ones. Burtur's already strong enough to take you on his own, unlike with that insane demon lady you've got there. No need to waste my strength taking you on too."

"I see, so you guys aren't just goofballs after all." Mito growled. "I hate to admit it, but you've got stellar teamwork, splitting us up from the start before we had a time to get a game plan together, and then assigning roles to each of us without even speaking a word, and here I thought you all were just flashy."

"Well posing's more than just being flashy. Sure we LOOK cool and all, but imagine how in sync we have to be to pull off our pose formations at a whim every single time, we practically have to be reading each other's minds." Burtur said with a grin.  "Sure when that Saiyan showed up once, we underestimated our enemy and tried to take our enemies one on one for fun, but in the end the Ginyu Force never got to show what it's true might was all about! When we fight together as one!"

"Damn it.. me, a member of the greatest guild in Velmarth being lectured by a big blue dancing clown snake on teamwork, this truly is one of those days." growled Mito. "Fine.. let's fight then, We'll see whose speed really takes the cake for 'fastest in the Universe.' "

Burtur grinned. "ALRIGHT! Come and get some!"

Burtur and Mito both disappeared in a blur, and suddenly there was a frenzy of blurs shooting over that part of the arena, bouncing off each other, as both combatants moved at such astounding momentum, that powerful winds began to churn up, causing Jeice's long white hair to billow like a flapping cape. 

As this went on, Gordon and Ginyu watched, the two of them standing before each other.

"I must say, your Ginyu Force isn't half bad." said Gordon with a small smile. "I wasn't quite expecting a challenge this intense. So this is Frieza's most powerful guild. He truly is fit to be a ruler if he earned the loyalty of some strange and powerful knights."

"Knights? Hmmm, never really thought of it that way!" Ginyu said. "Honestly I joined Frieza at first mainly for the fantastic benefits that being in the higher executive branch of the Frieza Force provides!"

"And now?" asked Gordon.

Ginyu chuckled. "Something's different about my Lord this time around. Normally, I'd be scared to lose at any point due to the possible wrath he'd inflict on me! But, he's become different. Less cruel, more-.."

"Benevolent?" said Gordon. 

"Hard to say. And strangely enough, though I was pretty cruel and heartless myself, I find myself liking this new side to my master. I got to help one of the village women give birth yesterday. I had no idea what I was doing, was just passing by. The women hugged me and we welcomed a new tiny fellow into the world."

Ginyu looked at Gordon. "These people we're helping are good people, and I'm not the same old Mercenary Ginyu I used to be! So I'll take you up on that Knight Suggestion! Yeah! I'm Captain Ginyu of the Knights who serve Frieza! And I'll be taking you down!"

Gordon smiled as he drew his blade. "I see, so Phalanx truly did find some good people. I am glad. If anything, I hope your confidence in your lord's ability to defeat our goddess is well placed."

Ginyu grinned back. "Oh trust me, you haven't seen anything yet!!"

Ginyu and Gordon charged, and as Gordon's blade collided with a purple energy beam from Ginyu's palm, the air seemed to sizzle with heat and friction from the high charged atmosphere. 

And throughout this, everyone on both sides, with the exception of a of few, watched in amazement.

"S-so this is them, the Ginyu Force, your most trusted Fighting Guild." said Phalanx, awe in his eyes. W-wow, they're no joke!"

"Indeed." said Frieza as he watched in silence, his arms folded casually. "Actually, I'm quite impressed, the Ginyus have grown far stronger than they were when I saw them last, perhaps their time in the afterlife increased their power."

Phalanx stared as Ginyu and Gordon exploded through the battlefield, landing blow after blow that shook the earth.  And in his heart of hearts, he honestly didn't know who he wanted to win.  But he knew what would happen if his master won, and that he couldn't let happen. 

"GINYU! WATCH OUT FOR HIS SIDE STRIKES!" roared Phalanx. "He specializes in feints that psyche you out before going for the kill!"

"Noted!!" Ginyu exclaimed as he used one of his bracers to deflect a sword strike by the flat of the blade. 

Gordon grinned as he leaped back, dodging a powerful energy blast from Ginyu. "My apprentice, giving you advice. I guess I can't expect any less, he knows what will happen if you lose."

"I take it you agree with him then?" asked Ginyu.

"Of course." Gordon said. 

"Then why are you standing with that sham of a goddess!?" Ginyu asked. "If you disagree with what is about to happen to the brownies, then I don't see a man as honorable as you just sitting back and letting it happen!"

"My Guild took an oath of loyalty to the Goddess Cassandra after she saved my people when they were suffering. Once a guild takes such an oath, they cannot break it. The same goes for Phalanx and Avalanche. Now that they have taken an oath to Frieza, they will stick to him even if he aims to destroy the world." said Gordon. "I take it that the Ginyu Force took a similar oath?"

"Hmm, in all honesty, our relationship with Lord Frieza was more like top employees in the past. But yeah, I guess after these past few days and seeing the new change in my master, I have to say, I think I would stick by that oath. He's different lately, and it's a difference that's begun to change me."

Ginyu grinned, clenching his fists. So yeah, if you want me to betray Frieza, you'd have to scrape me off him like a stubborn swab of glue first. I ain't going anywhere!!  And I suppose I have to say the same for you, right Gordon?"

"Yes, do not hold back Captain Ginyu. Those children depend on you defeating me with all you have!" Gordon roared. "Cause I won't hold back!!"

Gordon let out a deep breath, and suddenly his eyes began to glow a tremendous blue light.  "Beckoning of the Kraken. Release!!"


"D-damn it!- He's done it!" growled Phalanx.

"Hmmm?" Frieza said. "What is that power? Is it his ace in the hole?"

"You could say that." said Phalanx. "Lord Frieza, am I right in guessing that you are perhaps from a far distant world?"

"Oho.. quite clever that you figured that out." said Frieza.

"Well your mannerisms suggested it, and it isn't the first time in this world that gods from beyond have entered unannounced." said Phalanx with a nod. "In any case, magic in this world function by means of covenants and rituals. In order for humanoids to perform magic, we must have talismans embedded in our bodies. Some talismans are unique in what kind of magic can be cast, and sometimes, artifacts, like my sword Gram, can enhance the amount of performance the talismans in our bodies draw from us.  Each talisman is not more powerful than the other, but rather it is our talent as magic users that determines our strength."

"I see, it makes sense." said Frieza.

"Really? I didn't follow any of that." Caulifla muttered. "So you're just throwing a bunch of cheat rocks into your bodies? That sucks. No training involved!"

"There is plenty of training involved. And there are plenty of specialties regarding the usage of magic depending on your talent and work ethic." Vulily spoke up. "I am primarily a White Mage, a user of Healing Magic and Binding Sorceries, perfect for stopping and paralyzing enemies. Phalanx is a knight, so his magic is geared towards enhancing his muscles, strength and speed."

"Gordon is different however." said Phalanx. "When he was born, the Soothsayers predicted he would one day lead people to greatness, as such instead of a talisman, he was imbedded with the soul of a legendary monster from days past by our goddess Cassandra.  The Soul of the Sea Kraken, Golgora. He is one of the few who wields the Souls of The Old Gods. When he unleashes the Soul's power, he is like the Ocean itself, his current sweeping through scores of his enemies. When he's like this, I'm not even sure Captain Ginyu can take him!"

"TYYYYPHOOOOOOON!" Gordon launched himself forward, slashing his blade forward, as a massive titanic wave of transparent water exploded from the blade out of nowhere.

"CRAAAAASSSHHHHHHH!!" The force of a massive tidal wave erupted into Ginyu as he blocked with his arms, and was sent smashing into the stadium, covered by the waves of strange stormy seas.

"I'm not drowning, I can breathe." Ginyu said. "This water isn't ordinary."

"Be swallowed by the deep!!" Gordon disappeared in a flash of speed, reappearing behind Ginyu, his eyes glowing bright.  "MAELSTORM!!"

"BOOOOOOMMM!!" Gordon slashed his blade in a flash of intricate motions, weaving a web of water around him in an instant, before a massive barrage of waves erupted out from the slashes in all directions, creating an outward whirlpool that sent Ginyu crashing against the sides of the arena.

"CAPTAIN!"  The rest of the GInyu Force exclaimed. 

Frieza narrowed his eyes, as Phalanx felt his heart began to pound hard. "My lord. Do you think Ginyu can win? Does he have any special weapons of his own up his sleeve?"

"He has one." said Frieza. "But it takes a bit of trickery to pull off successfully. And I don't think he really has a desire for Gordon's powers at the moment. Especially since he wishes to fight fairly."

"Huh!?" said Phalanx

"It is known as the Body Change technique. Ginyu can switch bodies with that of a single opponent, gaining their power and adding it to his own skill and technique." said Frieza. 

"Th-that's incredible! That would give Ginyu Mr. Gordon's Kraken Soul as well- though.."

Phalanx felt queasy as he imagined Gordon grinning like Ginyu while posing flamboyantly. "It would be-.."


"No, too normal." Phalanx said. "I er.. Ginyu and Gordon are more alike than I care to admit. I don't think either of them would be less at home in the other's body, though admittedly Mr. Gordon doesn't yet do team poses."

Frieza frowned. "I.. see. In any case, Ginyu wants to fight on even terms, he respects Gordon as highly as you do from I can see at the moment. However there is a problem. While Ginyu has strengthened leagues beyond the last time he was in a major battle, Gordon's strength with the Kraken active actually exceeds Gotenks by several leagues.  I must admit even I am fairly impressed."

"If Ginyu loses-." said Phalanx

"Then I will battle Cassandra." said Frieza. "There is nothing to that."

"But Ginyu will be-!" Phalanx exclaimed.

"ARGGGGGHHHH!" Ginyu was sent smashing into the stadium by another titanic wave of magic stormy water, his armor chipped and cracked as Gordon stood over him. 

"You were a powerful opponent Ginyu, perhaps the strongest I've ever faced, I hope your leader fares better, I truly do." said Gordon, raising his blade above Ginyu's neck.

"CAPTAIN! IM COMING!" Jeice roared, leaping forward. "My Crusher Ball will-."

"NO!" Ginyu roared. "You men stay back!"


"This is a fight between MEN!" Ginyu roared. "The two of us are fighting each other honorably! Putting all we have on the line! Knowing that!! Even my Body Change technique is being put on hold! Because I intend to fight with my very own strength!!  It's not about beauty or grace, in the end it's about holding to your guts till the end!!"

Ginyu faced the blade furiously. "I face this death, knowing that Lord Frieza will always come out on top! Men! It's been an honor!"

"That guy.." Mito murmured. 

"For a big purple demon, he's got guts." said Galfant. 

Gordon's blade slashed down..

"PWEEEN!" suddenly  a thin death beam, blasted out, bouncing off the blade and deflecting it.

Cassandra's eyes widened with rage, as she glared at Frieza. "INTERFERING!? Do you realize what the price is for disobeying the contract of the-!?"

"Ginyu folds." Frieza said quietly. "Surely a loss does not need to result in death, do you agree Gordon?"

Gordon went silent as his eyes stopped glowing and the waves disappeared. "I suppose I do."

"Ginyu, I appreciate your honor in battle, but I still do have need of you." Frieza said. 

"But My Lord! Even if I lost, the rest of the Ginyu Force was winning- we could've-!" Ginyu began.

"I have no doubt about that, but as I said, I very much desire all of you alive." Frieza said. "Do not take this as a loss, simply a retreat. Your purpose here was to show the fools who oppose us the full power of the Ginyu Force, and you performed admirably. "

Ginyu bowed his head as he stood up. "Thank you my lord, though I must still express dissatisfaction with my performance."

"Don't, you did well. It was the men you trained that drove them into a corner, you have nothing to be ashamed of Captain Ginyu!" exclaimed Phalanx. "Sir, I.. I find it an honor that you would let me join your guild!"

Ginyu stared at Phalanx with slight astonishment.

Gordon smiled. "Put your chin up Captain Ginyu, that from my apprentice is a high praise indeed. I do not wish for your death either, in fact, I would very much like to fight again, if we can."

Ginyu chuckled. "May it be under different circumstances then."

Ginyu clasped Gordon's hand, and the two nodded at each other, as the Ginyu Force stepped off the stadium.

"Say Captain." said Jeice. "Whose the runt? Phalanx or something?"

"One of our new recruits!" said Ginyu. "Treat him like one of your own!"

"Right on mate!" Jeice said. "Guess we're giving him the commemoritive Ginyu Force special Parfait."

"If only we still had the means to make one." Burtur grumbled tragically. "I don't suppose Lord Frieza found a kitchen in this sad world did he?"

"ENOUGH!!" Cassandra's roar caused the very earth itself to tremble as lightning flashed through the sky, and storm clouds began to churn. 

Cassandra floated forward, rising from her throne, as electricity crackled around her body. "HOW CAN YOU BE SO PLEASED!?  YOU LOST!! YOU LOST!! Why are you not bowing in fear, groveling and begging forgiveness now that you've seen the power of my subordinate!? This is an outrage!! All are to love me, all are to FEAR me!!"

Cassandra raised her spear. "Be smote by the hands of god!!"

"KAAAAAZZZZZAAAAAAAAMMMMMM!!" a massive blast of golden lightning erupted from the spear point and exploded towards Ginyu. 

"BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!" The planet itself shook, and the sky above was blasted apart. Infinite Divinity, and yet only a small fraction of Cassandra's power.


The smoke cleared to show Frieza standing in front of Ginyu, having slashed the lightning bolt apart with a swift gesture.  

Frieza's eyes flashed dangerously as he looked at Cassandra. "My my, are you sure such interference is not in standing of breaking the rules yourself? Goddess Cassandra dear?"

Cassandra's beautiful face was marred by her eyes slanting with vicious greed as blue lightning bolts streaked from her pupils. "Oh my, so I guess the next matchup is decided.. isn't it? Lord Frieza.."

The word 'Lord' was said in such a mocking tone, that Phalanx gritted his teeth angrily, now tempted to fight alongside Frieza to pay Cassandra back for such disrespect.

However, he knew, now was not a battle between individuals, it was a battle of gods. And He would only slow Frieza down the way he was now.

Cassandra and Frieza began to circle each other in the arena. Cassandra's hand on her spear and her shield laid aside casually to indicate she did not feel even slightly threatened.

Frieza's hands were held casually behind his back as he circled, almost as if this were just a casual stroll in the woods.

"So it has finally come to this." Cassandra said. "I must admit, I am eager to see the full extent of your power Frieza. However, no matter how powerful you are, there is still one inescapable fact. You are a mortal."

"Ohohoho! The fact you assume mortals cannot match the gods themselves is one of your great misjudgments.. Miss Goddess-san.." Frieza said.

Cassandra smirked, and for a moment, her face appeared that of an innocent beautiful young maiden-.. then..

"ZAAMMM!" A powerful white lightning bolt erupted from her spear. 


Frieza fired a death beam from his finger, instantly causing an explosion in the middle of the battlefield and negating an attack. 

A hurricane of pure force blasted over the surrounding area, causing the trees to rustle, and the soldiers and brownies to hide behind their shields. 

"Such a low trick, giving him a cutesie look to throw him off guard than blast him!" growled Caulifla. 

"Ha! As if Lord Frieza hasn't seen that before." growled Ginyu. 



Lightning bolts shot out of the spear again, each one being so fast, they appeared instantaneous as Death Beams met each of the attacks in the middle, firing off at rapid pace so multiple explosions erupted over the middle of the blood arena. 

Frieza chuckled as Cassandra smiled in her deceptively innocent manner, batting her eyelashes slightly, her wings crackling with webs of static. 

"None of them look fatigued, and yet they both just exchanged such vicious blows." said Phalanx.

"No." said Gordon, walking over to stand with Phalanx, followed by Mito and Galfant. "That is not at all what's happening. That was more like a few pokes to test each other's strengths."

"A-A few pokes!?" stammered Horace. "THAT!? The force of those attacks was even more than when Frieza fought Gotenks!"

"If that's the case, I doubt he was even trying all the other times you witnessed him fight." said Gordon. "In any case, if Cassandra truly believed that Frieza was just a mortal Archdemon, she would've simply used one of her more powerful attacks and wiped him out by now. But.."

"But-?" Phalanx said. 

"But I believe she's finally beginning to suspect something she does not want to admit herself." said Gordon. "That there is a possibility Frieza is himself.. a god."

"My my, you've got quite the power on you." said Frieza. "Though I suppose if this is all a god is capable of , I'm a little amused to the fact you thought I'd grovel before you."

"Don't get cocky my dear mortal.." Cassandra suddenly appeared behind Frieza. 

"Oh-!?" Frieza glanced backwards right as a massive gap opened up in the Thunderclouds above.

"Exalt in my presence, Mortal scum." Cassandra whispered as her eyes flashed, and suddenly a great tower of lightning slammed down in the form of a huge pillar of great silver light. 

The air smelled of ozone, as a crater exploded into the arena, and the planet shook with the power that had just erupted down. 

"RAPHAEL EXALTED.. GABRIEL ERUPTED! Let us sing praises to the Heavens." Cassandra flew high into the air. "Angelic PURGE!"

Cassandra's wings spread wide, and massive spears and swords made of lightning appeared in mid air around where the the tower of lightning had hit, and shot downwards, exploding into the arena with colossal force.

Nearby, a few mountains suddenly had their peaks crumble as even miles away, the power of the divine attack of a god could be felt. 

"That is the power of a goddess mortal.. lie there and contemplate how you will serve me-." Cassandra began to say right as a blur of speed appeared behind her. 

"ZEEEN!!" Cassandra barely flew out of the way as a Death Beam narrowly missed her hair. 

"OHOHOHOHO! You nearly had me with that one!" Frieza said as he fired multiple death beams in a massive barrage.

Cassandra flew at top speed, exploding through  the air like a hypersonic dragon, cleaving through the sky with precision and grace, dodging the death beams that slashed through the air  in her direction. 

Cassandra scowled. Did Frieza really manage to dodge lightning? In any case, she needed to use more power if she was going to bring down this pathetically arrogant creature. 

Cassandra's spear erupted with lightning, as her shield glowed with immense magical power. She would beat that creature to kingdom come. 

"FOOOOOM!" She exploded down at Frieza, with speed faster than any mortal eye could comprehend, hurling out a powerful spear thrust at Frieza's head. 

Frieza thrust a hand upwards, as if he were lifting something, and immediately, a massive rectangular slab of the arena, rose up and blocked the spear strike. 

"Fufufufu.." Frieza chuckled as he lifted another hand, and multiple stone slabs rose up, and using Frieza's telekinetic power, shot towards Cassandra like bullets.

"Tsk!" Cassandra hurled multiple bolts from her wings, which shaped themselves into armored knights made of pure holy white lightning.

The soldiers roared and hurled themselves into the slabs, exploding through the earth to cleave at Frieza. But no sooner had they charged when death beams hurled out and blasted them into oblivion. 

Frieza leaped high into the sky, his arms folded, still smiling coyly. 


Cassandra hurled out a hand, and multiple lightning swords appeared in mid air, surrounding Frieza, each one the size of a tremendous skyscraper, dwarfing even dragons in size before directing themselves at Frieza for an epic planet busting level attack. 

Frieza's eyes narrowed as his smile suddenly dissapeared. "HYAAAAAAAAAHHH!!"

He swiftly slashed his finger through the air, and a burst of energy, like that of a slashing blade, slid through the air, cleanly and swiftly, cutting the electric giant swords to ribbons.

"So that is Death Slash.." Frieza said. "Ohohoho, quite interesting."

Frieza once more made a slashing motion with his finger, sending another blade of energy down at Cassandra.

Cassandra leaped aside as the blade cleaved into the earth, and suddenly dust raged across the landscape.

When Cassandra once more laid eyes upon the battlefield, her eyes widened in shock as she saw the massive canyon, hundreds of feet deep that now crossed miles and miles of the field and forest.. so deep that the bottom could not be seen with normal eyes. 

"Impressed? I hope that's not all it takes to make you marvel at me, or you would be a very disappointing goddess." Frieza said. 

"Don't think that's all it takes to make my knees wobble." Cassandra said slyly, smiling dangerously at Frieza. "TAKE TH- WHAM!"

Cassandra blinked as suddenly a chunk of the stadium smashed into her face. 

"Are you quite sure you can manage this?" said Frieza as more giant slabs of stone rose up around him. "You'd be better off trying to outplay me at Legos."

Frieza twirled his finger and multiple chunks of the arena flew at Cassandra from all directions as she was blitzed in and out of view, leaving static charges in her wake, crackling in the air, avoiding the rocks as they came up. 

Frieza landed on the arena floor as Cassandra came up close, and he once more raised a wall out of the stadium to block her. 

"Such a cheap trick!!" Cassandra growled, slashing the wall in half with her spear's blade. 

But there was nothing on the other side. 

"Wh-" Cassandra said right before a tail lashed up from beneath the arena, wrapping around her neck. 

Frieza was lying down in a relaxed pose, his arms behind his head as his tail wrapped around the floating Cassandra's neck, smirking. "Cheap? Well you did fall for it."

"Y-you crafty little-.." Cassandra choked. 


"ZEEEN ZEEN ZEEN ZEEN!" Cassandra let out a cry of shock as multiple death beams speared through her body, and the silver blood of the gods splashed out of her body. 

"Ohohohohoho!!" Frieza used his tail to slam Cassandra into the stadium. The earth shook as cracks and more blood appeared where the goddess had been smashed.

There was a collective gasp from the entirety of Cassandra's army.

"N-No way!" Galfant stammered. "Th-that's impossible! He actually managed to severely injure The Valkyrie Goddess herself!?"

Frieza got to his feet, as his tail whipped back and forth, slamming Cassandra around repeatedly, before he lashed it out like a whip, and sent Cassandra flying till she crashed into the earth outside the stadium with a booming explosion of dust. 

"Having a tail is quite useful don't you think?" Frieza said. "Oh but don't fall asleep now, I've yet to get to the good part."


"Mmm!?" Frieza's eyes widened with surprise as he barely tilted his head aside in time, dodging the powerful lightning spear that exploded past him before destroying an entire mountain far in the distance. 

Cassandra rose from the dust, her body's wounds were sizzling as they started to disappear. 

"Oh? Instant regeneration? Quite useful." said Frieza. 

"It is an ability unique to me as a goddess. As an Angelic type I am able to use holy energy to heal wounds, even lethal ones marred by poison." said Cassandra as she levitated down before Frieza.

Frieza narrowed his eyes. "Your mocking tone and expression are gone.. oh my, am I right to say that you are finally taking me seriously? Little ol' me? The mortal? Ohohohoho! Quite a twist indeed."

"You are no mortal, that much is certain." Cassandra said, her expression now solemn, as her eyes flashed dangerously. "You are one of the gods, probably of the demon class like a few of my ancestors, which would explain your appearance. I don't know how you survived the great purge like the four of us who are left, but at least you are one of the major gods. This makes things sad, as a god cannot be my subordinate. Our race is wild and untamable by nature, a god under a god could never work."

Cassandra's mouth suddenly slid into a thin smile.  "However, that Ginyu Force, and Caulifla, they seem to be dreams all in all! I'll just kill you and take them all for myself! Yes, perfect! Perfect indeed!!"

Cassandra pointed at Frieza. "If this is your full strength, then I am in the clear, even though you got the drop on me just now, a minor god like you cannot hope to face an Elder Goddess like myself and live!"

"Full.. strength?" Frieza smirked with amusement, tilting his head to the side. 

Cassandra stepped back, her heart gave a sudden thud. She didn't know how to explain it, but a sudden burning fear had started to grip her innards just from the way Frieza spoke. 

"Ohohoho! I'm sorry.. but I must burst your bubble." Frieza said. "I was only using a third of my power just now. Surely you must understand, I had to be cautious, I wasn't at all certain how strong you were. But if THIS was your full power. Hmmm, well I suppose I am still quite impressed, you definitely would've easily defeated Kid Buu and even Goku's Super Saiyan God form would've been quite beat up going against you back in the Beerus Saga-.."

"YOU'RE BLUFFING!" roared Cassandra. "The elder gods are the only ones who ever as powerful as you even claim!! And the elder gods, the few that ever existed, they all perished, except for the likes of us four! The Four who remain."

Frieza merely continued to smile. "Truly? Then shall I go up to half my power instead? I must warn you though, it might turn out a little painful. Oh well, if that is the case, I'm sure you can do your best to endure it."


"Oh?" Frieza blinked, having a slightly surprised look on his face. "What is- do you see..?"

"See!?" said Cassandra. "Wait wha- WHAAAAM!!"

Cassandra vomited blood as Frieza suddenly appeared in front of her, his fist digging into her gut, rupturing her divine armor with ease. 

"The amount of trouble you're about to be in of course.." Frieza said quietly. "Don't you see it? My Dear Goddess-san?"

And so the horror show began. The army of Velmarth watched in shock and dismay as Frieza used his tail to smack Cassandra into the sky, and then he disappeared in a burst of speed.. kicking her higher and higher into the air, bouncing her around like a pinball.

Finally Frieza hurled his tail into Cassandra's gut and slammed her back down into the arena with a crash. 

"Dear me, I said half my power, but it seems that itself is still just too much, what a pity." Frieza said as he levitated down to the arena. "Such a disappointment. Some goddess indeed.... it even seems like your divine healing has limits."

"It seems, you've left me no choice." whispered Cassandra.

"Hmm?" Frieza blinked. "What was that? Goddess-san?"

"You shall witness my FULL power in all it's terror and glory." whispered Cassandra. "Seal.. RELEASE!!"

A massive white light comprised immense lightning exploded around Cassandra. Her wings grew more massive, and her arms split into six silver arms, as her body became covered in strange glowing red runes.

A third massive eye opened upon Cassandra's forehead, as her hair turned pure white, and a strange star shaped halo appeared floating behind her.. 

"Wh-what is this!?" Frieza stammered.

"S-such power!" Gordon exclaimed. "I.. I never thought we'd witness the form of the Elder Goddess!!"

Many of Cassandra's army shrieked and terror and bowed onto the grass.

"Lady Cassandra, she has been angered!"

"Please forgive us m'lady, we thought you had lost, we are not worthy to be in your presence!"

"Behold Mortals." Cassandra now spoke in an echoing voice as she rose into the air, the earth trembling below her, the very sky now turning silver as an effect from her blazing sun-like aura. "This is the power that the elder gods hold over the minor gods. The power to unleash the Elder Formula, our most powerful forms. Grovel and weep Frieza, but at the same time rejoice. Few minor gods or mortals have ever managed to force me into this form. But it is the end."

Cassandra raised a hand, and lightning churned over her palm till it swirled into a massive giant silver sphere, crackling, it's divine power beyond reckoning. 

"Die.. and wallow in hell." Cassandra threw the sphere down at Frieza.

"WH-WHAAAAAAAAA!" Frieza roared as the sphere bathed him in light and an explosion towered into the sky in the form of a pillar of pure holy light, bathing the the entirety of Velmarth in a glittering shower of silvery dust.

"FRIEZAAAA!" Phalanx yelled. "NO!"

"Hey easy kiddo." said Caulifla.

"Eh?" Phalanx stared at Caulifla. "Wh-why aren't you concerned?"

Caulifla rolled her eyes. "I mean, don't get me wrong, that goddess is definitely a league above me. But, jeez, Freezy boy's such a bad actor."


For a moment there was a cloud of dust as Casssandra smiled down at the Brownies. "Rejoice. For now your apples shall serve me, the greatest purpose they could ever hope to serve.  And to the Ginyu Force and Avalanch, and Caulifla too of course, I offer you this boon. Your power has impressed me. Your lord is dead, serve me, and I shall grant thee your wildest desires. Betray me, and death shall enshrine thy tomb. Come, who will swear fealty to me?"

"Hey, Cassy!" Caulifla called out.

"CASSY!?" Cassandra growled. 

"Ya might want to look down." Caulifla said lazily, pointing at the dust coud. 

"H-huh?" Cassandra's eyes widened as she stared at what appeared to be a glowing figure in the dust. 


"I congratulate you... for pushing me this far. Surely, the Elder Formula is a terrifying power. I must applaud your efforts and even your eloquence as you sought to kill me with it. Alas however, I do not have any intention of letting things end so quickly.."

Frieza's body morphed as golden light exploded from his body so wildly and filled with tempered power, that the gold light from his transformation caused all who looked upon him to avert their eyes or risk blindness.  Even Cassandra had to look away as light brighter than the sun itself erupted from Frieza. 

When the light cleared, Frieza's body had changed. Parts of his face as well as his hands and feet were now purple, as a sleeker looking bio armor appeared too.  The sleeker body was slightly more muscled than before, with seperating lines around the waist and arms.  But the most notable trait about it, was that Frieza's body, aside from the purple areas, was now gold in color, glimmering with shining reflective light, beautiful to behold."

"Allow me to introduce you to my very own brand of Elder Formula." Frieza said with a smirk, spreading out his arms. "This is Golden Frieza."

"G-Golden Frieza!? H-how can something so barbaric, be so immensely beautiful!? S-such beauty! Such design! No! Nothing can be more beautiful than me.. and yet.. AND YET-!" Cassandra couldn't finish her sentence as Golden Frieza's fist met her gut. 

"AAAGGGGGHH!" Cassandra vomited a torrent of blood, right before Frieza's tail smashed into her jaw, causing more blood to spatter out. 

All Velmarth could do, was watch helplessly as Golden Frieza kicked Cassandra back down into the arena and began pummeling her with immense blows. Each and every punch created a shockwave of golden energy..

"Y-You won't beat.." Cassandra desperately lifted her six arms, but suddenly Frieza's palm was in front of her face.

"ZZWWEEEEEEEEEN!" a massive ki blast erupted from Frieza's palm, 

Cassandra fell off the stadium, now back in her normal form, her dress ragged, one of her wings bent out of place.

"M-my people, please, help your goddess.." Cassandra rasped as she reached out a hand desperately to her frightened soldiers. "Your savior.. your- ACK!"

Golden Frieza's foot gripped Cassandra's head with its three toes and pressed her head to the earth. "Let this be a warning to all of you foolish enough to medal in the affairs of Lord Frieza. Those who dare to seek harm towards my subjects. I will show no mercy. Now, you all have 12 minutes to pack up your gear and leave.... or I will kill you all."

Frieza smirked dangerously as his golden form shone like a glistening murderer's blade. "Is that quite suitable? Hohoho.."

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