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Papyrus carried Sans there, bundling him up in his blankets and hiding him from the general public. Until Sans was more comfortable with him, he didn't want the public seeing his little big bro. The bar was as warm and inviting as he remembered, the customers greeting him before becoming shocked that it wasn't Sans, but Papyrus that they were greeting. Grillby immediately went to see what brought on this momentous occasion. "To what do I owe the pleasure, Papyrus?" He greeted softly, curious as to what Papyrus had in his hands. "Hello Grillby, I... You... Know How Raise A Child... Right..?" Grillby blinked and looked at the bundle once more. "Say no more, come on back, I can give you all the tips you need for whoever." Papyrus gratefully followed Grillby to thr back and went to lay his sleeping brother down. "So, who's child is that? What's their name?" Grillby asked. It seemed that he didn't intend to pry too much. "It's... Sans, Actually. Something Happened At The Lab..." Grillby couldn't hardly believe it and went to see for himself. You are in a bit deeper than I thought... I'm glad you've come to me with this..."


The first thing was first, Grillby made sure to put away all the toys except for a few- a rubix cube, crayons and paper, and a magnetic number maze. "The first rule about taking care of Sans is to not overstimulate him. You may have noticed by now, but he is a very nervous boy, scares easily. He's not used to people." Papyrus blinked, startled, but he remembered once, being told that Grillby had raised them for a while. Papyrus didn't remember that, but it seemed that those words were ringing true now. "Do You Know Why He's So Scared?" Papyrus asked. "Bits and pieces... your father was a very cruel man who worked in the lab, apparently. He kept you boys isolated and gave you nothing to do for days on end..." Grillby replied, rubbing Sans' skull softly. "It will take time for Sans to trust you, Papyrus. Because you're a skeleton, he's probably more scared, I hate to say... but if you are slow and patient and kind to him... you will earn his trust..." Papyrus nodded slowly. "That Is What I've Been Trying To Do..." Grillby smiled and nodded. "Good. One more thing. Sans loves to learn... so teach him!"


Papyrus stayed around to learn actual tips to parenting a toddler. Mostly, they were tips to help Sans learn and get used to the world around him. There were some things about potty training, manners, and a bit of responsibility. There was also a very important thing on nightmares, which Sans was prone to having. Papyrus tried to take it all in and do a good job with Sans, but it was quite a lot of information to handle. "paaaah... paaaahpieeeeruuuuussss..?" The to jumped at Sans' quiet and scared voice. Of course, it was someplace new. Naturally, he was scared. Papyrus went to Sans, slow as Grillby had told him. "I Am Here, Sans, I Haven't Left..." Sans seemed to relax a little and took in his surroundings before tensing up when he saw Grillby. "That Is Grillby... He Is Very Nice." Sans didn't relax as he huddled into his corner of the couch. Grillby gestured Papyrus over. "He called to you... he's starting to trust you." Grillby praised Papyrus softly, making him feel better about this situation. "Just give him time to get used to his surroundings, he will come wandering to us eventually."

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