The trail of blood

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"This is so awesome!" shrieked Julia as she ran ahead. "Awesome is the last word I would use" I thought. Maziniche Castle, just as weird as its name, was anything but awesome. It was just an exceptionally dirty old building. Wrinkling my nose in distaste at the cobwebs that lined the  ceiling, I said to Zoe, who was walking alongside me, "Well, if a ceiling practically plastered with cobwebs is her idea of awesome..." "Huh? What are you talking about? What cobwebs? It's perfectly spotless, look!" she interrupted, giving me an expression that said, "Are you trying to be funny?" But I wasn't and said so. She didn't believe me. We were just arguing about who was correct and who wasn't when suddenly, almost as if the thought had been inserted into my head by magic, it struck me that I was the only one who could see the dust and the cobwebs and..." I stopped short in shock and blood drained out of my face. There was a trail of going up the wall! A chill travelled down my spine as my eyes followed it up to the ceiling... only to see my worst nightmare come to life. I watched, transfixed in a kind of terrified shock, as the dark red blood swirled around, slowly taking on the form of a girl...hanging from the ceiling. Her image slowly became clearer the longer I stared at her. Her dark hair was completely entangled in the ceiling fan and her face was paler than death. Her empty sockets dripped with black blood which ran down the length of her face. All of sudden, her pale lips curved into a ghastly smile, as if she knew I could see everything. That I could see her. And then, everything disappeared. I abruptly became aware of the fact that Zoe was shaking me looking rather frightened at the deathly paleness of my face. My friends had crowded around me. Julia was trying to shove water in my mouth and Brooklyn was holding a plate of biscuits. They were obviously concerned, but I was too scared to care about that. Knowing that I was the only one able to see the reality of the house, I muttered something about needing to go to the bathroom and rushed off. I splashed cold water on my face, trying to calm myself. But when I looked into the mirror, a thousand screams tore out of my throat. Where my face should have been, staring back at me, was The Girl, still smiling in that unnerving way. Vaguely, I heard my friends pounding on the door. But just as I tore my eyes away from the mirror, everything went quiet. Sensing that something was wrong, I threw open the door and rushed out...only to see my friends' bodies suspended by the same fan. 

They were gone and I was left behind... to remind the world of their story. And inside the castle, the trail of blood still remains.

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