Pet Day!

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An aqua deer-like animal pranced into the room on a cloud. It had scales running along its body and two horns that arced backward. Behind it was Lumi who was sprinting to catch up with it. Lumi plopped into her chair and the deer animal lay down at her feet.

"Woah, is that what I think it is?" Cindy asked with wide eyes.

"Yep," Lumi said smiling.

"It's the crazy Qilin that helped save the world."

Daku stood in the corner with a hyperactive corgi jumping up and down on a leash.

"Hey Cindy, where's your pet?" Lumi asked curiously.

"He's right here!" Cindy exclaimed, pointing to her camera. For the occasion, the camera had tiny googly eyes attached to it.

"So, you have, a camera, for a pet? And I thought I had a stupid animal," Daku snorted.

"Don't try to do anything that mean today," Lumi warned, gesturing to the Qilin, "or she will attack you. And I don't think you'll survive."

"Why, it's going to throw flowers at my head?" Daku snorted.

"It will probably kill you," Lumi said, smiling.

"The Qilin will hurt us?" Cindy asked. She lay a protective hand on Rex the video camera and tightened her grip on Alex the photography camera. Daku rolled his eyes at Cindy's mechanical protectiveness.

"Yep," Lumi confirmed.

"Okay..." Cindy said disbelievingly.

"Hello, my children!" Time said, walking into the room. In his arms, he held a small, fluffy, white bunny with a tiny gold pocket watch.

"You have a pet bunny?" Daku laughed.

"This is the one and only Time Rabbit," Time said.

"It looks very stupid," Daku said.

"Daku," Cindy warned.

"I have my bottles," Daku said. "It's not like your baby camera can hurt me,"

"I'm talking about the Qilin," Cindy said. "And his name is Alex."

"Her name's Kiba," Lumi snapped, petting the Qilin.

"Pfft," Daku snorted.

"Better than whatever name you chose for your dog," Lumi shot back.

"Hey, Liang is a-," Daku started

"Stop it," Cindy screamed, "we're running out of time!"

Time opened his mouth to enlighten her on when to use his name.

"Question 1," she continued before anyone could say anything, "what's the bunny's name?"

"First of all," Time said in a superior tone, "Watch is a rabbit, not a bunny."

"What's the difference?" Daku snorted.

"Rabbits are far better," Time replied.

"Question 2," Cindy interrupted, flipping her notecard, "Do you like train- WHAT, WHO WROTE THIS?" Lumi and Daku fell over in a fit of laughter. Cindy fumed.

"Okay, I don't have any time for you little shenanigans! Where's the real notecard?"

"Your reaction," Daku snorts. "It was priceless,"

"Flip the card over," Lumi said. Dubiously, Cindy flipped the card.

"Question 2," she continued, "what's your I.Q.?"

"A magnificent 60," Time said.

"That's really low." Lumi said.

"So smart," Daku sarcastically says "He must think he's Albert Einstein,"

"Why thank you, uhh what's your name again?" Time said generously.

"Oh, what my name is not important to you," Daku said in an uncanny impersonation of Time's voice, "After all, I do not contain the same knowledge as you do,"

Lumi and Cindy collapsed, laughing. Kiba and Liang seemed to be laughing as well. Cindy believed Alex was chuckling too, deep in his card reader.

"Question 3!" Cindy exclaimed, shuffling through her stack of notecards,"what's your favorite food?"

"I cannot decide," Time said, "all the foods in time's existence are grand."

"Like your burnt marshmallow cake, Lumi." Daku snorted.

"It wasn't burnt!" Lumi protested.

"Sure it wasn't. It was all soggy and brown, and inside it was soupy and sticky,"

"I forgot to put it in the fridge," Lumi insisted, "afterwards I put it in the fridge and it's fine now."

"It would give me food poisoning," Daku laughed.

"Kiba and I ate it," Lumi said, crossing her arms, "we're still alive."

"Are you two adolescents going to give me attention and understand my knowledge of timeless centuries. I believe I was cast onto this show in order to help young adolescents learn of the timeless knowledge I have learned over the timeless centuries,"

"Ok, ok," Lumi sighed. She turned to Cindy and Daku.

"I really regret letting him on the show," she whispered.

"Yeah, I agree. But it's called 'The Time Show'." Daku whispered.

"But he's great," Cindy insisted.

"Then why don't you marry him?" Daku joked.

"Adolescents!" Time called.

"Oh okay," Cindy called. She turned back to Daku and Lumi. "We'll continue this later," she whispered fiercely.

"Question 4," Cindy read, "what's your favorite drink?"

"My, ah, piece de time resistance, es a smoothie made purely of seconds and minutes blended together with shards of glass and hour hands,"

"Uhh," Lumi said, making a strange face, "I'll take your word for it, sounds delicious."

"It is," Time said earnestly, "I have some with me. Care to try a glass?" Time dug in his briefcase and pulled out a bottle of a strange liquid of a dull papery-yellow with odd sharp edges sticking out.

"I'll pass," Lumi strained to scoot her chair backwards.

"Me too," Cindy said.

"I'll try some." Daku said. Time pulled out a glass shaped like a clock and poured out half of the giant bottle.

"Here you go young adolescent," he said, handing it to Daku.

Daku picked up the bottle and sipped it. Then he spat it out onto Time's numerous Rolexes.

"Absolutely delicious!" Daku coughed.

Time looked downcast. "Oh. okay." he said, wiping his face with a silken handkerchief.

"It was absolutely horrid. I suggest you never drink it," Daku muttered to Lumi. Kiba's green-blue scales faded into a vivid red.

"Oh no," Lumi muttered, she reached out to pet Kiba's head gently. Kiba's scales faded to a bright orange.

"Oh my gosh," Cindy gasped, "is Kiba ok?"

"I think she just got mad at me," Daku muttered. "Hey, she could be my Christmas reindeer!"

Kiba's scales turned a darker orange, which looked alarmingly strange.

"Look, she's changing already! Exactly at the-"
"DAKU," Lumi yelled, "we don't want to do that again!" Cindy's eyes grew wide with horror. The camera wobbled and she raced forward to stabilize it.

"What do you mean?" Daku asked with an innocent tone that deceived no one but Time.

"What do you mean? Like she was changing exactly at the time?" Cindy screamed.

"Brace for impact," Lumi muttered, popping wireless earbuds into her ears. She turned on her phone and a few seconds later, music blared from the earbuds, so loud that it blared out of the earbuds for all to hear. Lumi cringed and turned the volume down. Cindy sighed and pulled her camera on her lap, whispering encouraging words.

"Did some specimen of the homo sapien species utter my biological name! I am pleased to assist them! I wish to let..." Time's babbling fades into existence.

Daku sighed, pulling a roll of duct tape from his pocket.

"Silence is golden, duct tape is silver," Daku said, "Assuming you're not stupid, which makes you richer?" Time continued to ramble, seeming to not hear Daku.

"He really is stupid," Daku said in frustration.

"Daku! Stop," Cindy screamed, "look!" She gestured to Kiba who was turning back to the vivid red.

"But he's not going to shut up!" Daku growled.

"This is the worst possible moment in-" Cindy started. Then she realized her mistake and clapped a hand over her mouth.

Daku snarled and ripped a long piece of duct tape off the roll. He leapt at Time like a monkey and threw the duct tape over Time's mouth.

"Mrmmmph, mmph," Time snapped, "greph drish turpe urf uf merf"

"Sorry," Daku innocently said, leaning in closer, "What did you say?"


"Did you say you wanted a milkshake? I thought you had one in your pocket!" Daku replied. Lumi snorted, pulling out her earbuds.

"You should really stop," Cindy said quietly.

"Yurph peesh," Time muttered.

"Err, Daku?" Lumi said cautiously, "you might want to run for your life." Lumi glanced over at Kiba.

Daku turned to see a huge force barreling at him. The first thing he screamed was.


Then the force tackled and smashed him into a wall.

"SECURITY, SECURITY, WE HAVE A PROBLEM," Cindy screeched, "IT'S REALLY BIG THIS TIME." She hugged Rex and Alex protectively.

"It's fine! I got this under control." Daku growled.

He grabbed Kiba by the horns, yelping when burns formed on his hands.

"And Kiba's horns have fire," Lumi said, idly flipping through a book.

"Nice to know that princess!" Daku yelled.

"I'm not a princess!" Lumi yelled.

He shoved his hand in his cape and pulled out a long katana. It gleamed in the fluorescent lights as Daku raised it above his head.

"And that's my pet!" Lumi screamed, running at Daku.

Daku jumped up, no longer having a joking expression on his face. He landed a short distance away from Kiba as Lumi desperately tried to calm Kiba down. Finally, Kiba snorted and pawed the ground, her scales turning a bright orange. Lumi sighed.

"Daku Ketsueki Akai Shizuki! You will never attempt to harm my pet again!" Lumi reached for her giant dictionary, then paused. She sat back down in her chair. Cindy stared at the chaos, horrified. Daku slid his katana back in his cloak. He pulled out a broken bottle and brandished it at Kiba.

"Now that's enough!" Lumi screamed, "SECURITY!"

Daku fell over, dizzy at yesterday's hangover and today's excitement.


"CORTANA," Lumi screamed at her phone, "CALL 911."

"Calling, emergency number 9-1-1" a robotic female voice said. Lumi put her phone up to her ear and started to yell furiously. Cindy's eyes widened as she realized that Rex the camera was still on.

"Barium Iodine!" she yelled. She placed a shaky hand on the camera and pressed the "off" button. Nothing happened.

"WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING," she yelled helplessly.



"Redirecting you to "Emergency Burn Operator" A pleasant cool voice said.

"Hello, this is Emergency Burns?" a voice asked.

"WE HAVE A SITUATION HERE," Lumi screamed, "AT 12345 TIME LANE."

"The ambulances will be there shortly," the voice said. Lumi threw her phone on the chair

and ran over to Kiba who was sitting on a chair, calmly.

"Kiba can you try to keep Daku-bashing to a minimum?" Lumi asked. "Now i gotta go find the waivers."

"You mean these?" Cindy asked, holding up a stack of papers, "I was about to feed them to the bunny. Wait no rabbit."

"Cindy," Lumi screeched, "no, just give it to me!" Reluctantly, Cindy handed the papers to Lumi.

"MURHPH," Time yelled. Cindy walked over to Time, and with a little difficulty, she got the duct tape off.

"My precious moustaché!" Time squealed. He felt his mustache, finding only part of it.

"It's just a mustache, AND WHERE'S THE AMBULANCE," Lumi screamed.

Sirens blared, and seconds later, they could hear tires screeching to a halt.

"Oh, there's the button," Cindy exclaimed, "Barium Iodine!"

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