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"You think I'm normal, right? Wrong! I will show you who I truly am. And by that, I mean, I'm going to show everyone what it feels like to live in this world, especially you guys. No one will ever see this coming, I'm here and I'm going to stay around. There's a whole lot of people who think their life is perfect and I'm going to be the one to unveil that curtain upon them."

"You're a disgrace to our family, Son." Denny snarled.

"You brought this upon yourself and this family. Am I sorry for what I'm about to do? No!"

"What are you going to do to us?" Judith was worried for the near future, with a nervous sweat dripping from her forehead.

"Oh, you know, do what I've always wanted to do; kill you all."

"Do you even care about Lincoln, your five year old brother? N-No! Y-You probably don't. D-Do you?" Judith's voice cracked as tears started to roll down her face. She didn't want her son to die so young.


"Oh my God, let me taste your tears." I licked up my mother's cheek. "Oh, salty. Just like you! I've suffered for so long. I've stayed lively to this family for so long. I wish I was never born. Better yet, I wish I was orphaned! You guys have made my life a living Hell."

"I always knew you were the black sheep of the family but this, this has gone too fucking far. You know, I hope karma comes and bites you in the ass you ungrateful piece of shit. You're a disappointment and a mockery to this..." Denny barked before being silenced mid-sentence.

I grabbed the duck tape from the coffee table that I am sitting on. I teared three stripes off and placed them on my family members' mouths.

"NOOOOOOOOO..." Judith screamed before being silenced.

"I'm going to kill you very, very slowly. There's no fun when it's a quick death!" I explained sadistically.

"Mhmmm-mmmm" Judith moaned.

"Shut up, you old hag! No one asked for your opinion. I know exactly how I'm going to kill you all."

I began to walk to the kitchen, knowing exactly what I was looking for as I made myself to the draw full of utensils. A little chuckle left my mouth, thinking about how my family wasn't going to be able to go anywhere. Knowing what I was doing was sinister, but I loved the adrenaline it produced. Letting my fingers caress the items in the draw, I slowly picked up a spoon and let my thumb run over the rim of it as I thought about the next item. With wise precision, I swiftly pulled out one of those long sharp butcher knives, just the sound of pulling it out of the sharpener was so pleasing, so orgasmic. And I loved every moment of it.

Something else caught my eye, it was something that might be quite useful later on.The blowtorch looks fun, and just with that thought another laugh slipped from my lips. Reaching out to grab it where it was placed on the window sill, grinning down at the item as I turned it on to make sure it still worked, listening to the blow of the flame as I grinned darkly. "Now, this will be fun."

I began moving around the kitchen, humming to myself as I could hear whimpering and moaning out in distress from the living room. It took me little less then a minute or so that my eyes landed on something, a little box huh? Taking a step closer as I placed my things down before opening it and looking at the things inside. A few pins, sewing needles and threads? Oh, perfect. I knew exactly what I was going do with these. This will definitely be fun.

I walked back into the living room after I found everything that I was looking for. I walked up to my little brother Lincoln and kneeled down to his height. "I'm sorry, Lincoln, I don't want you to see this." I applied pressure to his eyelid and dug the spoon in, moving the spoon around until his eye popped out. I tried to fight me, but it just had to be like this. He tried screaming, but all that could be barely heard are muffled noises. My parents looked away while I gruesomely spooned out my brother's eyes. Tears poured out of their eyes while blood poured of my little brother's. Then I moved on to my mother.

With her, I severed her tongue and sewed her mouth shut. Blood started to slowly dribble down her mouth as she squirmed before gently poking at her eyes with the pin. "You just never could shut up, could you, mother. And now you'll never speak another word."

And finally my dear old father. He never listened to a word any of us had to say. He'd either be selective to what he heard or twist what he did hear. With a tight grip of his ears, I ripped them off as easy as tearing ten pieces of paper.

I always wanted to try doing this and now this is the perfect time. I grabbed three pre-filled syringes of glow stick fluid and injected it into their veins. I then turned off the lights and watched their bodies glow as they died, slowly. Red, blue, and yellow. Primary colours for my primary subjects.

After I injected them all with the liquid, I grabbed the blow torch and burnt my brother's eye sockets, my father's ears, and finally, my mother's mouth. They tried screaming but couldn't. They squirmed and made muffled sounds, wanting this torture to just end.

As I left them to die, rot, and glow, I grabbed my backpack. It had torture tools, a handgun with a full magazine, and a box full of bullets. No one would suspect a thing. I just look like an average guy, walking around with a backpack. Not suspicious at all.

Once outside; I felt the crisp, cool autumn breeze hit my face as the smell of fire hit my nostrils. It wasn't a bad smell; it was a nice and pleasant smell that made you feel warm. Every step I took, leaves crunched underneath me as I walked off my parents' property and started walking down the cul-de-sac singing as my finger pointed to each house as I passed it.

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe,
Catch a victim by its toe.
If they scream, don't let them go,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

As I said the last word to what I was singing, I pointed to a house and just strolled up to the property. Casually entering the house like we knew each other. Well, we all know each other in this small town, so it doesn't matter.

A/N: I am so excited to finally share this story with your guys. It's the prequel to "Hush Hush". As the story proceeds, things will start to make sense but for now, sit back and enjoy. And don't forget to like, comment and share. Also, please let me know about any mistakes. I'd really appreciate it after all the hard work that has been put into this story.

What do you think of this story so far?

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