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It pushes against my throat
The visions flash behind my eyes
Malicious thoughts run wild
My hands twitch for the knife
For any weapon to silence the roar

I imagine the cloak of night
I imagine the metallic smell
The warmth flowing over my fingers
I imagine the sirens wailing in the night

They come soon to lock me away
To ask where they went wrong
Where this all came from
Why they didn't see the signs

No one visits
No one bothers me
No one gives me that feeling

And then it's just me
I'm alone
The very thing I wanted
But it's not what I imagined

No one visits
No one bothers me
Isn't that what I wanted?

They wonder where they went wrong
And they wonder if they were next
Fear they were close to death and never knew

I couldn't control the anger
They need to feel that warmth run free
I'm sorry it ended this way
But I knew it would happen, eventually

For a volcano can never choose when it erupts
And when it does its murderous
It doesn't stop
And it's not predictable
So keep an eye for the signs
And wait

Volcanos never only erupt once
And it will happen again
And the need will arise
And then death will come

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