Chapter Three

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Chapter Three: Eyes Locked

Sara, Mata Nui, Click, and Metus started driving to a a creator where you could hear something was going on, they pulled to a stop and got out-or for Sara and Mata Nui's cases off-of the Dune Chariot.

They began walking into the creator and it was clear something was going on, by all the cheers of excitement and the sounds of battle.

Sara held herself close. Scared if something might happen to her.

The three began walking down the steps as the two male bots continued to talk, Sara just ignored it as she watched the fight between the two Glatorians in the center of the arena.

She saw her favorite character of the entire movie from her childhood.

Ackar, the greatest Glatorian of Volcanous and the eldest as well, he wasn't an elder though, but still older than the other Glatorian's.

She smiled lightly seeing him, they made it to the bottom seats where Metus and Mata Nui began talking with the village of Volcanous' leader who talked highly of Ackar despite it took some persuasion to have him fight this match.

Ackar managed to knock his opponent-Strakk-to the ground from hitting a bolder making the said Glatorian fall to the ground with his shield from arms reach but his axe was still nearby.

Ackar aimed the tip of his sword at Strakk, "Surrender Strakk, you lost." Ackar told the Glatorian. "Fine," Strakk hissed with venom, "Take my shield like you do with your other victories while your at it." Strakk hissed at him, furious at his loss.

Ackar seemed satisfied at that as he placed his sword on his back while he walked to pickup Strakk's shield. Strakk suddenly grabbed his axe as he got up and advanced to Ackar.

Sara's crystal blue eyes widened at that. "Watch out!" Sara yelled, which gained Mata Nui, Click, Metus and the village leader's attentions to her then Ackar seeing Strakk about to strike Ackar.

Ackar heard the yells for him to watch out along with an unknown woman's voice and spun around behind him, Strakk immediately striked causing Ackar to fly back, hitting his back against the stone wall, his sword, Strakk's shield and his own far from an arms reach as his armor protected him from any bloody wounds or blood spill at all at his chest from that blow.

"You call this honor?" Mata Nui said angirly, jesting to the the current situation of the battle. "He was clearly defeated." Mata Nui said making Sara step back a bit at his growing anger that scared her slightly.

"We're just Agori. We're not going to take on Glatortian," the village leader told Mata Nui. "The leader of his village will decide his punishment." He told Mata Nui, the Great Spirit didn't seem to lighten up at that.

Mata Nui suddenly jumped into the arena, Click transforming back into the magnificent shield once more, startling the crowd a bit. Mata Nui immediately began to engage battle with Strakk.

"He's fucked." Sara muttered to herself in worry as Mata Nui was outmatched against Strakk of skills with fighting. She then remembered her blade she had on her. "Plan my funeral why don't ya' if I don't survive this fight Metus." Sara told the Agori as she jumped into the arena as Metus and the village leader watched in alarm at that.

The crowd noticed her as she pulled out her rapier blade and ran to Strakk and Mata Nui. Strakk was about to strike Mata Nui, when a thin blade of a rapier was thrusted swiftly past the front of his face making him stagger back as Sara took a stance in front of the downed Great Spirit.

"Fighting at all should be with honor for a Glatorian Strakk." Sara told the ice like Glatortian distastefully, her hand firmly gripping her the handle of her blade.

The crowd mummered to another in shock at the organic woman in front of them all, Ackar could only stare at her in slight amazement.

Strakk growled as he fixed his grip on the handle of his axe. "Which you apparently lack the honor of so of craving a blood shedded self victory." Sara added, a slight grin reaching her face.

Strakk grave a yell as he charged at her, his axe held above his head. Sara waited as he got close, before stepping out of the way making his attack miss her. "Tell me Strakk, why would you throw away your honor as a Glatorian for such a murderous victory of bloodshed?" Sara asked him, throwing Mata Nui and Ackar off at that question, Strakk was as well but only temporarily.

"If honor is so important to Glatorian, why throw that away so easily?" Sara asked as she looked at her coffin styled hot pink nails. Strakk growled at her as he swung his axe at her which Sara jumped and landed onto the side of the blades of the axe which laid semi-flat of holding the blades in the handle of the double aides axe.

"Please do tell me Strakk because I'm quite curious." Sara said as she then suddenly narrowed her gaze at him making him freeze at the sudden feeling of his heart being strangled from inside his chest.

"Or do you wish to have your worthless sexist ass pounded into the dirt by a woman to learn your lesson?" Sara asked him, a grin spread prompt upon her face at the Glatorian.

'How in the name of the Core does this woman know Strakk is sexist?' Ackar thought to himself in bewilderment. Given it was quite obvious to the Glatorian Strakk was sexist as to how he treats and acts towards female Glatorian's and even Agori, even at good times it was at Kiina who was a well ranked Glatorian of Tajun.

Strakk grave a yell as he went to strike her, Sara dodged once again before the attack could hit her as she has jumped off his weapon. "Guess that answers that then." Sara said as she flipped her raiper blade in her hand before getting into stance with it. "Let's dance shall we?" Sara asked, her grin returning.

Sara and Strakk circled around each other with their gazes locked, sizing the other up. Strakk charged at her making Sara stand still, before she quickly slipped from the axes strike of ducking under the swing of the blade before she delivered a round house kick to his hip.

While Strakk was stunned, Sara quickly stood back up as she fixed her rapier in her hand before giving a yell of her own as she thrusted the blade at Strakk with immense speed that a normal human like herself would think she wasn't moving as she striked him from seeing her.

Strakk stumbled on his footing as each strike was delivered to him. Ackar could easily see that each strike was quickly and carefully planned to not do anything lethal that could deadly injure him noir kill him, which made it more amazing to him at her swift movements.

Sara stopped as she was slightly out of breath as Strakk still stayed on his feet, his breathing rapid in alarm. Sara gulped air which quickly turned into a gasp in alarm halfway through it as Strakk brought his axe up, his strength still strong.

Sara knew she couldn't dodge like before especially after what she had just did before like with the Vorox.

"GAH!" Ackar had suddenly gotten up as tackled Sara from getting hit, making Strakk's axe miss the both of them and embed itself into the stone ground of the creator of Volcanous' arena.

Sara strained her eyes open as she was on top of someone as the widened seeing she was on top Ackar who was wide eyed at her as their eyes were locked.

Sara had her knees in between Ackar's legs as her hands were at ether side of his head, her blonde hair in her face slightly as a maroon blush formed on her face as her breathing was slightly shallow. Ackar had his hands on her hips, his breath slightly shallow as well he had his own maroon blush under his helmet not sure if it was covering his blush fully.

"If this doesn't scream love on the battlefield I don't know what does." The village leader said to his friends as Metus nodded slowly in agreement at that as he was still in his own shock.

The two heard Strakk yell as the both shot their head seeing him rushing at the them. Sara quickly rolled off of Ackar to make a reach for her blade that was arms length from her-

Mata Nui suddenly tackled Strakk making the two both fall to the ground, Ackar and Sara quickly looking seeing Strakk get up with his axe as Mata Nui struggled to sit up with the weapon version of Click in hand along with the Vorox stinger.

"Your dead." Strakk growled in venom as he brought his axe up. Mata Nui gasped in alarm as the Vorox stringer was pressed against his face as he went to brace himself.

Before Strakk could bring the axe down a bright golden light came from Mata Nui's mask as it engulfed nearly him but fully his mask and Vorox stinger making the crowd gasp in shock, more so when the light disappeared and the sight from it.

The Vorox stinger has transformed like Click but into a nicely forged blade that semi-resembled the Vorox stingers original form. "What?" Strakk said in disbelief, which Mata Nui took his chance.

He quickly got up, knocked Strakk's axe out of his hand. Sara quickly thrusted her blade of the rapier past his face making him fall onto his rear door in alarm as Sara, Mata Nui and Ackar aimed the tips of their blades at his throat.

"Surrender." Mata Nui demanded him, knowing Strakk was definitely done. "Fine." Strakk sighed, before Sara brought the tip of her blade closer to his throat, "For all to hear Strakk." Sara demanded him.

He gave a growl, "I yield!" Strakk yelled making sure that all in the arena heard him. Sara sheathed her blade, "Never let your arrogance take over your honor Strakk. For karma always comes for those needing it's justice." Sara told him as he stood up and walked off, holding his left arm in pain as he limped a bit.

Sara walked to where Strakk's shield was as Mata Nui and Ackar talked a bit. "I believe this belongs to you now?" Sara asked Ackar as she handed him Strakk's shield, Ackar chuckled lightly at that. "It should belong to you two strangers for winning." Ackar told the two.

Sara smiled softly at him for that as she closed her eyes, a soft pink blush dusting her cheeks slightly.



"Holy shit." Sara muttered in amazement. She gazed at a tall wall covered in shields that Ackar had earned to show he had defeated the Glatorian who had owned the shield, the whole room/caves walls were covered with them and various weapons as well.

"But you stayed, why?" Mata Nui asked Ackar getting Sara's attention as she looked to the two as they talked while Ackar packed things into a bag.

"Duty, Pride." Ackar said as he threw a small pebble to the ground, frustrated with his choice of becoming a Glatorian.

Ackar spoke back up once again. "But a Glatorian past his prime's no good to anyone." Ackar added, frustration clear in his voice. Sara could easily hold a sympathy in her heart for him.

She could also relate as well, the frustration of her being famous in music as a celebrity was the same strangulation feeling of the fear of to be no good to anyone anymore. The frustration she and her older half-sister both had as music celebrities.

Sara being known for her singing as her older sister Lindsey with her violin and songs with it.

"To be defeated without a fight would be dishonor." Mata Nui said gaining Ackar and Sara's attentions to him. "You carry this truth inside you, as do I." Mata Nui continued. "You are a true Toa." Mata Nui finished his talking.

"Toa?" Ackar asked confused at what that was. "Where I come from...." Mata Nui trailed off not knowing how to persue this explanation before final tackling it head on with no other choice. "It is a name given to a select few warriors, worthy of-" Mata Nui was suddenly cut off.

"Mata Nui!" Metus' voice was heard at the entryway making the four-easily counting Click-look to see him there.

'Way to ruin the moment dude.' Sara thought to herself as she crossed her arms over her chest. "You were brilliant out there." Metus complimented Mata Nui of the battle.

"I have an idea." Metus said, making Sara fight the urge to sigh. 'Oh I know how this is gonna end.' Sara thought to herself with an eye-roll that went unnoticed, all except from Ackar.

"How about you join the amazing world of Glatorian's?" Metus offered Mata Nui. "If you don't like this village, no problem, we can get the other villages to bid for you." Metus told him.

Mata Nui denied his offer politely. Metus looked at him as if he said something insane to the Agori. "Are you crazy? Do you realize what you're passing up? The life of a First Glatorian!" Metus told him. "Yes, just look how great it worked out for me." Ackar muttered sarcastically. Sara gave him a small smile to reassure him which he smiled back at her in a small and silent way of a thanks.

"The answer is still no." Mata Nui told Metus. "Okay, okay, I hear you. But when you change your mind-" "I will not." Mata Nui interrupted Metus as he held firm of his decision. "Playing hard to get, eh? I can respect that.
Soon enough, you'll come around, begging me to take you back." Metus said with a small grin.

Mata Nui growled as he took a step to the Agori as he put his battle mask up, obviously not amused by the said suggestion.

(A/N: Video recorded by me on my YT channel Siren_DarkOcean _Official)

Metus backed away, a little frightened at that. "Okay, that's a joke. You'd never beg." Metus said as he laughed nervously while leaving the room/cave.

He then peeked back around the corner. "I'm leaving now." He said as if it was not obvious before as he then went back around the corner and left fully. The two males and Sara began to laugh at that, Mata Nui letting down his battle mask as he laughed.

Once they then calmed down their laughs, Ackar looked at Mata Nui. "So strangers, what are your plans?" Ackar asked Mata Nui and Sara. "I must begin searching for a way back m to my Homeland." Mata Nui said straight to the point. "Which is?" Ackar asked him, as Sara was just silent.

"You will think it sounds crazy..." Mata Nui told him as he crossed his arms over his chest. "No crazier than jumping into an arena armed with only a stinger tail and, that thing." Ackar said, gesturing to Click on Mata Nui's shoulder who hissed at Ackar slightly.

"True." Mata Nui sighed as he began to explain as well as he could with slight amnesia. "My home is far from this place, on another planet entirely. I was once it's protector, until a great evil took control and enslaved my people. That is my destiny." Mata Nui told him.

"Let me guess, this great evil you speak of is your sibling?" Sara asked Mata Nui, the two males and Click looked at her at that. "How could you possibly know that?" Mata Nui asked her in slight alarm."It's a stereotype thing that happens on my planets entertainment, the great evil is the sibling, ex lover or full out corrupt lover to the hero. It's so over used at times." Sara told him, trying to hide what she knew of the Bionicle lore.

Mata Nui sighed at this. "Indeed, the great evil is my own little brother, Makuta. He is the youngest of me and my brother's." Mata Nui confirmed. 'Wait, who the hell was Mata Nui's other brother? I think that's Emiku the Mask Maker that helps the six Toa if I remember correctly.' Sara thought to herself.

"I KNEW IT!" A female's voice that wasn't Sara's yelled in joy as a female warrior in blue armor and a trident weapon in hand came from the shadows of outside the cave/rooms entrance.

"What-" "The fucking hell?" Mata Nui and Sara were in shock at their surprise spy and visitor as much as Ackar. "WHOO-HOO! Proof! Proof of what I've been saying for years!" The female shouted happily. "Kiina?! What are you- THIS IS NOT THE PLACE!" Ackar snapped at the newcomer. "BUT I WAS RIGHT!"

Their visitor was a female, taller than Sara but still a bit shorter than Mata Nui and Ackar, her armor was a beautiful shade of blue and covered in old dirt and scratches of years of protecting her in combat as her weapon she had was a trident like pole weapon, though it was hard to tell if she was ether estatic or completely insane.

Mata Nui wasn't taking the chances and Sara new that as she watched him pull out the Vorox stinger blade from behind his back. "Just who is this?" Mata Nui demanded. "Wait, she-" "Names Kiina, a Glatorian, one of the bests." The newcomer said cutting off Ackar as he tried to calm Mata Nui down.

"And you two just won me a lot of bets!" Kiina said happily as she looked at Sara too before going to nag the other's voices, probably those she made said those said bets with. "'Kiina's delusional. There's no such thing as other worlds.' Well yeah these two prove it!" Kiina said happily after mocking those other's she made bets with.

Ackar walked to Mata Nui as he stood at his side, gently guiding the Great Spirit's arms down so that his sword he still held pointed at the ground. "It's okay. Although I don't always agree with her methods, such as lurking in the shadows!" Ackar said then shout that last part at Kiina who paid him no mind in her joy. "As Glatorian go, Kiina ranks. I'd trust her with my life, and have more than once." Ackar told him, trying to reassure Mata Nui he could trust Kiina.

"Oh and don't think me and the other Glatorian didn't see what happened in the arena with you and her Ackar!" Kiina said happily making the three look at her. "What-" "'Love on the battlefield, quite surprising from Ackar.' Is what they were saying." Kiina said cutting Ackar off his question, making Sara blush a dark maroon as Ackar did as well, Mata Nui chuckle softly at that as he put his blade away.

"Good to meet you Kiina," Mata Nui began as the said female Glatorian began to twirl her weapon like a Gymnast baton as she twirled around happily. "I have just discovered what a gift it is to find people you can truly trust." Mata Nui said as he looked at Click on his shoulder.

Kiina looked at him as she then gave the Scarabax Beetle an unhidden disgust before looking at Ackar. "So what their saying is true?" Kiina asked and Ackar nodded as a yes.

Kiina suddenly got into Mata Nui's face as she looked at Click on his shoulder. "Let me guess, you call him Click?" Kiina asked him, the said Scarabax Beetle began to hiss at her slightly making her back up with her hands up in surrender.

"H-Hey, I was just kidding." Kiina said as she backed away slightly from the Great Spirit. "I like it." Mata Nui said, "Click it is." Mata Nui finished making the newly named Click give said clicks in joy and confirmation at that.

"Finally, someone to convince the Agori there's somewhere better than this wasteland." Kiina said as she inspected Mata Nui and Sara in wonder. "Don't know if my planet is better than this one despite it's not a barren wasteland." Sara said half to herself as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"He needs my help Kiina, I owe him." Ackar told Kiina, the said woman perked up at that. "Help, huh? I might be able to do something for you. But I want something in return." Kiina said, getting in Mata Nui's space again as her helmet was practically touching the said Great Spirit's mask. "I want out of this dump. You have to take me with you." Kiina told him. "Kiina..." Ackar said with a sigh as he shook his head at the woman in exasperation.

"It's alright," Mata Nui told Ackar, studying Kiina for a second. "If it's within My power, I will take your but the time to help my people is running out." Mata Nui told her, agreeing with her deal. "No problem, I work fast." Kiina told him, smiling at the idea of leaving the planet.

"What do you have in mind Kiina?" Ackar asked her, Sara standing at his side this time instead of next to Mata Nui's. "Well, I discovered an enormous cavern under my village. It's filled with weird and ancient equipment and tools. It might have something you can use." Kiina told the three.

"Word of warning though." Kiina began, getting in Mata Nui's space again as she pointed an armored finger at him. "Don't even think of pulling a fast one, cause your my ticket out of here." Kiina warned him as she narrowed her gaze at the Great Spirit.


It was now late into the night as Sara was seemingly the only person awake. She sat on a rock outside of the caves as she watched the sky filled with stars above her, her hair in its pigtails swayed beautiful in the slight breeze that blew across the barren land of Bara Magna.

She smiled as she began to sing, her eyes closing as she did so.

Song: Hoist the Colours from Pirate's of the Caribbean: At Worlds End cover by MALINDA, Bobby Waters, Colm McGuiness, Lauren Paley

[Sara Singing]
The king and his men
Stole the queen from her bed
And bound her in her bones
The seas be ours
And by the powers
Where we will, we'll roam
Yo, ho, all together
Hoist the colours high
Heave ho, thieves and beggars
Never shall we die
Yo, ho, haul together
Hoist the colours high
Heave ho, thieves and beggars
Never shall we die
Some men have died
And some are alive
And others sail on the sea
With the keys to the cage
And the Devil to pay
We lay to Fiddler's Green!
The bell has been raised
From it's watery grave...
Do you hear it's sepulchral tone?
We are a call to all
Pay head the squall
And turn your sail toward home!
Yo, ho, all together
Hoist the colours high
Heave ho, thieves and beggars
Never shall we die!
Yo, ho, all together
Hoist the colours high
Heave ho, thieves and beggars
Never shall we die!


She heard footsteps coming to her making her break contact with the sky as she had finished singing as she looked over her shoulder seeing Ackar walking up to her.

"Hey Ackar." She greeted him with a slight smile at the male. He gave her a small wave as he took a seat on the rock next to the woman. "I have serval questions to ask you." He told her, making Sara roll to her eyes. "With that fighting in the arena, I honestly let my mind take control of that and all that happened." Sara told him, before he could ask that question.

"Also," Sara said gaining Ackar's attention again. "Sorry for that moment when you tackled me away from Strakk hitting me, got you to be the talk of the Glatorian with the 'love on the battlefield' thing." Sara apologized to him, brushing some of her loose golden blonde hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear.

"No, it's not your fault, no one could expect that to happen. We were both just lucky neither of us got hit from that." Ackar told her, making Sara smile slightly at that.

"Okay, my question." Sara said making Ackar hum in response as he looked at her. "If you told Kiina you owed Mata Nui to help him, how come you don't with me?" Sara asked him, a slight grin spreading across her face.

Ackar shook his head at that with a slight laugh. "Well I thought I could repay you with the idea of one day we could get to know each other more with a walk." Ackar told her, "Are you asking me on a date here?" Sara asked him with a golden brow raised slightly.

"If you want to call it that, then sure." Ackar replied as he shrugged his shoulders making Sara giggle at that as a soft pink blush covered her face. "Might as well go ahead and do that while we still have some time." Sara told him as she smiled softly at him.

Ackar rolled his eyes in an amused manner as he stood up on the ground, turning the Sara as he held an armored hand out to her. "Shall we then?" He asked her, a slight smile on his face. Sara rolled her eyes at that as she was smiling in amusement as she took his hand and the two began their walk as they got to know each other more.

Why do I have to fall for the leader material characters?

What is making me drawn to you? I just met you.


Chapter Three

(A/N: Ngl the only reason as why the lines the Bionicle characters are saying match the actual movie lines, is because I have the novelization of the movie and keep going to the pages I need a line or group of lines I can't remember)

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