─Chapter Twenty

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Story: The Titans of Secrets
Chapter Twenty: The Forewarning

Ginny yawned sleepily. Her charms test was going on and she had finished the theory paper twenty minutes before time. Not that it was her writing speed. The paper was pretty easy and two to three people had already completed their test.

Ginny turned around to look at her friends: Ron was having an expression which amused her. He was literally wearing the expression he always had when he said, 'what the ruddy hell?'; Hermione was still scribbling furiously at her paper, probably elaborating a short answer; Neville was scratching his head, his eyes distant because of thinking or recollecting incantations.

Ginny turned to her right to look at Harry. The first letter of their first names, 'G' and 'H' were adjacent to each other and she had the opportunity to sit beside him.

Harry had long since finished his paper and was doddling dreamily on the question paper. Ginny tried peeking but found that she was too short to do so. Pouting at her height, she sat in agony for the rest of the twenty minutes.

When Flitwick's spoon alarm went off, Ginny got up hurriedly and took a peak at Harry's paper. 'DR' was written on it and confusion became evident in her eyes. What was DR?

As of on cue, Neville came up right behind the ravenhead and peeked over his shoulder.

"Doddling her name again, are we mate?" he asked with a nudge to the ribs. Ginny's heart fell as Harry blushed before scratching the innocent words. Neville smirked before running out, Harry on his heels to hex the former.

"Ginny! How was the test?" Hermione asked as she approached her. Ginny just nodded and could hear her friend talk with her brother. "How did you do, Ron? I noticed you were looking rather confused."

"How d'you know I was looking confused? Merlin, you were writing till the last second!" Ron exclaimed. Hermione's cheeks tinged pink.

"I. . . was observing," Hermione stated in an embarrassed tone before continuing. "And how do you happen to know I was writing till the last second?"

"I. . . urm. . . the same! I was observing too! Observing everyone I mean!"

Ginny rolled her eyes. How thick could they get?


That evening, Ginny was painfully asleep in her bed. The realization that DR was no one but her ex-dorm mate Demelza Robins crashed down on her like a building collapsing due to a hurricane.

Thinking about everything stressed her out and the only way to escape out of her strenuous mind was to sleep. Hermione could not do anything to comfort her so when the evening newspaper came by mail to her dorm, the bushy haired witch took to reading it. The headlines shocked her, forcing her to wake the depressed girl.

"Ginny! Wake up! WAKE UP!" she shouted, harshly trying to wake her sleeping friend. Ginny woke with a start, clutching her wand and ready to transform.

"Dragonfly, Enigma!"

Hermione faceplamed as the Unspeakable stood in her front of her: her hair was messily plaited, her wand was clutched in her hand haphazardly and her eyes were wide with anxiety. "Calm down, G - I mean, Dragonfly. But wait. No, don't calm down, look at this!" Hermione proffered the newspaper to Dragonfly who took it with shaky hands.

"Chaos predicted at diagon alley two days from now?!" Dragonfly read out loud before scanning through the article.

The Head of Aurors, Kingsley Shacklebolt has received a threat of attack on Diagon Alley on Thursday, 30th of October. Hit wizards have been alerted and a sufficient number of Aurors have been placed in the magical shopping street for safety reasons. Sources of the letter have not been disclosed as of yet.

"We are trying our best to find out the culprit. I request the citizens as well as the shop owners to not panic and to try their best to not be present at the place of sealdown this Thursday," Kingsley Shacklebolt told the Daily Prophet this afternoon.

Who could this mastermind be? Why did this enigmatic personality send a threat? What if this is a ploy for a bigger plot? Time will only answer these questions and until then, we at the Prophet will provide daily coverage on the happenings of the Wizarding World.

Dragonfly looked up to meet Hermione's curious eyes.

"I must alert Shade," she said. Hermione shook her head.

"What if this is a distraction to act an even bigger attack?"

Dragonfly frowned. "I don't think so. Confusion is clear about all these attacks. I suppose the teacher he or she wants is going to Diagon Alley on Thursday," she reasoned.

"And why only this Thursday?" Hermione probed.

"Don't be oblivious. Thursday is Halloween and we don't have classes, at least this year due to the masquerade agenda you talked about. Teachers must go to get supplies for it and where to shop better than Diagon Alley?"

Hermione looked skeptical but Dragonfly ignored her and pulled out her mirror and activated it.


A minute or two later, Shade's concealed face appeared on the clear surface of her mirror.

"Good evening, Dragonfly. What makes you want to chat with me?" he asked with a grin.

"Hello to you too. Have you read the evening prophet?!" she shouted. Hermione did a silencing motion before applying a charm which blocked all potential eavesdroppers from listening into the events unfolding inside the dorm.

"No?" Shade said unsurely.

"Go read it! It's important to be updated!"

"As if you read it in the first place," Hermione whispered and rolled her eyes. Dragonfly disregarded the comment.

"I'm afraid I haven't subscribed to get it, Dragonfly. . . I am sorry. . . ?" Shade apologized. Dragonfly rolled her eyes before telling the contents of the newspaper to her confused partner. "So, what do you propose?" he asked after the narration.

"We must be posed for attack in the Diagon Alley on Halloween."

"What if it really is a ploy like the Prophet proposed?" Shade asked.

"I know what I am against, Shade. I also happen to know that Confusion is a resilient enemy who regards action better than anything. Prepare yourself or let me handle it, all alone."

I might not be able to update Thursday's chapter as my exams have started. I'll try my best to update though. I'm sorry for the inconvenience!

Ah, this book is nearly gonna hit 100 votes and 750 reads! Thank you so much guys!

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Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

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