Oh Ship

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Day - IDK

Time - Afternoon

Place - IDK again

Two seagulls and a sun shine over me. A soft breeze tickles my cheek. And I can't move my neck.

Oh, also it smells of fish... and ocean?

A loud horn blares into the sky, I duck before a seagull poo lands on me. What the hell? I (attempt to) get up to find my ground unsteady, wait... I'm in a lifeboat?

My friends lie next to me, all out cold.

I stand up, still in my Egyptian clothes, when I notice the huge cruise that we are tied to.

Wait... how did we end up from the desserts of Egypt to the middle of the ocean?

Let's recap:

- I, The sucky translator, am studying hieroglyphs while making sure joy doesn't create more wine disaster while she parades as the queen's spirit

- Bennie seems to be having a blast, enjoying the Egyptian culture, sampling wines and probably being the only one searching for the portal to take us back home

- Kookie is in a contemplative mode , did I just watch her and Joy conspire against Graeae?

- Graeae is missing!

Yes yes this is the last thing that happened in Egypt! Graeae was missing! And so was the bodyguard!

Joy, Kookie and Bennie pack boxes - aka 'gifts' - as Graeae walks into the Bodyguard's house. (Yes she wasn't missing, I just wasn't invited in their visit to the bodyguard)

The bodyguard and Graeae exchange cute smiles as Bennie and all heap gifts into the house.

Wait... gifts, house, Graeae??? Oh shit!! I run up to my friends and grabs their necks.

"What the hell is happening? Joy can you keep the wine away!" I slapped the wine away from Joy's hands as Kookie offers me an explanation.

"Well between cute hugs and ancient dating the bodyguard asked Graeae if she'd like to visit his home - we thought of gifts and he's even happier now."

Oh shit!

"What's wrong" Bennie asked me.

"Well you know this kinda means they're getting married cause there's no specific marriage ritual in Egypt?"

"WHAT!" They all screamed, except the bodyguard though, he's pretty happy.

"How come everything ends up in marriage when we're traveling?" Good question Kookie, good question.

But hey, we also have assassinations and wars to our name! #China

"Ouch!" Graeae shrieked as one of her gift baskets fell to the floor. We rushed to help her out when she stilled and picked up a strange dagger from the ground with some engraving on it.

"Yo," Joy giggled, semi drunk "Remember when we thought the current pharaoh was going to get assassinated by the rival? Didn't his name have the same herogly-heirlo-heirowhateverthefack on it? What say Cake?"

Oh my God. That means this bodyguard... he's a traitor! All of us turned to look at the guard, who's charming smile suddenly vanished and he held the knife against Graeae's throat.

He signaled to keep us shut while Graeae struggled against his hold.

"The one time that I try to ship off a person, ends up as a bloody traitor," Joy cursed under her breath as his other teammates came into his house, capturing us all.

In short dear journal - the bodyguard had always been suspicious of us foreigners had planned to use us as a scapegoat for his own murder plan!

"Take this!" Kookie screamed, throwing gummy bears all over. The men looked at the colorful squish, distracted by Kookie's stupidity.

They had the 'are you serious' face.

Ah, as they say, distraction serves well. Bennie aimed a kick at one man's shin and Graeae knocked the bodyguard with the back of her skull. Joy smashed her stone tumbler against another man's head.

"Run" Bennie commanded and pushed me right into the front as we ran through the market.

"Why am I ahead?" I screamed, my athletic inabilities exposed.

"Because we need you to be you!" Kookie screamed back.


"CLUMSY!" They all screamed.

Oh well, yes I didn't end up pushing pots, letting out domesticated animals, throwing vendor carts and letting loose a pile of stone bricks on our way to the palace.

As we rushed to the Pharaoh to warn him he stopped us, with the message that what was to happen, would happen.

As a believer of God he realized we were the brave women of the future. The ones one of his Goddesses had talked about.

"Graeae, you should've thought about this guy instead" Joy commented. Kookie slapped her behind her head.

Well done Kookie.

The Pharaoh pointed out to the mirror in the temple that had begun sparkling. IT WAS THE PORTAL!

Right then the door hammered with all the assassins.

The Pharaoh and his true army stood ahead. We saluted and jumped through the portal.


And now here we are, all of us lost confused and utterly disoriented. Where the hell were we.

"Are we back to new world?" Bennie commented, groaning as her wounds from the Egyptian adventure was still open.

"Fack we aren't invincible?" Joy slurred, her head pounding (Bc of hangover I tell you)

"But at least we're back to the modern age! Back to our present!" Graeae sighed and stood up in the lifeboat, breathing the fresh air.

Kookie was about to hand us some gummies to eat but kept it back looking at the sorry state of it.

Something about the boat is very familiar, all too familiar. I couldn't keep my finger on it!

"What a view!" Kookie commented on the endless blue waters.

"Good Lord! What are you young ladies doing here?" A smart, dashing captain in his uniform dashed towards the edge of the rail, bewildered.

"Now that's a view," Joy commented on the strangers deep blue eyes. Six feet tall, brown hair swept back, chiseled clean jawline.

Yet he looked at Bennie, shocked at her bleeding shoulder.

"Let me help you Miss," he extended his hand to her. But we know Bennie don't we?

"I'm alright Sailor boy," Bennie groaned, struggling with her sore shoulder.

The rest of us stood aside, not helping her the least (innocent)

"It's Captain Victor Nicholson. I'll call for aide right now. And stop squirming for heaven's sake!" He pulled her out onto the cruise, conveniently forgetting the rest of us as they shared an eye lock.

Diary, are you thinking what I'm thinking?

"Someone finally speaks English!" Graeae comment. Ugh not that silly.

"There's going to be modern food!" Kookie chucked. Nooooo!

"Frack, does this ship name start with T?" Joy rubbed her eyes. No way—wait what?

Captain Nicholson finally gave a hand to all of us and formally introduced himself (after making sure Bennie was alright).

"Welcome to the unsinkable - The Titanic!"




Location: Out at Sea

Date: Someday between April 10-15 1912

Time: Dark and starry like Capt NIcholson's twinkling eyes ( heavy sigh)

Ok so, the good news is we finally left Egypt!!! I love history and it was so much fun learning about traditions and customs straight from the source. Museums here I come!! But anyways, Cake was able to get us through a portal that the Pharaoh had been hiding this whole time. He seemed really calm about everything including the angry army making its way to the palace, and I wonder if he used the portal to travel like we have?

Anyways after barely escaping with our lives, and being crushed by fellow group members as they fell through the portal we have escaped ancient times and looks like we might be close to home because we landed in the middle of freaking nowhere on a tiny boat that may or may not be causing motion sickness for some people. Poor Grae, still slightly heartbroken form the lying traitorous Egyptian guard is turning a little green and I dont think it's with envy.

Middle of the ocean what could be worse? We are meant to die of starvation or dehydration before someone finds us or we wash ashore somewhere and with our luck it would probably be onto some remote island and we would turn into Lord of the Flies within days. Before I can plan on who would be the best sacrifice to appease the beast or who would make the best meal if we have to resort to other survival methods a voice calls out to us. A manly, deep voice with a beautiful rich baritone and British accent that makes we swoon immediately, because you know the boat swaying isn't enough. The moment we make eye contact I'm a goner. He's wearing a captain's uniform complete with the cap. I'm pretty sure I have finally died and gone to heaven. But then he speaks again and all I hear is


Great so now we have boarded the oceans largest kost lost luxurious ship to set sail that sunk because it hit a block of ice! We are going to die, or freeze to death if we don't find the portal before April 14.

But I mean the sea seems pretty empty sooo it must still be the first or second day right? I can have a day to relax before the worlds biggest tragedy before our time hits right. Just a day? Maybe I can have a fancy dinner while listening to a quintet play something beautiful without being interrupted. OMG I finally get to live the life I was meant to have! Even if it's just for a day or two. Maybe three, let's hope and pray it's at least three.

Anyways I gots to go and 1. Figure out the date, 2. Find my group because Captain Nick brought me to this luxury suite and I have no idea where the others are at 3. Figure out how to take said captain home with me. Is that allowed? We've all had tragic time romances I'm not going to hold my breath for this one. Pun not intended lol



Day? Do I look I know what day it is?

Time is for losers.

Yo, we on the Titanic! 1912

Okay, whew. I'm exhausted. Like fu– Who knew Egypt would be so tiring? Especially when we were almost murdered, and I was backstabbed by this cute guard. Like WHY??? He was taller than me! Do you know how hard it is to find someone to tower over your 6ft self? All boys I've encountered in the present don't even make it pass my boobs.

Anyways, homeboy stabbed us in the back when he turned against us. Bloody traitor. And to think I almost shared my gummy bears with him. We hauled ass out of that place, with Slice leading because she's clumsy as hell, and would be left behind anything. The Pharaoh homie helped us out when he pointed us to the portal, and I've never been so quick to get out of a place before.

Some time later, we ungracefully land in a lifeboat. Where did that lifeboat come from? I don't know. We were all greeted by this dude that appeared out of nowhere. Found out he was the captain, and not doing his job as captain. You know, driving the ship. The Unsinkable Titanic.

Unsinkable my ass.

Excuse the attitude, I'm still salty from that whole tall, handsome Egyptian backstabbing jerk.


Captain 'Twinkle Eyes' eyed Brendy shoulder, and she brushed him off with the "I'm alright sailor boy."

She called him 'sailor boy'.

Ooooh, the pet names have started.

He still helped her and i think she saw him in a new light, all googley eyed and stuff. I'm just going to sit back and watch this go downhill. Another ship that's going to sink. Literally.

Everyone was exhausted, and in need of freshening up and Captain jumped at the opportunity to help us –oh I'm sorry, I meant at Brendy. He completely brushed us off. As everyone walked ahead. I lingered back a bit because homeboy seemed fishy and it's not because we're in the middle of the ocean.

"Word of advice Captain, eyes on the sea," I did the 'I'm watching you' gesture then followed the others into the lavish 'unsinkable ship'.

A few hours later, it was nearing nighttime and we all felt clean in our new dresses –I was forced into mine because I couldn't wear pants. We decided we could explore the ship a bit, and I knew exactly where I wanted to go first.

The front of the ship, for a Jack and Rose moment –by myself might I add.

When I arrived there, I spotted a couple doing the iconic 'Rose and Jack' and I nearly squealed. Oh wait, I did squeal and they both almost fell overboard.


They both turned to face me and I figured I should just introduce myself. I walked forward, taking in how fresh the air was and how this would have been absolutely beautiful if it wasn't going underwater soon.

"Well, if it isn't the infamous Jack," I size him up and realised he looked nothing like young Leo DiCaprio. Of course not you idiot. "Before you go paint her like one of your French girls, I just wanted to say, I'm a big fan." They both looked very confused. I don't blame them. If some stranger walked up to me wearing some fancy ass dress with combat boots, and hogging down gummy bears, I'd be very confused too. "Like, huge fan of this relationship."

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" Holy shit. The infamous Jack spoke to me. I'll remember this day forever.

"Nope. But I know you. I'm pretty sure the whole world does." They both looked at me like I was crazy and indeed, I was. Who walks up to two strangers to tell them you're a big fan of their relationship? Oh right, a sleep deprived, hungry time traveler. I know for a fact Jack won't remember this conversation because he's about to become on of the dead thousand, and highly doubt Rose will remember this to make me famous.

"Anyways, enjoy your time on this ship while it's still above water!" I called out over my shoulders, before I trudged off to find a very curious Slice– we're supposed to go snooping around the area before the giant sink-fest. It's all going to the bottom of the ocean anyway. They won't know it's missing.

I stopped, turning around to face the couple that looked like they can't comprehend the conversation that just happened.

"And Rose?" She looks up at me with wide eyes. I bet she's wondering how the hell I know her name. "There was room on that door." With that, I hauled ass away from them while belting out the lyrics to 'The Heart Will Go On."

After that rather refreshing experience, I found the rest of the crew –minus Brendy– sitting around mindlessly talking. Joy had a few bottles of wine in front of her, Slice had some fancy looking necklace and Kookie was staring ahead at the vast ocean with a slightly worried look on her face. "Guys, where do you think the portal is?"

"It should be in our room," Slice mumbled to herself. "We should go double check, just in case."

We all ran inside, dodging the dancing couples, and drunk rich men.

We finally made it to the tiny room, and imagine our surprise when we arrived there and the portal isn't where it's supposed to be.

"WHAT?! But I saw it here before I left the room." Cake shook her head. "Did it disappear?"

"We need to find the portal." Jungkook walked out of the room and we followed. "Where's brend_izzy ?"

"With Captain Twinkle Eyes," I coughed out.

"Someone's got to get her," Jungkook suggested.

"Not it," I swiftly backed out. Whatever the two are doing or wherever they are, I'm not going to be the one to retrieve them. My poor innocent eyes would burn forever.

Jungkook and Cake also backed out of the quest to find brendy –who thinks she's isn't about to be interrupted.

That left ♤Joy♢ because she was distracted by the bottles of champagne she snagged. "Aw, man. They're probably playing Scrabble, I don't wanna see that." Her face twisted up in disdain. When none of us budged, she sighed and walked away to find them.

A Slice Of Cake clearly didn't trust a tipsy ♤Joy♢ so she followed after her. Kookie and I talked while we tried to find the portal. It's almost 10 pm and we may have got the day wrong.

This ship is going down, and we've lost the portal. But my best guess is that,

It's on the iceberg.



Day... I lose the track of time

Time.... idk

Where ? Somewhere on the Pacific sea



That's what's on my mind, because when I suddenly REALIZED we're on the fckng titanic it self I'm already KNOOOWW the doom we're about to have.

I thank my father for the constant and ridiculous amount of preaching about ships when I'm at my home, so I know some of the shit going on.... THE BAD THING IS THAT THIS SHIP IS NOT THE MODERN SHIP I USED TO REMEMBER


Calm... down joy, everything is gonna be alright... yeah, you just need to find few things and make sure that everything is going to plan.

As I kept planning about how to get out of this boat graeae comes back from idfk where she goes but I have BIG SENSE that she is ruining something again...

Like I just know she have done something.... I just fckng know.

Then suddenly kookie ask us worriedly,

"Guys, where do you think the portal is ?"

That my friend is where all my 6th senses goes off like I know something is fckng wrong, fck fck fck fck...

It even stops me from drinking the champagne for a bit, now the drink taste bitter in my mouth because I know something bad is happening

"It should be in our room," Slice mumbled to herself. "We should go double check, just in case."

Oh great... yup, i predict that it will be gone how do I know ?let's just say its intuition...


great ! All my FUCKING WINE and of course my treasure is in there but my wine is in there !!uugghhh now I have to think about another plan...

"WHAT?! But I saw it here before I left the room." A Slice Of Cake shook her head. "Did it disappear?"

Of course its fckng dissapeared sunshine, it's not there ! LOOK ! Even blind people would know it's not there

"We need to find the portal." Jungkook walked out of the room and we followed. "Where's brend_izzy ?"

With the twinkly shitty eyes captain, idfk maybe they are producing babies.

"With Captain Twinkle Eyes," Graeae Storms coughed.

And I was right...

"Someone's got to get her," Jungkook suggested.

Just before I said now the three of them defeated me, leaving me grumbling over the couple and leaving to find them.

Stupid champagne for making me slow at saying words !

Ughhh why am I so grumpy today ?? Oh maybe because idk... we're in the middle of the ocean !?!

I look at the map of the ship and remembering every details before leaving to go sightseeing for myself, screw getting boss I'm not gonna interrupt their love making

Within two hours of time I already explore the ship from the bottom to the top, not gonna lie it almost pretty much the same. I know where to get some stuff and where to go when it's emergency, not to mention I make friends with the crew in the meantime as I would talk about my father story when he is the captain...

Not gonna lie it felt so much like I'm home with my family, not to mention they treat me with some excellent beer.

I finally goes to the captain corridor and just so you know, the walls In the ships are thin like I could hear what they're saying...

And every single time I felt I wanna puke every intestines I have in my body, i should've brought bleach with me....

I wait for my beer in my hand to be empty before I knock on the door, not coming in

"As much as I hate to see you two love birds talking cheesy shit, but I need to talk with my big boss. And for once leave her for a couple of minutes will ya big guy, you can continue making babies when we're done. Boss you're being called by the others, ah big guy... be a gentleman and escort my boss to our room please ? That would be great, thank you"

I leave before the two of them come out from the room and taking short cuts, and when I'm back the three of them are sitting with worried look in their face

"Now what did I miss ??"

I ask the three of them but they seems to not want to say anything, welp it seems they want it to be a suprise.

I sigh knowing I won't get the answer until boss come here, sunshine whose trying to make the room lighter ask me where boss is

"She is with captain twinkle toes, don't worry he will escort her here"

And that's when boss came, it took them five more minutes before they can separate from each other.

Within that time all of us talking and three of them said they know where the portal is,

You wanna know where it is ?




Boss calming us down and ask the three to go calm themselves outside and take a breather, leaving me with boss alone.

"So, do you found anything interesting ?" brend_izzy ask me

"Yup, it sure is interesting here, did ya know that this ship is far more complicated than the modern one ? I'm having a field trip here and also the view is nice too"

As I talk about that I write something on the paper about all the informations and preparation I have and gave it to brenda. She nod after reading the paper and burnt the evidence until it is just ashes.

"Also boss, a nice reminder... the walls here have ears and it is thin, you should be careful with what you're saying with the captain"

I told here before going out to the casino and bar, enjoying the life of the sea.

On the bright side, I found some nice beverages to drink~

And the food is also nice~



Day... No one really cares anymore

Time: It's probably where the ship will hit the Iceberg

Where: thee ti-Tanic


We are going to die very soon if we don't get THE FREAKING PORTAL from the FREAKING ICEBERG that is going to hit the ship so soon and will probably sink into the water and we will never find it.

As I was walking down the corridor, I found The famous Jack and Rose talking about someone who came to them and told them Jack is going to die and the ship is going to sink?! sigh

Brendz is still with "The Captain" doing God knows what. No one want to know to say the least.

"Yeeehaw!!" Someone shouted. Everyone turned.. It was Cake running around. And Joy♢ smiling devilishly from far. What did you do Joy?

Graeae was giving away gummy bears for people. We're ruining the future...

"Duuuug" It's happening. The ship just hit the iceberg. We need the portal, now.

Everyone is screaming and chaos everywhere. Rich people are going first. Kids crying, poor screaming to let them go there. And then there was the captain sipping his tea not doing his job. Like literally sitting, not caring about the hundreds of people that are going to die.

We all gathered together to see how we are going to get to the iceberg Graeae thinks we should jump there. Crazy idea but I think I agree with her.

brend_izzy thinks we should get a boat. Logical, but how are we supposed to go up there? Cake is asleep. I wonder what did she take? And ♤Joy♢ thinks we should swim there... in this cold water, like seriously?

Another shake happened, gotta say, if I have to jump, then I will. We did rock, paper, scissors to choose and yes, Graeae won. Now we will jump! Or might add only some of us. Actually, we borrowed a boat. None was brave enough for cold water....

"Let's go, quick! Before the portal fall" I say in a worried tone. I don't want to stay to say the least...

I really hope the next place will be good, if we are going to stay aliiive.


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