Trainer that never gives up

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It seem like a normal day for are Hero Ash has he returns home from his journey in Alola getting runner up again this time in the alola league

Ash:I'm sure that next time will win right pikachu

(Oh and in this story he brings his alola team with him except Naganadel seen he went back to the ultra world)

Has Ash was arriving to his house he goes through the door

Ash:Mom I'm back
Pikachu:Pika(We have returned)
Delia:Ash welcome back honey

Has she gives her son a hug

Delia:Did everything go well cooking back
Ash:Yeah nothing weird happened
Delia:Okay go to the living room some people want to see you

Has he and pikachu confused go to the living room has they see Misty,Brock,May,Max,Dawn,Iris,Cilan, Clemont,Bonnie,Serena,Trip and Drew

Ash:Hey guys long time no see
Ash:Yeah what's up Brock
Brock:Look what I'm gonna say I want you to listen this was a group decision
Ash:Okay tell me is there something wrong
Brock:Ash you see
Misty:Ash we want you to give up on your stupid dream

Has both Ash and Pikachu questioned there friends comment

Ash:Wait what
Brock:Ash we want you to give up on your dream on becoming a Pokémon master
Ash:Wait what why
Iris:First your a little kid
Drew:Ash you suck at being a trainer
May:You never even won a single league and maybe if you didn't follow that dream me and Dawn could have made it to our dreams
Ash:What you were the ones who got in the way I never even ask for you to come with me you could have left any time you want and even when we split you guys still lost grand festivals
Trip:Shut up loser stop trying to find excuses for your mistakes
Ash:Trip and Drew why the fuck are you two even here
Drew:Because we think the same has them we know you suck
Trip:Exactly what he said
Max:I mean you and your Pokémon are weak some of them aren't even evolve yet which was your biggest downfall maybe pikachu needs a better trainer right buddy

Has the only think he go was a thunderbolt to the face has some go to check on him

Ash:Snd you three what do you agree with them
Clemont:Yes Ash just admit it you won't win anything
Bonnie:He's right your a loser Ash
Serena:I can't believe my first kiss cane from you such a disappointment should have gone with Alain

Has he felt a hand on his shoulder has Ash look back to see his mom

Delia:Ash please listen to them
Ash:You too mom
Delia:Ash please give up on your dream and do something better like help Professor Oak in the lab

Has then Ash just step back slapping the hand away in this moment Lycnaroc and Incineroar cane out of there pokeballs both ready to battle

Ash:Thanks you two
Delia:Ash Ketchum has your mother you'll listen to me this instant
Ash:Sorry but your not my mother my real mother would have supported me not betray me
Misty:Ash how dare you she's your mother
Ash:Not anymore

Has he and his Pokémon run out of the house has he ran but look back to see the traitors has he turned to them

Ash:Pikachu use Thunderbolt and Lycnaroc use Stone edge

Has the attacks are fired they stop the group

Ash:Now incineroar use Fire blast

Has with that it hit the traitors sending them back has Ash ran to the lab has along the way he meet up with Paul

Paul:Ash hows it been and why are you running
Ash:I'll tell you along the way now follow me quick to Professor Oaks lab

Has along the way Ash tells Paul everything has they arrive to the lab

Paul:Those bastard so what do we do now
Ash:I'm going to get my Pokémon then I'm leaving

Has the doors open revealing Tracy

Tracy:Oh thank arceus get in fast

Has they go in

Ash:Tracy where's the Professor
Paul:Wait what
???:Yeah we killed that mother f^*%^*

Has then Gary come down

Ash:Gary why is Oak dead
Gary:We know about the betrayal and that psycho  was going to betray you me and Tracy killed
Ash:But what he do
Tracy:Ash I'm sorry to say this but haft of your Pokémon are dead

Has this stroke the the trainers

Gary:He speaks the truth old man used his Dragonite to destroy them while they were in there Pokéballs bastard
Tracy:the traitors even got four of the ones you released
Ash:Wait four is one of them a greninja

Has tears appear on the trainers knowing that his Pokémon died and the one he had a brotherly bond are gone has he clean his tears

Ash:Is there anything that you can give me that can let me catch other and more Pokémon
Gary:Yeah here

Has he gives him something

Gary:Is the old mans new creation the Nanodex basically it should let you keep all your Pokémon and others you catch
Ash:Thanks a lot you two I thank you
Tracy:Your welcome now hurry before the traitors come

Has they outside Ash returns his two Pokémon and gets out of Pallet town

4 years later
Has time pass from that day has we go to the HQ if the Sinnoh battle frontier has in there the six facilities are there the Battle hall,Battle Factory, Battle Castle,Battle arcade and the last and new one the battle Colosseum there you win and he experience symbol there the strongest frontier brain is found has outside of the building we find a girl by the name of Lillie

Lillie:The battle colosseum where the strongest frontier brain is I know that I beat Argenta and sir Darach but I feel like seen his the strongest his gonna be the most difficult one oh what should I do
???:You know in my opinion maybe you should try it

Has Lillie look back to see Dahlia

Dahlia:Hey kid
Lillie:What are you doing here
Dahlia:To see my boyfriend
Lillie:Wait is your boyfriend the brain of this facility
Dahlia:Sure is and I think you might learn something from him you may not win but maybe give it a try
Lillie:Okay I'm gonna try
Dahlia:that's the spirit now come on follow me he should be training now

Has they go in the place they head to the battlefield has they arrive the see the man

???:Now both of you use x-scissor

Has the two Pokémon clash there blades the man was training his Mega Gallade and Bysharp but then Lillie noticed something the man had a red hat and a pikachu on his shoulder and raven black hair

Dahlia:Hey Red

Has the man stop his Pokémon

Red:Yeah babe
Dahlia:You got a challenger
Red:Really wh

Has when he turned around he see Lillie has they both share a shock face


Has they both stare at each other weirdly after that they sat down

Lillie:So you are the strongest Frontier Brain
Red:Yeah shocking
Lillie:This were you have been this hole time while we were worried so much about you
Red:Lillie I know your sad that I randomly disappeared and I left you guys have my reasons
Lillie:And what are they

Has he frown and look down

Dahlia:I'll tell her
Red:Please I don't want to even explain it
Lillie:Whats wrong
Dahlia:You see after he returned from alola Red or has you call him Ash was betrayed by his most trusted and even his own mother and his Pokémon were killed only ones that survive are his alola team
Lillie:Oh really
Red:Yeah so I disappeared to train after I trained for two years I decided to join the battle frontier seen the traitors knew about the Hoenn one I joined the Sinnoh in my time here I meet all the members they were like family a family I could trust along the way me and Dahlia here fell for each other and that's the short version
Lillie:Oh Ash mean Red I'm so sorry
Red:Is not your fault so yeah I change my name too and the hood of my jacket covers my face so I keep a low profile
Lillie:Oh but do you what with done
Red:Yeah you are challenging the battle Frontier of Sinnoh,Gladion is the new ceo of your mother's company after he lost the tittle of champion to Hau who is now the champion,Kiewai a Kahuna, Sophocles is one the world greatest researchers on space and space Pokémon,Lana became a very know and famous fishermen and Mallow become like Lana a very famous chef
Lillie:WOW you really did your research
Red:And the traitors well they haven't really done nothing special Brock,Misty,Cilan and Clemont are still gym leaders neither have done nothing speacial, Iris still not a dragon master,Max lost in the first round of the Hoenn league losing to Tobias, Bonnie the same losing the first battle of the kalos league to a girl named Astrid,Neither May,Dawn or Serena have reach there dreams so yeah at this point you guys are the only ones successful
Lillie:Oh well that's something
Dahlia:He washed the traitors fail a lot even made a video of them failing that it got very popular people started to laugh at them a lot they don't even know that it was him that did it
Red:It was all worth it so Lillie have you come here to challenge me
Lillie:Yes actually
Red:Then let's he to the battlefield

Has they go there

Red:Hey babe can you be the ref for this battle
Dahlia:Sure the battle between the Frontier Brain Red and the challenger Lillie will now begin this will be a three on three battle trainers send in your Pokémon
Red:Trevenant I choose you

Has the grass/ghost type appears on the battlefield

Lillie:His a grass and ghost type Pokémon then Jolteon go to battle

Has the electric eevolution appears on the battlefield

Red:You catch and eevee
Lillie:Yeah and he evolve into a jolteon
Red:Then let's see how strong you gotten
Dahlia:Alright Battle begin
Red:Trevenant use Wood hammer
Lillie:Jolteon dodge it quick

Has he dodges the attacks

Lillie:Now use Shadow ball
Ash:Use wood hammer to block

Has he destroyed the attack

Red:Now use Hex
Lillie:Jolteon use Quick attack to dodge

Has he dodge the attack and charge at Trevenant

Red:Gotcha use Shadow claw

Has he lands the hit sending Jolteon back sending him to the hex has he collided with it has he faint

Red:Remember Lillie a Pokémon can't always dodge the attack Jolteon fast but you aim at Trevenant even knowing the hex was still behind it
Lillie:You knew that he can use Quick attack
Red:I saw your battles with Argenta so who's gonna be your next Pokémon but before that let me ask you how much experience did you have with Jolteon how long its been seen it evolve
Lillie:Two month
Red:I'm impressed it beat Argenta Gengar but even so let ya continue
Lillie:Are you saying I haven't had enough experience with Jolteon
Red:Yes Lillie in my battles I see closely how well trainers and Pokémon work together some seem like a week others a year one time even a girl who only had one day of experience with her Pokémon so you need to know who to use and how to use its abilities to there fullest
Lillie:I get it

Has she returned her Pokémon

Lillie:Okay then Pidgeot come on out

Has the flying/normal type appears on the battlefield

Dahlia:Battle begin
Red:Trevenant use shadow ball
Lillie:Pidgeot dodge it and use Air slash

Has he perfectly dodge the shadow ball fired its attack landing the hits

Red:First hit
Lillie:Now use Sky attack

Has he charge the attack getting close

Red:But it won't be enough use Wood hammer

Has he smashed pidgeot to the ground but he got back up to the air

Red:It's durable I'll give it that use Shadow ball barrage mode
Lillie:Dodge them

Has Pidgeot dodges all the shadow balls blasted

Lillie:Use Sky attack
Red:Now use Hex

Has both collided there attacks but Pidgeot came out and landed the hit pushing Trevenant back

Lillie:I got it use Gust

Has he fired Gust pushing Trevenant slowly back

Lillie:Now Sky attack
Red:Use shadow claw

Has both hit each other at the same time has they fell to the ground

Dahlia:Both Pokémon are unable to battle trainers send in your next Pokémon and in Lillie case get out your last Pokémon
Lillie:Right thank you Pidgeot you were a big help
Red:I'm impressed Lillie this the first time someone been able to take out a Pokémon of mine ever sense I became a frontier brain
Lillie:Thank you Ash
Red:But the battles not over you still have only one Pokémon will I have two
Lillie:That's right then it's time go snowy

Has the Nintailes alola form appears on the battlefield

Red:It evolve

Has the Pokémon tackled the FB to ground and started to lick him

Red:Hey hey is good to see you too Snowy

Has he petted his friends Pokémon and got back up

Lillie:Sorry about that Ash but Snowy has been missing you a lot
Red:I know so are you ready to battle me snowy

Has he nod she goes back to Lillie

Red:This will be your opponent I choose you Incineroar

Has the fire and dark Pokémon appears on the battlefield has he look around he see his opponents recognizing Lillie and the Pokémon has he smiles and thumbs up

Red:Incineroar has been one of Snowy best friends in Alola so is nice to see how well she's grown
Red:We ready
Dahlia:Okay let the battle resume
Red:Incineroar use Flamethrower
Lillie:Snowy block it with Aura vail

Has the flamethrower gets reflected by aura vail

Red:Charge with Fire punch

Has in incineroar charge at Ninetailes

Lillie:Snowy use Ice beam on his legs trap him

Has the ice beam stops incineroar

Lillie:Now use giga impact

Has he landed the hit sending incineroar back

Lillie:Now use Ice fang
Red:Take it

Has she bites his arm but he keeps it in

Red:Now use Fire punch

Has with That he lands it's hit sending her back

Red:Now use Flamethrower
Lillie:Aura vail again

Has it block again

Lillie:Now ice beam
Red:Burn through with Darkest lariat

Has he goes through the ice beam landing the hit sending Ninetailes back

Lillie:Snowy are you okay
Snowy:Nine(Yes I can continue)
Lillie:Then is time for a z-move

Has she gets back up and cross her arms doing the ice type z-move

Lillie:Subzero slammer

Has the attack makes its use and traps Incineroar in ice

Lillie:Is he out
Red:Hey you can break out now

Has Incineroar melted the ice and got back to the battle but then Ninetailes fell to he ground and faint

Dahlia:Snowy is unable to battle the winner is Frontier Brain Red
Red:Good work buddy now help me out grab Snowy Lillie follow me there's a healing machine here
Lillie:Oh okay

Has they got to the healing area they heal Lillie Pokémon

Red:Okay Lillie there all okay
Lillie:Thank you Red
Red:But I also have another gift Wait here

Has he leaves the area

Dahlia:I think I know why his very nice to you it's because your one of the only people that didn't betray him knowing that there's someone out there who still cares about him makes him very happy
Dahlia:But I know his gonna say this so I'll say it for him please don't tell your other friends where he is
Lillie:But aren't the others back at Alola still his allies
Dahlia:I know but we don't know if one of the traitors are there to see if he appears so he would rather keep it a low profile
Lillie:Oh okay that make sense
Red:I'm back here take this

Has he hands her two stones

Lillie:Is a mega stone and a key stone but for what evolution
Red:The stones are for pidgeot after I came back from Alola I found the stones and I decided that after I got home I got find Pidgeot but after that I never found use for it so I give it to you I see the trust between you and your Pidgeot and it's strong so I know you'll do good with this
Lillie:a thank you Ash and don't worry I'll return to challenge you again
Red:Yeah but first battle the others before you come at me
Lillie:Yeah dare point

Has she waves good bye to them she goes to the room she has in the battle tower

Red:She's got potential I'll give her that
Dahlia:I'll say she's good she's the only trainer who been able to defeat your Trevenant who is the first Pokémon you always start with

Has then behind them a lucario appears

Red:Whats wrong Lucario
Lucario:Is Scott again his in your office waiting for you and Dahlia
Red:Okay will go there
Dahlia.Wonder what he wants
Red:Might bs something about the tournament

Has they go there they open the door to Red's office

Scott:I saw the battle incredible I think we might have found are next member
Red:Oets just hope she doesn't pull a mi a decide not to
Dahlia:But I'm sure your not her jest to tell us about the girl
Scott:Sharp eye both of you tomorrow at the battle tower we will have a meeting the Hoenn Frontier is coming too we need to have a talk
Dahlia:Okay boss
Scott:Don't be late
Red:Dint worry we won't

Has they close the place they go to the battle castle which is we're everyone lives except Palmer seen he already has a home and a family has they h on in Red and Dahlia go to there room has they go in the bed Dahlia getting on top of Red

Red:Good night babe
Dahlia:Good night to you too

Has they sleep;The next day came has the two love birds woke up from there slobber both putting on there clothes has grabs his hat and jacket and wakes up pikachu has he hops on his shoulder

Red:Okay let's go

Has they go to the battle tower which they both see Lillie

Lillie:Oh good morning you two
Red:Morning Lillie
Dahlia:Hello was there going to breakfast
Lillie:Yeah and you
Red:We got a meeting and then will get something to eat but enjoy your food

Has they go up the elevator and get in the meeting room has they see the other three members thorton, Argenta and Darach

Dahlia:Morning everyone
Argenta:morning love birds
Red:So are they coming or what
Thorton:Well I calculated there arrival and they should arrive in one hour

Has they took there sites they waited for them to arrive Palmer arrive a few minutes later and then Scott came in with the Hoenn frontier brains

Red:Hello there
Anabel:Hello Ash everyone
Scott:Okay everyone take your sites and I'll explain what's going on you see next week we are having the Pokémon masters tournament we're all champions, Elite four,Kahunas,Gym leaders and most importantly the battle frontier of both Hoenn and Sinnoh are going to compete to see who is the greatest and most powerful trainer
Red:I'm interested tell me more
Scott:All battle's will be one on one until you get to the finals which is three in three
Palmer:Sound great I get to battle other strong trainers
Brandon:Does sounds nice I would like to battle others
Lucy:Surely it will be spectacular
Red:I say that's are answer we are in Scott
Scott:Good but there's a down flaw
Norlad:What you mean
Scott:Not all of you will compete it only gonna be a 64 trainer tournament and counting everyone we are 100
Red:Have they already decided on who to peek between us
Scott:Yes actually

Has they a left the meeting room Red and Dahlia meet up again with Lillie

Red:Hey Lillie is there anything good in the breakfast
Lillie:Actually yeah the food nice
Red:Well I'm feeling hungry so I'll eat here

After they had breakfast

Red:So Lillie where are you gonna now
Lillie:Well I think before I continue I'm going to see the Pokémon master tournament
Red:Is Hau,Kiewai competing
Lillie:Yeah Gladion too he's also a member of the elite four
Red:Well looks like I might get a rematch
Dahlia:I'll going back to my Arcade I'll see you later love

Has they gave each other a good bye kiss has she go back to her place Red and Lillie on the entrance has she takes out pidgeot and hops on him

Red:Take care Lillie remember don't tell anyone you saw me here
Lillie:Don't worry I wont but what will happen when the traitors find out that your frontier brain of Sinnoh
Red:They could but this place is only showed to trainers we battle and fans also J specifically told the people they comes of one of the traitors ask them or see that they are close they tell me so I'll know if there here or not also there cameras on the path here
Lillie:Oh well take care Ash I mean Red

Has she flies away Red goes back to his Facility has he got to the battlefield there he opened a secret door that head down has he go down he reach the garden where all his Pokémon are but not just that wield Pokémon he save from bad people and bad trainers also Pokémon that were abandon has he petted the Eevee that approached him

Red:Hello there Eevee
Eevee:Eev(Hey Red)

Has he smiled at the creature then Lucario came

Lucario:Did the meeting go well
Red:Yes I want you to get everyone

Has he go running Red waited there with Eevee has other small Pokémon started coming Red hi them all has all his Pokémon come Pikachu jump to his shoulder has Red petted his friends and Lucario came to his side has Red looks at his team Trevenant,Incineroar,Gallade,Bisharp,Lycnaroc, Melmetal,Decidueye,Salamance,Shiny Blaziken, Gardevoir,Leafeon,Shiny Luxray,Mothim,Absol, Shaymin and Solgaleo

Red:Okay everyone listen up we been invited to the Pokémon masters tournament we're only the strong battle

Has this grab the attention of everyone they all look at him

Red:In this tournament the only ones battling are Champion,Frontier brains,Elite four,Kahunas and Gym leaders and if I remember correctly four of them are gym leaders

Has this formed a grin on the alola Pokémon and pikachu has then the others understood what he said

Red:So you ready to show them how wrong they were

Has the Pokémon roared in agreement

Red:Okay then tomorrow will train for now let's rest but I'm just gonna say some may not battle but don't worry something might happen so be patient because all battles except the last one will be one on one alright everyone that is all

Has they to there favorite spot looking at the other Pokémon play and relax has Red thinks

Lucario:Something wrong master
Red:Just that when we reveal ourselves we better be prepared for what's coming I know we are strong but we better get ready for what may come because I know the traitors will do something to ruin us so we might keep and eye on them

(Za Warudo)

After a week pass Red and the others have arrive to the island where they tournament will happen has they were in the hotel we're all the trainers competing

Person:Here you go sit Scott the keys of all rooms
Scott:Thank you

Has he handed the keys Red and Dahlia obesely stick together has they go there room and went to the bed

Red:Dang this bed is very nice
Dahlia:I'll say
Dahlia:Hey don't give me that face you know will win this right
Red:Yeah I'm not worried of the battle I'm more worried what will happen when they find me
Dahlia:You worry to much that you forget we are here for you come here Baby
Red:Yes mam

Has they had a passionate kiss that lasted the rest of there time there has they headed down to go back the ceremony has along the way Red bumped into someone

???:Hey watch are your going
Red:If I remember correctly your the asshole who ran to me
???:Your were in the way
Red:You weren't even looking Max
Max:Wait you know who I

Has he look up and see the man face with pikachu on his shoulder

???:Max what you

Has the rest of the traitors were there

Red:Don't give that crap you assholes and I'm not Ash my name is Red Satoshi
Iris:Whats this is the little kid trying to think is grown
Red:Shut up you stupid child

This made Iris react she was gonna say something but then look at Red death glare

Red:Good now if you excuse us we need to go to the ceremony

Has he pass them

Dawn:Wait what this tournament isn't for trainers why are you even here
Red:Because I'm a Frontier Brain

Has he and Dahlia walk away from them

Red:Why didn't you speak
Dahlia:I speak when I must there I should just listen but next time I'll talk

Has they arrive at the ceremony area they see the table for the brains has they see there his friends Red had his hood on so people like the traitors and some of the ones he trust do t recognize him has then the other people came

Lucy:Wonder what I we waiting
Anabel:Well Charles is always the one introducing

Has he appeared on the stage

Red:Speak of Giratina
Charles:Welcome everyone to the first ever Pokémon master tournament here we will see who is the strongest out of all of you now let me go over something first so you know we are 64 trainers and has you know the battles will be one on one until you reach the finals which is a three on three so without a father a do here are the battles

Has everyone looks at the screen revealing all the battles
1.Red vs Misty
2.Gladion vs Valerie
3.Whitney vs Karen
4.Nanu vs Norman
5.Drayden vs Clemont
6.Wallace vs Marlon
7.Drake vs Lucian
8.Elesa vs Dahlia
9.Alder vs Kahili
10.Sabrina vs Lance
11.Diantha vs Lorelei
12.Grimsley vs Korrina
13.Clair vs Byron
14.Caitlin vs Lt.Surge
15.Flint vs Hau
16.Anabel vs Brock
17.Richie vs Darach
18.Phoebe vs Hapu
19.Cynthia vs Lucy
20.Malva vs Fantina
21.Skyla vs Grant
22.Olympia vs Brycen
23.Palmer vs Jasmine
24.Blaine vs Roxie
25.Brandon vs Bruno
26.Hala vs Cheren
27.Viola vs Steven
28.Drasna vs Roxanne
29.Winona vs Volkner
30.Kiewai vs Wulfric
31.Chuck vs Brawly
32.Candice vs Ramos
Has sees his first battle was against one of the traitors I could hold his grin has he then took a look at his opponent he noticed he look and nervously look the other way

Red:This gonna be fun

Has they go to there rooms Red was in the bed

Red:Tomorrow it all begins
Dahlia:Yeah and what's with the smile
Red:What can't I feel happy
Dahlia:Last time you were nervous of when they found out what change
Red:Your words and the horrified faces they had when they saw me that means that there afraid of me
Dahlia:Really then let's see how well they are tomorrow
Red:Yeah now let's sleep

Has they give each other a good night kiss and went to sleep.Has the next day comes Red wakes up has he see his beautiful girlfriend on top of him he kissed her in the head has she wake up

Red:Morning party girl
Dahlia:Hey you ready
Red:Of course hey Pi time to wake up

Has Pikachu wakes up they get off bed and put on there clothes and get of the room has down stairs they meet up with the frontier brains

Argenta:Your up first kid
Darach:Good luck out there sir Red
Anabel:Do your best okay
Brandon:Don't show any mercy

Has he look at the others who smiled at him he smiles back

Red:Thanks guys well I'm off to face my demons

Has they go to the stadium they see along the way Delia

Delia:Ash please liste
Red:I got nothing to speak to you woman and my name us Red Satoshi so stop calling Ash and how about you leave this place before things get dangerous and I'm not give up so leave

Has he walk in the tunnel has he was at the entrance of the battlefield

Red:Has much has I would want to use you pi your one of the strongest ones so I'll use you for the end okay
Pikachu:Pika(Yeah yeah I understand now let's break this girl wait who we starting)
Red:Who else I'm using Leafeon for this one or do you think Mothim ready to face something this big she might bring out Gyrados
Pikachu:Pi Pika(Yeah your but he has been training hard for this and he's one of the only ones who trained when you first got him)
Red:Yeah why not also it might freak Misty out
Pikachu:Pi pi pi(hehe that's the idea)

Has the doors open

Red:Okay let's go

Has he pulled down his hood he goes through the door

Announcer:I now the second trainer has hats is coming is the frontier brains strongest trainer the brain of the battle colosseum and defender of all regions with his pikachu by his side is

Has in the stands wit the alola gang

Mallow:Wait did he say Pikachu
Sophocles:Could it be
Lana:It has to be

Burner holding her child just look closely at the battlefield and Gladion he watch with kukui he was in the vip watching


Has Ted comes out of the tunnel people cheer for his appearance but the alola gang knew that the name Red was something else that the boy that came through was Ash Burnet could hold it and appears some tears of happiness others like the gym leaders, champions,Kahunas plus some of the elite four smile at the trainer that comes has Red reached his spot

Misty:Oh I'm going to enjoy beating you
Red:Beat me oh Misty a failure like you win this tournament is to far I saw the video about you and the others it was funny stuff I'll give you that I even like it
Misty:Your gonna pay
Red:Oh please we all know if I use pikachu on my battle I would have defeated you in are battle and even without him I was beating you and even when you got mega evolution you still lost
Misty:Why you
Red:But let's see how much you have grown or actually if you have grown at all ref let's start
Ref:Right the battle between Misty the gym leader and Red the Frontier Brain will now begin this will be a one on one battle now trainers bring out your Pokémon

Has the water and psychic Pokémon enters the battle field

Red:Then I will use Mothim I choose you

Has the bug and flying type Pokémon appears

Misty:aahhh a bug
Red:So after all this years you haven't conquered your stupid fear and they say Maylene's the weakest and look at you

Some of the audiences laugh

Misty:😡😡😡you'll pay
Red:You first
Ref:Battle begin
Misty:Starmie use Hydro pump and don't stop until you should that bug down
Red:Dodge them and prepare to attack with Giga impact

Has Mothim dodges the attacks slowly getting getting close has and opening is shown


Has he charge at Starmie landing the hit sending it back

Misty:Starmie get up now use swift
Red:Block it with Protect and then use Silver wind

Has the barrage of stars is block and then Mothim fires the silver wind which makes direct contact

Red:Now signal beam
Misty:Use scald

Has the two attacks collided but Signal beam goes through the attack landing the hit on Starmie tossing him to the wall behind misty has she look back to see her defeated Pokémon

Red:Well looks like we are fine here
Misty:Is not over right Starmie

There was no respond

Ref:Right Starmie is unable to battle the winner and moving on are Red and Mothim

Has the Pokémon flew to his master

Red:Good work out there Mothim

Has he smiles at his trainer has Red raised a hand showing a fist has Mothim use his head has they dust pump and leave the battlefield but before he got out he charge by misty hammer has he swing at him he dodges the attempt and slip a leg on Misty making her fall has she landed on the floor Red rested her holding her down until the officer came

Red:All your officers
Officer Jenny:Thank you Red

Has the cops grab her she fights back but the cops just inject her with something that made her go to sleep has Red left the stadium he went to the stands with the other frontier brains

Thorton:My analyzes was right
Palmer:Just to say thorton I think without the analysis Red would have still won
Red:What gad some doubts
Spencer:Never my pupil now take a site with your love one

Has he go site with Dahlia
Dahlia:You really gave her a battle there
Red:Yeah one out two to go so who's the next battle
Brandon:Elite four Gladion vs gym leader Valerie
Red:So I battle who ever wins huh well this will be interesting but let's see how this tournament goes

(Za Warudo)

Has 15 battles pass Red and some of the frontier brains go get something to eat has Anabel battle was happening the frontier that went with Red are Dahlia,Argenta,Norlad,Tucker and Lucy has they reach the Pokémon center

Red:Hey where do w.!

Has he gets tackled by three girls being the Alola girls Lana,Mallow and Acerola

The three:Ash!!

Has they squeezed him

Red:Norlad if I don't survive you get the 50 bucks Tucker owes me
Tucker:Oh right I haven't given them to you

Has then he's Gardevoir comes out and free Red from the hug while Acerola squeezes a little she let go

Red:Hey everyone but can you call me Red Ash is not a name I would want to have
Kiewai:What do you mean buddy Ash is your real name isn't so why change to Ash

Has he told them about the betrayal and that he change the name seen that came from Delia and changing the Ketchum with Satoshi seen that also cake from Delia seen his Dad died

Sophocles:Dang that's bad
Hau:Well at least is good to see you again Red and I hope we get to battle
???:Not on my watch seen he'll have to go through me to get to you

Has they stare at each other until fist pumping

Gladion:Long time no see
Red:It has hasn't
???:Good to see that you made it

Has he look to the left to see Lillie

Dahlia:Oh hey Lillie
Lillie:Miss Dahlia and Miss Argenta hello there
Argenta:Long time no see kid
Red:Have you been training
Lillie:Yeah I have and ones your back to yours facilities I'll be ready to battle you
Mallow:Wait Lillie you already found Red before the tournament
Lillie:Yea sorry for not telling you guys it had to be a secret until today
Red:I must also apologize I left you guys for so long that I never even left a message or something
???:Don't worry all can be forgiven ones you see this
Red:That voice

Has he turns to see Kukui and Burnet at first he smile but the smile turns into a tears has he see them this people were like parents to Red so leaving them behind was a little hard special for four years has they had a group hug

Red:Sorry that I didn't came to my little sister birth
Kukui:Is okay seen your here now
Burnet:Speaking of that you come out Elizabeth

Has behind Burnet was a little girl has she comes out

Red:Hello there and what's your name
???:I'm Elizabeth who are you
Red:I'm Red your big brother and this on my shoulder is Pikachu

Has the mouse smiled at the girl she respond with her on smile and a hug


Has Red was surprised at her comment but he accept the hug has he look at the others

Red:Don't ruin the moment guys come on no aw until we are in private

Has after Red had some catch up with his friends and his new family they returned to stadium

Dahlia:You really enjoyed that
Red:I'm still shock about the one Chan part
Norlad:I won't lie that was very cute to see
Argenta:I wish I had my camera to take a video of it and posted Red cutesy moment
Dahlia:I'm a double it

Has they got back to there sites four battles have pass

Tucker:So how it go for you two
Anabel:I'm sorry Red but I wasn't able to beat Brock he's much stronger than I thought his aiming for you
Red:Don't worry Anabel I'll get you some payback
Lucy:Sadly I have also lost my battle against Cynthia she's not the strongest champion for a reason
Norlad:Whos battling now
Spencer:Elite four Malva and Fantina
Red:This looks interesting

Has they take there sites and continue to watch the rest of the battles after the last battle ended which was Candice vs Ramos Candice taking the win on that one has Charles appears on the screen

Charles:That Ladies and gentlemen was round one now let's head to round two here are the battles
1.Red vs Gladion
2.Karen vs Norman
3.Drayden vs Wallace
4.Drake vs Dahlia
5.Kahili vs Sabrina
6.Diantha vs Korrina
7.Clair vs Caitlin
8.Hau vs Broke
9.Darach vs Phoebe
10.Cynthia vs Malva
11.Slyla vs Olympia
12.Palmer vs Roxie
13.Brandon vs Hala
14.Steven vs Drasna
15.Volkner vs Wulfric
16.Brawly vs Candice
Has Red sees his next opponent and then look at the real deal

Red:So is a rematch
Gladion:We already know who to use right
Red:Yeah and he has been training for this for a while
Gladion:Then it will be a rematch

Has they all go there rooms

Dahlia:Hey Red
Dahlia:Do you wanna do a little bet
Red:What kind of bet
Dahlia:If I beat Drake and my next opponent I might have to battle you so just saying that who ever wins has to start

Has Red starts blushing at the symbol she did with her hand

Dahlia:Well how many time does this one make
Red:Number three
Dahlia:Then let's enjoy it when it happens

Has they went to sleep the next day comes it was early so Red went for a walk has he walk he saw the nice people of this island congratulating him on his first win and some young trainers even look for him for advices so it was a nice morning until in the distance he see a little boy approaching him

Red:Why can't today be normal day
???:Ash I challenge you to a battle
Red:Sorry Max but I'm up first in the tournament and if your just here to slow me down will have to battle another time and I don't want to wasn't my time with someone who lost the league in the first round of the first battle so see you never
Max:Why you I demand you battle right this instant

Until then a man approached the argument

Person1:Hey kid if he doesn't want to battle he doesn't want o battle you so beat it
Max:And who are you barging in on are conversation
Person1:I'm just saying that if doesn't want to battle he won't battle you
Person2:Yeah and didn't you heir all competitors that are still in the tournament can not be challenged by trainers outside the tournament
Person3:And Red if he even accept the challenge he would destroy you
Max:That's not true I could defeated him in seconds
Person4:A child who lost his first league in the first battle of round one and lost all his Pokémon while his opponent lost neither of his Pokémon doesn't even deserve to be here or to challenge him
5 kids:Your a loser kid
Max:No I'm not
Red:Face it Max even the people say that you can't beat me and the people word is always the right one
Max:😡😡I'm not a loser and you will battle me
Red:Is that so then here a gift

Has he Karate shop his neck knocking him out

Red:Thank you Greta thank you everyone
Person1:Your welcome Red kids like that I really do hate disrespectful and his suppose to be Norman son
Red:Well if his Dad those come for him tell him what happen his good man he'll understand

Has he wave at the people he kept walking around has then his phone rag has he answered the call from his live Dahlia

Red:Morning babe
Dahlia:Hey got Breakfast in the room here if you want
Red:Yeah I'll be there I was just going for a walk you won't believe what happened
Dahlia:Tell me when you get here quick don't forgot your yo first

Has he ended the call and ran to his room has he got there he morning kiss Dahlia has they eat he tells her about what happened has they finished eating they head to the stadium has Red went to the tunnel Dahlia went to her site with the others has the doors open on one side is Gladion with his Umbreon outside and on the other Red with his Pikachu has they got to there spots

Ref:Alright the battle between Gladion of the elite four and Red the frontier brain will now begin this is a one on one battle now trainers send in your Pokémon

Has both trainers grin

Red/Gladion:Lycnaroc I choose you/Show them your crimson fury

Has both Pokémon appears on the battlefield ones both look at each other recognizing who is who they smile

Pokémon translate
Lycnaroc(Midnight):Hey there kid
Lycnaroc(Dusk form):Long time no see dark
Lycnaroc(Midnight):Sane to you spike I hope you gotten stronger and don't make it a wasn't of time
Lycnaroc(Dusk form):Do I ever
Pokémon translate end

Ref:Battle begin
Red/Gladion:Stone edge

Has both attacks collided with each other

Gladion:Use swords dance

Has he powered up his abilities

Red:Use accelerock

Has he charged at him in the stands

Kiewai:Let's hope the events that happen last time don't happen again
Lana:Yeah that Counter of his was very strong stronger with Swords dance
Sophocles:Come on Red you can do it!!!

Back at the battlefield has LDF was reaching LMF

Gladion:Now use Counter
Red:Sorry not this time use Double team

Has five LDF appear has LMF destroy one the others attack sending him back

Red:Now use Rock throw

Has the barrage of attacks land on him

Gladion:What just happened did counter just failed
Red:Sorry Gladion but I'm not planning on losing this

Has LMF gets back up

Gladion:We won't give up use outrage
Red:Call double team and clones use accelerock

Has the clones appear they charge at him has LMF destroys them all punching and biting them has he was charging at the real one

Red:Now go

Has LDF charge at him

Gladion:Destroy him
Red:Use stone edge now

Has he send a stone edge in point blank position sending him flying high until lading hard on the ground


Has he got back up

Red:Let's finish this use Accelerock

Has he charge at him

Gladion:now use counter

Has he stops him and punches

Red:Not now not ever Lycnaroc use Counter

Has he back flip and hit him with his counter sending him back to the tunnel entrance defeating him

Ref:Gladion's Lycnaroc is unable to battle the winners and moving on are Red and Lycnaroc
Red:Great work out there buddy
Pikachu:Pika(No kidding that last attack look awesome)
Lycnaroc:Lycna(Thanks guys last time I didn't commit to it now I did)

With Gladion

Gladion:All this time while I was doing stuff for dad he's been training and getting stronger first I lose my tittle now I lose here have I gotten weak
Red:No you haven't just forgot yourself
Gladion:What do you mean
Red:All this time you were sad about losing the tittle of champion to Hau but even when he offered you the job of Elite four I can see it in your eyes that you felt weak there seen elite four are just third grade trainers you thought of yourself higher didn't you
Gladion:Yes I have and this proof that I have so much training to do
Red:Good then when your ready let's battle

Has they hand shake and there Lycnaroc's Fist pump has do Pikachu and Umbreon after that they returned to there sites

Dahlia:So how did it feel to battle him again and beat him was the training worth it
Red:Yes well I'm gonna go heal my Pokémon quick and come quick to see your battle
Dahlia:You better

Has he left the stadium he was at the center healing his Pokémon

???:Whats up Red
Red:That voice

Has he look back to see Tracy,Gary and Paul

Red:Hey what's up brothers
Gary:Not much
Paul:A frontier brain maybe I should challenge it to beat you
Red:Maybe or you could try Hoenn I mean you haven't beaten Brandon yet and I'm very sure you didn't beat Norlad first
Paul:Yeah fare point
Tracy:So Red did the Nanodex help
Red:Yeah got myself ten new Pokémon
Gary:Goid to heir it works
Red:So Gary Professor of Kanto
Gary:Yeah after Gramps died I took over the lab and so I became the new professor
Nurse Joy:Excise me red Lycnaroc is better now
Red:Oh thank you nurse joy
Nurse Joy:My pleasure

Has the boys left and headed to the stadium has they see the other battles of today Norman found Max but the people told him what he did and he wasn't happy so he and his family left the island seen Norman was defeated by Karen has the battle of round 2 ended the battles of round 3 appeared being
1.Red vs Karen
2.Wallace vs Dahlia
3.Sabrina vs Diantha
4.Caitlin vs Brock
5.Darach vs Cynthia
6.Olympia vs Palmer
7.Brandon vs Steven
8.Wulfric vs Candice

(dang it I forgot to put it black)

Has the next battles began beginning with the first one Red vs Karen

Karen:Well Red your style of battling is great but let's see how good you'll do against a true dark type user
Red:Are you saying Gladion not a true dark user
Karen:in your words has you said the boy was lost he still needed training
Red:Fare point but let's see if you the one who brings me a challenge
Karen:We will see
Ref:The battle between frontier brain Red and Elite four Karen will now begin this a one on one battle trainers send in your Pokémon
Red:Luxray I choose you

Has the electric shiny lion appears on the battlefield

Karen:a shiny Luxray good then I'll use Houndoom reveal your darkness

Has the Fire/Dark type Pokémon appears on the battlefield

Ref:Battle begin
Red:Luxray use Thunder fang
Karen:Counter it with your crunch

Has both Pokémon collided there fang attacks

Red:Now use thunderbolt
Karen:Dodge it

Has he dodges the attack send to it

Karen:Now use Dark pulse
Red:Dodge it and fire charge beam

Has he dodges the dark pulse he fired its charge beam

Karen:Use Dark pulse again to counter

Has the two attacks collide with each other but Charge beam had more start blast has it pushed through the dark pulse lading the hit on Houndoom but he was still standing

Red:That Houmdoom is something else
Karen:What you expect from me
Red:True you are the strongest elite four in johto but your facing the strongest frontier brain Luxray use Thunder fang
Karen:Use sludge bomb on his eyes

Has he blinded the Pokémon Luxray stops and tries to take of the sludge

Karen:Now use Flamethrower

Has he landed the attack sending him back to Red
has he got back up he tried taking of the sludge so Red got out a napkin and wipe it of

Red:Better now keep your open for that okay
Luxray:Lux(Okay Red)

Has he turned it's attention to its opponent

Karen:Well then I think it's time I made things interesting Houmdoom reveal your true darkness and mega evolve!!

Has Houmdoom mega evolve

Red:That won't stop us right Luxray
Pikachu:Pika pi(Come on Luxray you can do it don't give up)
Karen:I like that spirit but this over
Red:Now is not
Karen:It will right now use Dark pulse
Red:Push through with all your strength and use Volk tackle full force

Has both attacks collided Luxray hold on and kept running until he landed the hit has and exploded out of the smoke Luxray came out but was a bit damage by the attack has he walk to his master but has the dust settled it revealed they Houndoom survive but took damage

Red:It still standing even after and attack like that
Karen:I told you my Houndoom is strong now use crunch then use Flamethrower

Has he charge at him landing the first hit and then sending him back with Flamethrower

Karen:Let's finish this use Dark pulse full power

Has he charge it's attack Luxray got back up

Red:We are not done

Has he crossed his arms doing the electric type z-move

Karen:Fire now
Red:Okay full power Gigavolt Havoc

Has both Pokémon fired the attack they collided but then the z-move move was seem stronger and breaks through the attack hitting Houndoom defeating him

Ref:Houndoom is unable to battle the winner and moving on is Red and Luxray
Red:We did it

Has he hug his Pokémon after the victory he returned to his site has he see his girlfriend battle against Wallace who was a gym leader now has she used Zapdos in the battle defeating and then after Sabrina and Diantha battle which Diantha won Caitlin and Brock battled Brock being defeated by her has the tournament progressed I heard from someone that Brock and the other traitors left so that mean Red doesn't have to deal with them ever again now

Red:Life changing for the good now
Dahlia:Is that so
Red:With the traitors finally out of my life I can live good with you
Dahlia:Sound Good but even knowing we are lovers I'm not holding back
Red:Who says we should hold back if the price at the end pleasures us both
Dahlia:Oh come here you sexy man

Has they passionate kiss has Pikachu drinks his Ketchum.But somewhere in the island trip

Trip:Does cowards then I'll just have to break him myself

Has the next day comes and has the loves birds appear on the battlefield(But before we go to the battle here are the other battles
1.Red vs Dahlia
2.Diantha vs Caitlin
3.Cynthia vs Palmer
4.Brandon vs Wulfric
Now back to the story)

Ref:The battle between the two frontier brains
Red/Dahlia:Go Blaziken

Has on Dahlia side appears Blaziken and in Red side a shiny Blaziken appears

Ref:Battle begin
Dahlia:Use Thunder punch
Red:Counter it with Blaze kick

Has both Pokémon collided there attacks

Red:Now use Flamethrower
Dahlia:Dodge it and use Superpower

Has he jump out of the attack and landed the hit sending SB back

Red:You okay
Blaziken:Bla(Yeah I'm fine)
Red:Okay now use Flame charge

Has he blasted himself lading the hit

Red:Now use Blaze kick
Dahlia:Now use Night slash

Has they collided there attacks but the blaze kick push through landing the hit

Dahlia:Don't give up use Thunder punch
Red:Close combat

Has he block the attack he barrage fist and kick him

Red:Now flamethrower
Dahlia:Go through with Flare blitz

Has Dahlia Blaziken goes through SB attack landing the hit sending it back has both Pokémon look at each other

Red:Okay is time
Dahlia:For mega evolution

Has both Pokémon mega evolve

Red:Let's enjoy this
Dahlia:Yes use night slash
Red:Dodge them and stroke with close combat

Has he dodges the swing to then hitting the night slash away has he landed some hits

Red:Now use Blaze kick
Dahlia:Dodge it right and use Superpower

Has he right side dodges then lading the superpower

Red:We are not done use Flame charge
Dahlia:Finish off with Flare blitz

Has both trainers collided neither holding back pushing every second

Red:Time for combo use Blaze kick and strike with Flame charge

Has SB kick him up has he jump and strikes with Flame charge slamming him to ground has the dust left SB was standing on the defeated blaziken

Ref:Dahlia's Blaziken is unable to battle the winner and moving on to semi finals it Red and his Blaziken

Has the two trainers returned there Pokémon and left the battlefield along the way out they meet up with Paul,Gary and Tracy has they go to the center but has they go out Red noticed Trip outside

Trip:Finally your done with your battle
Red:What are you doing Trip
Trip:Waiting for you weakling to come so we can have are battle
Red:You know if this would get you of my back I'll accepted so let's go to the battlefield
Trip:No I have been waiting here for awhile we are battle here and now
Red:Okay then a three on three would be enough
Trip:Yeah more for me to defeat you
Red:Gary could you be the ref for this battle
Gary:Sure why not
Red:You guys keep watch if he tries something
Tracy:You got it

Has they ready themselves

Red:I choose you Melmetal

Has the steel type appears

Trip:This gonna be fun go Chandelure

Has the fire/ghost type appears

Gary:Battle begin
Trip:Chandelure use Flamethrower
Red:Use thunder shock to counter it

Has both attacks collided with each other but the Thunder wave continued and hits Chandelure defeating it

Gary:Chandelure is unable to battle Trip send in your second Pokémon
Trip:If has to be a fluke
Red:No fluke is just that Melmetal is stronger
Trip:Go Conkeldurr
Red:Let's continue buddy use Thunder punch
Trip:Conkeldurr use Dynamic punch

Has both Pokémon clash there attacks

Red:Use Flash Cannon now

Has he blasted it point blank position sending flying back defeating it

Red:This just very humiliating Trip maybe you should just stop
Trip:Your gonna pay
Gary:Conkeldurr is unable to battle Trip even knowing you already lost you can send one more Pokémon
Trip:Go Serperior

Has the grass snake appeared Red returned Melmetal

Red:Let's how well you'll do with a real grass type go Shaymin

Has the grass/flying sky warrior Shaymin appears

Trip:How did you
Red:Hey Shaymin ready to beat a trainer
Shaymin:Isn't that the reason I joined you of course I I'm
Red:Then let's increase the pressure Shaymin let are bond become even stronger and mega evolve

Has Shaymin mega evolves

Trip:Wait a second
Gary:Battle begin
Red:Use Energy ball full force
Trip:Serperior use your energy

Has Shaymin's break through and hits Serperior

Red:Now use Double team and then air slash barrage

Has she surrounded the Pokémon firing it's attack from all directions has the dust settled Serperior was on the ground defeated

Gary:Serperior is unable to battle the winner is Red
Trip:No no no that's impossible
Red:Well trip time to say good bye hey pi give him the old team Rocket good bye

Has he thunderbolt him sending him blasting off again has with that Red and Dahlia got there Pokémon healed up and went to there room so they can have there day

(Warning warning lemon scene warning)
Has they got to there room Red took of his jacket and put his hat aside

Red:so we ready
Dahlia:Of course lets get to it and has the bet you go first

Has Red took of his pants revealing his dick to Dahlia has they go the bed has Red sites and Dahlia gets on her knees beginning to stroke it has she then began to lick and then suck it Red reacting to it to give a little force into it his dick in her mouth

Red:Dahlia it feels so good

Has they continued moments pass and Red cum

Red:How those it taste
Dahlia:A bit sticky but delicious now cone in me you sexy bastard

Has he placed in his dick in her vagina has they began they enjoyed there time and almost reaching there climax

Dahlia:Oh oh oh ah ah keep going it feels so good
Red:Yeah it does

Has they continued

Dahlia:Red I'm cumming
Red:Me too let's cum together

Has few seconds pass


Has they both cum has he kept his dick inside

Red:That was fun
Dahlia:And we are not done yet

Has they continued there time together
(Lemon scene end)

(Okay now the rest of the story will be semi finals and finals her are the battles
1.Red vs Diantha
2.Cynthia vs Brandon
Now let us continue)

Has the final day of battles has come has Red meets eyes with his opponent Diantha

Diantha:Sorry for what happened to greninja
Red:Yeah he would have been your opponent at first look but darkness had to come to me
Diantha:But you rebuilt yourself and that's incredible if you even in your darkest moments you never give up
Red:That's who I I'm now shall we begin
Diantha:We can
Ref:The battle between champion Diantha and frontier brain Red will now begin this will be a one on one battle now trainers send in your Pokémon
Diantha:Go Gardevoir

Has the psychic/Fairy Pokémon appears on the battlefield

Red:I choose you Gallade

Has it's twin appears on the battlefield

Ref:Battle begin
Red:I would recommend you to not use your skill seen Gallade is much faster then what you think use X-scissor

Has he charge at her and in a boost he got to Gardevoir

Diantha:Use Protect

Has the attack gets block

Diantha mind:He's right this Gallade speed is incredible he got to Gardevoir in just one boost
Red:Changs your attack go back and use Zen Headbutt

Has he jump back and then boosting himself again colliding with the protect has he breaks through the attack and lands a hit

Diantha:He broke through
Red:Now use nigh slash

Has Gardevoir look back at Diantha who nod has she dodges all Gallade strikes until he attack from one side to appear on the other landing the hit

Red:now Psycho cut
Diantha:Counter it with Shadow ball

Has both attacks collided with each other

Diantha:There only one thing to do now Gardevoir mega evolve

Has she becomes mega Gardevoir

Red:Two can play like that Gallade let are bond become even stronger and mega evolve

Has he becomes his mega form

Diantha:Use Shadow ball barrage three
Red:Cut them down with psycho cut

Has he destroyed the three shadow balls

Red:Now charge with Zen Headbutt
Diantha:stop him with Psychic and attack with moon blast

Has she stop him she lands the second hit sending him back

Red:Now is time to end this Night slash
Diantha:Use shadow ball full power

Has Gallade destroyed the giant Shadow ball and charges at Gardevoir lading the hit has she falls to the ground

Ref:Gardevoir is unable to battle the winner and moving on to the final round is Red
Red:Good work Gallade
Gallade:Gallade(I will never fail you master)
Diantha:Red that was a great battle there your Gallade here is really something else moving at those incredible speeds
Red:Thanks Diantha well wish me luck on who ever wins the next one
Diantha:Yes but I have a feeling is going is going to be Cynthia
Red:Me too well let's leave the battlefield so they can have there battle

(Za Warudo)

Red vs Cynthia
The trainers appear on the battlefield for there last battle of the tournament

Cynthia:this will be fun
Red:Well lets see if I can beat you this time Cynthia
Ref:The final battle between Cynthia the champion of Sinnoh and Red the Frontier Brain of the Battle Colosseum will now begin this is a three on three battle now trainers send in your first Pokémon
Red:Pikachu I choose you

Has the electric mouse appears on the battlefield

Cynthia:Pikachu the here's my Pokémon go Spiritomb

Has the ghost/dark type Pokémon appears on the battlefield

Red:Spiritomb you really gonna got me with your strong three
Cynthia:I I'm and I'm pretty sure pikachu is in yours
Red:Sharp eye now let's continue
Ref:Battle begin
Red:Pikachu quick attack
Cynthia:Stop him with Psychic

Has he was stop right in front of him tossing him back

Cynthia:Now use Shadow ball
Red:Dodge them with quick attack and getting close
Cynthia mind:Whats he up too

Has he dodges the shadow ball his start to charging at her(yeah Cynthia's Spiritomb is a girl)

Cynthia:Use Silver wind to slow him down
Red:Dodge them too

Has he moves side to side dodging each wind has he got close

Red:Now use Electro web
Cynthia:Shadow ball

Has both attacks collided

Red:Dang it
Cynthia:So that was your plan
Red:Yeah looks like I'll have to improvise use Thunderbolt
Cynthia:Dark pulse

Has the attacks collided with his friends

Sophocles:Dang it he almost had her
Mallow:Yeah if he could have trapped Spiritomb he could have finished with Thunderbolt
Kiewai:Don't worry guys I know Red gonna win he has to he's been training for years waiting for this and his dream is right pass her so he has to win
Burnet:What sweetie
Elizabeth:Is oni Chan gonna be okay out there
Burnet:Of course he is what's wrong
Elizabeth:What is his dream
Burnet:Oh his dream
Kukui:His dream is become a Pokémon master
Elizabeth:and what is that
Kukui:They are the trainers who have traveled every region had a lot of experience and they are the strongest trainers because they were able to beat all champions and others like elite four,Gym leaders,Kahunas and you could say Frontier brains and in this tournament his battles a gym leader,two elite four member,a frontier brain,a champion and now he faces the strongest champion

On the battle frontier area

Norlad:This battle getting intense
Spencer:Indeed both Red and Cynthia are giving there all out there
Argenta:And this just the first battle wonder how the others will be like
Lucy:We can't forget that Garchomp of hers is really something else defeating my Milotic even at a disadvantage
Thorton:I won't even calculate this one I want to see it to its end
Anabel:What will Red do
Palmer:Come Red you can do it!
Brandon:Red not gonna lose
Greta:What makes you say that
Dahlia:Because he won't give up and his been training for awhile that of he loses this is all over this is his only chance to reach his dream so he will win
Tucker:Let is see how are Star does here

Has pikachu blocks the shadow ball with his iron tail and lands the hit sending Spiritomb back

Cynthia:Use Dark pulse
Red:Counter it with Thunderbolt

Has both Pokémon collided there attacks

Red:Let's end thus use iron tail

Has he lands the hit sending him to the ground

Red:Now electro web and finished with Thunderbolt

Has he traps him in he fires his last attack making the web explode has the dust settled Spiritomb was defeated

Ref:Spiritomb is unable to battle Cynthia please send out your next Pokémon
Cynthia:Thank you spiritomb you did well
Red:Come back buddy you took to much damage out there rest for now
Pikachu:Pika(Yeah your right)

Has he goes to his trainer

Cynthia:Well fine Red taking out Spiritomb but the battles not over yet
Red:I know let's continue
Cynthia:Right go Lucario

Has the steel/Fighting type Pokémon enters the battle

Red:I choose you Salamance

Has the dragon type Pokémon appears on the battlefield

Ref:Battle begin
Cynthia:Lucario use Extreme speed
Red:Wait for your moment and use Dragon tail

Has Lucario appears in front of him


Has both attacks collided pushing lucario back

Red:Fire blast
Cynthia:Counter it Aura sphere

Has the attacks collided

Cynthia:Use Aura sphere and Shadow ball
Red:combination attack that's a problem use Dragon pulse

Has both attacks collided making a massive explosion

Cynthia:Extreme speed now

Has she charges at him attacking from on top smashing him to the ground

Cynthia:Now use Stone edge

Has he lands the hit sending salamance back

Red:You okay buddy

Salamance look at him and nod

Red:Okay then let's get them out

Has he gets back up

Red:Now use Draco meteor

Has he fires the attacks appearing the meteor

Cynthia:Use extreme speed
Red:Let's make it harder use Fire blast and the fire Dragon pulse

Has he fired both attack slowing down Lucario until five of the meteors land on Lucario

Red:Now dragon tail

Has he tail hit her sending her to the wall has she comes out tired until she falls to the ground

Ref:Lucario is unable to battle Cynthia send in your final Pokémon
Cynthia:Well it seems that it has come to this go Garchomp

Has the land shark Pokémon appears

Cynthia:And now mega evolve

Has Garchomp evolves

Red:Can you keep going

Salamance nod

Red:Then Salamance let are bond become even stronger and mega evolve

Has he also mega evolves

Cynthia:A mega battle this will be interesting
Red:Then let us start
Ref:Battle begin
Red/Cynthia:Dragon rush

Has both clash there attacks

Red:Dragon pulse point blank

Has he blasted her in the face pushing both Pokémon

Red:Use Fire blast
Cynthia:Take it

Has she takes in the attack but then Salamance charge with

Red:Now Brave bird

Landing the hit sending Garchomp back

Red:we ain't stoping use Dragon rush
Cynthia:Dragon rush again

Has ones again they collided there Dragon rush

Cynthia:Now use Earth quake

Landing the hit sending Salamance down


Has he lands the next hit burning Salamance has the dust settled Salamance got back up but was very weakened

Red:Salamance return

Has he flew back to Red returning to his regular form

Red:You did good buddy for now just rest okay

Has he petted his dragon friend has he goes right beside him

Cynthia:So Red who will be your next Pokémon
Red:A Pokémon that I have been keeping for this moment

In the stands With the alola group

Kukui:Who could he be talking about
Gary:Do you think he'll use Shaymin
Paul:No Shaymin strong and very strong with mega but Cynthia mega Garchomp is far stronger
Lillie:Then who could he be talking about

With the frontier brains

Palmer:Looks like is the time for his trump card
Brandon:All this time he has been fighting has a trainer now he'll battle like a true master
Dahlia:Is about time he brought him out
Spencer:The master of the sun I can't wait to see him again

Back on the battlefield

Red:Come our master of the sun

Has out of the pokeball a big figure appears behind Red with a white skin and a black and blue face


Has the ultra beast master of the sun Solgaleo appears the steel psychic

Cynthia:So all this time you have been holding back on me haven't you

With the alola gang

All of them:Nebby!!

Even the other higher ups were shock specially the Kahunas

Red:Now is time this my most powerful Pokémon
Cynthia:Then this will be a worthy battle
Ref:Battle begin
Red:Use zen Headbutt
Cynthia:Giga impact

Has both Pokémon collided there attacks sending wild wind waves through the hole stadium

Red:Now black of and use Flash cannon

Has he fires it's attack landing the hit sending Garchomp back

Red:Now charge up Solar beam get up high
Cynthia:Stop him use Dragon rush

Has she charges at him with Dragon rush has Solgaleo charges it's attack

Red:Now Fire

Has both attacks collided has the solar beam pushed through sending her blasting down


Has Solgaleo lands right beside Red has he petted his friend

Red:Good work out there so how about you say we finish this

Has he nod Garchomp gets back up

Red:Use Zen Headbutt
Cynthia:Earth quake

Has both Pokémon clash there attacks has Dgakeo pushed with more power sending Garchomp back

Red:Now sunsteel strike

Has he flew up at sun direction and the charging at Garchomp landing g the hit

Cynthia:This creature is more stronger then I though Garchomp can you continue

Has the dragon type gets back up

Cynthia:Use flamethrower
Red:Dodge it and use Flash cannon

Has he dodges the attack the fires it's Flash cannon

Cynthia:Dodge it

Has she side dodges

Cynthia:Well Red I will say this battle has been incredible I wished this was a full battle now
Red:Me too but it's time to end this don't you think

Has they took one last stare has Solgaleo and Garchomp roar he takes a deep breath and then takes out his z-ring

Cynthia:Z move then I'll have to go all out to Garchomp use Dragon rush full power

Has Garchomp is power rise high revealing a holo dragon surrounding Garchomp has Red does the z-move

Red:Is time to end this Searing sunraze smash

Has Solgaleo glows has a portal appears on the battlefield behind Garchomp

Burnet:And was ultra portal
Kukui:But why is it

Back on the battlefield


Has both charge at each other colliding with each other has Solgaleo pushed harder and send Garchomp in the hole has he goes with her the portal stayed

Cynthia:Ehats happening where's Garchomp
Red:This Solgaleo z move at its prime

In the Ultra world has Garchomp lands he fires its attack lading straight on Garchomp has back at the real world Garchomp comes out but is defeated on the floor and Solgaleo appears out of it still standing

Ref:Garchomp is unable to battle the winner and Pokémon master is Red Satoshi!!!!!!

Has the people cheer and scream out in happiness his friends also cheer and his Frontier brains smile and cheer has Cynthia congratulated Red later on Red was tittle Pokémon master by Charles and with all his 19 Pokémon right behind him roar in happiness has at the party they all had

Paul:Hey Red
Paul:Remember what we talk about when you left
Red:I'm ready for the battle don't worry so what are the rules
Paul:Double battle
Red:Then let's go
Dahlia:You gonna have a battle babe
Red:Yeah wanna be the ref
Dahlia:Sure hey everyone Paul challenge Red to battle let's see it

Has they all go the nearest battlefield has Paul and Red go to there spot

Red:Absol Lucario I choose you

Has the dark and Steel/Fighting Pokémon appear on the battlefield

Paul:Here's my new Pokémon kommo-o stand by for battle

Has the dragon and fighting Pokémon appears on the battlefield

Paul:And go on Torterra

Has the grass rock Pokémon appears

Dahlia:Battle begin
Red:Absol is dark pulse lucario Dragon pulse
Paul:Kommo-o use your dragon pulse and Torterra is Leaf tornado

Has the attacks collided and both trainers smile at each other had there battle began.Red was one a boy named Ash Ketchum who his dream was to become a Pokémon master that dream was destroyed has his friend betrayed him but he never gave up because Ash never gives up he changed his name to Red Satoshi and with that he became stronger and joined the battle frontier he never gave up on his dream he always got back has he never gave up and now his Red Satoshi the Pokémon master has he lives his life has the Frontier Brain Battle Colosseum,loving wit his girlfriend Dahlia,being the big brother to Elizabeth hag out with his friend and get strong everyday

The end

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