Chapter Five

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Chapter Five: A Mother's Love


Kiina rushed driving the Dune Chariot into the village, which was in ruins and several thick clouds of smoke.

She came to an immediate halt as she slammed on the breaks, nearly making Sara actually fall off if Ackar didn't grab her wrist in time to keep her from actually doing so.

"My village!" Kiina exclaimed in both shock and fear as she got out of the Dune Chariot's seat and stood on the ground as she held her weapon in hand, gazing at what remained of her village.

Sara, Ackar and Mata Nui looked around the remains of the village from where they stood, Sara forcing herself to not cough from the thick clouds of smoke around them all. "I guess the Agori got away." Ackar said aloud, "Ether that or whoever attacked took them prisoner." Sara mumbled quietly to herself which Ackar heard.

Sara though could easily feel the pain that Kiina had going through her at the sight of her home in such ruins.

"This is my fault, I should've been here to help." Kiina began to rant as she pulled the blame to herself. "Kiina, it isn't-" "Where's Tarix? Gresh?!" Kiina yelled, cutting off Sara from ushering her that it wasn't her fault.

"They were supposed to be here for training today! They wouldn't be able to handle this by themselves!" Kiina exclaimed as she looked around rapidly

"There!" Ackar said as he pointed at a direction that went into the village. The three looked seeing to Kiina's much needed relief. "Gresh!" Kiina yelled in pure relief and joy seeing the forest green male bot painfully limping to the four, holding his arm with a tight grip from whatever injuries he had on him.

Sara stood at Kiina's side as Ackar and Mata Nui helped Gresh up, "I'm fine." He reassured the three, once Mata Nui and Ackar let go of his arms, Gresh gave a cry of pain as he nearly fell down if Mata Nui and Ackar didn't grab him and hold him up.

"Just shut up, and let us help you." Kiina told Gresh in a tone that said she wasn't going to take no for an answer. "Kiina, your cavern." Mata Nui said thinking it would be from the clear. "Right, this way." Kiina said and began to lead the way.

As they walked to the cavern with Kiina leading. "Skrall. Bone Hunter's. Working. Together..." Gresh managed to get out in pain as they walked.

Ackar let out a scoff at that. "Please their rivaling tribes." He told him. 'Ask and you shall receive Ackar.' Sara thought to herself at his reply in a sarcastic tone in her head.

She took notice of the wound he had on his arm. 'He must've gotten it from punching that Bone Hunter troop away from me. Might need to force him to let me patch it up later when we get the chance.' Sara thought as she struggled but managed to get her gaze from the wound and in front of her.

"It's true! I watched them destroy your village Kiina." Gresh exclaimed as he gained whatever strength he had in him. He sounded like he was about to continue, but ended up blacking out instead from the injuries he had.

"He's not.." Kiina trailed off in fear of the worse that happened. "The boy is fine Kiina." Ackar ushered her as he and Mata Nui laid him against a wall in a hidden area.

"But we won't be for long if that savage sees us." Mata Nui said, making the three look at the direction Mata Nui was looking to.

Coming from the cloud of smoke from deep within the village, was what appeared to be a glatorian that had both a weapon and a shield in hand, and had some Skrall members following them.

Sara could feel her fear rise from the sight, as this apparent Glatorian give the order to the Skrall with a single nod, which the Skrall members began to search the area which the Glatorian walked off.

"Tuma, leading the Skrall?" Kiina asked in disbelief at the sight in front of them.."So the boy speaks the truth." Ackar whispered in shock. "Bone Hunter's have joined forces with the Skrall." He said still in a whisper tone to make sure the Bone Hunter's and or Skrall members now around hadn't hear him.

Sara gripped the front of her kimono as she felt her fear starting to get to point it was beginning to hurt her chest. "Let's get to this area quickly and quietly Kiina, we need to get there and get a chance to have them fall back a bit." Sara told Kiina in a hushed tone.

"Right." Kiina agreed with a nod. Mata Nui picked up Gresh in his arms in almost a bridal carry as they continued to the cavern.

"You alright Sara?" Kiina asked her, noticing said organic women was still gripping the front of her kimono as the pain was starting to get to her a bit to much in her own personal opinion.

"Yeah, just the fear I have going through me at the moment is making my chest hurt, I'm fine though." Sara told and ushered her. She looked and saw Kiina looking at her with the look that said 'don't lie to me'. Sara sighed at her look. "I'm fine, really." Sara told her.

Kiina sighed as she shook her head then continued to walk..They made it to what appeared to be a dead end, but Kiina lifted her weapon up and pressed a hidden button in the wall, the button had easily blended into the stone wall making it hidden easily and only someone very tall, having a pole weapon like Kiina or throw a perfectly aimed object to trigger it.

It began to open up to reveal a secret and hidden entryway in the wall. The three followed after Kiina as she continued to lead the way, the secret doorway closing behind them as it blended into the wall once more seemlessly.

Sara's eyes adjusted slightly to the dark, being so used to the bright sunlight of the surface for so long of the barren landscape. "Is that-" "Later, right now we gotta help him first." Kiina told which had cut off Mata Nui from his talking.

Sara got a glimpse of what Mata Nui had saw, seeing an all to familiar face of an a old carving in the wall to Sara which brought a shiver down her spine she had to fight from being noticed of.

'Makuta...' Sara though to herself in fear of the art of said bot and brother of Mata Nui from her countless times of reading on the lore of the entire franchise.

Sara shook her head as she rushed back to catch up with the others, her block shoes clacking against the stone floor as she ran. Sara caught back up with the others just as they were about to enter a large and apparent main room of the hidden area, which was illuminated brightly by lights, four chambers containing seemingly perfectly preserved elements at the other side of the room.

"Woah." Sara mumbled out of pure amazement at the sight around her of this place as she followed the other's down the stairs. "Lay him down over there." Kiina told Mata Nui, ushering to a alter like pedestal or table in the center of the room with her staff.

Mata Nui carefully did so, which a noise that was heard from around a corner that gained their attention. Ackar and Sara quickly drew their weapons out and aimed their blades to the direction of the noise.

"Show yourself!" Ackar demanded. There was nothing but silence and the uneasy feeling in the air. Sara took a step forward which made Ackar gain his attention to her, as her block shoes clacked a small bit.

Her hand still gripping the handle of her rapier blade tightly and ready to strike it and when needed. "Now buddy, or you just gonna have us get you out ourselves." Sara told the person that still stayed hidden. "Now!" Ackar ordered as he took a step forward himself now standing next to Sara again. Neither of the two dropping their guard.

Suddenly a short male blue bot came from around the corner with his hands waving up in surrender. "He-e-ey, everybody." The bot said as his voice matched a preteen males that had yet to hit puberty to be fully developed. "It's just me, Berix..." the bot or Berix said as he grew nervous at the sight of Kiina, who's anger grew at the sight of him.

"You little THIEF!" Kiina exclaimed, making Berix and Sara jump at her rising fast temper and yelling. "I told you if I ever caught you down here again." Kiina said before she cut herself off as she lunged at him, which Berix quickly dodged as he hid behind Mata Nui.

"Hey I told you before I'm not a thief!" Berix shot back at her. Big mistake on his end with Kiina's burning anger. "Get over here!" Kiina yelled as she began to chase after Berix and they ran around Mata Nui, which said bot struggled on his feet to avoid the both of them.

Ackar sighed as he shook his head at the two, while Sara just looked all to amused at the situation of them.

Sara held her arm out in front of Ackar, preventing the Glatorian from stepping forward to stop them and help Mata Nui. "Why?" He asked her as he looked at the blonde woman.

"Just watch and enjoy the free entertainment while we still can Ackar." Sara told him with an amused tone on par with an amused grin on his face..Ackar just gave her the look that basically said 'what the actual fuck' at the woman, Sara just responded to it with an amused eye roll at him along with a snort of laughter.

"Hey-Hey!" Berix said as he hid behind Sara, not realizing what she was apparently. "I'm not a thief, I'm a collector alright. Besides, nobody what's the old junk I get anyway." Berix told Kiina, as he still his behind Sara.

"And why's that?" Kiina asked sarcastically, as she crossed her arms over her chest sounding as if she had heard the excuse countless times. "Because I like to fix things, okay. I mean, who do you think got the lights working, huh?" Berix said, as he looked rather proud of himself at that accomplishment.

"I was actually wondering that." Kiina said to herself as she looked around. "Have you ever fixed an injured Glatorian before?" Mata Nui asked him. "No way!" Kiina yelled, as she felt her temper rising at what she knew Mata Nui was thinking. "He's not touching Gresh!" Kiina told him.

'Well I guess someone actually has a thing for him.' Sara thought to herself. 'Eh, I'll tease her on that later.' Sara decided in her head. "The boy needs help Kiina." Ackar told her, stating an obvious fact and truth. "He's not the only one who needs medical help Ackar." Sara said, which gained everyone's attention, including said bot and Berix, who finally realized the fact that Sara wasn't like the others and himself.

"What are you-" "Don't go saying you don't know what the actual hell I'm saying Ackar. I'm just surprised that Mata Nui and Kiina haven't noticed that wound on your arm." Sara told him as she cut him off from his question, she lifted his arm up as she both showed the said two his wound and inspected it.

"Like look at it. You really expect yourself to keep fighting with your sword with this! It looks so mulilated!" Sara exclaimed as she got a closer look at Ackar's wound, nearly grimacing at the state it was, still slowly pouring blood as the arm was severely damaged, she was surprised that he could even fight the pain she could only imagine that coursed through the wound.

Kiina gasped in shock at the wound on his arm, as Mata Nui went a bit wide eyed at the sight of the wound.

"I'm fine Sara. It's nothing I can't handle. Believe me, this is only a mesh wound in my opinion of what I've been through." Ackar told her as he snatched his arm back from her grip of her hand, which caused him to hiss a small bit in pain from the wound as he gripped his arm, trying not to touch the wound.

"Your hiss in pain says otherwise there Ackar." Sara argued with him. "Don't think your getting away so easily with not being treated on that wound, not while I'm here that is." Sara told him as she rested her hands on her hips, as she gave Ackar a look that said 'your not getting out of this'.

"Um, if you two are done arguing, what the heck is she?" Berix asked, gaining their attention to him.

"Surprised you just now noticed I'm not one of you guys and despite the fact that you did hide behind me to get away from Kiina." Sara told him as she crossed her arms over her chest, a small sliver shine came from her wrist gaining her attention along with the others at the sight of the shine that must've been something metal on Sara's wrist that had shined from the light in the room.

She let out a soft 'huh' as she lifted her sleeve making her smile at the sight at what she saw was on her wrist. "I'm surprised this is still actually here on my wrist. To think I though it fell off during all of this." Sara said to herself. Ackar looked at it, seeing it was a silver charm bracelet that had a single heart charm of the same pure silver metal, engraved into it was the two words Soul Sisters.

"Where did you get that?" Berix asked Sara as he grew both curious and confused at the bracelet and what was engraved into the heart charm.

"It was a birthday gift from my big sister. Me and Lindsey were always and still are the closest of siblings on my planet. Though I can barely get into touch with her before I came here, this bracelet shows that me and her are still bonded even by our own souls." Sara explained to him, a warm smile that had made a way on her face at the memories of her and her big sister before they both parted ways with their music careers and became the music stars they are now.

"So." Sara said as she put her sleeve down and focused her attention back to Berix. "Think you can help Gresh out with his injuries?" She asked him. "And don't even go saying anything that he can't Kiina. We all know Gresh needs the medical help, and Berix may be able to help him." Sara told Kiina, shooting the female Glatorian down from starting an argument.

"Fine, he can do so." Kiina gave in.
"But don't you dare even try anything, Thief!" She then warned him. Berix then went to Gresh, which the said bot was still unconscious from his injuries. "Collector! Maybe you should let me work on your ears next!" Berix told her, as he then went into his side bag, looking for something.

He hummed a small but unknown tune as he did so, then let out a 'ha' as he pulled out something and flipped it open to reveal a pocketknife like item.

Kiina harshly grabbed his wrist that held the blade, glaring at him. "He better make it. Got me?" Kiina threatened him. "Okay." Berix said nervous and fearfully, as Ackar had to grab Kiina by her shoulders to drag her off so he could get to work.

Sara looked at Ackar then back at Berix, then walked up to said bot. "Hey Berix?" Sara said gaining his attention. "Oh hey, you need something?" Berix asked her as he continued to work on Gresh. "Yea, do you happen to have anything in your bag I could use to help patch up Ackar's arm?" Sara asked him.

Berix thought on that for a moment.
"I think I got some old cloth in my bag that could be used to wrap it up. Will that work?" He asked her once he remembered that he had the old small bundles of cloth in his bag that he had 'collected'. "It's the best thing we got at the current moment, it'll do since I'm not that picky I'll admit that much." Sara told him.

"Okay, it should be somewhere in my bag-" "How about you keep working on Gresh while I look for it in your bag, cause we both know Kiina would most probably snap if she saw you aren't helping him." Sara cut him off before he could began to dig through his bag for the cloth he had.

Berix looked at Sara surprised, she had just met him and she as already being kind to him despite of all what Kiina had said. He smiled softly. "Okay, if that makes you feel better, I guess." He said then muttered the last part.

Sara giggled softly at that as she went into Berix's bag to look for the cloth he had in it.

She hummed to herself of a random yet unknown melody in her head as she looked for the bundles of cloth in it. She felt something metallic making her squint her eyes seeing a metal water canteen in the bag. She shook it off, knowing Berix would need the water that could possibly be in it as she continued to look for the small bolts of cloth in the bag.

She smiled softly once she felt the female touch of fabric which she grabbed and pulled out a rather large or medium sized bundle of cloth from the bag.

"Got it." Sara said as she closed up Berix's pouch. "Thanks Berix." Sara thanked him as she stood up.

"No problem ma'am. Happy to help." Berix told her. "My name's Sara. As you heard Ackar say." Sara told him her name with a soft smile on her face. Berix smiled at her name and her kindness. "Good luck on helping Gresh." Sara told him as she ruffled the top of his head with her free hand, then walked back to the others. Berix smiled brighter at her nature.

"No." Sara heard Mata Nui say, denying something. "They did not end up her on accident, that I am sure of." Mata Nui told Kiina and Ackar, as the said two and Click looked at Mata Nui in shock. "What I miss?" Sara asked the three as she stopped once she was standing next to Mata Nui as she held the bolt of cloth in her hands.

"Nothing much that you would, understand." Ackar told her, trying not to offend her of what she might not be able to understand. "Nice try there Ackar." Kiina sarcastically congratulated him as she hit her elbow against his side. Ackar sighed and shook his head at her.

"I got some cloth from Berix so I could help patch up your wound." Sara told Ackar, smiling amusedly at Kiina's antics, as Mata Nui had noticed something and walked off to investigate it. "So you actually just asked him for something that you could use to help patch up Ackar's wound?" Kiina asked her, as she crossed her arms over her chest with a brow raised at Sara, as Ackar just stared at Sara.

Sara ignored Ackar's staring, figuring to tease him on it later. "Yea. He was actually willing to let me use some to help Ackar. He was gonna try to get it out of his bag, but I stopped him and got it out myself so he could focus on helping Gresh." Sara told her.

"That's surprising from that thief." Kiina muttered sarcastically with an eye roll, as she then noticed Ackar staring at Sara..Sara sighed heavily as she shook her head at Kiina's feelings towards Berix. "Kiina, do you even know why Berix steals? Like the real reason?" She asked her a serious question.

"Cause he's a thief, thieves do nothing but steal greedily like he is." Kiina told Sara as if it wasn't already obvious. Sara sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose.."Look Kiina, not everyone is like that for that reason. They would have a reason for such actions, not all of them do it for greed. And Berix is like what, ten or twelve? He must have a good reason to do so." She told Kiina as she narrowed her gaze slightly at her.

Kiina was silent as she thought on Sara's words. She actually never thought of it that way, her parents always told her and made her believe that all thieves steal cause of their greed and have no care of what others think of their actions. She would need to give some thought on it though.

Sara then smirked softly as she found her moment to begin teasing a bit. "Okay, first off, Ackar, it's rude to just silently stare at someone and think they haven't noticed, ya' know?" Sara asked Ackar with an amused smirk on her face.

Ackar quickly cleared his throat nervously as he shot his gaze to the other side of the room, seeing Mata Nui at a strange stone door that had a swirl symbol on it. "Surprised you actually noticed that Sara and didn't tell him immediately." Kiina told her, a soft laugh in her words.

Ackar huffed at that as he walked off over to Mata Nui. "Don't think about going to far Ackar! I still need to patch up your arm!" Sara told him as she saw him walk off, which the said Glatorian just waved her off saying a nonintrested 'yeah yeah'.

Sara rolled her eyes at that as she focused her attention to Kiina again. "Okay, so by your reaction of not wanting Berix to help fix up Gresh. I'm guessing you must have a thing for Gresh then, huh?" Sara asked Kiina with a brow raised at her.

Kiina immediately froze at that question as she quickly waved her hands around, still holding her trident weapon in her hand as she did so. "W-What? Y-Your j-joking S-Sara, r-right?!" Kiina asked Sara, stuttering like crazy signaling her flusteredness if her maroon blush didn't already give it away.

Sara rolled her blue eyes at that. "Kiina, it's obvious that you care for him of that kind of relationship of a crush. You don't have to hide that from me, it's the guys you have to worry about." Sara told her fellow female, despite the different species, the two were still able to understand when it came to emotions.

Kiina sighed heavily at that, as she crossed her arms over her chest, a small pout had made its way onto her face as her blush lightened slightly. Sara only rolled her eyes in pure amusement at the sight.

"Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me." Sara told her as she walked off to Ackar. Kiina's eyes widened at that sentence as her blush darkned once more, then she immediately booked after the organic woman with the intention of making sure she knew she didn't have 'such feelings' for her friend.

"This wall, what is beyond this?" Mata Nui asked Kiina as he continued to gaze at the symbol on the wall. "Not sure, never been able to open it." Kiina admitted to him as she stood behind Sara who was next to Ackar, who struggled to make sure Sara doesn't touch his arm to attempt to tend his wound, saying that he'll be fine and deal with it, which Sara knew was a lie.

"Me neither," Berix said gaining their attentions to him. "But I bet there's some pretty cool stuff beyond it." Berix told the four as he worked on Gresh, holding some braided vines in his hands.

"KEEP DREAMING! AND PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOUR DOING, THIEF!" Kiina shot at him. Berix mumbled something under his breath as he rolled his eyes and continued to work on Gresh.

"This symbol..." Mata Nui said as he walked up closer to the wall. "I recognize this." He said, as he reached his hand out to the symbol. His mask immediately began to glow a gold light, gaining the attention of every conscious person in the room.

Mata Nui quickly drew his hand back in surprise of the reaction, which in return made his mask stop glowing. He looked at his hand, thinking for a moment.

He reached his hand out, making his mask start to glow the gold light again. He then hesitantly placed his hand on the symbol, making it illuminate the same gold light that came from his mask.

A sound was heard from the wall, making Mata Nui pull out his blade, as Kiina, Sara and Ackar ready their weapons. The stone wall slowly went down, as the gold light on the symbol was still illuminated.

Once the wall was fully down, it revealed to be a staircase that lead to a secret room in the cavern. "Okay, Kiina you go with Mata Nui to investigate that room, me and Ackar are staying with Berix and Gresh." Sara told the three.

"Wait, why the hell am I staying behind?" Ackar asked Sara, a little annoyed that she was trying to order him such a thing to do. Sara rolled her blue eyes at his annoyance at this. "Because, I'm gonna fix your arm up and I'm pretty sure, one, the two can handle themselves, and two, in pretty sure Kiina would like someone to keep an eye on Berix." Sara told him as she put her blade away and poked his arm, mentioning to him of his wound that still hasn't stopped bleeding even in the slightest.

"To be honest, I'm just surprised you haven't started stumbling cause of it still bleeding." Sara said as she noticed the wound still bleed. "Good luck you two. While I handle this dumbass to make sure I can patch up his arm even if it kills me." Sara told the two as she sighed at the end, she made an attempt to grab his wrist, which Ackar immediately snatched his hand and arm away from her before she could lay a hand him.

Sara gave him a 'seriously' look, as she continued to try to grab his wrist, which Ackar continued to step back away from her as he tried to resist being treated of his wound.

Kiina and Mata Nui looked at each other in confusion of the two, before Kiina shrugged her shoulders and began to walk down the staircase that had opened up from the wall.

Mata Nui looked back at the two as he had watched Kiina cautiously go down the staircase, seeing Sara arguing with Ackar to let her patch his arm, before Sara then hit Ackar upside his head, then quickly grabbed his wrist while he was distracted by her hitting his head, and drag him off to the alter pedestal like table where Berix continued to work on Gresh, mumbling to herself rather loudly saying 'baka' and 'your being a wuss and of all people you are' and so on to list a few of them.

Mata Nui shook his head in amusement at the two, before following after Kiina down the staircase into the room with Click still on his shoulder.

Sara managed to get Ackar to the alter pedestal like table, while Ackar struggled a bit to get out of her grip she had around his wrist, mainly in vain.

"I swear, why of all people, you Ackar are acting like your a complete wuss!" Sara said, gaining Berix's attention to her yelling at Ackar. "I swear, and your what, the big tough guy? That's just pathetic, I swear to God it is..." Sara said, making Berix laugh a bit at that insult she sent to Ackar.

She struggled a bit, as Ackar continued to fight against her grip around his wrist. "Oh god Ackar, I swear to god, you can make a baby animal on my planet be amused at your actions right now." Sara told him as she grabbed his wrist with her other hand to help aid her.

"Need help Sara?" Berix asked her as he glanced over his shoulder at the organic women and the Glatorian. "Nah, I got him, just focus on helping Gresh." Sara told him, as she pulled Ackar to the alter pedestal, setting him down on the ground again it as she let go of his wrist finally.

"Stay put." Sara ordered him. "Rather not." Ackar said with a scoff. Sara rolled her eyes at that. "Then you leave me no choice then Ackar." Sara said.

Ackar rolled his eyes as he scoffed again at her. "What possibly is it that you can do to-" Ackar shut himself up of his talking, as Sara sat in his lap, with the bolt of cloth in her hand.

Ackar immediately felt heat rise to his face at this as he felt his heart pound against his chest. Sara took his arm and inspected the wound. She let out a frustrated sigh, "God damnit, did you have to get dirt in your wound? It's just going to make it harder to heal." Sara said outloud.

"I have a canteen of water in my bag Sara so you can use that to clean up his wound." Berix told her as he began to get his said water canteen out of his bag. "B-Berix, you don't have to, you may need that water later." Sara told him.

"Nah, I'm fine without it for a bit. You could use it right about now." Berix told her as he took out the water canteen and handed it to her..Sara sighed as she knew she couldn't be able to get out of this one.

She took the canteen, and twisted the top open and carefully began to pour the water onto Ackar's wound to clean it, making Ackar jump from the stinging sensation of his wound that made contact with the water Sara poured onto it. The blood and water mixed and poured onto Sara's lap and a bit of her kimono, which she didn't bother of it, knowing it wasn't a big deal at the moment to her.

She hummed softly of her little tune from before as she continued to make sure the wound was perfectly clean from the dirt and anything that may had gotten into it. She hummed with a smile on her face and a nod in approval as she let go of Ackar's arm and closed the canteen as it was now half full with water.

She put it aside, and the grabbed the bolt of cloth, and carefully began to wrap up Ackar's wound, but making sure it was tight to make sure nothing got inside it.

Sara, let out a heavy sigh as she had a question burning her mind that it was close to being able to smell real smoke. "Hey Berix." Sara said. "Yea, what's up?" Berix asked her as he worked on Gresh. Sara sighed again, closing her blue eyes as she did so, she was easily tense by even the untrained eye to tell.

"Can you explain to me, why you actually, 'collect'? I won't tell Kiina unless you want me to and I'll make sure Ackar doesn't say anything about it." Sara asked him, reassuring him that she wouldn't let herself or Ackar say anything to Kiina of it if he didn't want them to. Berix let out a sigh, as if he was beginning to get stressed himself. Sara immediately took notice of it, and guilt immediately filled her.

"I-I'm sorry Berix, you don-" "No, it's alright, I guess it'll be easier for me for once if I actually get it off my chest." Berix said, cutting off Sara.

Sara hummed as an 'okay' as she went back to wrapping up Ackar's arm with the cloth. Berix sighed again as he started to explain, Ackar listening as well. "Well, it started when I was about six years old, maybe five? I can't remember at this point, but it was when my parents had enough of me, and they left me on the streets here in Keju. I had to force myself to... Steal, even though I didn't like it and knew it was wrong. I thought if I fixed stuff people didn't want, I could gain a living, guess I was wrong on that... I was always actually beat up by people from when I tried to do so, I'm basically accustomed to that I don't eat and drink properly, so I can go on longer without food or water in my system than others. I'm just rather, unlucky in my opinion at that, that I'm still alive actually..." Berix explained.

Sara felt her heart ache at how bad she felt for him, having to go through so much and believe he's actually unlucky to be still alive. She had finished wrapping up Ackar's wound and had already tied the fabric together in a not to keep it together. She felt a hand place itself on her shoulder making her look it was Ackar, who she still sat in his lap to make sure he didn't try to get himself out of getting his wound being treated.

"Go help him." He whispered to her.
Sara sighed as she nodded, then whispered "don't even try to undo the wrap on your arm. Or your gonna have your ass beat into the ground.". Ackar shook his head at that threat, as he then nodded in agreement. Sara sighed as she got off his lap and stood on her feet, before she then hesitantly walked up to Berix, anxiety in each step she took to him.

Berix had been staring at the cord he had in his hands, deep in thought to notice anything around him as he thought of his past, as his blue eyes were filled with tears that threatened to fall from his eyes.

She stopped once she was fully behind him, her anxiety was full fledged at this point. She let out a heavy sigh, as she reached her hand and carefully took the cord that Berix had in his hands, out of said set of hands and rested it down.

Berix immediately snapped back to reality at that. "What-" Berix was immediately silenced from his talking when Sara was know crouching in front of him as she hugged him into his chest.

Berix was stiff in shock and surprise at her actions. "I'm so sorry, you had to suffer from all this..." Sara mumbled, sadness was clear and pure in her words. Berix immediately grew shock at her apologizing. "W-Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything bad for it to happen." Berix asked her.

"But you didn't deserve to suffer from all of that to make you believe, that your unlucky that your still alive." Sara said. Berix immediately grew more confused and shocked at her words.

Sara sighed softly as she could feel his feelings in the air. "You shouldn't think your so unlucky for that fact. You should be happy, it shows that you ARE strong and that your still pushing forward to continue to be strong and survive. Even if you don't see it yourself, I can clearly see it myself, even if I haven't even seen what you've been through, it still proves even in your words of explaining it all to me, you ARE strong Berix." Sara told him, as she still held the small male bot in her arms.

Berix felt shocked by her words, he was actually strong to someone, is what confused and shocked him the most. "I swear, if you were all my own kind and all on my planet with me." Sara trailed off before smiled finding her courage for her words. "I swear I would immediately take you in as my own kid and raise you how you should've been, with love and compassion." Sara admitted as she spoke the truth to him.

Berix immediately grew shocked at that, even Ackar was shocked by her own words. Ackar could even tell by her own tone of her voice, she was telling him the truth, a pure smile was on her face at her words.

"Y-You mean it?" Berix asked her in shock. Sara held him closer to herself, making sure she didn't hurt him in the hug. "Every word on my own soul." Sara promised.

Berix felt his tears return, but they were tears of happiness.
He was happy, that the first time of his life, he felt loved by someone as their child. Despite the fact that they were completely different species, he didn't care on that. He was happy to be loved like that for the first time of his life.

Berix hugged Sara back finally as he clinged to the back of his Kimono, his tears spilling from his eyes onto her shoulder, but Sara continued to smile as she hugged him. Ackar couldn't help but smile at the scene in front of him, it was only a moment that should be cherished.

One that was of a mother and their child.


Chapter Five


(A/N: The fact it's past midnight where I live since my sleep schedule is all fucked. It's gonna annoy some EST Timezone readers of the updates to this ngl)

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