Part 18

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Your POV

The car pulled up by an abandoned warehouse, I ripped the duct tape off my legs and hopped down from the top of the car... accidentally landing on Hanji as she was making an exit from the side door.

"HOW HEAVY ARE YOU??" she had yelled.

Weapons at the ready, we marched over to the door. Mike was about to knock when I grabbed his hand and pulled him back.

"Let me! I've always wanted to do this," I pouted. Mike sighed and walked back. I pulled out my hand guns and sent a roundhouse kick to the door, sending it flying and hitting one of the guards that wasn't paying attention.


Armin just sighed and everyone else face palmed. The guards immediately aimed their guns in our direction.

"Identify yourselves!" One of them shouted. I smiled and nodded.

"With pleasure!" I pointed at squad Levi, "these rays on sunshine are Tree Kisser, Rip-off Levi, Elderflower and Gunter the Penguin-"


I pointed at Eren, Armin and Mikasa, "That's Angry German, Coconut and Momkasa," I then turned to face Zoe, Hanji and Erwin.

"That's Four-Eyes MK2, Four-Eyes MK1 and Commander Eyebrows!" I finished.

"Then who are you?" The guard asked.

"Friend... my name is rarely spoken in the underground or on the surface because of my reputation, I am fearless, I am strong. My name is..." everyone listened in anticipation.

"John Cena,"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I heard two familiar voices coming from the doorway. I turned around to see... Sam and Ricky!!?

"NOW WHO IS IT?" Another guard yelled, clearly pissed off.

"We're-" Ricky began before I cut him off.

"Onii-san1 and Onii-san2," I finished. I turned to the guard and smiled again.

"Ok so here's how this is going to go, you let us see the boss, we kick her and her henchwomen's fat, make-up caked, unsightly butts, grab my boyfriend and leave while this place is blowing up in the background when we walk away making us look like the definition of badass... mkay? Mkay. Now... if you wouldn't mind moving-"

"OPEN FIRE!" A female voice commanded. All the guns went off and bullets came shooting at us at supersonic speed. I shoved my hands up into the air and a wall of water encased all of us as the bullets just slowed down in the water and dropped into the floor harmlessly.

"Or we can beat you up here," I sighed, letting the wall down to be greeted by Sweet and a bunch of guards looking flabbergasted. I shut my eyes and opened them again, revealing my e/c right eye now a brilliant blue/magenta. Sweet just scoffed.

"Kill the others! This h/c haired little brat is mine!" She snarled. Everyone charged at each other while Sweet charged at me with incredible speed. I barely managed to block her attacks as we fought, she sent a sidekick to my ribs and I winced, taking this opportunity to punch her in the gut and send a powerful kick to her head.

"How are you going so fast?"

"Ever since you beat us in prison, Sass and I have been training. Simple as that," Sweet sniped.

"I'm honoured that you trained so hard to beat me after losing, am I really that important?" I smirked, Sweet answered this annoying question with a punch to the jaw. I hissed in pain and looked over at the others who were fighting off the guards. Armin was in the back shooting at people while Zoe was in front defending him with Melee weapons...

Those two should just make out already.

Erwin, Hanji, Sam and Ricky were blasting people to bits with machine guns at close range while Squad Levi just used duel blades. I kept staring at them while blocking most of Sweet's attacks, I smiled at how far they had come. Even Hikaru and Kaoru were playing their part. But while I was looking at the two wolves I heard a gunshot from next to me and a scream of pain. I turned to Zoe who was clutching her stomach in pain as blood seeped onto the floor. I choked in surprise and whipped my head round to Sweet who was holding a fired gun. She gave a twisted grin at me and blew the smoke off the gun barrel.

"Ah, seems like you're finally paying attention," she giggled. I ran over to Zoe while the others held off the other guards. I laid her down and she smiled painfully, now in a small puddle of blood. I took her hand and put my other arm around her back.

"Well this stinks," she wheezed, trying to set a positive atmosphere, I gave a dry chuckle.

"I could think of better situations to find us in," Zoe tried to laugh but coughed up blood instead. I held back tears and smiled.

"I'm not positively sure I'm gonna get through this so can you do something for me?" She asked quietly, I nodded furiously.


"Can you get Armin? I need to tell him something,"

I smiled warmly and got up, wiping my tears. I walked over to Armin who was with the others holding the guards off. He was fighting furiously, slashing each person easily as if they were tissue paper.

that boy was pissed

I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned. 

"it's Zoe, she wants to see you," I smiled sadly, Armin's eyes widened and he nodded, running towards Zoe lying on the floor. I ran after and knelt by Zoe's side while Armin was on the other side, clutching her hand.

"So... i'm going to get straight to the point," Zoe began before looking up at Armin and smiling, "I love you,"

Armin went beet red and his eyes were the size of satellite dishes, "w-what?"

"I love you,"

"Zoe, I-"

"it's okay if you don't feel the same way," Zoe looked down sadly.

"what are you talking about?" Armin questioned, Zoe's head shot back up, "I... I love you too Zo, I-" He was cut off by me shoving his head onto Zoe's and making them kiss. they both went bright red but then they started kissing by themselves.

 I smiled and stood up, facing Sweet who was surprisingly waiting patiently. Filled with determination, love, friendship and the sight of my OTP, I shot forward at an insane speed, kicking the gun out of her hand and high up into the air. I then punched her in the gut, which was immediately followed by another punch to the nose, then a kick to the side then an uppercut. while Sweet was stunned I took out my pocket knife and plunged it into her spine, making her yelp in pain. to top it all off I stepped back and caught the gun I had kicked out of her hands and aimed it at her and she looked up with fear, horror, anger and regret lacing her eyes.

"no- please!" she choked out. I smirked, removing the safety catch.

"tell me... why? what have you done for me to deserve it?" I asked coldly. Sweet froze, opened her mouth but nothing came out. a small tear slipped out of her eye and she slowly closed her mouth, looking down.

"thought so, say hi to Sebastian Michaelis for me," I sighed. Sweet looked back up, smiling sadly.

"I will," she nodded, closing her eyes. I breathed in and pulled the trigger, brilliant crimson clashing with the grey metal.

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