─Chapter Thirty

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Story: The Titans of Secrets
Chapter Thirty: Euphoria and Confidence From Hence

Ginny jumped to her feet in a second and bolted out of her dormitory. Before she could get down to the common room, she bumped hard into someone and fell down on her back.

"Ouch! I'm sorry!" she apologized, rubbing her head.

"I'm the one who should be sorry. I just ran – Ginny?"

She looked up at the voice and saw Harry on the floor in front of her, flushed and grinning. "Harry!"

"I was on my way to meet you!" they said in unison before laughing at the coincidence.

"Then let me lead you," Harry said, standing up and offering his hand. She took it with a smile and under the invisibility cloak, they ran out to the courtyard. It was a beautiful place; Ginny loved to spend her time in the courtyard. The fountain's water glistened in the rays of the setting sun and the birds were returning to their nests. Harry led her to one of the secluded corners and they continued holding hands as they sat down on the warm stone.

"Umm. . . Harry. . ?" she started slowly after a few minutes of silence.

"Right. It's just that I'm totally socially anxious," he joked. Ginny chuckled politely.

"Never had I imagined Shade to be socially anxious!" she retorted back.

"Shade was never the Harry Potter anyone would have seen. Right?" Ginny nodded slowly, unsure about how to answer that. "I understand. Only my Puddlemere mates have ever seen that side of me. They were and still are the closest people to my heart, excluding you and the others of course."

"That's great to hear. Do they keep in touch?" she asked. Harry smiled sadly.

"Unfortunately, only one does. Everyone were heartbroken when I told them I was retiring so they cut it all. They called me a traitor because I had promised to stay with them until I was at the very least, fourty. You know, till the very last. But then. . . mum fell ill one Yule and dad was depressed because of me, Gil was furious at me. I could not bear the disappointment which I cause my family to bear. As much as I made them proud, I also let them down.

I had to choose between friendship and family. It was very hard considering how much I adored my friends and valued my family. On top of that, there was the passion of playing Quidditch too. But I suppressed it for the sake of my family.

"Fans started treating me with disgust when I retired. Dunno why but I guess it's understandable. Puddlemere was only starting to win. Their behaviors, withdrawing of my friends and the disappointment of my family. . . all of them mounted to some mental weakness and that's what I have become now – vulnerable and the weakest Potter," he finished sadly. His eyes was covered by his black bangs but Ginny could just feel his melancholy.

"I was really insecure too. . . I never saw myself fit to be Dragonfly from the day the newspaper talking about the sighting of us came out. I think you know it already. I was so lost in my insecurities that I finally blurted all of my secrets to Hermione. She helped me, to an extent but at the end of the day, it was my heart. Duties, responsibilities, studies, secrets, crushes – they made my life harder.

"I guess you can call me a mentally weak person but no one can even think of opening their mouths to call you that, Harry. Because you are one of the strongest persons I have ever seen. The way you handled yourself after I left during the attack on Hogwarts, I was totally impressed. Maybe that's when I fell for Shade rather than the handsome looking, cool and funny Harry Potter," she finished with a joke. He squeezed her hand.

"Personally, you are the bravest and the most tenacious girl I have ever seen in my life. Both as Dragonfly as well as Ginny: I can never find anyone as fierce yet loving as you. I was wrong in being angry at Dragonfly because I did not understand what struggles you were going through."

"I shouldn't have let out everything on you either. You are not some puppet of mine –"

"I am as good as one. After all, Gin you have pulled the strings of my heart," he admitted. Ginny rolled her eyes although a blush was creeping to her cheeks. He had transformed to his Shade self.

"Oh right, Potter. I order you to get me a whole glass of strawberry smoothie from the Kitchens this instant!" she ordered. He laughed before standing up. She stood up as well and they gazed into each other's eyes with fondness. The sun's pastel scarlet light illuminated their faces as they gave in to their passions and met their lips. Butterflies danced in Ginny's stomach as she held his hand even more tightly. The thought of finally finding the essence of true love was too overwhelming as they kissed: it was the perfect ecstasy.


Ginny let her new boyfriend lead her through the common room. The place seemed to be ablaze with chatter and she spotted her friends by the corner. Ron and Neville were playing a game of chess whilst Hermione was reading the newspaper. She stopped and tugged at Harry's hand and pointed at the group. He smiled before obliging to her wants and letting her lead him to their busy friends.

Hermione was the first one to notice their presence. She smiled at them and gestured them to sit down. Ron and Neville looked up when she cleared her throat.

"Oi! Where have you both been all day? McGonagall had my head to get to you both and Gilligan!" Ron complained, hitting Ginny playfully with the newspaper Hermione was previously reading.

"Apparently, even Headmaster Dumbledore left Hogwarts and she was worried if he had taken three of her very talented students," Hermione answered Ginny's unspoken question before eyeing the redhead curiously.

"We were just err talking about –" Harry stuttered.

"Quidditch tactics! We were discussing and trying out Quidditch tactics on the field. Y'know the Quidditch cup is nearing so!" Ginny completed. Harry nodded vigorously. Neville shrugged, convinced but Ginny knew Hermione would not take it. Besides Ron was in the posture to complain.

"Why didn't you guys call me? And Gilligan! Was he with you too?" her brother protested. Ginny nodded.

"We'll make sure to involve you next time too but then dear brother, remember who's the captain," she said, smirking and nudging Ron's chest. He rolled his eyes before turning back to the chessboard.

"Let's continue Neville. I can't protest against my lovely sister."

"I hope you didn't tell that sarcastically, brother."

"Ruddy Merlin!" Ron swore and grabbed the chessboard and took off towards the fireplace. Neville laughed and gave Ginny a thumbs up before following her brother. Harry smiled at her before kissing her cheek and standing up.

"I'm going to check on Gil, okay? I'll be back soon," he whispered.

"I'll go with you."

"Not yet. I want to talk to him in private but for the later half, I need you by my side." Ginny nodded and he left towards the staircase. She turned to look at Hermione who was staring at her with doubtful brows.

"What just HAPPENED?!" the bushy haired witch shrieked, catching several eyes. Ginny shushed her before dragging her to the Heads' rooms.

"We defeated Confusion and Gel! And yes, Harry was Shade."


Ginny stopped outside the door to Gilligan's dormitory, unsure about whether to go in or not.

Hermione was quite curious and fascinated by her recounting of the events. Ginny could not have done anything more right than letting her in on the secrets: she was the best shoulder to have. Thankfully, she would not have anymore secrets.

Ginny made up her mind and rapped her knuckles on the door. A second later, Harry's voice was heard. "Come in." She opened the knob and stepped in. The atmosphere was warm, metaphorically as well. She gave Gilligan a warm smile and walked over to his bed. Harry was sitting on the mattress. "You are here on the right time, Ginny," he said. She smiled at him and pulled a chair before sitting down.

"Are you alright, Gilligan?" she asked softly. He gave her a small smile and nodded.

"Physically yes. Mentally, I'm guilty," he replied and looked at Harry. "I am sorry, Harry. Riddle told me he'd not kill you and mum and dad if I were to hand over Shade and Dumbledore. I plotted along with them as Sixteen. I was behind the attack at Hogwarts. Those two vile men hid the Wendigo at the Forbidden Forest and transporting such a huge beast in broad daylight would be a huge risk. The attack was just a distraction," he explained and looked down. "If only I listened to my heart and told someone about it. . . maybe all of this would have never happened."

Harry placed his hands on Gilligan's shoulder. "Listen Gil. It was not your fault. They forced you to sign that ruddy contract of theirs, didn't they?" The younger brother nodded lowly. "And what did you do that for? For my safety and our parents' safety. I would have done the very same if I were to have been in your shoes. Don't you blame yourself for that. The fault is actually mine. I shouldn't have been badly ignorantly of my family."

Gilligan shook his head, leaned forward and hugged his brother. "Promise me something."

"Anything," Harry whispered.

"Never. . . and I mean it, never leave the Potter family, Harry."

Harry smiled and looked at Ginny as he said, "Not even in my wildest dreams."

Ginny smiled happily at the two brothers and stood up, clasping her hands together. "Now that you both are back to your lovey-dovey sibling relationship, can we go and grab something to eat?" she asked, grinning. Harry and Gilligan broke their hug and laughed.

"Your Weasley side is showing up, Dragonfly," Gilligan joked before winking. "Harry told me earlier and guess what, idiots? You both were in love with your alter egos!" He burst out laughing. The couple blushed and scratched their cheeks in embarrassment. "Okay okay, can we please go and eat something now?" Gilligan pleaded. Ginny's lips turned up to a grin before she grabbed Harry's and Gilligan's hand and led them to the Kitchens.

Everything was back to normal. Families were mended back and love blossomed. Ginny was very glad that she helped to set things right and she knew Dragonfly would have felt the very same feelings: euphoria and confidence.

The Titans of Secrets comes to an end. The epilogue is left and it'll be officially done.

Thank you very very much for supporting my book till now, guys! I really can't thank you enough!

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Thank you again for reading!

Miyoko x

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