Readers Choose!

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Here's where things are getting interesting. I want you to choose who allies with who, who is mean to who, I want you to start making the friendships and enemies! Your character might want to team up to survive these horrid games! 

Here are the steps. Beside your character, write "Loner." or "Team up with (Other character name here.) I will take your suggestions into consideration when I write the next chapter.

Here's the list. Of course, you don't have to do this. You might just want to be along for the ride. But I highly suggest putting "Loner." if you don't want them to team up. You can comment "Random!" If you want to, where I'll make them a loner, or with a random person.

Start now! (I've out little descriptions so you know who you want to team up with or not.)

District 1-Luxury (CAREER)

John Josher and Kayley Jones (Both stuck up, but Josh is strong, and Kayley is surprisingly fast and a strong.)

District 2-Masonry/Stone Mining (CAREER)

Michelle Carolson and Logan Pierce  (Michelle is a little broken, but Logan knows what he's doing. Bewarned, he's in a wheelchair, but that doesn't define him, and a little moody.)

District 3-Technology

Mikey Wells and Avera Robinson ( Mikey is very hyperactive, but agile. Avera, fierce and loyal, and hates people looking down on her.)

District 4-Fishing (CAREER)

Atticus Chase and Zia Rea (Zia is a daredevil, but Atticus has a silver tongue. He's conniving and malicious, plus a backstabber. Both are unpredictable.)

District 5-Power

Chip Keller and Moxi "Pine" Grace ( Not gonna lie, probably going to die at the beginning, but we don't know for sure.)

District 6-Transportation

Ash Duskbreeze and Thistle Lockroot (Both want to win, and won't stop at any costs to save the other. Best friends. If it comes between you or the other, always going to choose the other.

District 7-Lumber

Merari "Awry" Richter and Clay Riversmith ( Clay is the buff, tough, silent dude, while Merari needs to come home for her little brother. She is fast, and can climb trees. Clay practically grew up in the wilderness, so watch out!)

District 8-Textiles

Angie Rooters and Bark Coppe ( I'm going to be real with you. They're not going to win, no matter what. Average, but may be useful!)

District 9-Grain

To be Determined/Still Open(Who knows? If the spot doesn't fill this week, I'll make the other. )

District 10-Livestock

Ariadne Teseus/Kalvin Slater ( Ariadne thinks she's going to win, and will stop at nothing to make that a reality. Has a special someone at home. Kalvin is a skilled hunter, smart, and likes to think things through.)

District 11-Agriculture

Callisto Meadowshire and Josh Klein ( Callisto is related to a victor, and has some pretty good survival skills that her grandmother taught her. Josh likes to goof of sometimes, but is a skilled martial artist, with reliable skills.)

District 12-Coal/Mining

Justin Lockbrook and Emily Davis Watts ( Emily is skilled at drawing, and knows how to do things by herself, including cooking, and identifying some herbs and spices. That may come in handy for camouflage, and not dying by the hands of tributes. (Possible foreshadowing, I won't tell! ;) ) Justin is a shortie, and is driven to win this thing! Watch out for that kid, for his size he has a lot of mood and spunk.

 If I'm missing anyone, tell me! I'm pretty sure my character list is outdated, and I'm going to update it tomorrow.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and remember, it's all optional!




Sincerely, 360 Productions.

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