─Chapter Eighteen

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Story: The Titans of Secrets
Chapter Eighteen: The Mirror

"Okay, so we must find more clues about this guy, Confusion, right?" Hermione asked. Ginny nodded.

They were in a secluded area of the Hogwarts grounds, hidden well among a grove of trees and secured with silencing and notice-me-not charms. The pair of friends were currently brainstorming the best idea to learn Confusion's true identity.

"But Ginny, if you and Shade have showed up in the newspaper, Confusion would already know that he or she's been searched for. He or she'll be more alert and plan accordingly. We must make proper decisions at the correct time," Hermione advised.

"Yeah, I suppose," Ginny added with a nod.

"How are you and Shade going to contact each other now?"

"Shade told me that he's preparing something for that. Dunno when he'll be done with it."

Silence reigned for a while before Hermione spoke up again.

"Do you - do you know who he is?"

Ginny shrugged. It was an evergreen question running through her mind. "No idea. The only things I know about him is that he has green eyes and probably darkish blue bangs. And of course, his voice," she supplied. Hermione looked thoughtful until she spoke again but this time, her tone was nervous, as if she was dreading to tell whatever it was on her mind.

"Since you told one of your deepest secret, I think it's only fair that I tell you one. . . well, it's not really a deepest secret but oh well. . . I was one of the three who was chosen to prove themselves for the job of an Unspeakable but I failed, as you can guess because I'm more into knowledge whilst you and Shade, whoever he might be, are more into duelling which is the most vital part to be an Unspeakable," she said in a fast tone, giving no time for Ginny to reply.

Ginny's response, however, was not the one anticipated by the bushy haired girl; she could tell that.

"I'm sorry, Hermione."

"B-but why?"

"I stole your potential job from you. . ."

"Oh, can you shut up?" Hermione said and rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. "Surely, Dragonfly is much better than Hermione Granger's enigmatic alter ego. No more apologizing!"

Ginny chuckled.

"So. . ." Hermione dragged, wiggling her eyebrows. "Let's come to the part of you and Harry!"

Ginny sighed. "It's a lost cause, Hermione. Let it go. I just want to see Harry happy."

Hermione frowned. "But if he isn't, then you are going to implement the plan I told."

"How am I supposed to do that?!"

"Just pick any guy who meets your fancy. There surely will be on -" But before Hermione could complete her sentence, Ginny winced; her hairband burned. Hermione became alarmed. "What's wrong?"

"Probably a mission or Shade's calling," Ginny said, smoothing out her hair. "So, Hermione, wanna meet Dragonfly?"

Hermione nodded with a twinkle in her eye which appeared if she was really curious about something. "Yes!"

Ginny looked around to spot any potential eavesdroppers before saying the magical words.

"Dragonfly, Enigma!"

The time ticked by just two seconds before Dragonfly was standing in front of the older witch, looking as confident as she could be.

"Hello, Hermione Granger. I am Dragonfly."


Dragonfly leaped onto the highest spire of the castle. Beneath its glowering shadow was a silhouette, his robes bellowing behind him. With a smile, she jumped down and landed right behind him.

"Hey Shady!" she greeted. Shade turned around and gave her a charming smile.

"Good evening, Miss Fly. I've got our communication devices ready," he said and proffered her a small, circular hand mirror. She looked at it quizzically then looked up at him. However, he was nowhere to been seen.


"Hello, Miss Fly!" His voice came. She looked around but he seemed to be invisible apparently. "Look down, at your little palm holding the mirror."

She looked down and for a moment, was terrified to see Shade grinning at her in the mirror, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "How did you get IN there?!"

"I didn't. This is called a two-way mirror and we'll use this for our communication. I have charmed it to allow us to see each other as well as hear the other. And I have added a tracking charm on it. We can track each other when we are in our Unspeakable suits. Don't worry, it won't work when you are in your normal form. Other than that, the word to activate it is 'Shady' as you have so nicely nicknamed me." He grinned again. Dragonfly blinked before rolling her eyes.

"Very smart of you. It's a compliment so take it while I'm in the mood," she sassed. Shade disappeared from the mirror and came up behind her. Just as she turned around to meet him, he bowed to her.

"A very generous compliment. Thank you, Miss Fly!"

"Don't call me that!"

"But I love it!" he exclaimed. Dragonfly rolled her eyes before winking at him and leaving. Unbeknownst to her, he had not completed his sentence and his pure words was uttered to the reddening sky instead. "and you. You, the most."


"So, you can communicate with him using this?" Hermione asked. Ginny nodded and put away the hand mirror into her robe pocket. "Whoever he is, he sure is pretty talented in charms."

"He sure is," Ginny said, smiling and nodding. A grin spread across Hermione's face and it brightened with the thought of a brilliant idea. Ginny raised her brows at her and urged her to spit out whatever her mind was thinking.

"Didn't you tell me about the Harry problem? Instead of our previous idea -"

"Insane idea you mean," Ginny pointed out.

"Of telling him about your feelings outright, we can make him the one to start it!" Hermione continued as if Ginny had not interrupted her.

"But, Hermione! He doesn't have any feelings for me. . ."

"Oh, shut up! You just need to be a bit more charming with some other guy and that'll do the trick."

I just couldn't resist not adding this bts moment from the books to this story! ;)

Do you guys think this story really fits in mystery genre?

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Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

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