─Author's Note

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Hi guys!

Miyoko here with another story to present!

What, I think it's my fifth fanfiction. Anyways, I'm really thankful for all the support my last book received so I decided to make another book which has almost the similar genre as the one before.

Genre: Fanfiction/Action
Subgenre(s): Romance/Mystery

Yes Mystery! It's the first time I am gonna write a mystery novel so please help me by supporting and giving me constructive criticisms!

This story is published to commemorate Ginny's forty first birthday! She's the main protagonist of this story. ;)

Start Date: 11/August/2022
End Date: 1/December/2022

As for who this story is dedicated to, this story is dedicated to my bestie g-lil-ginny who is really wonderful! She is a great designer as well as an author and most of all, a brilliant Hufflepuff friend! Go give her a follow and try out her stories! I'm sure the Secret Titans of this story will appreciate it.

But in all, this story is dedicated to all of my readers. Silent or not, I love you all! I hope you keep encouraging me to grow as an author!

Here is the blurb of the story:

Harry Potter AU

High school is never NOT filled with dramas. In Ginny Weasley's instance, it just elevated to an higher level. . .

Mysterious letter, sudden promotion, love dramas and a lot of secrets leads our fierce heroine to recoil into misery. Ginny regrets her decision which forced her to take up the mantle to protect and learn the world's secrets.

As she enters a double life, one unlike her own, will she be able to cope with it? Can she keep her titanic secret an enigma? Or will she fall to all the lies she is forced to tell?

Read The Titans of Secrets to find out.

I really hope it isn't that cliche. I don't think it is lol. I thought hard for it and was partly inspired by mlb!

Now the usual part. . .

I don't own Harry Potter. Probably Dan Radcliffe does (kidding).

Anyways, all rights of the characters expect my Original Characters (OC's) goes to JK Rowling and Warner Bros. The original characters in this story belong to me and are a part of my imagination.

Although I personally think JKR is a great author since she was the one weaved Potter, I DON'T support her controversial views about the LGBTQ+ community. They are human beings too and deserve just as much as us! Know that I'll love you guys no matter the caste or gender.

If you find this story anywhere other than Wattpad, it is a pirated version. Please do not support it. The original version is available only on Wattpad.

As usual, I want to thank my editor Marina who will check my grammatical mistakes and typo errors. She's the best person I have ever met! Thank you Mari!

Finally, let me tell a bit more about the story after rambling on and on.

Pairings (you probably know already): Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Ronald Weasley/Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom/Luna Lovegood, etc.

The other pairings are probably not the most important ones.

I have tweaked around the Canon a little bit so don't start spamming me with comments saying that. Sorry if I sounded rude lol. This is an AU.

Time to end the boring monologue.

I really hope you guys read and support me till the end! Vote and comment if you enjoy! Comments truly encourage me to write more!

Eagerly awaiting an adventure!

Thank you so much!

Miyoko x

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