Location 2: China?

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Day #002

I guess it's 5 pm?

Ancient China —Tang Dynasty, 618

So we left Rome, and thank God we did so because I ran out of gummy bears and those vampire-esque looking dudes looked like they would behead me and stuff me in a cannon. Who knew they liked those so much? Anyways, lesson learnt, I have to be careful in how I behave in certain eras. Last thing I need is dying in this time travelling club.

So, we traveled again and this time we're in Ancient China –and I swear each time we go through that thing, I get more and more disoriented. My senses are still wacky from the previous journey. How did I know we're in China? The giant wall is a dead giveaway. This era might be worse because I don't think any of us actually speak Cantonese, or is it Middle Chinese?

(p.s// Since we landed, all I have been thinking about is dumplings —completely unrelated to anything but I'm hungry.)

To avoid any mishaps or possible deaths, we snuck around until we came across this little abandon temple. There, we made a plan to actually get some clothing to blend in with everyone. Once again, ♤Joy♢ volunteered to guard first as she wanted to put the sword she found to good use and Cake didn't think it was a good idea so she stayed up guarding too. Her words were 'if anyone messes with us, I'm gonna kung fu panda my way through them.' Interesting.

Next morning, we hid in the shadows up until when Jungkook found a little hut and spent like two hours negotiating with an older woman –who spoke no kind of English whatsoever– to kindly lend us some clothing to blend in. That clearly didn't work, so we did what we had to.

We left the woman and found some discarded clothes in an empty temple Cake wasn't a big fan of communal baths back in Rome, and she wasn't too fond of what we have to work with this time.

We then ventured out into the open, and as expected, few heads turned our way –its a blessing we landed after the assassination of tyrant, Yang, his ways would have been the end of us for sure. Along the stone pathway, bright red lanterns were being hanged by frantic villagers. Apparently, the emperor, Li Yuan, was coming to town and this is a big celebration for villagers. A festival.

Things got messy when one of us was caught. brend_izzy to be exact. She was wearing a costume of higher ranks and was now being pulled away from us to be apart of the ceremony. She didn't go without a fight, soon we were all being led to the front.

Soon, this place is going to be attacked my the Mongolian empire. And now we're part of a festival.

I'm sure nothing could go wrong right?



Day #002

Time - midnight

Place - the abandoned temple, ancient China

As the self proclaimed chaperone and gatekeeper of the group, I proudly took over the role of the group's bodyguard as well.

Not that I don't trust ♤Joy♢ , nope she's the strongest and most kickass of us all but there was a way in which she was staring at the sword that was twice her weight... and for some reason she wanted to practice sword fighting... at the dead of night.

Brend_izzy, Graeae, Jungkook stared at me when I said I'll protect them. After all I'm the only person who could speak a little mandarin (wink)

"You know fighting doesn't involve throwing cakes or turning your face red right?" brend_izzy said.

Oh well!!!!! "if anyone messes with us, I'm gonna kung fu panda my way through them.' Interesting"

"You mean I'll 'fu-king' panda my way through them" ♤Joy♢ snickered.

Did I mention I am growing close to hating the only people I'm time traveling with?

Because the next morning I was forced to wear random clothes (after messing with poor old Chinese woman - I gave her a hug though)!!!

And maybe, just maybe, I didn't tell brend_izzy which clothes she was wearing (innocent)

Graeae and Jungkook ran behind brend_izzy to warn her (they both finished the gummy bears instead of giving them to some Chinese people - history distortion averted).

I smiled watching brend_izzy being led in the front - I knew she can handle the "royalty"!!! Meanwhile ♤Joy♢ brought over some 'dumplings' but they weren't the dumplings that I thought!!! cough

Needless to say I've learnt my lesson not to reprimand ♤Joy♢ at all the times... why?

While when I told her that these were not the 'dumplings' Graeae was asking for, she smiled (evil) at me, ran all the way to Jungkook who ran to brend_izzy and whispered something to her.



Suddenly panic flares! Ah to our benefit we hear that the Mongolians are headed our way!

In happiness I mutter a few words in mandarin and the next thing I know - I'm being beaten to pulp!!!!

brend_izzy sheds light that I ended up saying "thank you Mongolians, hello to everyone and take away all the Chinese money!"

How did I even survive the attack? Graeae helped me with some ancient chinese herbal medicine while Jungkook played referee between all the crowd bashing me. Cake's kinda baked right now.

"They fu-king Kung-fu'd you..." ♤Joy♢ chuckled and before I could respond another show falls on my head.

It's from her 'dumpling'.

Immediately fire rages in her eyes, she grabs the chopsticks and slaps and pokes the crowd around her (trust me a lot of them got scared away)

"DON'T YOU DARE HIT MORE!" She yelled and poked the other people out of her way. The rest joined too in the fight... ah, didn't I say I loved my group?

Bennie meanwhile, rolled her eyes and grabbed the sword out of joy's backpack and raised it high! Immediately everyone fell silent and fell to her feet!!!

Apparently the sword that Joy had found buried in the ancient temple was none other than the sword of the first king of the Tang Dynasty! It was stolen by a traitor bodyguard!!!

The people stopped kicking me and hailed Bennie and Joy into the air while Graeae and Jungkook cried happy tears (I cried the ones in relief)

Bennie and Joy winked at me, basking at the sudden adulation when the army general stepped forward, blessed them both and said two sentences.

The crowd cheered further and threw flowers at Bennie and Joy. (I ducked in case there was a shoe in my direction)

Jungkook and Graeae received meds (the two sweethearts patched me up)

But I, dear journal, was far from relieved. Cause it took my a good five hours to understand what the two sentences the army general said.

To Joy he blessed "Your bravery and loyalty to your friend is unparalleled. You are fit to be my son's wife, my daughter in law!"

In return once the six foot, athletic, lean and handsome said son came in place - Joy only winked and boldly placed a hand on his shoulder (in hopes they'll cancel the plan at her immodesty)

Except the man only winked back at Joy!!!!

And then the army general turned back at us and had said;

"You all (barring Bennie) have displayed immense skill at fighting and healing with the bare minimum; hence you'll all fight with me against the Mongolians! We need fighters like you!"

Then he turns to Bennie "And you, royal princess, shall be in the front line! Leading the pack to victory!"

Um... did I mention that this was a good time to travel?



Ancient China

Somewhere out in a training field.

A month or so after landing?

I honestly don't know what day it is or how long we've been out here. ♤Joy♢ s father in law has been extremely accommodating given the circumstances. I mean I'm not even sure we're allowed to be out here let alone training and commanding men who have been in the military for years ! At least they realized early in history that if they need something done right they have leave it to us women.

Surprisingly Jungkook is a natural with a bow and arrow, Graeae Storms is acting as our doctor still and Slice Of Cake, well shes a lost cause. The other day she cried when someone yelled at her to hit them harder.

The innuendos that came from that... smh

Personally I like the training, I've perfected my sim and surprised a few guys with that. All fun aside the clock is ticking

We have a plan though, because we know China will be invaded and there's no historical mention of a female army, unless they blended us all together and created the Mulan myth. We also need to figure out how to un-engage ♤Joy♢ . Her fiance is really cool and very helpful,but she WILL kill someone if she is forced to go through with the wedding.

I'm going to sleep now I think its past midnight and we have to be up at dawn for training.



Someday because I lost count

Ancient china

Somewhere in the castle/ training field

As everyone was doing their own training from sunrise to almost afternoon. We were planning how to escape the war. God knows what will happen if we change history. ♤Joy♢ is training hard and trying to avoid her soon to be husband at all costs but I guess he doesn't get the point. She's going to kill someone sooner or later if we don't hurry and leave.

Graeae is learning new medicine stuff as a lot of those samurai guys get hurt by swords and knives. Yet she's also training on throwing those little knives, they're small yet very effective. She got an eagle eye.

Meanwhile I'm training on my shooting with arrows and bows and arrows alone. Those stuff really hurt my hands. It's almost all cuts.

brend_izzy and Cake are trying to persuade as I see ♤Joy♢'s soon to be father in law to stop the wedding. Why not tell him she's married? That might buy us some time to travel away.

Well, of course brend_izzy is still training and fascinating this men with her skills and Cake chose to cook. She found cooking better than having to fight and see blood and cuts.

We are now staying in the castle, I wonder how no one ever asked us where we came from or why we don't speak Chinese.

Okay, I have to go. Someone is coming and as I see, there are only few who knew how to write back at this time. Only Royal families. I don't want troubles.

We got to stop landing in war time...



Day 2

Ancient China

Military training camps

As much as I love ancient China, I hate it here. oh it's not because of the beautiful culture and vast cultural traditions (I like those) but because of ONE GODDAMN MAN.

I don't know what will happen because it all happens so SUDDENLY, but what I do know is that I actually have met him. It was when I guard the girls in the night and somehow sunshine is volunteering herself, honestly she won't do much at all but I appreciate her honesty and work but... yeah she shouldn't do this kind of stuff and just leave it to me.

Okay back on stupid story, sunshine said we should take turn to guard so none of us will feel tired... which in my head is ridiculous because I'm fine with it but if it's what sunshine said i don't have a choice, do I ?

And when it is my turn for a break I absolutely make sure that nothing can come to the girls. I told sunshine that I will go out to take a breather, in that time I make sure to get rid of all the pesky bugs.

But suddenly there's a man out of nowhere tried to come at me, he is strong but I'm smarter than him and I got out of his hold. The two of us have a stand off and none of us talk to each other, what I don't like about him is that eyes of his. His eyes seems so... look down at me or find me amusing like a goddamn circus attraction.

As I find this stand off boring I quickly run away from the man and leave him alone before searching for things to 'borrow'.

THEN SUDDENLY IT IS TIME DAY, it happens all of sudden when all of us are just resting. One thing after another happen all at once and suddenly we were brought to the damn military training base and all of the sudden the commander of the base told us that he want ME !ME AS HIS DAUGHTER IN LAW !!!


I was so in shock that I couldn't even reject the idea and we are told to stay inside the military base. But seriously HOW LOOSE IS THIS PLACE !??!THEY LITERALLY TAKE PEOPLE THEY DON'T KNOW AND MAKE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE THEIR DAUGHTER IN LAW.

The man couldn't leave me alone and always stay beside me and at this point I'm on the bridge of making a genocide.

I told him that he should stop following me and since I couldn't say shit in mandarin I say it in Chinese but it seems the man knows what I'm talking about. He told me in fluent English,

"Why should I when I finally found a woman that have intrigued me more than any other woman ?"

So I'm just a fucking toy !?!??! I keep telling him off and he kept getting closer to me and every time I got angry he would always have this grin !! Ahhh I seriously want to punch him in the face.

But at least he helped the girls whenever they're having trouble in training.




Will Joy be married off? Will the Club be able to escape before the invasion? Most importantly how is everyone communicating !?

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