─Chapter One

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Story: The Titans of Secrets
Chapter One: One Summer Morning

The sultry summer breeze rustled the leaves of trees near and far. It was the start of summer, the season of nostalgic winds. This season was loved by everyone in St Ottery Catchpole as it came as a relief for the bitter cold.

A little further from the busy, bustling streets was a meadow of canopy trees. Among the dense meadow was a towering, topsy turvy house, its windows alight with energy.

The family of magical people lived under the roof of the same house. After a particularly long year, the four pupils of the Wizarding school, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had returned.

Everything seemed at peace except for the sound of moving furniture and creaking floorboards.

"What is happening outside?!" Ronald shouted. He was a tall, lanky sixteen year old boy who also went by the name 'Ron'.

"Someone's moving in, a few streets from here," the matriarch of the family, Molly Weasley answered her youngest son. Ron frowned. There was another bang, this time originating from upstairs.

"What's happening upstairs?" Ron whined.

"Fred and George. They're probably up to some pranks," Ginevra, his younger sister replied. Brown eyes and quite petite for the age of fourteen, she disliked her name and preferred to be addressed as 'Ginny'. Molly chuckled.

"You both really want silence, don't you? Why don't you go over to Hermione's or Luna's?" she asked.

"Mum, Hermione's parents are Muggles. They aren't familiar with Wizarding transports," Ron pointed out. "And Loo - I mean Luna. Well, I don't really fancy meeting her."

"Don't you dare call her that!" Ginny rounded him. Ron shrugged.


Another bang and an exclamation of 'What?!' was heard from outside.

"Are you sure they are moving in a few streets hence?" Ginny asked her mother with furrowed brows.

"No idea really," Molly replied. Ginny and Ron exchanged looks before scampering outside to take a look at their new neighbors. "Don't be out for long! I've heard rumors that a celebrity is moving in!" They heard their mother shout behind them. Interest building up with each step they took, the siblings rushed outside and looked around.

There was no sign of any house beside their's so they decided to walk down the path. After a while of walking, with Ron panting slightly, they saw it; the brand new manor which was just a few metres away from their house, The Burrow.

A black haired man was shouting at the magical porters to be gentle with the furniture. Beside him was a auburn haired lady. Sensing their eyes, the lady turned and looked at them with a kind smile that their mother always wore.

"Well, hello there!" she greeted. Ginny and Ron tensed up but the former managed to voice out a greeting.

"Good morning, ma'am," Ginny said, all but calmly. The lady laughed.

"There's no need to call me ma'am. I am Lily Potter and that boisterous man there is my husband, James. He's pretty upset that the porters are dropping everything out of nervousness." Ron and Ginny let out a forced laugh. "You must be our neighbors. Am I right in thinking so?" Lily asked, her emerald green eyes sparkling with unavoidable curiosity.

"Um, yes. We live a few metres from here Mrs Potter," Ron answered. "Blimey, where are my manners! I'm Ron Weasley and this here is my baby sister -"

"I'm not your baby sister, Ronald!" Ginny reprimanded and hit his shoulder.


"I'm Ginny Weasley," she introduced innocently and Lily chuckled.

"The perfect siblings," she said with a kind smile. "We will be done with the moving in a few. Why not join us for a cup of tea and cake? I'm sure my sons will appreciate some company. He's being plucky lately," Lily invited. Ron immediately agreed at the words of food and Ginny had to bite back her annoyance with her brother. "That's great!" Lily exclaimed happily. That was when James Potter walked to them.

"After tossing and turning, those idiots finally did it Lilyflower. Who are these pretty kids?" he asked, slipping an arm around his wife's waist.

"Blimey! I forgot to introduce myself again! I'm Ron Weasley and this -" Ron started.

"I am Ginny, his not so baby sister. Pleased to meet you Mr Potter," Ginny cut in.

"Ah! I see you already know my brilliant name. I am half sure I have heard the name Weasley. Well, are you wizards?" James asked bluntly. Lily looked alarmed and Ron and Ginny exchanged looks. If he knew about wizards, was he probably one? What if he was the Potter?

"Yes," Ginny replied before Ron could stop her. "Yes, we are. It's only fair you tell us something. Are you the Potters then?"

James threw his head back and laughed heartily and Lily looked rather relieved.

"I love that nerve, young lady but I also ought to think it's better to discuss it over a cup of delicious tea that Lilyflower makes?" Lily nodded and Ron practically jumped on his spot.

A cup of tea and a plate of cake would be their start of friendship.


When Ron and Ginny entered the manor, they were left speechless. It was huge and highly elegant. Yet it had a simple, aesthetic touch to it.

A golden chandelier with small, glassy light bulbs hung from the ceiling of the sitting room. A small fireplace with a mantel was off to the side, housing a mini fire which Lily had started. Red couches and sofas were spread out in an arranged manner and the fresh breeze came through the sliding windows, relieving the occupants from the hotness of the room.

Off to the side was a marble staircase with a simple banister. A door opened to the right of the sitting room, presumably the way to the kitchen.

Ginny and Ron sat side by side on one of the couches as James occupied the one facing them. Lily brought some tea and cake and placed them on the charpoy in front of them. Ron immediately took a piece of the simple cake to devour.

"It's a beautiful house, Mr Potter," Ginny spoke up after a minute of James and Lily watching Ron in amusement. Lily turned to her and smiled.

"Thank you dear. I daresay we had no hand in the building of this house," she explained. When Ginny looked at her in confusion, she explained further. "Our sons put their heart and soul into this house. We had no part in the designing of this house."

"So, if you don't mind me asking. . . Are you related to the Harry Potter?" Ginny asked, unsure if she really should be asking that.

"Y'know, the Quidditch star?" Ron spoke up after he took a sip of the hot tea. The two parents exchanged sad smiles.

"Yes. Harry is our eldest son," James spoke up, causing both the teens to gasp. "Now, I hope it doesn't change your impressions on us. I want to request you both not to act absurd around Harry or us for that matter.

"We don't want the word to spread. I s'pose there's a rumor going on that a celebrity is living in here. I do think Padfoot and I have a way to quash those."

"Why'd you move here?" Ron asked before he could stop himself. The very thought of one of the Quidditch stars living near his house was mind blowing to the sixteen year old.

"Harry wants peace. He wants a rest from fame, fans and seeking. He gets into depression if he's crowded. It's a new issue. He did not face this when he was young but. . . I have no idea. He doesn't have any friends besides his brother. It would do well if you could befriend him. To top that, it's time he learnt proper magic at Hogwarts," James replied, not at all offended by Ron's question. The siblings nodded lightly.

A sudden bang and the sound of someone falling down was heard and the siblings looked at the staircase. James burst out laughing as Lily hit him.

"Oops!" a deep voice exclaimed before coming into view. There, standing in front of the Weasleys, was a dark haired boy with clear, green eyes and a bright smile. When he noticed the visitors, his smile brightened up even more. "Hi!"

"Gilligan dear, meet Ginny and Ron Weasley. They stay a few metres from here," Lily introduced. Ron grinned at the boy.

"Hi there! I'm Ron," he said, getting up to give Gilligan's hand a firm shake. Ginny just smiled at the boy.

"Don't mind me, I'm just clumsy!" Gilligan told sheepishly. Ron nodded lightly.

"Sweetheart, where's your brother?" Lily asked. Gilligan's face immediately fell.

"Locked up in his room. Probably tidying stuff."

Lily sighed. "I'm sorry for his behavior. I'll make him meet you guys soon enough. You all seem like a lovely family," Lily reassured. The siblings nodded with a smile and Ginny felt obligated to invite her over.

"Perhaps, you guys could come over for brunch tomorrow? I'm sure mum would love to host you all," she said rather timidly. James and Lily exchanged looks before nodding with a smile.

"We'd love to!" Gilligan replied, flashing a grin at the Weasleys. Ron and Ginny knew that a new friendship had blossomed between them and Gilligan and his family. They wished Harry would correspond to them as well. . .

There goes the first chapter! Hope you enjoyed it!

Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

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