─Chapter Twenty Two

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Story: The Titans of Secrets
Chapter Twenty Two: The Battle

As suspected by Dragonfly, the shields defending Hogwarts shattered in a beautiful display of bokehs due to continuous firing and club hammering. The crowd charged in like angry bulls only to face several various consequences.

Half the confused trolls were stopped by questioning illusions of students who asked difficult arithmancy problems, a masterpiece of Flitwick, the Charms professor. The rest of them had their own clubs hit themselves, courtesy of a grinning Shade.

The air was knocked out of the giants by attacking armoured soldiers transfigured to trip them and slash the backs of the beasts with their swords. Dragonfly knew McGonagall had outdone herself this time.

A burning decotion of a green, putrid potion filled in a mini puddle gave several splinters which sent them crying. God knew what Shade and Snape mixed to get such a nasty looking (and acting) concoction.

The men, although less in number, were the toughest to fight off. Dumbledore and Remus were the only ones among the staff sparring magically as the rest of the team was busy with bringing down the trolls and giants. Dragonfly was in action as well, trying her best to fend off the incoming crowd of people. She caught a strange movement in the Forbidden forest but disregarded it as Dumbledore configured a silver fog which blinded several of the fighters.

Stopping the firing for a moment, she looked around trying to find the difference between the shadows of an ally and a foe. Suddenly, the mist dissipated and a giant spirit bird ambushed the enemies. Dragonfly gave a nod to Dumbledore as he had provided an effective distraction for the allies to take a mini break.

They kept fighting for minutes or maybe even hours on end. Fortunately for them, the aurors and hit wizards arrived when her energy levels started running really low.

The battle waged on and Dragonfly fought fiercely, in order to prove her potential to herself. She felt the confidence inside her growing steadily with each successful hex. Shade was busy helping the other staff but that did not deter her from being unstoppable. At last, the waging war came to a conclusive end with the Hogwartians prevailing.

Dragonfly pinned a masked man to the ground and pointed her want at him. "Who sent you here? Answer lest you want to witness the end of your life!" she growled. The man squirmed under her grip.

"I can't say!"

"Then prepare to face a brutal curse."

"N-no! It was. . . It was my Master!"

"Doesn't he have a name?! Where is he?!"

"Right on these grounds as we talk," The man's lips turned to a smirk before he grimaced with the weight of Dragonfly's boot on his chest.

"What is his name?!" she screamed at his face.

He looked scared before giving in. "Master Confusion and Master Gel!" he surrendered. Before Dragonfly could question about Gel and his whereabouts, the man screamed in agony. Terror seized him and he shook violently. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and his breathing stopped. Shocked, Dragonfly let go of him and stepped back.

"Unbreakable vow," Dumbledore's voice said from behind her. She turned around and looked at him. His face was grave, contorted in hidden worry. He looked at her sadly. "I'm afraid, the time's nearing, Dragonfly."


"Will you leave me or not?!"

"Not until I have had a word with you, no!" Dragonfly snorted. Shade was forcibly pulling her along with him to a secluded spot. Once they reached the far side of the bloody grounds, he spoke, "What were you thinking leaving at such an appropriate time?!"

"I couldn't handle it, okay? You are a much better Unspeakable than I am!"

"Hell yes! I'm surprised you didn't know that before!"

"Are you being sarcastic?"

"Try me!"

"I hate this, Shade and I'm leaving! I need time to think things through and I don't have to put up with your nonsense each time I meet you!" Without even thinking about anything, she spoke hurtful words and stormed away, not knowing she'll regret it sooner rather than later mainly because of the words he spoke before she was far from earshot.

"You still don't understand me, do you, Dragonfly? I thought you was the only one who knew me in ways others didn't but. . . oh well, I suppose no one cares."


His voice carried hurt which echoed in her head throughout the night. She tried contacting him through the mirror but he wouldn't answer. She even transformed and skimmed over the grounds and the perimeter of Hogwarts but was unsuccessful in finding him. Truthfully, she was angry at herself for losing confidence at such an important time and letting Confusion escape. He had just been the victim to her rage.

"Meet him tomorrow and apologize, Ginny. It's fine. I know he'll understand you," Hermione consoled her. She was sitting on her bed and reading a book in the Head Girl's quarters when Ginny rushed in, desperation and remorse etched on her face.

"He might never forgive me, you know?" she asked bitterly. Hermione was about to reply when a very loud 'thud' sounded and a massive shadow fell on the rooftop of the floor below. Ginny got to the window first and opened it to find a black robed figure fallen upside down on the blue tiled roof in front of her. "Oh!" she exclaimed as the silhouette came under the moonlight and gingerly sat up.

"Uh? Where am I?"

"S – It's you!" Ginny exclaimed happily, overcoming her tongue slip by adding a loud pitch ending to her sentence. Shade turned around and looked at her with an embarrassed smile.

"Hello. Aren't you the girl who –"

"You rescued, yes. I'm Ginny, Ginny Weasley," she introduced herself whilst trying to signal to Hermione that she found him finally. 

"Nice to meet you, Ginny. I am Shade," Shade introduced himself. Ginny climbed out of the windowsill and shut the windows behind her before walking over and sitting down by him. He looked surprised at the gesture.

"What's got you surprised?"

"Er. . . nothing. So, why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in bed? It's what, eleven in the night."

Ginny shrugged. "Not feeling sleepy." They sat in comfortable silence before Ginny spoke up again. "I wanted to thank you for saving my life back then, during the battle," she said earnestly.

"Don't mention it. It's my job. . ." His voice still held pain so Ginny started to put her hastily formulated plan to action.

"What's wrong, Shade?"

Shade shook his head. "Nothing."

"Do you think me as a friend?" she blurted out. He looked genuinely surprised before nodding unsurely.

"If you think as such, why not?"

Ginny smiled. "Then tell me what's bothering you and I'll try my best to solve it."

Silence reigned again as the moon moved a little towards the east, shining brightly and throwing a steady stream of light at the trees below. Ginny was lost in thoughts and was shaken from them when Shade spoke. "It's just that. . . my partner hates me. . .  I like her so much but she doesn't and I clearly got to know that today. . ." He sighed.

"Hate is a strong word, Shade," Ginny replied. Truthfully, she had no idea he thought of her as such. Shade smiled bitterly. "It's Dragonfly, isn't it?" she asked to which Shade replied with a nod. "W-why do you like her? I mean, what do you see in her?"

Shade stared at the moon as he spoke in a soft voice. "She's beautiful; inside and out. Caring, kind, smart, funny too. Whoever she is under that mask, I don't care because she truly is the person I feel perfect with."

Ginny felt her heart warm with his words. She had no idea anyone really thought of her that way which caused a blush to creep to her cheeks. She hid her face partially by hugging her knees and hiding behind them. "Why don't you tell her how you really feel? Maybe there's a chance. . ." she suggested. Shade laughed an hollow laugh.

"That, I have done several times. It's no use. I might never get her. I know that."

Hermione took this moment to peep by the side of the window frame. Ginny ignored her but then, the idea that Hermione gave her striked her. A pang of guilt poked her heart at what she was about to say.

"Why don't you try to make her jealous?"

"Jealousy comes only if she likes me that way, Ginny. I think I must just distract myself from her for awhile," he said with a shrug before looking at her. She met his steady gaze until he broke it. "I – er. . . I must get going. It's getting too late even for you. Get some rest, you need it, Ginny. I can see your tired eyes," he said with a small smile.

"Me? I'm just a normal student of this castle who did not even fight. You need rest, Shade. Just get to bed now, shoo!"

Shade laughed before winking at her. "Thanks for that, Ginny."

"Don't thank me just yet. I'm not done with you," she retorted with a fake frown. "A debt must be repaid."

Shade chuckled lightly before standing up. "Good night, Ginny. Sleep tight."

"Good night, Shade," she said gently. He smiled at her again before teleporting away, leaving a small grin etched on the redhead's face.

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Miyoko x

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