The Angel Goddess and the Space Emperor.

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She was beautiful

She was loved

None other can her, the beloved angel, had the right to do anything in this world, in this country of Velmarth. Only she had that solace, and the beauty to fully claim it all. 

She was Cassandra.

Cassandra, the Angelic Goddess, had the appearance of a sweet maiden in her early 20s with long flowing blonde hair, shimmering red eyes, and a slender body, wearing a white summer dress made of blue and white lace.  Her skin looked delicately beautiful, like a morning flower, and upon her back were two large eagle-like white colored wings. 

She could be considered the most beautiful out of the surviving gods, a god who represented maidenhood, love, grace and righteous fury, who commanded the power of lightning and the heavens themselves. 

And she thought this to herself too, as unfortunately, Vanity was also her trait.  She sat upon her throne, eyeing the golden hand mirror in her hand, smiling at the woman that stared back at her. "Yes.. beauty beyond compare."


"Such beauty is too much for any to handle."

"M-M'lady I come with a report on-."

"Wondrous hair, glorious eyes!"

"M'lady if you would just listen!"

"WHAT!?" Cassandra threw down her mirror furiously as the sound of thunder rumbled outside the vast palace. 

Her throne room was a beautiful golden place, with sweeping arches, red tapestries, beautiful stain glass murals, and a room massive enough to hold entire skyscrapers. 

She stared down at the insignificant soldier before her wearing silver armor with the emblem of an eagle on it.  Who was now shivering from Cassandra's outburst.

"Your Grace, we have heard a report on the matter you requested an investigation into. One of the beings you've been seeking, it appears at least 3 have appeared near our border. One of our elite watchers witnessed their arrival."

Cassandra froze. "What!? TRULY!? Tell me of them now!! Did they have strange hair or features like the others that have been reportedly causing havoc in the other nations?"

Well, one of them a girl, did indeed have hair of that description, wild and unnaturally hedgehog like. " said the knight. "But the other two. They were described as demons."


"One of them was a large purple skinned demon with horns who was well- oddly flamboyant." said the knight. "The other, the most powerful of the three beings, was a white skinned being standing no taller than a youth, with a long tail. Though he appeared small and unthreatening, the report is he managed to repel a Deacon with absolutely no effort."

Cassandra froze. 

The beings she heard about, the strange beings who used the unique energy that was different from magic, she heard they were strong, but this was another scale of 'strong' altogether. No mere mortals, even demons, had that kind of strength.

"Tell our spies to track their movements. " said Cassandra. "If capture is possible, then report to me immediately, none of our troops are allowed to fight such powerful beings alone. I wish to see one of them for myself personally."

"That's just the thing M'Lady, we know where they are right now." said the Knight. "One of our agents who was watching over that upstart guild Avalanch, a-apparently Gordon's Apprentice, the wielder of Gram ran into this being on the road. Together they went into the Ancient Forest and defeated the deity there!"

Cassandra's eyes widened with shock

"The deity is gone? That means-?"

"Yes M'lady, they have claim to the Golden Apples now." said the Knight. "The ones you so crave."

Cassandra smiled. "A possible powerful servant, and the apples all to myself? Oho! Such a wondrous thing! As usual, a beautiful goddess like me is destined to have things go her way! Gather my honor guard brave knight! It is time to lay claim to what is mine."

"Yes M'lady."

Cassandra smiled deeply and gave the knight a benevolent stare now. "My apologies for my cranky mood, you have given me great news, and you shall be rewarded."

"Yes M'lady!" said the Knight, now blushing deeply. "y-your beauty and compliments humble me!"

"Now, what is the name of the one that is soon to be in my service? The powerful one?" asked Cassandra. "The white demon?"

"They call him Lord Frieza my Goddess."

"LORD Frieza? My rather overconfident isn't he?" said Cassandra with a gleam in her eyes. "A demon lord hasn't appeared in these lands for nigh a thousand years. Well then, let's just see how deserving of that title he is."


Three days had passed since we were given permission to preside over the Golden Apples, and already Ginyu was proving why he was Frieza's Number one Go Getter.

After we returned to the Base, we found the surrounding area already filled with multiple log cabins, being built by the 50 women, children and youths that remained of the surviving village. 

Ginyu had already begun to instruct them on construction and when he heard that we had secured the apple garden, he just grinned at me and said. "I knew you'd do it Lord Frieza! By the way, I know I could probably construct a new village in just 10 minutes, but I think it's important your new subjects learn to be self sufficient in case you're not around!"

You had to hand it to Ginyu. Weird and sentai as he was, he knew how to make things efficient.  And so over those 3 days, I focused on developing a cultivation and trade system for the apples. 

While I instructed Goten and Trunks to remain at the Garden and wait for my instruction, I got together with Old Man Rov, Ginyu, Mido and Caulifla around the large round wooden table in the planning room, to get a system going.

"On foot, the forest is 3 hours outside the village, that is a good distance." I said. "If we can construct a good amount of carts and some able riders and beasts of burden, we can send workers to pick the apples there, and then bring them here to ready for packaging or distribution."

"I don't like the idea of that too much." said Cualifla. "There are still tons of monsters in those woods, wouldn't it be risky for a bunch of kids and farmer girls?"

"Lord Frieza, you said the forest was at a higher elevation than our current spot?" said Ginyu. "What about a system that just involves pullies?"

"Oh, like put a cart on a zipline and just send it over that way? We can use magic to enhance it with a gravitation spell." said Mido. "That'd be loads easier. Plus Goten and Trunks could fly over the lines we need in no time."

"If it is the safer and more efficient option, I have no opposition to it." I said. "However I worry about waking the 'friend' that Goten and Trunks say is sleeping in your quarters, the one who actually DID destroy  the knights that the Angel Goddess sent, hmm?"

"Oh don't worry about him, he's very friendly if he thinks you're okay."

"Yes, but I doubt he'd think I specifically was 'okay'." I muttered. "Or perhaps he wouldn't know either way, he hasn't met me yet. Very well, let us commence with the zipline. I will fly to the forest and assist in construction. How long will it take to construct long enough wires?"

"2 days, we sew fast with our weaver magic." said Mido.

"Ohoho! Very efficient indeed!" I said, feeling pleased. "After we gather enough apples, I will arrange a trip to the Capital City of this land to set up a trade deal, but first thing's first I suppose. Mido, you have done well, I shall ensure you and your Brownies receive at least 50 percent of all profits involved."

"Well it's only natural since we're helping out." said Mido with a grin. "But it's nice to know that you're going for 50 percent off the bat Mister."

We progressed fast after that. Large wooden carts the size of houses were loaded onto strong enchanted wires with steel metal pulley wheels and iron wrought levers. The Carts would rest on large tree mounted platforms in the forest of the Brownies, and an enchanted Rune spell would drag them back after they zoomed down the wire to our now half constructed new village that had been erected around our large cabin mansion. 

On the third day, the day that construction was finally finished, I watched alongside Ginyu and Caulifla as Goten and Trunks finished attaching the iron wheels to the large thick wires in the tree platforms above.

Many of Mido's giggling playful charges were already climbing around easily in the treetops, dumping piles of golden apples into the carts in preparation to send them down to the village.

"Well it's done!" Goten said, holding a thumbs up to us down below. "Will these huge things really stay on the wire though?"

"It's enchanted to be stronger than a dragon's hide, it'll hold!" Mido called back. 

"They've really progressed fast." said Ginyu. "At this rate, we can start getting trade set up in about a week's time."

Caulifla frowned however as she looked up at the tree. 

"What is the matter?" I asked. "You seem displeased."

"Well I'm happy and stuff that everything's going according to plan and all." said Caulifla. "But that Avalanche bunch, they haven't come back yet."

"Well I imagine the Capital is quite a ways away." said Ginyu. "You did say that our new private Phalanx and his crew, who I will expect to be part of our New Ginyu Force, needed to let the Adventurer's Guild Association know he would be taking new stations outside the city."

"Yes, he did say that." I mused. 

Phalanx had said that every time an Adventurer's Guild took up new residence in service to a king or lord, they had to get the okay from the Association, which oversaw all the guilds in every country, which would be the reason why he returned to the Capital of Velmarth.

I didn't think there would be any issue, but I still couldn't help but feel a little uneasy as it felt as if I was kind of announcing my existence to the Guild Association overall. I didn't imagine Grendel Requiem the supposed dragon god, was overly pleased with me, and having the Cassandra Angel up my butt wasn't going to do me much good either. 

Fact of the matter was, I wasn't keen on making any more enemies, I still didn't know how Frieza's power compared to the gods of this world. There was every chance that they were even stronger than Jiren The Grey or Beerus on a good weekday.  I wouldn't test my power on them until I was absolutely sure I was capable of beating them.

"Just worried, those kids are good people." said Caulifla. 

"It's natural to worry." I said. "However, Phalanx is quite a capable warrior in his own right, lack of faith would only be an insult to him, Ohohoho! Let us at least have a little bit of confidence in his tenacity. After all, he agreed to be my blade even after I told him I would kill him for disloyalty, that man's got guts."

"INDEED!" Ginyu yelled doing a pose. "Which is why there is no doubt in my mind that he must be inducted into the Ginyu Force!! Jeice, Guldo, Recoome, and Burtur might be temporarily unavailable, HOWEVER, that doesn't mean I don't get to fill the roster a bit more in their absence!"

"LORD FRIEZA!" one of the brownies called out to me. "Mr. Phalanx and his Guild have returned! They say they need to see you immediately. Apparently it's super urgent!"

"Speak of the devil!" said Ginyu.

Caulifla looked at me. "Urgent eh?"

I folded my arms quietly. As much as I didn't like to admit it, but Caulifla's bad feeling was also spreading to me too. "Let us go quickly. Urgent news is not something to be taken in slight doses."

I found Phalanx with Vulily and Horace standing near the stone archway leading into the Brownie Village.

"LORD FRIEZA!" Phalanx called out, running to me, the look on his face suggested he had nearly run out of breath making his way here as fast as he could. "It's bad! Really bad! We have to evacuate the village immediately!"

"What do you mean?" I asked 

"Well.. you see.. I.. hah.. hah.." Phalanx, Vulily and Horace all seemed to try and speak, but the three of them seemed all out of breath. They really did hurry here.

"Enough, breathe, calm yourselves and speak clearly and calmly." I said. "No matter the situation, panic will not be the adequate response. Mido, do we have anything to drink, if I might be so bold?"

"Got some fresh ice spring water, hold on."

After Phalanx and the others were finally calm enough to speak, they did so with urgent tones in their voices, though Vulily still had to gulp down cups of spring water in certain intervals, as apparently she got dehydrated easily.

"I-it's very.. gulp.." Vulily took another swig of water." B-bad."

"The Lady Goddess Cassandra, she is coming, she knows about the apples and that the'beast' Gotenks has been defeated." said Phalanx. "And she is heading here with a host of her best men, and a few of the best Adventurer's guilds under her service, including the one led by my mentor, Gordon of the Flying Phoenixes. "

"What does she want?" Ginyu asked. "Speak up private, calmly!"

"Uh, yes Captain Ginyu, she wishes to have the Golden Apples all to herself!" said Phalanx. "And while she is an angelic goddess who usually watches over this land with benevolence, the fact of the matter is she is extremely fickle, if we do not let her have these apples all to herself, it is likely she will simply kill everyone here and annex this forest into her main empire."

"If she is capable of something like that, then why didn't she just come over here and beat up Gotenks herself!?" said Caulifla. 

"She doesn't like getting her hands dirty, does she?" I said.

There was a silence.

Ginyu nodded at me. "I see, so you do have an understanding of her mentality My Lord."

"Kishi- I mean Frieza." Caulifla murmured.  "Look that's not you now, you don't have to-."

"Do not seek to comfort me Caulifla, I have an understanding of her motives, and I shall use it." I said with as serene and unconcerned a tone as I could manage. 

This was bad, I wasn't planning on fighting gods this soon. However, there was also no denying that I was responsible for this. By taking out her only obstacle to the apples, she had finally gained the motivation to go claim them. I couldn't just leave the Brownies here to their fate, or I would be doing exactly what Mido warned me about.

Because the fact of the matter was, I wasn't Frieza, nor was I Kirei anymore. I was both, Mido had made that abundantly clear, that just like Gotenks, I was a fusion of Frieza and Kirei's souls, and right now the Kirei side of me had the most control.  I wouldn't become 100 percent Frieza, I was better than that. 

I wouldn't let these Brownies suffer.

And also there was something that I was concerned about, namely the reason that this Cassandra Goddess was suddenly taking an interest in coming herself

It was like Caulifla said, if she was truly not adverse to dirtying her hands, then she would've sent her most powerful subordinates rather coming herself, and she never bothered to try and deal with Gotenks and the individual sleeping in Mido's house herself. 

Why was she so interested in coming here herself now?

I could only think of one reason, and it was that reason that also meant that I truly couldn't run now.  This was my first test, my first test as the leader of the  new Village that had nowhere else to turn.

I wasn't going to fail it by backing down. 

"We will meet them head on. Do they intend to fight us upon arriving immediately?" I asked. 

"I don't know." said Phalanx. "But my old master is among them, and I've seen him do similar feats to Gotenks and Caulifla, he's immensely powerful, one of the strongest warriors in the kingdom, save one swordsman who none dare name.  

"Ohoho! I see, and I take it the goddess is also at least more powerful than he." I said. 

"That's not even a word with which to describe it my Lord!" Phalanx said. "We can't just meet her head on. She makes my master seem like an absolute ANT in comparison! I know that you might feel protecting this forest is best, but she'll merely blow us aside if she deems us not useful to her cause, even this guild which is formerly of her nation! That is the nature of the gods, and she is the most benevolent of them all!"

"That... is what you define as benevolent?" I said. 

I must have had a very scary look on my face at the moment, because everyone around me went silent, and a purple aura resulting from my rage began to rise around me like pure heat.  These were what passed for 'Standard Business Practice' among gods? 

Even in capitalism like the United States, there was a recognized belief that you couldn't just kill everyone to get a monopoly on what you wanted. My parents however, had also had a similar belief to most in the profession that when it came to conducting companies and business, you stepped on others to get on top. 

However,  that was in a setting where all the company ever focused on was maximizing profits and gaining more and more even at the expense of the workers involved. I swore I would never end up like them, that I would find way to expand the business I never wanted at least using practices that bent away from how my family expected to work their employees.

These gods. If this was their most benevolent goddess, then all of them by far represented what I despised. Big corporations stepping on the little guy. 

If that was how they liked to function, then I would step on the gods, show them what it was like to be the mortals they thought they could step upon on a whim. 

"I will not run." I said quietly, eyeing Phalanx. "You are free to disobey me and switch sides if you are getting cold feet Phalanx, however, I, Lord Frieza, shall not stand idly by. I laid claim to this territory first. If Cassandra wishes to take what is mine, then I shall kill her myself!"

"K-Kill her!?" Horace stammered. "Listen, er, your highness and all that! I may be but a dwarf, but that be a goddess out there!  Are you mad!?"

"No, merely angry." I said. "So, do you stand with me? Or do you stand with your empress? I do warn you, I will not show mercy to any I see as an enemy, should you present me with the opportunity I will destroy you without hesitation."

Vulily walked over. "Is there any question my lord? You do not have to pretend to be merciless. You were kind enough to ensure that the Brownies would share in whatever bounty you gained from this enterprise, and you got angry when you heard of how selfish our goddess was. There shouldn't be any question of who we follow. You don't have to pretend you want to kill us, okay?"

Vulily smiled at me. Dang, that girl was very intelligent.  She glared then at Phalanx and Horace. "Well, do I have to do what our Lord won't and actually kill you both myself?"

"No need, I intend to follow Lord Frieza to the end!" said Phalanx. "Jeez Vulily don't be so harsh."

"Aye, ye know that gods regardless, the loyalties of Team Avalanche never falter!" said Horace. 

"SPECTACULAR!!" Ginyu roared. "Such promising recruits! I need to come up with special poses just for you three!! The newest members of the revived Ginyu Force!!"

"Uh.. d-do we have to?" Vulily said. 

"I actually like the poses." said Phalanx. "There's a certain heroic air about them. Captain Ginyu, when this crisis is over, I would love to go over team pose formations for Avalanche!"

"You won't regret it private!" Ginyu said. "Being able to pose properly together is one of the first steps to well built complimentary teamwork!!"

"You can't be serious!" Horace grumbled. 

"Huh, they're solid peeps." said Caulifla quietly.

I frowned. "Indeed they are, a bit too solid."

"Damn you were going all Frieza on them because you wanted them to go away didn't you?" said Caulifla. "Threatening to kill them and all. You were trying to protect them in case this proved to be too much for us. Especially since it looks like the retreat they recommended isn't an option if we don't want the Brownies to end up suffering."

"Ohohoho! I can't get much past you can I?" I said, smirking at Caulifla. "You're quite a bit more intelligent than you appear."

"Hey! I'm smart!" Caulifla grumbled. "People only assume I'm dumb cause I like ta punch people! Goku's the idiot!"

"Actually Goku is quite intelligent as well, though it is mainly in fighting that his intelligence is geared." I said. "Have you ever considered apprenticing under him?"

"WHAT!? Me? Learning from that goofball like Cabba does from Vegeta!? Forget it!" Caulifla huffed.

"Oh, perhaps some things are better left to Fan Fictions after all. "I said with a sigh.


"Nothing." My tail whipped through the air a bit as I once more began considering our current issue. "In all honesty, to all of those present, I am not at all certain how large of a risk this confrontation will be. I do not know how my power compares to  Cassandra. I can't count the Deacon as a good example of the power scaling of this world. Plus there's the possibility of WHY Cassandra herself is coming."

Everyone went silent, looking at me.

"You suspect already why she's coming herself My Lord?" asked Phalanx. 

"Indeed, likely she knows about me, and is coming to ascertain my power for herself, or perhaps she wishes for me to work under her." I said.

"HAHA! Fat chance!" exclaimed Ginyu. "Lord Frieza works under nobody!"

"That I am in deep agreement with." I said. "In any case, I must take the necessary precautions for my death, regardless if I come out of this the worst for wear or not. Mido, you are wise in spite of your youthful appearance. I entrust the village to you and your Brownies should I not be able to save your apple garden and your forest village. Ginyu has already gathered enough meat to last you for a while."

"Generous Mr. Frieza, but I'm staying here with you, this is our village to defend too, and we can't very well leave you alone to defend it." said Mido. 

"Then Caulifla-."

"Fat chance, I'm knocking heads with ya." said Caulifla.


" My Lord! Respectfully I wish to witness your glory in battle for myself, better or worse!"

"Ph-Phalanx and Avalanch-!"

"I won't leave you! You are my  master and liege now!" exclaimed Phalanx. "Avalanche sticks with you the Great Frieza."

"You do realize that the village is ALSO important yes!?" I said, starting to feel impatient, as my tail began smacking the ground irritably. "But then again, I suppose it is better to have the best fighters where all the fighting is bound to be.  Very well, Goten, Trunks.."

"Yeah?" said Trunks raising a hand.

"You are to go back to the village. Tell Rov that he has full permission to order you two as he sees fit, and tell him about Maji- I mean.. our certain pink plump sleeping friend, and that he has full permission to use him in the most dire of emergencies.  Listen well to him, he is older than you after all."

"Okay, we promise we'll be good!" said Goten cheerily. "Grandpa Rov is nice! And Tilde makes cookies!"

"Leaving the guy whose already an experienced leader with a few powerful tools in case we don't make it out huh?" said Phalanx. "You've got quite a head on you My Lord."

A head? I didn't know about that. I was merely the type of person who constantly considered consequences and contingency plans. I suppose that made Frieza and Kishimoto quite similar, which might have been why we were merged so well.  The difference however being that Frieza's arrogance sometimes overshadowed his ability to think on his feet the way Kishimoto did. 

Perhaps this made me the perfect Frieza. All of his power, none of his weaknesses.  If only there was a hyperbolic time chamber I could take advantage of Frieza's frightening ability to grow vastly stronger in very small amounts of time. 

"Lord Frieza, it occurs to me that this will be the New Frieza Empire's first ever war in this world, and while unlike our times among the stars, we find our forces vastly diminished, it wouldn't do to not have a grand entrance!" Ginyu exclaimed. 

"I agree." said Phalanx. "The gods pride themselves on vast amounts of pomp and circumstance when entering battle with their honor guard. If Frieza is to be presented as a legitimate ruler of his own community, must at least give him that benefit."

I smirked again. "Oho? Pomp and circumstance hmm? Though I don't think we have the resources for anything too impressive, I suppose it would be quite tragic if we didn't attempt to impress."

"Witnessing you in battle will already make up for that 10 fold!" Ginyu exclaimed. "Just you wait though! Mido! I have an idea for a highly  choreographed dance number that will-."

"U-uh no need Captain sir." said Mido. "The brownies already have an idea for giving Lord Frieza a proper entrance, if that's okay with you of course."

Mido looked at me.  

I nodded my approval. "I am flattered you already thought that far ahead, ohohoho! Very well, feel free to indulge me in this display of yours."

As Mido began giving orders to the other Brownies to get my entrance ready, and Phalanx began discussing battle plans with Ginyu, Caulifla stepped over next to me, talking out of earshot.

"So.. kiddo Kishimoto. This is it huh?"

"Indeed, this will be.. our first ever war." I said. "One that's come far sooner than I anticipated."

"What are ya gonna do?"

"Well for starters." I said. "I need to find a place to breathe, I'll need to put on all the Frieza acting chops for this display."


Gordon stood in the grass before the massive mist covered forest that lay out before the massive army

He was a man in his 60s, with a gruff beard over his heavily scarred and handsome face which also bore an eyepatch under his spartan-like helm.. his silver and golden armor glistening in the sunlight, the emblem of an eagle with lightning emblazoned on his chestplate, a blue cape fluttering in the wind as he rested a gauntleted hand over his beautiful sword's pommel. 

Thousands of warriors dressed in similar garb stood at the ready as Gordon, the Head of the Flying Phoenix Guild and co general to the goddess Cassandra herself, stood at the left hand of the very goddess in question, who sat in a beautiful silver gown and  shield maiden armor, a powerful white spear that crackled with static electricity in one hand, and a massive golden round shield in the other, a silver crown upon her beautiful head

She sat upon a massive white throne that was being carried by soldiers using four poles. At her right, stood her other co general, and arguably the goddess's most favored general,  Vog, a man who was less scarred than Gordon, and also quite younger, with less tanned skin, and a beard that bristled with young black hair instead of the gray that spoke of Gordon's own age.

"Hmph, could they not have had the decency to meet me?" Cassandra said in a shy womanly voice, which Gordon knew was much more of a mocking tone than others would be deceived to believe. "After I put on this entire display just for him, that supposed Frieza. Truly he hasn't retreated. Dear Gordon, are you sure that your student didn't take a wrong turn when he deserted me to side with that heathen archdemon?"

"My student would not get lost, that much I am certain of." said Gordon. "And neither does he choose his allegiances lightly. If he chose to side with this Frieza, then we must expect him to be fairly powerful and cunning, perhaps wise beyond his years."

"HAHAHAHAHA! WISE!?" roared Yog. "That is nothing before a god Gordon! Certainly you must know that! As a well famed Demon Slayer yourself, former wielder of the mighty Gram, even you must attest to the strength of divine beings!!"

"Perhaps." said Gordon. "But this universe is a wide and strange place. I do not think it too outlandish that one day beings equal to gods might someday appear. After all, the age of the gods from which our Great Cassandra hails was filled with wonders and mysteries."

Cassandra chuckled. "Gordon, you're not wrong, there were beings from that era which defy even the imagination of gods, however, that does not exist today. The Four Gods including myself are all that remain of the greater powers. At best, this Frieza is merely an ancient archdemon who is a century old, perhaps a little practiced in elder magic. I expect the other strangely powerful beings that have been showing up are also quite similar."

Gordon remained silent. He hadn't flinched when Cassandra declared the closest thing he had to a son a traitor to the Velmarth Empire, and he had even kept silent when his own men were put to death for helping him and his guild escape the prisons to go warn the upstart demon and his followers of Cassandra's impending arrival.  He couldn't show emotion, his duty was to the goddess. It was the oath he swore. However even now, in his innermost heart, he couldn't help but hope that Frieza had followed his apprentice's advice to flee. 

Though Cassandra may be the most benevolent of the 4 gods, she was not adverse to massacres to get precisely what she wanted. That was the way of the gods. Mortal lives mattered naught to them. 

"ATTENTION MORTALS OF THE ANCIENT APPLE FOREST!" Cassandra declared herself into the woods. Her voice magnified so that it magically filled the air, no the world, for miles in all directions. "I am the great Goddess of the Heavens and Beauty, the almighty Valkyrie Cassandra Val Thassa! She who grants love to all, and judgement to evil!! You who dare horde what is rightfully mine, the Golden Apples, I have come to destroy thee, to grant benevolent judgement! However, I being the great goddess I am, still have mercy within my very nature! So I shall grant you the honor of at least meeting and bartering with me before your inevitable demise! Come forth! Ruler of these woods, your position here is no longer needed, come and see your mother, your goddess, your savior!!"

The voice spoke of might, of beauty, of power, of grace. The eloquence in Cassandra's voice would've made even the largest most terrifying elder dragon cower and pray in submission.


Another voice spoke out in response, also magically magnified.

"OHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!! My, such a straight forward offer. Submit, or be destroyed. Such lacking in decorum. At least one might show manners in their delivery. OHohoho! But alas, I suppose you are my senior in this department! Very well, I shall meet with you, but I hope you don't mind me adding, with as much politeness that I can muster, that I shall show you a display of my very own... "

And then it came, from the forest, the cry of an ancient horn. It wasn't just any horn. This horn reverbrated into the deep, awakening the very titans that slept in the earth, shattering the sky to herald a divinity that no god had met before.

"THE TREES! THE TREES ARE MOVING!" Roared one soldier.

"What in Cassandra's Wings!?" exclaimed Yog. 

The trees were indeed moving. The very trunks were bending back to form a massive arched tunnel of sorts leading deep into the center of the forest. 

Massive Forest Trolls lumbered out in rows of 50, marching through the tree tunnel, each one ridden by several Brownies in treebark battle armor, carrying small enchanted golden swords.  The trolls themselves were dark green with thick hides, and covered in green vines, each standing at 50 feet tall. 

More Forest Children were marching alongside the trolls in perfect formation

When all the trolls and children had marched out, an army of around 1000 now stood before the 10,000 strong army that confronted them.

"HAHAHA!" Cassandra laughed. "Most impressive, I never expected ditsy forest children to be able amass such a force, as pitiful a number as it might be."

"Wait." said Gordon. "There's more."

Everyone now watched, transfixed, as massive tree branches were seen approaching like a steady tidal wave through the tunnel of woods. A large throne woven of interlocking branches, elegant in design, and primal in nature sat upon the wave of branches, and somebody was sitting on it.

"Is that a Tree Spirit!? I thought they went extinct!" exclaimed Yog. "They don't even listen to the gods!! What kind of person could command one to become it's own throne!?"

"Okay, now I'm perhaps slightly impressed." Cassandra mused. 

As the throne upon the large wave of roots and branches perpetuated by the ancient deity that rarely awoke for anything came into the light, the figures standing around the throne were now seen far better.

First, Phalanx and Avalanche, then, standing at the throne's left, a large purple man in strange body armor, with black horns on his head, well muscled, and grinning as he looked upon the army. 

On the right, a beautiful girl, whose beauty contrasted with her wild hair and strangely rebellious clothing of only a breast band and very baggy pants, cracking her knuckles menacingly as a wild battle hungry look appeared on her otherwise beautiful facial features. 

And then there was him.

He was strange looking that was for certain. No ordinary person would look at that creature without doing a double take and wondering what species this thing was.  But as far as warriors went, he looked quite unimpressive

Small, slender,lizard-like with gem-like orbs on his chest, shoulders and head, and a rather feminine face that was both repulsive and beautiful in it's own twisted way, one that absolutely teased of somebody who was regularly polite, but could turn furious and wrathful in an instant, Gordon didn't know what to make of this. But he couldn't help but feel this must be Frieza.  After all, who else would be sitting on that throne?

The creature's tail whipped casually back and forth as he sat lazily upon the throne, his head resting on his hand as he leaned back in a very emperor-ish manner. 

The purple demon exclaimed out, his voice magically magnified somehow. "ALL HAIL! HIS MIGHTY LORD FRIEZA!! EMPEROR OF UNIVERSE 7!! DESTROYER OF PLANETS!  RAZER OF A THOUSAND WORLDS!!"

"Well they're rather pretentious aren't they? I will admit however, it's quite an impressive display." said Yog with a chuckle. "Personally though I would think a supposed razer of worlds would be far more intimidating if he weren't no taller than my own son."

"Size does not beget power Yog, don't underestimate our enemy." said Gordon.

"How.. d.. dare he.." Everyone now backed away from Cassandra, as they could see the tell tale danger signs.

Her temple pulsating, a deadly electrical aura crackling around her, the very earth itself trembling.

"Emperor of Universe whatsit!? Razer of what!?" growled Cassandra. "He dares come to me with nothing but a handful of forest brownies, a few weirdos and one insanely beautiful woman with crazy hair, and declares himself the god of crazy land!!? Before ME!? A TRUE goddess!? How DARE that small insignificant white reptile!!"

Cassandra stood up and floated off her throne. "Gordon!! Yog! The both of you with me!! It's time to talk shop with this audacious future servant of mine!!!" He will soon truly see the difference between the powers of a mortal and a god!!"

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