The Weather And What It Holds

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With the wind blowing fiercely, the leaves dropping to the dirt ground, and the heavy rain pouring down like a shower, it all chose to fall from the sky and smother the only creature in the dark green forest.

Water dropped from my short hair; my feet began sinking into the mud while I stare up at the sky with squinted eyes. The gray dull color of the sky seemed to turn dark gray. I had to stop focusing on the chameleon-acting sky when I found something else to focus on. They all began to flow into the forest, chasing me away from the one spot where I had been sadly admiring the torturous variations of nature.

Soon after I had noticed them, I took off. Quickly, my feet made the ground water soak through my tightly-laced shoes. The screams, the shouts, and the footsteps enclosed around me. I felt trapped. Several of them could not keep up with my fast movement. I ducked under an open gap of a fallen tree, jumped over the water stream, and made it out alive.

Nobody was around. The pavement of the road was really damp like every piece of clothing clinging to my body. These tragic weather conditions soon became too harsh to handle. Why so rough? I wanted to ask, but who would I ask?

The windmill that stood five stories high spun in rapid circles, creating a very powerful gush of wind to add to the tragic weather conditions of the universe. That's exactly what they were, tragic. I was alone with the thoughts and the rain, soaking me every step I took on the road.

Suddenly, my foot collided toes first with a pothole and sent me downward. My body began whirling its way down a steep hill, on accident obviously. When the spinning that caused me to feel overly dizzy had drawn to a close, I realized I had fallen into a lake. It was too deep. The lake was filled with...maybe I had been looking at it all wrong, but there was something seriously abnormal about that lake. Why was it so dark?

The water held a blackish-blue tint. Maybe the weather conditions had abused the lake throughout the years, or maybe it had only just happened several seconds ago before I had fallen into it.

The sky let out a terrible harsh scream, signaling that its name was thunder. The wind then picked up; the clouds began to circle the world, staying the gloomy gray color they had been for the past few years. They had been that type of color ever since my existence of this earth became a reality. Social interaction with humans is a light familiarity. Running away from my home? That was not my worst problem. My absolute worst problem is to never be revealed.

It only affects nature and myself. All of it changed the world in one of the most horrible ways possible. I was not at all a full one-hundred percent human. The reason I was so different was for many traumatic events that just had to occur. These events never stop, just like how the wind never stops blowing; the rain keeps falling, and the thunder continues to pound its way through my ears.

Lots of what happened might be my fault. In an instant second, it all hit at once, hit me like a huge collection of really bad weather beating me deeper and deeper under the lake water. Difficulty became an instant education my life wanted to pursue as a career.

The wars that begged me to fight never went anywhere without getting affected by my actions and powers. My powers, those are a whole other story. A story of which I usually keep to myself. Nature always had its way with me whether good or bad. Getting chased is nothing I am not familiar with already. No, it is not fun for me, of course; I need to keep my body moving and energized or else...things go down a hole and do not come back up.

Each time the words of who I am get thrown into a conversation whether with a part of nature or a human being, it gets jumbled. Usually it is jumbled in the puzzled brain of a human. Not many can understand what makes me who I am. It will never be fully understood by anyone except nature and myself.

Some just do not get it. Nature has been a part of my life since I was born. My birth differentiates from everyone else's. Parents, I have heard of humans having parents but once again, I am not a full human so therefore I do not have parents. My dependencies all go on the way the sky colors itself in every day and night; the way the rainwater drips from dangly leaves on limp tree branches; the grunts and groans from somewhere beyond where the clouds sit on their thrones, making rings around the world.

There is a possibility that the tragic weather conditions of the universe will draw to a close one unordinary day. Until then, I have to go about my duties as a resident of nature's grounds; keeping myself safe and protected and storing imagery of what I see around me so my dream of having the weather conditions change will be brought to life.

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