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It bubbled to the surface


she clenched her teeth

her fists

it bubbled, refusing to be pushed down

She glared trying to satisfy its hunger

but the anger rose

demanding to be unleashed 

she finally broke and strikes

hitting them in their faces

their stomachs

their sides

until they were pushed to the ground

but still the anger rose

claiming more

controlling her

soon her feet joined the fray

kicking every part it could get to

the audience looked on in horror

the girl looked like a wild animal

and so she was

anger took control and caused destruction

the anger refused to retreat

to be stifled

it smirked

and settled



waiting to bubble

and destroy more

refusing to back down 

refusing to be stifled

hid from the world


it would burn the world down into ashes

bubbling from the core


until the world is no more

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