─Chapter Ten

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Story: The Titans of Secrets
Chapter Ten: The First Mission

The next morning, Ginny woke up with stiff limbs and a racing mind. She pushed open the curtains lazily and flung her legs by the bedside.

Hermione's curtains were oddly closed and a faint sobbing was heard.

Panic overtook her senses and she rushed to Hermione's bed, ignoring her protesting limbs. Pulling the curtains aside in a surprisingly fast manner, she hugged the bushy haired witch close after witnessing her crying.

"Hermione! What happened?" Ginny asked gently, settling inside and pulling the curtains shut before placing a silencing charm. "Did that idiot of a brother do something?"

Hermione shook her head slowly.

"Tell me what happened, Hermione! I can't bear to see you cry like this."

"It's nothing. . . Just moodswings."

"Oh," Ginny sympathized although she suspected that there was more to her sadness than just moodswings. Pushing away her thoughts for a while, she hugged Hermione once again. "It's okay, Hermione. If you want someone to talk to, I am here."

"Thank you, Ginny," Hermione replied, hugging her back. When her sobs resided, Ginny left to seek the comfort of a hot shower in the frigid weather.


Ginny's classes passed by rather uneventful until after lunch when something burned on her hair. She yelped out, attracting several eyes.

"Ginny?" Hermione asked, looking puzzled. "Are you okay?"

Ginny nodded quickly. "I'm fine, she waved their fears away. "I just. . . y'know, must find a washroom." Ron and Neville made faces and Luna smiled knowingly. Harry wore an awkward expression, rubbing a ring on his finger. Ginny could have stared at his comical expression for hours but the burn intensified and she excused herself quickly.

Moaning Myrtle's bathroom was nearby so she entered it. There was no one there; Moaning Myrtle had disappeared apparently, so she took out her hairband from her hair. It was glowing.

Wearing it back, Ginny exclaimed. "Dragonfly, Enigma On!"

A pulsing sensation shot through her body.

A mask formed on her face, only partially obscuring her eyes. A dark hoodie materialized on her shirt and a black robe covered her. Her red hair tied itself into a plait. Her wand immediately went into a newly formed holster and her hairband changed to jet black colour.

Ginny looked at the mirror in front of her and found chocolate brown eyes staring back at her; her eyes were visible behind the mask and her face was not obscured like she thought it would be.

Wasting no more than a minute, she shouted. "Teleport me!"

Suddenly, the air was pushed out of her lungs. She felt suffocated but it lasted only for a moment as she was whisked away to a completely unknown place. Her feet hit the hard ground and she stumbled a little. When she opened her eyes, she realized that she was in a dark alleyway. A distant shout was heard before it became much clearer. She squinted her eyes and found a figure scurrying past the street.

"Catch him! He's a theif!" a desperate female voice shouted. Dragonfly immediately took off and found with great enthusiasm that she could run really fast. She aimed her wand at the balding man running in front of her.

"Accio!" someone boomed and a parcel flew away from the man. He turned around to look for the new thief.

Wasting no time, Dragonfly shouted, "Stupefy!" and the man fell to the ground, stunned. She ran up to him and another hooded figure jumped down beside her.

"Hi there. You must be my partner," a male voice spoke. The woman who lost her belonging was running up to them, a few aurors by her side.

"Incarcerous!" Dragonfly muttered and a rope tied the man's limbs. She grabbed her partner and leaped up, almost flying to the rooftop, before letting go.

"We shouldn't be discovered by the aurors or anyone for that matter," Dragonfly admonished. Her partner nodded ruefully. "Anyways, hi! I am Dragonfly. You are –?" she asked, swapping back to her cheerful tone.

"I'm Shade," he replied and looked up at her. A pair of curious green eyes met hers.

"Nice to meet you, Shade. I must get going," Dragonfly said.

"Wait!" Shade called after her as she turned around to leave. She wheeled around again. "Will we meet again?" he asked sheepishly. Dragonfly rolled her eyes under her mask but chuckled lightly.

"Of course, Shade. We are supposed to be partners, after all!" Dragonfly could see Shade smile beneath his hood. She nodded and took off to the alley she teleported to from Hogwarts. "Teleport back."

The next second, she was back at Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Splashing sounds were heard so she suspected that the ghost had come back. She thought of how her hairband looked like before her transformation and it turned back to the usual silver; her Hogwarts robes were also back.

"Who's that?" Myrtle asked from behind her cubicle.

"No one," Ginny shrugged it off and walked out and to her classroom.


When Ginny returned, Hermione was more invested in checking if she was alright. Almost at the same time, Harry entered the class as well, having gone to his dormitory to fetch his forgotten charms textbook.

"Did you get it mate?" Ron asked as Harry slumped down on the seat beside Ron.

"Yeah. It was in the shower," Harry stated. Neville and Ron burst out laughing.

"In the shower?!" Hermione reprimanded. "It could have been drenched, Harry! What were you thinking?"

Harry shrugged. "Nothing really."

Professor Flitwick chose that moment to enter. A short and stout professor, he was very skilled at duelling and charms.

The class commenced without incident. Although it was interesting, Ginny noted from behind that Harry was not paying any attention to the lesson.

She wanted to ask him what was wrong but decided against it as thoughts of how she would stutter rushed to her mind.

After the termination of the classes for the day, Neville proposed a group game of exploding snap. Everyone replied in affirmative and Hermione was forced to agree. Harry politely declined, stating that he was going to write home.

So when her hairband burned during halfway of the game, she had to come up with a lame excuse of completing her potions homework due the next day. Her friends, especially Gilligan, were not particularly pleased when she left.

It disappointed Ginny to see her friends' anguished faces and for the first time, she wished she hadn't taken up this job as Dragonfly.

This is the chapter I spoiled to you sis. Hope it went as per your expectations! ;)

Sooo, Dragonfly gets a new partner and she completed her first task successfully! What do you guys think about it?

Your thoughts on this chapter? Comment!

Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

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