Author Note/Historical Fiction Contest Submission

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A/N: Hey Glories! Thanks so much for checking out this short story. This will be my first ever historical fiction piece. Even if the story is not completed in time for the contest, it will still be posted! :)

This story will be my submission for the HistoricalFiction contest. The prompt I have used is below. You can also find it on their profile. 


You've been reincarnated for the 4th time. Since childhood, you've dreamt of peculiar events, so when you come across an unexpected event at the age of 18 you take it as a sign to embark on a journey to become whole again

Fragment 1

The first fragment is trapped in the classical age (600 BCE – CE 600)

You time travel to any one of these eras and reconnect with your lost fragment.

Fragment 2

After reconnecting with your first fragment, you now need to embark on a journey to the Middle Ages (CE 600 – CE 1500). Choose any one of the ages

Fragment 3

Travel to Early Modern Era (CE 1500 – CE19000) to connect with your 3rd soul fragment.

Fragment 4

The last and most important fragment of your soul is lost somewhere in the modern age. Reconnect with it before it's too late.

Premise (What my story is about based on the above prompt): Elsa Shore has fallen in love with a girl. This is her fourth life though, as she always dies whenever she turns nineteen. This is because she is a Traveller; an immortal being meant to keep watch over time - not meddle in it or the love lives of mortals. This doesn't keep Elsa from falling for Nina, and in doing so realizes she wants to become mortal. To do this though, Elsa must do the impossible and embark on a journey to retrieve the four soul fragments that Lady Life stole from her and scattered throughout histories timeline to become whole again and experience life as mortals do.

Be sure to add this story to your library and reading list! Don't forget to hit that vote button and comment if you like the story!


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