Part 5 of 5

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In the morning, you wake to your mom informing you of a two-hour fog delay, which then turns into an unexpected day off. That almost never happens. But with school now canceled, you can concentrate on hatching your egg. The Gamer Gods must have taken pity on you for a change! If you play your cards right, that Loknes could be sitting in your catalog by mid-afternoon.

As your parents leave for work, you settle your younger brother in front of the television with reruns of SpongeBob and a bag of cheddar cheese crackers shaped like goldfish for company. Dark clouds gather above your neighborhood as you slip away from the house, and a thin layer of mist still blankets the soggy earth. If you weren't so preoccupied, you'd probably find the ambiance a bit creepy. Instead, you shrug off the unease and begin your typical route.

When the image of a Loknes flashes through your mind, a swarm of butterflies attack your already anxious stomach. You stifle a giggle of anticipation, not wanting the neighbors to think you're losing your mind. But you're so eager to hatch that golden egg, you wonder if you might be. Today's the day — you're finally going to defeat the game! How could you not feel crazy excited?

You reach into the back pocket of your jeans and pull out a photo, the edges faded and worn with time. Two innocent, smiling faces stare back at you, and a rush of emotion swells in your throat.

Something of value that you take for granted every day.

It could only be one thing, really. A picture, several years old now, of you and your very best friend. When she moved across the country at the end of fifth grade, this memento became your most prized possession. But over the years it's lost some of its worth. You didn't take the time to bother with it like you used to, reminiscing about old secrets and rehashing legendary slumber parties. The truth is, you could go weeks without even noticing it at all. It remains pinned to your cork board, collecting particles of dust.

Trading it for a Loknes wouldn't be so bad. It's not like it meant you weren't friends anymore. You'd just ask her to make you another copy and send it ASAP. Then everything would be the same as before, only this time you wouldn't dismiss the photograph so easily. You'd appreciate it like you should. So why did letting it go make your insides squeamish?

Glancing down at your phone, you let out a loud gasp. Your golden egg is about to hatch! You've been so wrapped up in memories and feelings of guilt you hadn't even noticed the time pass. But there it is, practically jumping from the screen. The moment you've been waiting for has finally arrived.

You scan your surroundings in search of the man, but he's no where to be found. He had better not back out now — not after he's gotten your hopes up like this!

Before you're able to contemplate your next move, there's a firm tap on your shoulder. Whirling around, you find yourself staring into familiar beady eyes, and a black top hat hovering just above bushy brows.

"Sorry, my dear. I had some business to attend to. But here I am, just as promised," the man says with a wide smile. "I must say, I'm surprised we're meeting again so soon. You've logged in over six miles in less than two days! You're awfully determined. I take it your egg is ready to hatch?"

Your gaze drops to the brilliant golden shape projected in the center of the screen, and a sudden lump of nervousness grows in your stomach. You nod, not meeting his eyes.

"Wonderful. Wonderful! Very well done. You must be quite proud of yourself."

"How did you know I finished?" you ask after a short pause. "Do you have access to my Monsuta GO account?"

The man straightens his posture, hands clasped tightly to the lapels of his tux. "Not exactly, but we do have access to other things. Different ways of keeping track."

You're not sure what he means and not particularly interested in making idle conversation. The sooner you make the trade, the better. Something about this guy gives you the creeps, so you get to the point. "I get my Loknes now, right? Once this egg hatches?"

The man tips the brim of his hat. "That's correct. After you confirm the exchange, all you have to do is tap on that egg and your Loknes will appear. But not just any Loknes. This Loknes will be your strongest monster yet; able to win every battle with the greatest of ease. I assure you, you'll be very impressed with her stats."

A deep longing collects inside of you. Just possessing a Loknes would have been enough, you'd barely given a thought to her powers! You blink rapidly, your body brimming with adrenaline. "I'm ready."

His head cocks to the side. "So, you agree to the trade then?"

"Yes, I agree," you answer impatiently. "I just want this to be over with!"

"And so it shall." The man bends at the waist and gives you a grand bow.

A spark ignites inside of you as you press your finger to the prize. The small oval bounces before you, then sways from side to side, cracks multiplying along its ethereal, golden surface. Satisfaction fills your heart as you watch the egg open wide, a beautiful, sapphire beast springing from the inside.

You suck in a breath of utter astonishment. There she is, your Loknes, in all of her monstrous glory!

Deftly what you've been waiting for all of these long and tortuous months. Your level of contentment soars to a high you never knew possible. It's hard to believe a simple game could make you feel so complete. An uncontrolled giggle escapes from your mouth.

"I take it you're happy?" the man asks, his tone rich with amusement.

Happy doesn't even begin to describe your elation. You swipe to your catalog, a blush of pleasure rising to your cheeks. One hundred and fifty slots filled, a small but satisfying victory.

You look up in awe. "Thank you," you say breathlessly. "I can't believe I've won the game!"

The man's cherubic face rearranges into a grin. "No need to thank me. You're the one who agreed to a trade."

Oh yes, the trade!

"Here, I have something for you." You pinch your lower lip between your teeth and reach into your back pocket. "This picture is something I value, yet I've taken it for granted. It's of me and my best friend when we were younger." A twinge of shame tugs at your conscience as you hand him the photo.

The man studies it for a long beat, his expression unreadable.

"I actually feel guilty giving it to you," you admit. "I don't want you to think I'm a heartless person or anything. We've been friends for a long time and I really miss her a lot. But I know she'd understand. She gets me like no one else ever has —"

"Oh no, I can't take your picture," the man interrupts. His eyes raise, and he gives you a horrified look of disapproval. "I'm afraid you've misunderstood. I never said you get to choose what you trade. You made that assumption on your own. I already know what I want."

Your heart plummets to your toes. "I don't get to choose?" you ask, forcing the question from your mouth. "What do you mean?"

Scorn flashes in his dark eyes. "It's true, I do want something of value, something you take for granted every day. But I'd prefer it to be a great sacrifice; something you'll find impossible to live without. I'm taking ... your freedom."

A sudden gust of wind smacks you in the face. "What do you mean my freedom?"

"Exactly how it sounds. You relinquished it of your own accord the moment you became a slave to that app. Spending every free moment obsessing over your next catch," he scoffs. "If you hadn't spent unprecedented amounts of time with your nose buried in your phone, maybe you wouldn't have missed the real life opportunities surrounding you."

Your forehead creases with confusion. "What real life opportunities?" you ask, slightly annoyed. "I haven't missed anything! I'm enduring the same old cycle of crap that regurgitates every single day. Schoolwork, chores, and a whole lot of nothing. There's never anything important going on around here!"

"Never anything important going on," he slowly repeats, his brows scrunching together. "Did you take a moment to appreciate the leaves falling this year, and how colorful they were from autumns in the past? Or what about the snowflakes? We're in the middle of our first snowfall of the season."

His arms spreads wide and he looks toward the sky, tiny flecks of white collecting against his black suit. How did you miss that? You love the snow!

"When was the last time you spent time with your family without checking your cell phone every two minutes? And did you even pay attention to the story your little brother was trying to tell you before you rushed from the house?"

You stare at him, dumbfounded. Had your brother even been talking?

His lips spread into a smirk. "That's what I thought. And those are only a few examples of what you've ignored. I haven't even touched on the big stuff yet."

The man rocks back slightly and purses his lips.

"Remember when your friend from school said she needed help, but you told her you were too busy? Of course, you failed to mention you were busy catching animated monsters," he says, rolling his eyes. "She wanted help studying for a math test she desperately needed to pass. Since her parents work late, you were her last hope."

His nose flares like a bull as he gauges your reaction. "She didn't pass that test, and as a result, she's flunking the class. Now she may be kicked off of the soccer team. And you and I both know that's the only way she's getting into college," he sneers. "She doesn't exactly have the academic skills, if you know what I mean. And just the other day, you passed an acquaintance in the hallway. She was crying but you barely glanced up from your phone. Did you know she'd just found out her sister is sick? Really sick. She could have used a friend. But you continued on your way, too enthralled by your game to pay her any attention."

He arches his bushy eyebrows and pauses, letting the information sink it.

"Your screen time has had such a negative impact on your life, you've cut yourself off from living. Social media and mobile apps have turned you into a robot."

You shift uncomfortably from one foot to the next. How could he possibly know all that stuff about your friends? About your family?

"What does any of this have to do with my freedom?" you ask, a note of panic rising in your voice. "Maybe I am addicted to my phone, but everyone is. Look around you." You gesture wide, and spin in a circle. "Technology makes the world go 'round! Haven't you ever heard that expression?"

The man juts his pointy chin forward and he gives you a haughty smile. "Oh, I'm familiar with many different expressions."

You shrug impatiently. "So what does any of this have to do with me?"

He leans toward you with a look that radiates superiority. "She's no ordinary Loknes, you know," he says, nodding toward your phone. "She's very special, indeed."

Your body angles away from him, keeping a safe distance. You already know she's special. She's the strongest of all your Monsuta. He said so himself. Glancing down, you study your latest conquest. Brilliant blue scales and the hint of a smile. The monster looks exactly as you expect.

"Not seeing it?" he asks, reading your mind. "That Loknes also traded something of value, yet something she took for granted every day. Am I making myself clear?" A slow smile inches across his face. "She traded her freedom."

You take another look at your Loknes, and that's when you see it.

Her eyes. They're different then the others. Green and human-like as they dart back and forth on the screen, as if they're trying to make sense of their surroundings.

A cold understanding dawns, sending a wave of disbelief and nausea through you. You're only vaguely aware of a coyote screaming somewhere in the distance.

Squinting closer at your screen, you take a step back. "No," you say, shaking your head. Those are not the eyes of a virtual monster. Those are the eyes of a person — a real person. "It can't be true!"

"Oh, but it is. She agreed to the exact same trade you did, and look where it got her. Once you hatched your egg, she exchanged her independence — the trade she promised me. Now she's trapped inside that app forever, exactly the same as you will be."

"You tricked me!" You fold your arms across your stomach and bend forward as it heaves violently, threatening to release your breakfast.

"Quite the contrary, my dear. I didn't trick you, you never bothered to ask. You heard what you wanted to hear and made up the rest. What in the world made you think I would desire a silly picture?" He chuckles, flinging the photo to the ground. It flutters toward the grass like a leaf. "When you play with the devil, the devil always wins. That's another expression I'm familiar with, but one you, apparently, are not." He tips his hat and turns away. "Now you take care," he calls over his shoulder. "I'll be seeing you again real soon; just as soon as the next desperate player agrees to make a trade."

A scream claws at your throat as he leaves you staring after him. Your days are numbered — and you did it to yourself.


Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the story. ❤️

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